< Journal of Discourses
- The Lord’s Supper—Progression—Co-operation—Independence by Brigham Young (1-7)
- His Testimony—The Fulfilling of Prophecy—Advice to Mothers by Wilford Woodruff (7-12)
- Persecutions—Missionaries—Emigration by George A. Smith (13-16)
- His Imprisonment—Emigrating the Poor—The Use of Riches—Tithing by Brigham Young (16-21)
- Revelation—Former and Latter-day Dispensations—The Sure Triumph of the Cause of Zion by John Taylor (21-27)
- Patriarchal Marriage—The Settlement of Utah by George A. Smith (27-34)
- Riches—Hurry—Fashion—Helping the Poor—Mysteries by Brigham Young (34-43)
- The Latter-day Kingdom—The Present Fulfillment of Ancient Prophecy by Orson Pratt (44-53)
- Second Coming of Christ—Preparatory Work Thereto by Orson Pratt (53-61)
- Continued Teaching Necessary—Ignorance of Professors of Modern Christianity—Prayer, etc. by Brigham Young (62-66)
- The Setting up of God’s Kingdom in These Latter Days by Orson Pratt (67-76)
- Comprehensiveness of the Latter-day Work by Wilford Woodruff (77-81)
- Observe the Sabbath Day by Brigham Young (81-84)
- The Gospel Plan—It Must be Obeyed if its Blessings be Secured—God’s Kingdom has Come by Daniel H. Wells (84-92)
- Sacrament—Self-examination—Recollections of Early Life—Reflections on Scenes of Childhood, After an Absence of Forty Years by George A. Smith (92-99)
- Revelation from Heaven and its Continuance Necessary by Orson Pratt (99-110)
- Those Who Hear the Gospel Must Obey it, or They Cannot be Saved by It by George Q. Cannon (111-120)
- The Fullness of the Gospel—Its Power to Unite—Its Comprehensiveness—Definition of its Priesthood—Condition of Apostates by Brigham Young (121-129)
- Fault Finding—Advice—Wholesale Co-operative Store for Logan—Dress—Marital Relation—Establishing Zion by Brigham Young (129-135)
- Increase of Saints Since Joseph Smith’s Death—Joseph Smith’s Sons—Resurrection and Millenial Work by Brigham Young (135-139)
- God’s Ways are not Man’s Ways by Brigham Young, Jr. (139-145)
- Tithing by George Q. Cannon (145-157)
- Saints Should Sustain Themselves—Keep the Commandments—Abuses—Power of Righteous Combination of Labor by Brigham Young (158-167)
- Things of God Revealed Only by the Spirit of God—Development of the Work of God, etc. by John Taylor (167-178)
- Review of God’s Dealings with the Prophet Joseph—Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon—Gathering, etc. by Orson Pratt (178-191)
- Testimony—Search the Scriptures—Word of Wisdom by Brigham Young, Jr. (191-197)
- Zion—The Duty of its Citizens—Testimony by Erastus Snow (197-201)
- Gathering—Its Spirit—Its Object—Duties of the Gathered Saints by George Q. Cannon (202-210)
- Choice of Rulers—Headship—One Man Power—The Yoke of Jesus by John Taylor (211-219)
- The Order of Enoch by Brigham Young (220-229)
- Spirit of Light and Truth—Its Value—Its Opposite Necessary—Final Triumph of Light and Truth by Orson Pratt (229-241)
- Pre-existence of Our Spirits by Orson Pratt (241-253)
- True Christmas and New Year by Orson Pratt (253-265)
- God the Source of All Good—The Common Love of Man for Increase—The Necessity of Righteously Directing Our Powers by John Taylor (266-274)
- The Signs of the Coming of the Son of Man—The Saints’ Duties by Wilford Woodruff (275-284)
- The Spirit and Principles of the Gospel the Same as of Old—Early Experience of Settlers of Utah—Religious Liberty—Modern So-called Civilization—Baptism for the Dead by John Taylor (284-291)
- Universality and Eternity of the Gospel by George Q. Cannon (291-302)
- Rewards According to Works—Tithing by Orson Hyde (303-312)
- Different Degrees of Reward and Punishment—Marriage for Eternity Necessary to a Fullness of Celestial Glory by Orson Pratt (312-324)
- The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper by Joseph F. Smith (324-328)
- Latter-day Judgments by Orson Pratt (329-341)
- His Acquaintance with the Deceased—Incidents in the Latter’s Life Since he Joined the Church by Wilford Woodruff (341-347)
- Certainty of Death—By the Spirit of God the Saints Obtain the Fullness of the Blessings of the Gospel—God Will Take Care of His People by John Taylor (347-350)
- Character of the Deceased—Manifestations of the Power of God—The Saints Have no Interest Apart from the Kingdom of God—The Fear of Death by Daniel H. Wells (350-354)
- Consecration—Temporal Equality—Selfishness to be Overcome—Resurrection—Return to Jackson County—Glory of Zion by Orson Pratt (354-366)
- The Times of Our Savior Compared with the Present—Revelation—Duties of the Saints—Self to be Overcome—Coming of Christ by George Q. Cannon (366-376)
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