< Journal of Discourses
- Ideas Held By the Latter-day Saints Winning Their Way—Territorial Prosperity—“Mormonism” Not Favored of the Government—Latter-Day Saints to Save the Government—Good Counsel on Many Points by George Q. Cannon (1-8)
- Interpretation of Scripture—Apparent Miracles Easily Performed When Necessary—Disobedience Brings Calamity—Fulfillment of Prophecy by Orson Pratt (8-18)
- An Important Age—Close Questions—A Word With the Bishops—Also the Seventies—Honor the Sabbath by John Taylor (19-24)
- Plural Marriage—For the Righteous Only—Obedience Imperative—Blessings Resulting by Joseph F. Smith (24-31)
- Gratifying Political and General Material Condition of the Saints—Employment for the Poor—Enemies Foiled—Plural Marriage by George Q. Cannon (32-39)
- God's Power in All Things—Kingdom of God—Cooperation, a Stepping Stone to the United Order—Political Economy—National Troubles—Missionary Labors—Schools and Teachers by John Taylor (39-48)
- The Saints Prospered—Restoration of the Gospel—Should Listen to Instruction—God's Gifts to the Church—Salvation for the Dead—Examples Before Children by Angus M. Cannon (49-54)
- The Church Partially in the United Order—Perpetual Emigration Fund—Being Educated to a Fullness of the United Order—Cooperation at Brigham City—Union in Elections—Education of the Young by John Taylor (55-62)
- Labors and Experience of the Elders—The Work Scarcely Begun—The Power of Union—Temporal Salvation Necessary As Well As Spiritual—Cooperation and the United Order by George Q. Cannon (77-88)
- Consistency Imperative—The Gospel in Conflict With Man's Fallen Condition—Should Love Our Enemies—The “Golden Rule”—Necessity of the Holy Ghost—Every Tree Known By Its Fruits by George Q. Cannon (88-96)
- Government of the United States—The Corruption of the Administration—Its Treatment of the Latter-Day Saints—The Judgments of God Upon the Wicked—Opposition to Polygamy Preparation for Coming Events by Orson Hyde (97-101)
- The Perpetual Emigrating Fund—How to Settle Difficulties—Should Be Governed By the Laws of God—Cooperation and Brotherly Kindness—The Proper Training of Children by John Taylor (102-109)
- Remarks on Union by Charles W. Penrose (122-129)
- Remarks Made by President John Taylor by John Taylor (138-142)
- Discourse by Elder Orson Pratt by Orson Pratt (142-157)
- The Natural Weakness of Men, etc. by John Taylor (158-171)
- The Growth of Zion, etc. by Brigham Young Jr.(171-173)
- Opening of the Last Dispensation—Development of the Work of God—Sending Forth Missionaries—Usefulness of the Sisters—Improvement Associations—Education—Cooperation by John Taylor (174-180)
- Blessings of the Gospel Only Obtained By Compliance With the Law by Lorenzo Snow (187-192)
- Manifest Blessings of God to the Saints—Proper Education of the Young—Infidelity the Result of Ignorance by Moses Thatcher (192-195)
- Influence of the Latter-Day Saints—Their Mission—The Marriage Relation—Capital and Labor—Religious Liberty by George Q. Cannon (195-205)
- Fates of the Ancient Apostles—Worship of the True God—His Creations and Handiwork—Prophecy by C. W. Stayner (206-211)
- Definite Ideas Concerning God—How to Worship Him Acceptably—Restoration of the Gospel—Its Preparatory Mission by Charles W. Penrose (212-219)
- All Intelligence Comes From God—Life and Immortality Brought to Light Through the Gospel—Gathering—Temple-Building—The Elders Messengers of Salvation to the Nations by John Taylor (219-229)
- The Gospel of Christ—Its Object, Principles and Power by Aurelius Miner (229-236)
- The Gospel As Preached By the Saints—Opposition By the World to the Diffusion of Truth by George G. Bywater (237-244)
- Slain for the Testimony of Jesus—Funeral Rites of Joseph Standing by George Q. Cannon (244-252)
- Slain for the Testimony of Jesus—Funeral Rites of Joseph Standing by John Taylor (252-255)
- The Interest of Humanity Should be Observed by John Taylor (256-267)
- Necessity of Revelation, etc. By George Q. Cannon (268-277)
- Restitution of All Things—Pre-Existence of Man—First Principles of the Gospel by John Morgan (277-287)
- Practical Nature of the Gospel by George Q. Cannon (287-292)
- The Work of Restitution of All Things—Futility of the Efforts of Its Opponents—Should Not Cherish Animosity to Enemies by Charles W. Penrose (293-299)
- Power and Effects of the Gospel—Antagonism Between Light and Darkness—Necessity of God's Judgments Upon the Wicked by John Taylor (300-307)
- Futility of the Machinations of the Wicked—The Work of God Cannot Be Stayed by John Taylor (307-309)
- Preaching of John the Baptist and Restoration of the Gospel Compared—Opposition to Revelation—Gifts of the Holy Spirit—Polygamy—Human Laws Founded Upon the Revealed Law of God—Celestial Marriage Prominent in the Law and the Prophets by Franklin D. Richards (309-316)
- The Work of God Cannot Be Hindered—The United States to Be Afflicted By Judgment by John Taylor (316-321)
- Progress of the Work of God—Introduction of Evils By the World—Unconstitutional Inimical Measures—Plural Marriage Not Criminal—Intolerance Denounced by Orson Pratt (321-329)
- The Church Founded Upon the Rock of Revelation—Faithful Saints Cannot Be Moved By Persecution by Lorenzo Snow (329-332)
- The Righteous Suffer Persecution—False Teachers Popular—Saints Should not Retaliate Upon Their Enemies—The Saints Will Have Power to Root Out Evil—Approaching Revolution in the Earth by George Q. Cannon (333-341)
- Duties of the Saints in Temporalities—Implicit Obedience Requisite—Church Interests Carefully Guarded—Gathering the Poor—Home Industries by Joseph F. Smith (341-347)
- The Spirit and Principles of the United Order by Lorenzo Snow (361-372)
- Cleave to Light—Coming of Christ—Abominations of the Wicked—Welfare of the Young by Erastus Snow (372-376)
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