Original Czech lyrics
Kde domov můj, kde domov můj
Voda hučí po lučinách,
bory šumí po skalinách,
v sadě skví se jara květ,
zemský ráj to na pohled,
A to je ta krásná země,
země česká, domov můj,
země česká, domov můj.
Kde domov můj kde domov můj
V kraji znáš-li bohumilém
duše útlé v těle čilém
mysl jasnou vznik a zdar
a tu sílu vzdoru zmar
to je Čechů slavné plémě
mezi Čechy domov můj
mezi Čechy domov tvůj!
English translation
Where is my home, where is my home?
Water roars across the meadows,
Pinewoods rustle among crags,
The garden is glorious with spring blossom,
Paradise on earth it is to see.
And this is that beautiful land,
The Czech land, my home,
The Czech land, my home.
Where is my home, where is my home?
If, in a heavenly land, you have met
Tender souls in agile frames,
Of clear mind, vigorous and prospering,
And with a strength that frustrates all defiance,
That is the glorious race of Czechs,
Among Czechs (is) my home,
Among Czechs, my home.
Original: | This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. |
Translation: |
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