"Absurd" in sociology, 32, 87.
America, North, 10, 18, 49, 55.
Anaiteum, 22.
Aniwa, 22.
Assiniboin, 51.
Australia, 11, 32.
Avoidance, 85.
Banks Is., 12, 16, 28, 42, 53, 61, 68.
Bellamy, R. L., 56.
Blunt, E. A. H., 90.
Bougainville I., 40.
Brother-in-law, functions of, 12.
Buin, 40.
Canarese, 47.
Celtic terms, 78, 81.
Cherokees, 53.
Chiefs, 85.
Choctas, 53.
Christianity, 30.
Clan, 67, 71, 74.
Classes, matrimonial, 32, 39.
Classificatory relationship, 2, 4, 19, 83.
Codrington, Dr., 28, 30, 68.
Communism in property, 12; sexual, 62, 86.
Concomitant variations, method of, 70.
"Creek" Indians, 53.
Crees, 50, 55.
Cross-cousins, 20, 28; see marriage.
"Crow" Indians, 53.
Dakotas, 51, 88.
Descent, 34, 39, 73.
Descriptive system, 76; terms, 77, 81.
Determinism, 7, 93.
Dieri, 32, 37, 88.
Dinkas, 78.
Dorsey, J. O., 51.
Dual organisation, 32, 34, 58, 67, 72, 82.
Eddystone I., 68, 70.
Egidi, Father, 16.
Egypt, 78, 79.
English terms of relationship, 13, 74.
Eromanga, 22.
Esthonia, 78, 81.
Exchange of brothers and sisters, 43.
Exogamy, 68, 72.
Family, 74, 77, 87; extended, 79, 81.
Father's sister, functions of, 16.
Field, Rev. J. T., 57.
Fiji, 22, 31, 39, 77.
Fison, Rev. L., 26.
Florida, 45, 69.
Freire-Marreco, Miss B., 53, 55.
Functions of relatives, 6, 11, 12, 15.
Gait, E. A., 47.
Genealogical method, 23, 31.
Genealogical relationship, 68, 70.
Gillen, F. J., 11.
Gonds, 26.
Group-marriage, 6, 86.
Guadalcanar, 23, 45.
Haidahs, 54.
Hawaiian Is., 15, 66, 68; system, 66, 84.
Head, sanctity of, 12.
Hopi Indians, 55.
Howitt, A. W., 11, 88.
India, 18, 26, 47, 90.
Kindred, 80.
Kinship, 1, 67, 82.
Kohler, J., 8, 19.
Kroeber, A. L., 9, 25, 52, 60, 62, 64, 88, 93.
Kuni, 16.
Lithuania, 78, 81. McLennan, J. F., 6, 17.
Malayalam, 47.
"Malayan" system, 65, 68.
Maori, 66.
Marriage, i, 60; between brother and sister, 85; by exchange, 43; group-, 6, 86, regulation of, 67; with brother's daughter, 89; with brother's grand-daughter, 34, 37, 56; with cousin, 79; with cross-cousin, 20, 39, 43, 47, 49, 54; with deceased wife's sister, 65; with father's sister, 89; with wife of father's father, 40, 57; with wife of mother's brother, 30, 33, 52.
Massim, 56.
Mbau, 22.
Mekeo, 16, 70.
Melanesia, 14, 19, 28, 45, 52, 61, 66, 77, 85, 89.
Morgan, Lewis, 4, 10, 18, 26, 47, 50, 65, 84, 93.
Mother's brother, functions of, 15.
New Hebrides, 22, 31, 68.
New Guinea, 16, 56, 69.
Niue, 15.
Pantutun, John, 33, 37.
Pawnees, 53, 54.
Pedigrees, 31, 70.
Pentecost I., 31.
Polyandry, 7, 90.
Polynesia, 15, 61, 66.
Prediction, 26.
Promiscuity, 6, 75, 84.
Psychology, 10, 17, 24, 29, 38, 52, 62, 63, 66, 91, 94.
Pueblo Indians, 53.
"Red Knives" Indians, 49.
Riggs, Rev. S. R., 51, 89.
Roth,W., ii.
Salutations, 7, 10.
Samoa, 77.
San Cristoval, 46.
Santa Cruz, 15, 68, 77.
Scandinavia, 78, 81.
Seligmann, C. G., 56.
Semitic terms, 78, 81.
Shilluks, 78.
Sioux, 53, 54, 88.
Sladen Trust, 14.
Sociology, 10, 26, 70, 84, 92, 94.
Solomon Is., 15, 23, 45, 67, 68.
Spencer, B., 11.
Sudan, 78, 81.
Survival, 39, 43, 46, 48, 59, 86, 92.
Swanton, J. R., 55.
Tamil, 47.
Tanna, 22.
Telegu, 47.
Tewa Indians, 53.
Thomas, N. W., 32, 88.
Thurnwald, R., 40.
Tikopia, 15, 67.
Todas, 49.
Tonga, 15, 67.
Torres Is., 89.
Torres Straits, 11, 44.
Trobriand Is., 55.
Tubetube, 57.
Wagawaga, 56, 58.
Wedau, 58.
Widow, 12, 30, 41.
"Yellow Knife" Indians, 49.
Ysabel, 46.