< Kutenai Tales

2. Coyote and Locust[1]

Coyote went along. He saw Locust. He said to him: "Give me your shirt. If you give it to me, you will be my younger brother. I shall carry you." He said to him: "Don't, we shall be brothers." Coyote started. He carried Locust. The two went. He saw Grizzly Bear coming. Locust said: "Put me off." He was put off. There was a cliff, on the edge of which he staid. (Grizzly Bear Woman) arrived, and (Locust) scared her, and (Grizzly Bear) fell down. Coyote went back. He went around. He reached the place where Grizzly Bear lay. He ate her. He took her out of the fire. He took the meat and the fat. He ate. He tied it up. Coyote started. He carried Locust. He went along. He saw Grizzly Bear (Man) coming. Locust said: "Put me off." Coyote said: "It is my turn. Let me scare him." (Grizzly Bear) arrived. Coyote became a stump. Grizzly Bear arrived. He said: "Let me bite him." He saw it was Coyote. Coyote said: "I am Coyote. Let us start." He knew where Locust was. Coyote said to Grizzly Bear: "Will you eat grease?" Grizzly Bear said: "Yes, I'll eat it." Coyote untied what he was carrying. He gave it to him. (Grizzly Bear) saw it. Grizzly Bear said: "Did you not see an old woman? She must have passed here." Coyote said that he had not seen anything. Coyote said: "It is Beaver, therefore it is fat." Grizzly Bear said: "It is not Beaver." Coyote said: "You ought to have said, 'It is the old woman.' " Coyote started to run. Coyote was going along. (Grizzly Bear) pursued him. Grizzly Bear thought : "First let me bite the little one." Grizzly Bear thought he was on the right trail. "Later on, after I have bitten him, I will bite (this one)." Grizzly Bear started. He pursued Coyote. Coyote went along. He was tired. He chased him around the tree. He fell down and thrust his hand into a (buffalo) horn. Coyote pursued Grizzly Bear. He overtook him. He struck him. Coyote turned back.

  1. See No. 57, p. 140.

2. Coyote and Locust

Qa.na´x̣e. skι´n.ku.ts. nʼu´px̣ane. aaʻkuk.łako´wumʼs. qakι´łne.
He went along Coyote. He saw Locust. He said
to him:
hamatι´ktsu aaʻqa.twumła´atinis. hιna`matι´ktsa.p hιntsx̣ałʼι´n.e.
"Give me your shirt. If you give it to me you will be

ka´tsa.. a`tutsx̣ałx̣onι´sine.. qak.ła'pse. maats huts!ιn.ała´ane.
my younger
I shall carry you." He said to him: "Don't! we shall be
tsa´aatιmo. ts!ιna´x̣e. skι´n.ku.ts. nałx̣o´une. aaʻkuk.łako´wumʼs.
brothers." He started Coyote. He carried the Locust.
qa.nakι´kine.. nʼu´px̣ane. k.ła´włas ska´se.. qake´ine. aaʻkuk.łako´wum
The two went. He saw Grizzly Bear coming. He said Locust:
pιsx̣o´unu. pιsx̣o´łne. sιn.υmu´k!se. ι´nta.s. qaosaqa´ane.. wa´x̣e..
"Put me off!" He was put off where was a cliff, at edge. There he staid. He arrived.
naq!max̣o´une.ts wa`t!mιta.ktse´ite.. ła.qanx̣a´x̣e. skι´n.ku.ts.
He scared her and made her fall down. He went back Coyote.
qakx̣ałaka`me.nqa.´tse.. qaox̣a´x̣e. qa.kqa´pse. k.ła´włas. ι´kine..
He went around. He reached where lay Grizzly Bear. He ate it.
ła.upkak!o´une.. tsukua´te. aaʻku´laaks aaʻq!u´taałs. ι´kine..
He took it out of fire. He took meat fat. He ate.
ιtuk!sa´ane.. ts!ιna´x̣e. skι´n.ku.ts. nałx̣o´une. aaʻkuk.łako´wumʼs.
He fried it. He started Coyote. He carried the Locust.
qa.na´x̣e.. nʼu´px̣ane. ska´se.. k.ła´włas qake´ine. aaʻkuk.łako´wum
He went along. He saw coming Grizzly Bear. He said Locust:
pιsx̣o´unu. qake´ine. skι´n.ku.ts ła.ts ka´min huts!ι`sιnl-
"Put me off." He said Coyote: "In turn I I myself shall
haq!max̣o´une.. qaoι´a´x̣e. skι´n.ku.ts ιnqa´pte.k aaʻqułu´k!pko
scare him." He arrived Coyote. He became a stump.
qawaka´x̣e. k.ła´wła. qake´ine. hułʼι´t!ι´a. nʼu´px̣ane.
He arrived Grizzly Bear. He said: "Let me bite
He saw
ι´nse. skι´n.ku.ts qake´ine. skι´n.ku.ts hunʼι´n.e. skι´n.ku.ts
it was Coyote. He said Coyote: "I am Coyote.
hułts!ιnax̣a´ala. nʼu´px̣ane. sa.usaqa´pse. aaʻkuk.łako´wumʼs. qa-
Let us start." He knew where was Locust. He said
kι´łne. k.ła´wła.s skι´n.ku.ts kιntsx̣a´łʼe.k aaʻq!u´tał. qake´ine.
to him to Grizzly
Coyote: "Will you eat grease?" He said
k.ła´wła he. hutsx̣ałʼι´kine.. nʼaqte´ite. ka´łx̣o. skι´n.ku.ts
"Yes, I will eat it." He untied what

namatιʹktse·. (He gave it to him.) tseᵢkaʹte·. (He saw it.) qakeʹᵢne· (He said) k.łaʹwła (Grizzly Bear:) kιnqa.upx̣aʹke·ł ("Did you not see) tιʹłna (an old woman?)
nas (Here) qa‵kiłqahaʹx̣e·. (she must have passed.") qakeʹᵢne· (He said) skιʹn·ku·ts (Coyote) łu·ʹne· (nothing) ła·tseᵢkaʹte·. (he saw.) qakeʹᵢne· (He said)
skιʹn·ku·ts (Coyote:) nʼιʹn·e· ("It is) sιʹn·a (beaver,) słaqałsιʹkᵢne·. (therefore it is fat.") qakeʹᵢne· (He said) k.łaʹwła (Grizzly Bear:) qa.ιʹn·e· ("It is not)
sιʹn·e· (beaver.") qakeʹᵢne· ( He said) skιʹn·ku·ts (Coyote:) x̣manqakeʹᵢne· ("Ought you to have said,) ᵢnʹ^ʹnᴇ. (It is) t\ʹłna. (old woman.'") no·tsιnqku- (He started)
pekιʹme·k (to run) skιʹn·ku·ts. (Coyote.) qanaʹx̣e· ( He went along) skιʹn·ku·ts. (Coyote.) mιtyax̣naʹpse· ( He pursued him) qałwiʹyne· ( He thought)
k·łaʹwła. (Grizzly Bear:) huʹpaₐks ("First) hułʼιt!x̣a (let me bite) na (this) ktsaquʹna. (little one.") qałwiʹyne· (He thought) k.łaʹwła (Grizzly Bear)
ksu‵kqanmιʹte·k. (he was on right trail.) taʹx̣ta ("Later on) hunułʼιt!x̣aʹmi·ł (after I have bitten him) kutsx̣a (I'll bite him.") tsłιnaʹz· (He started)
k·łaʹwła. (Grizzly Bear.) mιtyaʹx̣ₐe· (He pursued) skιʹn·k·ts·. (Coyote.) qa·naʹx̣e· (He went along) skιʹʹn·ku·ts. (Coyote.) nukᵘłuʹkᵤne·. (He was tired.)
aₐʽkʹts!łaʹe·ns (A tree) na‵kammιa‵notaʹpse·. (he chased him around it.) qanax̣uʹne· (He fell down;) qanaq!ałeᵢx̣o·ʹme·k (he thrust his hand into)
aₐʽkuʹqłoʹʼs. (a horn.) mιtyaʹx̣ₐne· (He pursued) skιʹn·ku·ts (Coyote (subj.)) k.łaʹwas. (Grizzly Bear (obj.).) łax̣anx̣oʹᵤne· (He overtook him.)
qanłaʹłte· (He struck him.) ła·łuqᵘałqaʹtse· (He turned back) skιʹn·ku·ts. (Coyote.)

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