< Journal of Discourses
- The Preaching and Practice of the Gospel—Visitations of Angels, Etc. by H. W. Naisbitt (1-7)
- The Indians—The Influence of the Elders Among Them in the Interest of Peace, Etc. by Erastus Snow (7-10)
- The Settling of Southern Utah—Building of the Temple, Etc. by John Taylor (11-20)
- The Dispensation of the Fulness of Times—Restoration of the Gospel—Duties of the Priesthood—the Future of Zion—Inconsistency of the Saints' Persecutors—Incidents of Church History, Etc. by John Taylor (28-38)
- The Laws of God and the Laws of the Land—The Saints An Obedient and Law-Abiding People—Their Persecutions Productive of Prosperity—Their Past and Prospective Experience and Eventual Triumph. by Joseph F. Smith (69-75)
- Man's Free Agency—The Gospel Restored—Opposition to God's Work—Increase of Wickedness—The World Warned of Retribution—The Saints Exhorted to Righteousness. by Wilford Woodruff (76-82)
- The Lord's Work—Warfare not Required of the Saints—An Overruling Providence—Corruption and Perjury in High Places—Violation of the Constitution—False Accusations Against the Saints—Words of Comfort and Exhortation by F. D. Richards (106-114)
- Modern Fulfillment of Ancient Prophecy—Rise of Joseph the Prophet—Organization of the Church of Christ—Persecutions of the Saints—Their Undying Faith in God—The World Proving Joseph Smith a Prophet—Satan Busily at Work—The Gospel of Liberty and Humanity by George Q. Cannon (114-123)
- Liberty of Conscience—Man Accountable to God—The Fall of Adam and Eve Preordained—Redemption and Resurrection—The Gospel in Ancient and in Modern Times—Fulfillment of Prophecy—A Falsehood Refuted—Patriarchal Marriage—Its Purity and Its Eternal Purpose. by Wilford Woodruff (124-133)
- Human Rights—Origin, Duty and Destiny of Man—Correct Knowledge Due to Divine Revelation—Truth Ever Absolute and Unwelcome to the World-God's Authority Unrecognized—The World's Present State and Future Prospects by George. G. Bywater (142-149)
- Ancient and Modern Israel Compared—God's Work Progressive—His Overruling Providence. by Lorenzo Snow (150-155)
- The Death of the Faithful No Cause for Mourning—The Perpetuity of the Priesthood—Probationary Ingress and Egress—All Knowledge Comes From God—Temple-Building and Its Purposes—Exhortations to the Saints by John Taylor (175-180)
- The Establishment of Character—Traits that Are Admirable—How to Have Influence With Heaven—Why Men Should Do Right—The Cultivation of Spiritual Gifts—The Things of God Must Be Sought After—Fasting, Prayer, Devotion and Sacrifice by Lorenzo Snow (189-195)
- Love for and Forgiveness of Enemies—Such Things Possible Without Association and Assimilation—The Saints Exhorted Against Bartering Away Their Inheritances—This Idolatry of Riches—Man Cannot Build Up Zion, But God Can and Will by Joseph F. Smith (282-287)
- Tithes and Offerings—Consecrations and Stewardships—The Law of the Lord to the Latter Day Saints—The Meaning of "Surplus Property"—Tithes and Offerings in Ancient Times—The Year of Jubilee or Release—The Importance of Paying Tithing—God the Giver of Every Good Gift—Tithes and Offerings His Due by Franklin D. Richards (311-320)
- Hardship the Heritage of the Saints—The Necessity of Trial Forgiveness of Enemies—Inspired Dreams, "Get the Spirit of God"—The Great Work Expected of the Saints—Labors Among the Lamanites by Wilford Woodruff (326-332)
- Men Powerless Except as God Permits—Ordeals Necessary to Purify—Zion Will Triumph by John Taylor (333-337)
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