< Journal of Discourses
- Man, the Offspring of God, a Dual Being—Immediate Revelation—Operate With the Priesthood by John Taylor (1-2)
- There is Cause for Rejoicing—The Hand of Divine Providence Over the Saints—Pleased With Being a Territory—Maintain the Right—Be True to Principle by George Q. Cannon (2-13)
- Cooperation a True Principle—Saints Must Be Self-Sustaining—Patronize Home Manufacturers—Home Industrial Institutions by George Q. Cannon (13-16)
- Gathering of Israel—The Work of the Father Commenced—Three Nephite Apostles Never to Taste of Death—The Ten Tribes Come to Zion From the North Countries by Orson Pratt (16-29)
- Little Children Are Innocent, and All Will Be Saved—God, a Personage of Tabernacle—The Life of the Savior, a Life of Suffering—Second Coming of Christ by Wilford Woodruff (29-40)
- Resurrection of the Saints—Second Advent of the Messiah—Preparatory Work—Return of the Jews to Jerusalem—Gathering of the Saints to Zion—Christ’s Personal Reign by Orson Pratt (57-69)
- Present Revelation Necessary to Lead the Church—The Apostleship—Present Revelation Necessary for All—Evils of Waste, Intemperance, and Extravagance—True Reformation is to Cease from Doing Evil by Brigham Young (70-77)
- The United Order—How Unity is to be Attained—Reform Necessary—The Order of the Kingdom of God—Stewardships by John Taylor (78-82)
- The Pleasure of Serving God—Importance of the Gathering—Necessity of Obedience to the Priesthood by George Q. Cannon (82-88)
- God Preserves His People—Internal Foes the More Dangerous—Redemption of the Dead—The Priesthood by Joseph F. Smith (89-94)
- The Blessing of Life for Evermore—The Lord Commanded the United States Government to Purchase Freedom for Their Slaves—Reformation Necessary that the Saints May Progress Faster—Salvation Comes By Faithfulness and Endurance in Christ by Daniel H. Wells (95-102)
- Self Preservation—United Order—Individual Stewardships—Home Manufactures by George Q. Cannon (103-108)
- Parable of the Ten Virgins—Importance of the Last Dispensation—Responsibilities Resting Upon the Elders—Judgments at the Door—The Lamanites—Home Manufactures—Laying Up Wheat by Wilford Woodruff (109-122)
- The Resurrection—Laying the Cornerstone of the Temple in Jackson County—Mission of the Twelve Apostles—Baptism of Nearly Six Hundred of the “United Brethren”—The Saints Hold the Keys of Salvation for All Israel—Judgments Await the Wicked—Folly of the Fashions by Wilford Woodruff (122-130)
- On the Dedication of the New Tabernacle by Orson Pratt (131-132)
- What the Lord Requires of His Saints by Joseph F. Smith (133-135)
- The Purposes of God—Duties and Responsibilities of the Saints by John Taylor (136-143)
- Fulfillment of Prophecy—The Desert Watered and the Wilderness Made Fruitful—Zion in the Valleys of the Mountains—Increase of Her Families Like a Flock—Her Peace, Plenty, and Prosperity by Orson Pratt (144-155)
- Book of Mormon—Urim and Thummin—Appearance of a Holy Angel in 1829 to Four Persons—Their Testimony to the Truth of the Book of Mormon—Also Eight Other Witnesses—Isaiah’s Prophecy Relates to that Book—Ezekiel’s Prophecy by Orson Pratt (155-168)
- Restoration of the Gospel, Probable and Spiritual—Sent First to the Gentiles, Then to Israel—This is a Gathering Dispensation, or the Fullness of Times—Destiny of all Nations by Orson Pratt (169-186)
- Infidelity of the Christian World—Duties and Responsibilities of the Saints—Necessity of a Temple, and Works in Behalf of the Dead by Wilford Woodruff (186-193)
- How God's Purposes Are Fulfilled—Similarity of Ancient and Modern Church Government—Interview With Baron Rothschild—Object of Building Temples—The Perfect Organization of the Church of Christ—Works Indispensable to Salvation by John Taylor (193-203)
- Unbelief of the Present Age—The Saints Called to Build up God's Kingdom—Their Duties and Responsibilities by Daniel H. Wells (203-207)
- The Gathering of the Saints is the Lord's Work—Knowledge of the Gospel Attainable Only By Revelation—The Lord Dictated the Prophet Joseph Smith in All Things Pertaining to the Establishment of the Church of Christ Upon Earth by John Taylor (208-211)
- Very Few Will Inherit Celestial Glory—Lust After the Things of the World Produces Apostasy—No Real Happiness Outside of Godliness—The Lord Requires the Hearts of the Children of Men by Brigham Young (212-217)
- Simplicity and Unchangeableness of the Gospel—It Must Be Preached in All the World Before the Savior Comes—Duties and Responsibilities of the Saints by Wilford Woodruff (217-222)
- Personal Revelation the Basis of Personal Knowledge—Philosophic View of Creation—Apostacy Involves Disorganization and Return to Primitive Element—One-Man Power by Brigham Young (230-235)
- Secret of Happiness—Self-Examination—Joseph Smith a Man of Obedience to God—Baptism for the Dead—Temporal and Spiritual One—A Dream—Order of Enoch, The Order of God—A Good Word for the Women by Brigham Young (235-249)
- Visit to Sabbath Schools—Reflections on the Course we Pursue—Common Blessings Sometimes Undervalued—The Gospel Guarantees its own Testimony—Apostacy Rather an Evidence of Health, than a Symptom of Disease—Testimony by George Q. Cannon (250-256)
- Philosophy of Man Upon The Earth—The Great and Grand Secret of Salvation—Are We One—Nature of Stewardship—Increase of Temples—Hear Ye, Mothers by Brigham Young (257-264)
- Apostolical Succession and Responsibility—Social Position Affords No Release From Responsibility—If the Office Does not Honor a Man, He is Called to Honor the Office—Man's Future, Dependent on Integrity Here by Lorenzo Snow (298-302)
- The Great Privilege of Having a Temple Completed—Past Efforts for this Purpose—Remarks on Conduct—Earth, Heaven, and Hell, Looking at the Latter-Day Saints—Running After Holes in The Ground—Arrangements for the Future by Brigham Young (303-305)
- Feelings in the Temple—Value of the Sacred Records—The Gospel Finds Testimony in Opposition—The Gospel Always the Same—Martyrs Versus Heroes—Ordinances for the Dead by George Q. Cannon (349-353)
- The Lord Rules—The Hand of God in Persecution—The Gospel Embraces All Truth—No Need of Worry, the Lord Will Deal Out Justice—Joseph Slain for the Gospel—The Dissatisfied Will Be Satisfied—Full of Blessing by Brigham Young (358-362)
- Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthoods—Their Peculiarities and Jurisdiction—Building Temples—Gathering to Be Sanctified—Union and Blessing Its Results by Orson Pratt (362-367)
- Prayer by President Daniel H. Wells by Daniel H. Wells (368-371)
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