< Journal of Discourses
- Saints Should be Whole-hearted—Seek First the Kingdom—The Latter-day Work a Revelation—Joseph Smith Illiterate—Our Agency Accepts or Rejects—Love of the Truth Proved More by Example Than Precept—An Important Generation by Charles C. Rich (26-30)
- Prayer by Elder Orson Pratt by Orson Pratt (30-33)
- Remarks by President Brigham Young by Brigham Young (33-34)
- Remarks by Elder John Taylor, On the Temple Ground by John Taylor (34-35)
- Trying to be Saints—Treasures of the Everlasting Hills—The Hill Cumorah—Obedience to True Principle the Key to Knowledge—All Enjoyment Comes from God—Organization—Duties of Officers—Final Results by Brigham Young (36-45)
- Order of the Priesthood—Duties of the Several Quorums—Difficulties and Their Settlement—Duties of the Teachers—Discipline in the Church by John Taylor (51-57)
- Items of History—The Pioneers—Talking to the Children—Peace in Utah—God a Personage of Tabernacle—The Foolish Fashions by Brigham Young (60-65)
- Relief Societies—Talk to Mothers—Improvement Societies—Domestic Matters—Training Children—Home Production—Silk Interests by Brigham Young (66-76)
- God’s Purposes Unchangeable—The Two Powers—The Everlasting Priesthood—Abraham and Melchisedeck—Organizing Stakes of Zion—Temple Building—The Latter-day Saints the Friends of the World by John Taylor (76-83)
- Increase of the Stakes of Zion—The Saints Co-workers with God—The Government and Kingdom of God—Our Inheritances—The Poor Receive the Word—The Gospel Incorporates Everything by Daniel H. Wells (84-90)
- The Lord’s Supper—A Word to Mothers—The Sacrament in Sabbath Schools—History of Some Things—Young Men to Preside—Home Manufactures by Brigham Young (91-97)
- Difference Between the Saints and the Ancient Apostles and Disciples—The Quorums of the Priesthood will Continue to go Forward—The Saints are Calm and Undisturbed by Erastus Snow (98-104)
- The Rock of New (or Continued) Revelation—Incident in Regard to P.P. Pratt—“One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism”—The Work of the Father Extends Throughout the Eternities by George Q. Cannon (104-107)
- Actions Should Harmonize with Professions—“Mormonism” a System of Power—All the Faithful are Entitled to Revelation—Leading Men but as Instruments in the Hands of God by George Q. Cannon (107-111)
- The Savior Among the Nephites—Printing of the Book of Mormon—The Presidency of the Church—The Ancient Priesthood—The Kirtland Temple by Orson Pratt (111-119)
- The Voice of God, The Voice of the People—The Position of the Twelve—Reading from Doctrine and Covenants by John Taylor (119-121)
- The Trusteeship—President Young’s Labors—The Priesthood, its Position, Duties, etc.—Kirtland and Nauvoo Temples—Saviors Upon Mount Zion—Emigration of the Poor—Building of the Tabernacles—The United Order by John Taylor (122-129)
- Conferences—Organization of the Stakes of Zion—Qualification for a Bishop—The People in Three Grand Divisions by Erastus Snow (130-134)
- The Work Progressing—Prophecy Fulfilled—We Shall All Obey the Law of Death by Wilford Woodruff (134-136)
- God is at the Helm—Organization According to the Revelations—Historic Statements—Societies Connected with the Church—Temple Building by John Taylor (137-143)
- The Everlasting Gospel—Temple Building—The High Priests and Seventies—To the Bishops to the Sisters by John Taylor (143-149)
- Gathering the Result of Revelation—Temple Building Similar—The Restoration of the Priesthood—Ministering for the Dead—The Gospel, God Sustained by John Taylor (150-160)
- Expectations Deferred—On Revelation—Marriage, How Performed—Should be Encouraged Among the Youth—Love Controlable and Meant to be Under the Dominion of Righteousness, and to be for Time and Eternity by Charles C. Rich (161-168)
- The Outpouring of the Spirit—The Records of the Past—The Two Sticks—The Promises and Blessings of Joseph—The Sanctified Earth—There is a Spirit in Man by Orson Pratt (168-178)
- The United Order—Among the Nephites—Not Incompatible with Individual Responsibility or Stewardship—The Latter-day Saints Gather for Training—Home Manufacture Indispensable by Erastus Snow (179-186)
- Arrival in Salt Lake City—The First Principles—The Question of Authority—The Ordinances—Education of Our Youth—Plural Marriage, etc.—“Mormonism” Immortal by Joseph F. Smith (187-197)
- Leaving Nauvoo—No Change Accidental—Divinity Marks the History of the Church—Diligence will Aid in Securing Scucess—The Temple in Nauvoo by George Q. Cannon (198-204)
- King Limhi’s Enquiry, From the Book of Mormon—Ammon Replies—Seership and the Urim and Thummim—The Brother of Jared—Hyrum Smith’s Enquiry—What is a Generation—The Immense Number of Records to be Revealed by Orson Pratt (204-219)
- Living According to the Light—Temple Work—Good Counsel—What Say the High Priests and Seventies? by Brigham Young (220-222)
- Not Ashamed of the Gospel—Thirty Years Progress in the Mountains—The Gospel Unchangeable—Joseph Inspired—President Young’s Work—Labors in St. George Temple by Wilford Woodruff (223-230)
- An Important Conference—The Death of Joseph and the Death of Brigham—The Keys of the Apostleship—Revelation for the Guidance of the Church Come Through the Head by George Q. Cannon (230-237)
- Blessing the Result of Obedience to Law—Our Agency in the Flesh—The Advantages of Union—Order in the Kingdom of God—The Eternal Warfare Between Good and Evil by Charles C. Rich (249-258)
- An Age of Visitation and Revelation—Revelation the Law of Government—The Nature of Death—Jesus our Forerunner and Exemplar—The Three Witnesses—Personal Knowledge Above All—Ordinances for the Dead by Joseph F. Smith (258-265)
- There is a God—Communion with Him an Inherent Craving of the Human Heart—Man in His Image—Male and Female Created He Them—Spirit and Flesh—Mortal and Immortal by Erastus Snow (266-279)
- God is Light—God Our Father—God a Personage—The Holy Ghost—The Earth as Part of the Universe—The Purpose of Experience—The Resurrection—Zion Takes from Each of the Creations—Spiritual Faculties by Orson Pratt (281-294)
- The Blessings Realized by the Saints—Men Die, But Their Works Remain—A Day of Infidelity—The Coming Glory of Zion—Temple Building Again—Blessing at St. George by Wilford Woodruff (295-300)
- No Man can Direct the Kingdom of God—The Gospel did not Originate with Joseph Smith or Brigham Young—The Saints Operating with God and the Angels—The Grand Organization of the Church—Other Institutions of Zion by John Taylor (300-311)
- Temples in Ancient America—The God of Mankind an Impossible God—The Truth in Regard to Him—Man in His Image—Pre-existence—Why Infants Die—The Redemption by Jesus—Plurality of Gods—The Word of the Lord is Truth by Orson Pratt (311-321)
- Origin of Man and Attributes of Deity—Philosophers and Astronomers Versus the Scriptures—Man Posses the Power of Improvement—This Developed by Inspiration by Erastus Snow (322-329)
- Parable of the Vineyard—The Gradual Organization of the Church—Duties of Officers—Union in all Matters Advantageous and Inevitable—Political and Religious Growth by Orson Pratt (330-334)
- Remarks by Bishop Hardy, Erastus Snow, John Taylor (334-340)
- United Order—Tithing—Co-operative Labors by Lorenzo Snow (341-350)
- A Marvelous Work—Angel Visitation—The Book of Mormon—Evidence Calculated to Excite Faith—Testimony not Always to Salvation by Orson Pratt (350-357)
- Faith—Fulfillment of Prophecy—Restoration of the Gospel—Priesthood by Wilford Woodruff (357-363)
- The Heavens Full of Intelligence—God has Revealed Portions of that for the Welfare of His Children—Reasoning from Science to Sacred Things—All Divine Law Unchangeable by John Taylor (363-367)
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