< Instead of a Book


  • Abolition, Ball's appreciation ot, 53.
    of interest, 194.
    of currency, effect of, on capital, 219.
    of the State, effect of, on rent, 323.
    of the State, meaning of, 104.
  • Abolitionists, the credit due them, 112,
    political, Anarchists are, 54.
  • Abundance of capital, effect of, on interest, 219.
  • Actions, consequences of, borne by the actors, 139.
  • Advantage off location differs from advantage conferred by law, 338.
  • Advisability of violence, 70, 71.
  • Age of consent, Anarchism and, 149, 150.
    B. O. Flower on, 168.
    proposition to raise, 161.
  • Aggression, authority as a weapon of, 458.
    J. B. Robinson on, 68.
    liberty and, 72-78.
    State originated in, 75.
    (See also Compulsory co-operation, Government, Invasion, State, Tyranny.)
  • Agreements of laborers not to unite, 163.
  • Alexander of Russia and taxation, 161.
  • "American Architect" on the discharge of workmen, 171,
  • Analogy between prohibition and tariff, 118, 119.
  • Anarchism cannot be harmonized with the single tax, 346.
    defined by Pentecost, 363-365.
    definition of, 9.
    enforcement of law under, 312.
    the fundamental principle of social life, 80.
    is consistent Manchesterism, 404, 405.
    a misinterpretation of, 38-40.
    moral law of, 15.
    not constructive, 111.
    the only true Socialism, 363.
    the opposite of Archism, 325.
    property under, 309-312.
    questions about, by S. Blodgett, 55-67.
    State Socialism and, 3-18.
    (See also Authority, Capital, Communism, Competition, Co-operation, Democracy, Freedom, Government labor. Liberty, State, State Socialism.)
  • Anarchistic Journals asked to expose the fire-bugs, 433.
  • Anarchistic Socialism will abolish usury, 404.
  • Anarchists are Jeffersonians, 14,
    cannot be K. of L., 481.
    cannot expect justice from the State, 446.
    mission of the, 22.
    not afraid of their principles, 41.
    not Communists, 16, 390-393.
    not Malthusians, 465-469.
    on land, 299, 300; 351.
    refuse to sustain monopoly, 341.
    (See also Chicago Communists.)
  • Anarchy cannot be sustained by force, 427, 428.
    cannot come by force, 427, 428.
    Chas. O'Conor a believer in, 489, 490.
    Democracy and, 159.
    etymology of, 112.
    has never existed, 329, 330.
    how often used in the bad sense, 309,
    means order, 391,
    necessarily atheistic, 463-465.
    Proudhon's use of the word, 391.
    will minimize unsocial conduct, 144.
    would be established by evolution, 49.
  • Andrews, S. P., "Nature of Money," 276-278.
    on Spencer, 370, 371.
  • Answering correspondents immediately, reason for, 69.
  • Anti-monopolist on the mail service, 125.
  • "Anti-State Theorists," by B. W. Ball, 52.
  • "Apex" on interest, 189.
    on usury, 190, 191.
  • Appleton, Henry, on Socialism, 483-487.
    State is the enemy, 106-109.
  • Arbitration, compulsory, tyranny of, 172, 173.
  • Archism, the opposite of Anarchism, 325.
  • "Arena," editor of. (See Flower, B. O.)
  • Arson, Communists have no excuse for committing, 439.
  • Artificial monopolies should be abolished, 332, 333.
  • Assault, child's right to immunity from, 144.
  • Associations for defence, 25.
    voluntary, how they can free land, 311, 312.
    (See also Defensive association. Protection, State, Voluntary associations.)
  • Atheism of Gambetta opposed to liberty, 30.
  • Atkinson, E., debate with Greene, 283.
    insurance company of, 281, 282.
  • Atkinson, E. on the rich and poor, 496.
    on U. S. Treasury, 496.
    rational finance, 282-284.
    Work and Wages, on, 495,
  • Authorities, Chicago, crazed by the bomb, 441, 442.
  • Authority as a weapon of aggression, 458.
    contrasted with free contract, 27-29.
    divorce laws a recognition of, 320.
    human, more to be feared than divine, 31.
    individual sovereignty has no alternative but, 376.
    representing State Socialism, 4.
    trade unions believe in, 458.
    what it will do, 348.
    (See also Despotism, Government, State, Tyranny.)
  • Aveling, E., on private property, 378, 379.
    self-contradictory definitions, 378.
  • Babcock, J. M. L., on compulsory profit-sharing, 179.
    defence of capital, 180.
    on interest, 186.
  • Bailie, William, compulsory education, 143.
  • Bakounine, Michael, on God. 14.
    on tyranny of science, 155, 156.
  • Balance of trade, protectionists on the, 292, 203.
  • Ball, B. W., "Anti-State Theorists," 52.
  • Ballot, Anarchism hostile to, 169.
    no remedy, 415.
    not a test of truth, 82.
    object of the, 82.
    Pentecost's belief in, 426, 427.
    a representative of force, 426, 427.
  • Ballots and Bullets, Pentecost's address on, 426, 427.
  • Bank of Exchange, Proudhon's, 288.
  • Bank of France, Proudhon on the, 196, 197.
  • Bank of the People, Proudhon's real ideal, 288.
  • Bankers lend no capital, 206.
  • Banking, English law on, 226.
    free trade in, 227-234.
    Henry George on, 126.
    monopoly, the, interest rests on, 217.
    (See also Banks, Borrowing, Lending.)
  • Banking transaction, a, 220.
  • Banking transactions, no lending of capital in, 220, 221.
  • "Basis" believes in saving, 191.
    on interest, 191-193.
    defines money, 192.
  • Bastiat, F., fable of the plane and the plank, 181, 182.
  • :discussion with Proudhon, 196, 197.
  • Bax, E. B., on legality, 428.
  • "Beast of Property," Most on, 429.
  • Bell Telephone Co., a monopoly, 167.
  • Bellamy E., on the labor problem, 473,
  • Benton, E. H., on greenbacks, 284, 285.
    on secured money, 284, 285.
  • Bequest to Henry George, 164.
  • Berkman, A., attempt of, on Frick's life, 456-
  • Bilgram, Hugo, on credit-mooey, 263.
    defines capital, 263, 264.
    on Frick, 457.
    "Involuntary Idleness," 262, 263.
    on mutual bahks, 265, 266.
    right of ownership, 129, 130.
    on the single tax, 264.
    on trades unions, 457.
  • Bishop, Mr., on bribery at electicais, 47.
  • Blackmail and boycott, 161, 162.
  • Blodgett, S., puzzled by the word "invasion," 66.
    questions on Anarchism, 55-67.
  • Blunt, W. S., on courage, 422.
  • Bolt, the right to, 160.
  • Borrower, relation of, to lender, 193, 194.
  • Borrowing will cease under Anarchy, 211.
    effects of, 293.
    H. George on, 205.
    (See also Banking, Lending.)
  • Boycott and blackmail, 161, 62.
    and its limit, 152-154.
    (See also Force.)
  • Bravery sustained at the cost of truth,
  • Bribery at elections, 47.
  • Brick Pomeroy, (See Pomeroy, M. N.)
  • Brown, A. B.,on rights of labor, 185.
  • Brute force not the best influence, 59.
  • Butler, B., hypocrisy of, 425-426.
    letter of acceptance of, 424-426.
  • Butterine, law in Pennsylvania concerning, 170.
  • Byington, S. T., on economic rent, 343, 344.
    on the liberty to use land, 348, 349.
    on property, 348, 349.
    on taxation, 348, 349.
  • Capital, abundance of, effect of, on interest, 217.
    and money, 215, 216.
    and money, difference between, 193.
    and product identical, 10, 196.
    and product, State Socialism distinguishes, 7.
    and skill, difference between, 202.
    as usurious in country as in town, 114.
    borrowing of, 191.
    compensation for use of, 189.
    decrease of, 197.
    defence of, by J. M. L. Babcock, 18o.
    defined by Bitgram, 263, 264.
    George denies the need of, 294, 313,
    how, can be made free, 321.
    interest not paid for the use of, 219, 220.
    is not borrowed, 194.
    mutualism in the service of, 281, 382.
    nature of, 221.
    necessity for a great quantity of, disputed, 394, 395.
    needs no payment, 184.
    none needed by a mutual bank, 286, 287, 295.
    not lent by bankers, 206.
    privileged, the first point of attack, 465.
    Prof. Sumner on labor's lack of, 372.
    reward of, 289, 290.
  • Capital Punishment, 156, 157.
  • Capitalists deniers of liberty, 454.
    privileges of, 460, 461.
  • Carlyle, T.., compares laborers with slaves, 460.
  • Census-takings bad effect of, on monopoly, 461-463.
  • Centralization of population, benefit of, 114.
  • Chevalet, E., "La Question Sociale," , 403.
  • Chicago authorities crazed by the bomb, 439-442.
  • Chicago, bomb-throwing, 439-442.
  • Chicago Communists, agreement with Kropotkine, 386-393.
    convicted for their opinions, 447, 448.
    courage and devotion of the, 386.
    execution of, 449.
    methods of the, 387, 388, 419.
    not Anarchists, 111, 445.
    socialistic creed of the, 387-390.
  • Chicago jury, how selected, 443.
  • Chicago trial, Fowler on, 444-446.
  • Chicago "Unity" on Topolobampo colony, 166.
  • Child an individual, 146.
  • Children belong to their mothers, 147-149.
    communistic possession of, 148.
    rearing of, not compulsory, 138.
    rearing of, under Anarchism, 15.
    rights of, 134-146.
  • Christians escape investigation, 137.
  • Church an object of derision, 31,
    and State, education intrusted to, 140.
    and State, resemblance between, 159, 160.
    and State, twin leeches of, 140.
    decline of the, 30.
    militant, why it did not triumph, 407.
    power of control in the, 75.
    power of the, 75.
    still possesses privileges, 85.
  • Church-work, must be voluntary, 85.
  • Churches may exist under Anarchism,
  • Circulation of money illustrated, 220, 285.
  • Cities not destined to disappear, 345.
  • Civilization and government, 158.
  • Claims of capital to increase, 18:3-185.
  • Cleveland Grover, on Mormonism, 494, 495.
    Spooner's letter to, 48.
  • Cobden, Richard, on competition, 12.
  • Coercion should be abolished, 40.
  • Collectivists and the term Socialism, 369.
  • Colonization, E. C. Walker on, 423, 424.
    no remedy, 114.
  • Command, highly evolved parents will not, 142.
  • Commodity, (See Product, Wages.)
  • Common grave. Communists oppose a, 408.
  • Communism a form of robbery, 248.
    is a form of State, 111.
    Most's lack of faith in, 399.
    Proudhon on, 391-393.
    a State needed to maintain, 399, 400.
    (See also Anarchism, Authority, Capital, Competition, Co-operation, Democracy, Freedom, Government, Labor, Liberty, State.)
  • Communism, beast of, 429-433.
  • Communist teachings, effect of, 430.
  • Communistic possession of children, 148.
  • Communists have no excuse for committing arson, 439.
    not Anarchists, 16, 390-393, 430.
    opposed to purchase, 403, 404.
    opposition to a common grave, 408.
    on private property, 430.
  • Communists, Chicago, methods of the,
  • Communities, reform, cannot test principles, 423.
  • Community has no right to the land, 330, 331.
    a nonentity, 330.
  • Compensation for use of capital, 189.
  • Competition fatal to usury, 344, 345.
    in letter-carrying, 121.
    interest reduced by, 196.
    is not war, 404, 405.
    the leveller of prices, 9.
    limited by taxes, 123.
    now one-sided, 9.
    reduces interest, it, 204.
    unrestricted, the truest co-operation, 405.
    value of protection under, 327.
    (See also Co-operation, Free competition, Free trade, Freedom, Laissez faire.)
  • Competitive protection, value of, 326, 327.
  • Compromise is right, 44.
    Morley on, 425, 426.
    when we must, 46.
  • "Compulsion by the State," right and wrong of, by A. Herbert, 469.
  • Compulsion, every form of, tried, 274.
  • Compulsory arbitration, tyranny of, 172, 173.
  • Compulsory Communism, Lingg and his comrades believe in, 445.
  • Compulsory co-operation, is it desirable? 102.
    is never justified, 105.
  • Compulsory education not anarchistic, 134-136.
    under Anarchy, 143.
  • Compulsory institutions, punishment inflicted by, 156.
  • Compulsory money, Pinney's apology for, 117.
  • Conception of invasion, 71, 72.
  • Concession, labor loses by foolish, 184.
  • Conflict, physical, probability of, 329.
  • Consent. (See Age of consent.)
  • Conspiracy not necessarily invasive, 154.
    the State a, 75.
  • Constructive, Anarchism is not, 111.
    reform, necessity for, 106-109.
  • Consumption, definition of, 236, 237.
    economic, 244, 245.
  • Contract, the limit of usefulness of, 48,
    why men, 350.
    or organism, 31-33.
    (See also Freedom of contract.)
  • Contracts enforced by voluntary associations, 342, 343.
    "Jus" on Parliament's right to repudiate its, 151, 152.
    rights created by, 102
    the right to break, 51.
  • Co-operation must be voluntary, 42.
  • Co-operation, not necessarily State socialistic, 99.
    true, identical with competition, 405.
    (See also Competition, Compulsory co-operation. Voluntary co-operation.)
  • Co-operators build play-houses in the wilderness, 419.
  • Copyright, Henry George on, 126-129.
    on Wagner's "Parsifal," 171, 172.
    (See also Patent monopoly.)
  • Corporal punishment, folly of, 142.
  • Correspondents, reason for answering, immediately, 69.
  • Corruption, political, weekly Star on, 164, 165.
  • Cost the just price, 403.
    the limit of price, 6, 200.
    of labor, 307.
    of mutual banking, 268, 269.
    of mutual banking, Bilgram on, 265, 266.
    of mutual banking, by whom borne, 265-269.
  • Cost principle and free money, 2S6, 287.
    Lazarus on, 305.
    only needs liberty, 286, 287.
    should not be realized by denying liberty, 332, 333.
    Warren the father of, 307.
  • Courage, Blunt on. 422.
  • Credit, Anarchism would free, 20S.
    freedom of, 197.
    freedom of, abolishes interest, 209.
    how to organize, 287, 28S.
    importance of, 272.
    monopoly prevents the use of, 190.
    need not be obtained by all, 398.
    organization of, 190.
    reciprocity of. 242.
    strengthened by voluntary taxation, 36.
    stronger in a voluntary "State," 37.
  • Credit-money, attempts at, suppressed by law, 243.
    Bilgram on, 263.
    (See also Free money, Mutual banks.)
  • Crime, the right to witness, 41.
  • Criminals made by the State, 26.
    punishment of, not opposed, 52.
  • Crystalline customs, A. Herbert on, 310, 311.
    A. Tarn on, 309, 310.
  • Currency, contraction of, 195.
    effect of, on the abundance of capital, 219.
    enactments, failure of, 230.
    the K. of L. on the. 290, 291.
    non-interest-bearing, 284-286.
    (See also Free money. Gold.)
  • Currency laws, ignorance concerning,
  • Curtis, T. W., on the George movement, 316-318.
    on the laborer's desire for society, 318.
    on "Progress and Poverty," 317.
  • Davidson, Clara Dixon, on education by experience, 138.
    on making liars of children, 141.
    on making thieves of children, 142.
    relation between parents and children, 136-142.
  • Davitt, M., on land, 299.
  • Death always possible, 138,
  • Debt, reciprocity of, 242,
  • Debts, freedom to exchange, Fisher on,
  • Decency as affected by music halls, 96.
  • Defence of Capital, by Babcock, 180.
  • Defence, authority as a weapon of, 458.
    a commodity, 33.
    differs from government, 23.
  • Defensive association cannot become invasive, 43.
  • Defensive associations, 25.
    like churches, 32.
    protect all invaded persons, 36.
  • Definitions, the importance of, 84.
  • Democracy and Anarchy, 159.
    the new. 91.
  • Democratic doctrine, "Egoist" on, 337, 338.
  • Denslow, Van Buren, on the reward of capital, 289, 290.
    on wages, 289.
  • "Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum," by Caspar Schmidt, 24.
  • Desertion of children not invasion, 138.
  • Desire, the invader's, 77.
  • Despotism, argument of its friends, 250.
    (See also Government, State, Tyranny.)
  • Despotisms of a libertarian, 115.
  • Dictionaries on Socialism, 365-369.
  • Discount, by whom paid. 267.
    (See also Interest, Profits, Usury.)
  • Discount, bank, is a tax, 207.
  • Discount and interest, difference between, 212-214,
  • Discounting of notes, the, 221.
  • Discovery gives no right to ownership, 127.
  • Distinctions, sociological, cannot always be drawn, 81.
  • Distribution of the rent of skill, 342.
  • Divine authority not to be feared as much as human, 30, 31.
  • Division of labor, Fisher on, 224.
  • Divorce an absurdity, 15.
    laws a recognition of authority, 320.
    Robert Ingersoll on, 165.
  • Dogmatism, when justifiable, 225.
  • Dom Pedro of Brazil and taxation, 161.
  • Domestic economy, Atkinson's former belief in, 284.
  • Donisthorpe, Wordsworth, on co-operation and the State, 99-103.
    misunderstanding of Anarchism, 38-40.
    woes of an Anarchist, 86-97.
    woes of, moral of, 98, 99.
  • Doubtful cases, policy for, 135.
  • Duties, rights and, under Anarchy, 58, 60.
  • Duty discarded by Anarchists, 24,
    man's only, 59.
    not the, of children to obey, 142.
  • Dynamite, Powderly on the use of, 480.
  • E., G. W., on a new law of equal freedom, 145.
    rights of children, 145.
  • Economic organism, dissolution of State in the, 104.
  • Economic rent, Anarchists do not deny the existence of, 12, 344.
    Byington on, 343, 344.
    confiscation of, tyrannical, 346,
    freedom will diminish, 345,
  • Economic superstitions regarding gold, 260, 261.
  • Economists. (See Political economists.)
  • Edgeworth. (See Lazarus, M. E.)
  • Education abandoned by parent, 140.
    by experience, 138.
    higher, Winsted Press on, 164.
    how much, necessary, 135.
    of children, 136-142.
    Providence People on, 163.
    secure, through liberty, 146.
    State-regulated, is despotic, 89.
  • Educational endeavors, failures of, 139.
  • Egoism, "Egoist" on, 333.
    (See also Rights, Might.)
  • "Egoist" on authority, 324.
    on competitive protection, 326.
    denies equity, 334, 335.
    on economic rent, 328, 325.
    on egoism, 333. 334.
    on enlightened self-interest, 338.
    on H. George. 322.
    on land occupancy, 324, 325, 339, 340.
    on the occupancy title to land, 334.
    on Ricardo's theory of rent, 322.
    on rights, 324.
    on skill, 333, 334.
    on a standard of value, 258.
    on voluntary association, 339, 340.
  • Egoistic position on rights, 210, 211.
  • Egoists, Anarchists are, 24.
  • Elections, bribery at, 47.
  • Electricity will extract gold from sea water, 259, 260.
  • Elements common to all States, 22.
  • Ely R. T., "French and German Socialism," 383, 384.
  • Emergencies, what is meant by, 413.
  • Employers and non-union men, 163.
  • Encyclopædias' definitions of Socialism, 365-369.
  • Enforcement of social conventions, 64.
  • England, law of, on banking, 226.
  • Equal freedom applied to children, 145.
    between parents and children, 135.
    Herbert Spencer on. 137.
  • Equal liberty, S. Blodgett's ignorance concerning, 63-66.
    is not equal slavery, 65.
    a social convention, 62.
  • Equal slavery, equal liberty is not, 67.
  • Equity regarding product and wage, 241.
  • Etymology of Anarchy, 112.
  • Evening Post, N. Y., not an extreme free-trader, 296.
  • Evolution defined, 51.
    towards Anarchy, 37.
    would establish Anarchy, 49.
  • Exchange, illustration of, 220.
  • Exchange of credits performed by banks, 104.
  • Exchange of labor is a sale, 303.
  • Exchange values, money used to. 190.
  • Executions of Chicago Communists, 448, 449.
  • Existing State, protest against, is Anarchistic, 111.
  • Expediency not necessarily selfish, 64.
    social, the only right, 130.
  • Experience, education of children by, 138.
  • Exploitation, freedom of credit will abolish, 398.
  • Express companies as mail carriers, 120-125.
  • Expression, literary. (See Literary expression.)
  • Expropriation, Communism means, 387, 388.
    Kropotkine on, 388.
  • Extravagant claims, definition of, 184.
  • Failure of currency enactments, 230.
  • Fair Play's defence of the K. of L., 480, 481.
  • Familisterre at Guise. 483-487.
  • Family, Anarchists believe in the, 85.
    experiment in, 85.
    Wm. T. Harris on the, 85.
  • Farming, fewN should engage in, 273, 274.
  • Federation, Jurassian, 390.
  • Fetish, labor's new, 424. 425.
  • Fetishes, political, all, alike, 425, 426.
  • Finance, Atkinson on. 282-284.
  • Galveston News teaches rational, 284.
    Trumbul, on, 279.
    {See also Banking, Capital, Credit, Currency, Exchange, Gold, Money, Standard of Value.)
  • Fines as invasive as imprisonment, 119.
  • Fire-bugs defended by Most, 434.
    exposed by Liberty, 429-433.
    newspapers asked to expose them, 433.
    N. Y. Sun on, 435-439.
  • Fisher, J. Greevz, his assertions untrue, 236, 237.
    his belittling of mutual money, 223-226.
    on consumption, 240, 241.
    on the consumption of gold, 223. 224.
    on equality of wage and product, 238.
    on the evils of coinage, 236.
    on Greene, 239, 240.
    ignorant ol finance, 242.
    on the power of government to fix value, 222, 223.
    on Westrup, 227-229.
  • Flower, B. O., on the age of consent, 168.
  • Folly the worst enemy, 456.
  • Force, ballot a representative of, 426, 427.
    cannot establish Anarchy, 427, 428.
    cannot maintain Anarchy. 427, 428.
    no use of, against the non-invasive, 98.
    not the best influence, 59.
    physical, no remedy, 415.
    social revolution cannot be achieved by, 439.
    Swain on, 440, 441.
    use of, a last resort, 397.
    (See also Dynamite, Resistance, Revolution, Violence.)
  • Foreigners, morality of, compared to American, 462, 463.
    the most moral, are socialistic, 463.
  • "Fors Clavigera," Ruskin, John, extract from, 181-183.
  • Fortunes, great, George on, 354.
  • Foster, F. K., on the labor problem, 475, 476.
  • Foster, J. Herbert, on capital, 215.
    interest and discount, 212-214.
    on money, 215.
    sympathy of, for capital misplaced, 216.
    on Westrup, 215.
  • Fowler, C. T., on the Chicago trial, 444-446.
    The Sun, 419.
  • France, Bank of, Proudhon on the, 196, 197.
  • Free, different uses of the word, 295.
  • Free banking, and free trade, 292, 293.
    immediate practicability of, 251.
    will increase production, 243.
  • Free banks different from State banks, 245, 246.
    safety of, 249.
    (See also Land banks, Mutual banks.)
  • Free competition, power of, 279.
    reward of labor under, 302.
    will distribute rent, 343.
    (See also Competition.)
  • Free contract contrasted with authority, 27-29.
  • Free currency, Greenbackers on, 276.
  • Free labor compared to slave, 460.
  • Free land defined, 345, 346.
    insufficiency of, 355, 356.
    no solution alone, 313.
    voluntary association protecting users of, 311, 312.
  • Free market fatal to usury, 344.
    right to a, 454.
  • Free money and the cost principle, 286, 287.
    effect of, on rent, 275.
    the most important reform, 273, 274.
    (See also Free banks, Mutual banks.)
  • Freedom, difficulties to, imaginary, 37.
    effect of, on economic rent, 345.
    to exchange debts, Fisher on, 224.
    incompatible with State Socialism, 83.
    opposed to the idea of God. 464, 465.
    principle of, must be established, 465.
    society dependent on, 83.
    Spooner's work for, 490-493.
    to manufacture money, 295.
    will diminish economic rent, 345.
    (See also Liberty.)
  • Freedom of contract, N. Y. Nation pretends to believe in, 460.
  • Freedom of speech, all other freedoms follow, 429.
    is not yet denied, 397.
  • Freedoms, the most important, denied, 85.
  • Freethinkers' Magazine, T. B. Wakeman in, 154-156.
  • Free trade in all things, 10.
    (See also Balance of trade, Competition, Laissez faire. Protection.)
  • Free trade in banking, 227-234.
    its effect on debt, 230, 231.
  • Free trader, consistency of, 295, 296.
    George not a consistent, 319, 320.
    Sumner not a consistent, 374.
  • French, H. J., ignorant of passive resistance, 422.
  • Frick, H. C., attempt on the life of, 455, 456.
    not a soldier of liberty, 457, 458.
  • G. J., defends Marx, 375-377.
    on "Libertas," 375-377.
  • Galveston News. (See News.)
  • Gamble, the right to, 272.
  • Game laws, English, 92.
  • Gary, Joseph, his charge to the jury, 443.
    on a "color-line" case, 450.
  • George, Henry, believes in several taxes, 356, 357.
    on banking, 126.
    bequest to, 164.
    cannot be stumped, 355, 356.
    compared land-holding to slavery, 351, 352.
    on the comparison of land with newspapers, 354, 355.
    on copyright, 126-129.
    criticised Dy J. F. Kelly, 319.
    debate with Shewitch, 321.
    denies the necessity for capital, 294, 313.
    his ignorance of banking, 206.
    ignorant of the power of competition, 204.
    on interest, 200-203.
    juggling of, 126-129.
    on land, 299.
    not a champion of free speech, 449, 450.
    on philanthropists, 353.
    remedy similar to Nihilism, 315.
    on the sale of liquor, 165.
    on skill, 20T, 202.
    slander of mutualism, 281, 282.
    his trouble with the State Socialists, 315, 316.
    and the value of capital, 320, 321.
  • God and freedom incompatible, 464, 465.
    and man are enemies, 464.
    a puppet for a, 46-50.
  • Godin, social palace of, 483-487.
  • Gold, adherence to, a religion, 261.
    consumed when used as currency, 233, 234.
    demonetization of, 259, 260.
    in sea water, 259, 260.
    value of, 225-227.
    value of, and mutual banks, 231-234.
    variation in value of, unknown, 254.
  • Gold standard, fallacy of a, 198.
  • Government defined, 70.
    definition of, 23.
    differs from defence, 23.
    the farce of, 171.
    George's pretence of simplifying it, 353.
    gradual abolition of, desirable, 329.
    incompetency of, shown in the fire-bug cases, 432, 433.
    is invasion, 23, 61.
    Pentecost an abettor of, 81, 82.
    power of. over values, 222-226.
    prohibited by itself, 117.
    (See also Authority, Compulsory co-operation. Defensive association. State, Voluntary associations.)
  • Governmental competition. Anarchists not opposed to, 123.
  • Grant, U. S., an abettor of theft, 159.
    obsequies of, 159.
  • Greenbacker, position of, defined, 285, 286.
  • Greenbackers on free currency, 276.
    ignorant of their own theory, 280.
    on profit-sharing, 179,
    truths taught by, 248.
  • Greene, Wm. B., debate with Atkinson, 283.
  • Greene, Wm. B., his definition of money, 231.
    on merchandise money, 232.
    on mutual money, 232.
    and State banks, 246.
    his views expounded, 243, 244.
  • Guise, social palace at, 484-487.
  • Happiness, equal freedom necessary to, 137.
    liberty essential to, 41.
  • Harris, Wm. T., an incompetent teacher, 86.
    an unconscious Anarchist. 83.
    on State Socialism and Anarchism, 82.
  • Haskell, B. C., on H. George, 315-316.
  • Herald of Anarchy, error of, concerning prices, 258.
  • Herald, Boston, on "Bolting," 160.
  • Herbert, Auberon, compared to Ruskin, 470, 471.
    on crystalline customs, 310, 311.
    good work of, for liberty, 470.
    Ignores the money monopoly, 469-472.
    on interest, 208.
    "Politician in Sight of Haven," 469-472.
    on property in land, 310-312.
    his relation to Anarchism, 103.
    thinks interest useful, 210.
    on voluntary taxation, 371.
  • Homestead strike, N. Y. Sun on the, 453.
  • "Honorius." (See Appleton, Henry.)
  • Horn, W. T., cannot understand freedom, 406, 407.
    on competition, 404-406.
    on co-operation, 404,405.
    false ethics of, 406, 407.
  • Howells, William Dean, and his $10,000 novel, 170.
  • Hudspeth, W., ignorance of liberty, 377, 378.
    on State Socialism, 377, 378.
  • Human authority more to be feared than divine, 30, 31.
  • Hyndman, H. M., on the Manchester school, 379.
  • Ideas, political economists lack, 182.
  • Idleness, necessary, must be paid, ^03, .
  • Illinois law regarding juries, good features in, 442, 443.
  • Importance of Middlemen, 292.
  • Increase, capital's claim to, 183.
    (See also Interest.)
  • Increment. (See Unearned increment.)
  • Indemnity not rent, 303, 304.
  • Individual has no rights, 146.
    relation of the State to, 21-29
    sovereignty of the, 106.
  • Individual sovereignty has no alternative but authority, 376.
    the Open Court on, 131, 132.
  • Individualism, Appleton on, 107.
    conditioned by liberty, 110.
    importance of, 106-109.
    Jus not thorough in its, 152.
    misinterpretations of, 112.
    Wilde's road to, 379.
  • "Individualist," the, and the new abolition, 133, 134.
  • Individuality impaired by State Socialism, 8.
    the object of society, 83.
  • Industrial war, how to prevent, 460, 461.
  • Influences that work for morality, 57, 58,
  • Ingalls, J. K., argument against money, 270-272.
    on credit, 270,
    on free money, 269-271.
    on the purchasing price of labor, 270.
    on value, 269.
  • Ingersoll, Robert, on divorce, 165.
    on protection, 496.
  • Inquisition needed for the single tax, 354.
  • Institutions, interdependency of various, 143.
    (See also Social institutions.)
  • Insufficiency of free land, 355, 356.
  • Insurance and interest, 189.
    mutual, Atkinson on, 281, 282.
    and the State, difference between, 100, 101.
  • Intelligence without liberty, 137.
  • Interest, abolition of, 194.
    and civilization, 191-198.
    decrease of, 197.
    defence of, 180.
    definition of, 213.
    and discount, difference between, 212- 214.
    discussion between Proudhon and Bastiat on, 196, 197.
    Herbert thinks it useful, 210.
    and insurance, 189,
    low, how caused, 293.
    not dependent on private property, 218, 219.
    not paid for the use of capital, 219, 220.
    not the result of monopoly, according to George, 201.
    on money and other capital, 207.
    the price of credit under monopoly, 190, 191.
    rate of, how determined, 234.
    reduced by competition, 11.
    the result of monopoly, 197.
    and sale, difference between, 188.
    a tax levied by monopoly, 221, 222.
    a tax on transfer papers, 214.
    is unjust, 6.
    the viability of, 217.
    as viewed by To-day, 217-220.
    (See also Discount, Increase, Profits, Usury)
  • Interference, means of, must not be instituted, 104.
  • Invader, life of an, not sacred, 157.
  • Invader's desire to invade, 77.
  • Invaders, punishment of, 55.
  • Invasion, Anarchists enemies of, 52.
    by co-operative societies, 102, 103.
    child's right to immunity from, 144,
    conspiracy not necessarily an, 154.
    how determined, 71, 72.
    not easily defined, 81.
    of government, 23.
    prohibition of, 167.
    resistance to, 69-80.
    resistance to the antithesis of government, 57.
  • Invasion, some cases of, not treated by force, 104.
    tariff an, 116.
    what constitutes, 78.
    (See also Aggression, Government, State, Tyranny.)
  • Invasion and ostracism, the difference between, 153.
  • "Investigator," Atlantic, on Anarchism, 163.
  • "Involuntary Idleness," Hugo Bilgram, 262, 263.
    an important work, 262-265.
  • Ireland, its road to freedom, 414, 415.
  • Irish situation in 1881, 414, 415,
  • Jails not inconsistent with Anarchism, 77.
    not the only promoters of virtue, 58.
  • Jefferson, Thos., on government, 14.
  • Joint possession of children, 148.
  • Jurassian Federation of Switzerland, 390.
  • Jury, the Chicago, how selected, 443.
  • Jury, how selected. 56.
  • Jury law, good features in Illinois, 442, 443.
  • Jury service under Anarchy, 56.
  • Jury trial, early form of, 62.
  • Jus, boycott and its limits, 152-154.
    not thorough in its individualism, 152.
    on rights of Parliament, 150-152.
    on surplus value, 495, 4Q6.
  • Justice can be secured from imperfect people, 157, 158.
    securing of, 157.
  • Kelly, G. B., on profit-sharing, 487.
  • Kelly, John F., on H. George, 319.
  • K., F. F., possession of children, 147.
  • Knights of Labor, Anarchists among the, 482, 483.
    on the currency, 290, 291.
    declaration of principles of the opposed to Anarchy, 482.
    as a liberty training-school, 481-483.
    not anarchistic, 290, 291.
    opposed to liberty, 480-483.
  • Koopman, H. L., on the supply of gold, 260, 261.
  • Kropotkine, Peter, absurd distinction of rights of, 407, 408.
    and the Chicago Communists, 386-393.
    on expropriation, 388.
    favors easy teaching instead of true, 408.
    on private property, 83.
    "Words of a Rebel," 387-389.
  • Labor affected by reduction of interest, 196.
    and time, 204, 205,
    cornering, better than cornering capital, 163.
    cost of, 307.
    entitled to a free market, 454.
    how deprived of its earnings, 54.
    the measure of price, 5.
    necessity of tools for, 314, 315.
    price of, N. Y. Nation on the, 493, 494.
    its product is its wage, 6.
    purchasing power of, variable, 271, 272.
    should be saved from its friends, 455, 456.
    should it be paid? 403, 404.
    slave, compared to free, 460.
    unpaid, the Socialist complaint, 403.
    (See also Skill, Wages.)
  • Labor authoritarians, 457, 458.
  • Labor leaders of Boston, opinion of, on the labor problem, 472-476.
  • Labor movement, a great man in the, 476.
  • Labor note, Josiah Warren's, 192.
  • Labor notes based on all products, 198,
    "Basis" on, 192.
  • Labor-press laudations of Marx, 477.
  • Labor problem, E. Bellamy, 473, 474.
    Foster on, 475, 476.
    B. R. Tucker on, 474.
    various solutions of, 472-476.
  • Laborer does not receive surplus wealth, 177.
    will not give up society, 314, 315.
  • Laborers are soldiers, 460, 461.
  • Labor's lack of capital, Prof. Sumner on, 372.
    new fetish, 424, 425.
    product is its wage, 6.
  • Laissez faire, absolute, 10,
    doctrine, 10.
    Sumner's fear of, 371-374.
    will abolish interest, 294.
    (See also Competition, Free trade.)
  • Land, Anarchists on, 299, 300.
    as a basis of currency, 198.
    conditions of occupancy of, 324-326.
    M. Davitt on, 299.
    distribution of, 342, 343.
    freeing of, 345, 346.
    H. George on, 299.
    holders of, ought not to be disturbed, 332.
    McGregor on, 273-275.
    the only just title to, 61.
    C. S. Parnell, on, 299.
    possession of, rests on various motives, 330.
    not a product, 61.
  • Land Bank, its failure would injure free banks, 279.
    Stanford's, is governmental, 278, 279.
    (See also Free banks. Mutual banks.)
  • Land-holdings compared to slavery by H. George, 352.
  • Land League an anarchistic organization, 414, 415.
    a passive-resistance movement, 412, 413.
  • Land monopoly, 12.
  • Land occupancy, "Egoist" on, 324, 339, 340.
  • Land values, Pentecost on, 357.
  • Lassalle, F., on passive resistance, 413.
  • Law, flexibility of, under Anarchy, 312.
  • Law, ]. B. Robinson on, 73.
  • Law of competition, credit brought under the, 178.
  • Law of wages, iron, persists under monopoly. 466.
  • Law-breaking, N. Y. Sun on, 168, 169.
  • Laws on currency, 237.
  • Lawyers' ignorance of currency laws, 237.
  • Lazarus, M. E., economic rent, 300-309.
    ignorance of the cost principle, 308.
  • Lazarus, M. E., on Marx, 305.
    on passive resistance, 411, 412.
    on Proudhon, 300, 301.
    on Proudhon's bank, 287, 28S.
  • Lee, Robt. E., superstitions of, 494.
  • Legal tender, what constitutes, 285.
  • Legality, Bax on, 428, 429.
  • Lender, relation of, to borrower, 193, 194.
  • Lending, George on, 205.
    will cease under Anarchy, 208.
    (See also Banking, Borrowing, Interest.)
  • Lesigne, Ernest, on Socialism, 16-18.
  • Lesson of Homestead, 453-455.
  • Letter-carriers, tax on private, 121.
  • Letter-carrying, private associations for, 120-125.
  • Levy, J. H., criticism of, 40-43.
    on A. Herbert, 212.
    his maximum, 40-43.
    misunderstanding of Anarchism, 38-40.
    "Outcome of Individualism," 38.
    recognizes that government is an evil, 38, 39.
  • Lewis, O. P., on Anarchy, 463-465.
    on religion, 463-465.
  • Lexicographers and Socialism, 365-369.
  • Liars, how to make, of children, 142.
  • Liberal Club, discussion at, 95, g6,
  • Libertas, German edition of Liberty, 375.
    Most on, 393-397.
  • Liberty, purpose of, 30, 31.
    salutatory. 30, 31.
    tribute to Karl Marx, 476-480.
  • Liberty and aggression, 72-78.
    cannot be attained by denying liberty, 42.
    capitalists deny, 454.
    the condition of progress, 74.
    the enemies of, 30.
    essential to happiness, 41.
    the greater blessing, 98.
    K. of L. opposed to, 481-483.
    the lesser evil, 98.
    more desirable than equality, 333.
    not a cure-all, 230.
    not a natural right, 132.
    private property not a denial of, 395, 396.
    representing Anarchism, 4.
    upheld by Anarchism, 132.
    what it will do, 347, 348.
    will not bring perfection. 98.
    will realize the cost principle, 286, 287.
    without intelligence, 137.
    (See also Freedom.)
  • Liberty and Property Defence League, criticism of, 89-92.
    not radical, 90.
  • Liberty of ownership the most important, 350.
  • Life, no one has a right to, 144.
  • Lingg, L., on the verdict, 444, 445.
  • Liquor, sale of, Henry George on, 165.
  • Literary expression, property in, 128.
  • Lloyd, J. William, on society, 35.
  • Localization, the kind of, needed, 114.
  • Love between parents and children, 142.
    paternal, a late development, 147.
  • Lum, Dyer D., on the advantage of being in jail, 418.
    does not strike the cause of tyranny, 148.
  • Lum, Dyer D., does not understand mastership, 418.
    ignorant of true methods, 418-420.
    on methods, 417, 418.
    only fights the existing State, 418.
  • Machines, invention and manufacture of, 127.
  • Mail-carrying. (See Letter-carrying.)
  • Majority, absolute right of, 8.
    has right to make laws, 46.
    liability to err, 120.
  • Malon, Benoit, on the bourgeoisie, proletariat, and capitalism, 478, 479.
    on Socialism, 477-479.
  • Malthusianism illustrated by a fable, 467-469.
    is bad political economy, 466, 467.
    is it true? 336.
    no remedy, 465-469.
  • Maltreatment of children, 136, 145.
  • Man, God an enemy of, 464.
  • "Man vs. the State," by H. Spencer, 370, 371.
  • Manchester school of economy, 10.
    Hyndman on the, 379.
  • Manchesterism, consistent, is Anarchism, 404.
  • Market, right to a free, 454.
  • Marriage an absurdity, 15.
  • Marx, Karl, authoritarianism of, 477.
    compared to Proudhon, 10, 479, 480.
    conception of society, 375, 376.
    conception of the State, 375, 376.
    criticised by Sumner, 372.
    economics of, 6.
    the founder of State Socialism, 7.
    hatred of liberty, 476.
    and the labor question, 476-480.
    Lazarus on, 305.
    Liberty's tribute to, 476-480.
    love for equality, 476.
    memorial services of, 477.
    on State Socialism, 7.
    system of, dependent upon authority, 377
  • Massachusetts law concerning syphilis, 169.
  • Maternal love, 147.
  • McCarthy, Judge, on God's injunctions, 163.
  • McGlynn, Dr., power of the Church, 75.
  • McGregor, J. M., on land, 273-275.
    on money, 273-275.
  • McKinley bill, its effect on prices, 225.
  • Medicine, practice of, a legal monopoly, 165, 166.
  • Memorial meeting in honor of Marx at New York, 477.
  • Mental maltreatment of children, 145.
  • Merchandise money, Greene on, 232,
  • Methods of the Chicago Communists, 387, 388.
    Lum on, 417, 418.
    (See also Boycott, Force, Resistance, Revolution, Secession, Violence.)
  • Middlemen, importance of, 292.
  • Might is right, 24.
    the only right, 350.
  • Military spirit encouraged by Church and State, 140.
  • Mill. John Stuart, minority representation, 47.
  • Minority, withdrawal of, from voluntary associations, 57.
  • Minority representation, 47.
  • Misinterpretation of Anarchism, by J. H. Levy, 38-40.
  • Mississippi floods, government relief of sufferers from, 158.
  • Modern Socialism, magnitude of, 3.
  • Money cannot be used by one person, 190.
    and capital, difference between, 193, , 216.
    circulation of, illustrated. 285.
    defined by Greene, 231.
    effect of an abundance of, 248.
    functions of, R. E, Thompson on, 295, 296.
    gold and silver, fallacy in regard to, 198.
    government should not issue, 265.
    issue of, lax on the, 252.
    McGregor on, 273-275.
    monopoly of, 11.
    the most perfect form of capital, 215, 216.
    must be secured, 276-278.
    not a natural monopoly, 294, 295.
    the proper standard of, 198.
    a representative of wealth, 190.
    representative, not capital, 193.
    and a standard of value, 257-259.
    a title to capital, 194.
    a tool used by all trades, 230.
    (See also Capital, Currency, Free money, Gold, Interest, Standard of value.)
  • Monopolies, the four great, 11.
    the two greatest, 178.
  • Monopolistic rent, 300.
  • Monopoly, absence of, will bring price to cost, 200,
    Anarchists refuse to sustain, 341.
    the cause of poverty, 27.
    census-taking fatal to, 461-463.
    conferred by government, 246, 247,
    effects of, 53.
    for the benefit of a large class, 90.
    interest a tax levied by, 221, 222.
    money not a natural, 204, 295.
    N. Y. Sun's apologies for, 455.
    the practice of medicine a, 165, 166.
    what constitutes, 246, 247.
    (See also Government, Privilege, State.)
  • Moral law of Anarchism, 15.
  • Moral obligations. (See Duty.)
  • Morality, influences that work for, 57, 58.
  • Morley, J., on compromise, 425, 426.
  • Morrnonism, Cleveland on, 494, 495.
  • Most, John, admits that Communism is not wholly good, 395, 396.
    criticised by Sumner, 372.
    defends the fire-bugs, 432-434.
    dynamite a cure-all with him, 401.
    on Libertas, 393-397.
    misconception of Proudhon, 394.
    not an Anarchist, m, 112.
  • Mothers, right of, to their children, 147-149.
  • Motive of action is egoistic, 137.
  • Murder, defensive killing not, 156.
  • Music halls, argument on closing, 96.
  • Mutual bank does not need capital, 286, 387.
    propaganda in Chicago, 252, 253.
  • Mutual banking, cost of, 265-269.
  • Mutual banks of issue, 11.
    practicability of, 258.
    and value of gold, 231-234.
    (See also Free banks. Land bank.)
  • Mutual insurance, E. Atkinson on, 281, 282.
  • Mutual money, Greene on, 232.
    not based on specie, 232.
  • Mutualism, in the service of capital, 281, 282.
    (See also Co-operation.)
  • "Nation," N. Y., pretends belief in free contract, 460,
    on the price of labor, 493, 494.
    wants strikers punished, 459.
  • National banks superior to State banks, .
  • National Woman Suffrage Association, Wm. T. Harris before the, 82-86.
  • Natural law, enforcement of, not a part of Anarchism, 57.
  • Natural monopoly, money not a, 294, 295.
  • Natural-right Anarchism out of date, 132.
  • Natural rights, Anarchists do not believe in, 169.
  • Neo-Malthusians believe in prevention, 467.
  • New Abolition, the, contradictory, 133, 134.
    criticism of the, 133, 134.
  • New York Sun. (See Sun, N. Y.)
  • News, Galveston, on the functions of money, 253, 254.
    non-appreciation of Atkinson, 284.
    on a standard of value, 253, 254.
    teaches rational finance, 284.
  • Newspapers asked to expose the fire-bugs, 433-
    unearned increment in, 355.
  • Nine demands, the, of the new abolition, 133, 134.
  • No-rent movement in Ireland, 412, 413.
    movement, why it failed, 416.
  • No-rule a self-contradiction, 82.
  • Non-interference in doubtful cases, 136.
  • Non-resistance and passive, 79.
    a plea for, 67-72,
    a self-contradiction, 82.
    (See also Passive resistance.)
  • Non-Resistants, Anarchists not, 52.
  • Normal earnings, definition of, 202.
  • Notes, the discounting of, 221.
  • Obey, not the duty of children to, 142,
  • Occupancy of land, conditions of, 324-326.
  • O'Conor, Charles, an Anarchist, 489, 490.
  • Oglesby, R., a tool of capital, 446.
  • Olerich, H., Jr., on promises, 157, 158.
  • Open Court on individual sovereignty, 131, 132.
  • Order upheld by Anarchism, 132.
  • Organization of credit, 190, 191, 287, 288.
  • Ostracism and invasion, the difference between, 153.
  • Ownership, anarchistic criterion of, 60.
  • Ownership, and possession, difference between, 130.
    comes from production, 127, 128.
    defined, 333-335.
    discovery gives no right to, 127.
    liberty of, the most important, 350.
    right of, Hugo Bilgramon, 129, 130.
  • Parental love, increase of, 148.
  • Parents, joint possession of children by, 148.
    relation of, to children, 134-146.
  • Parliament, right of, to repudiate, 150-152.
  • Parnell, C. S., on land, 299.
  • Parsons, Albert R., not an Anarchist, 111.
  • Passive resistance and non-resisitance, 79.
    French's ignorance of, 422.
    Lassalle on, 413.
    movement, the Land League a, 414.
    the power of, 411-413.
    (See also Non-resistance.)
  • Patent monopoly, 13.
  • Patents, evils of granting, 167.
  • Paternal love a late development, 147.
  • Pennsylvania, law in, concerning butterine, 170.
  • Pentecost, Hugh O., an abettor of government, 81, 82.
    belief of, in the ballot, 426, 427.
    definition of Anarchism, 364, 365.
    definition of Socialism too limited, 363-365.
    on the value of land, 357.
  • Perfection cannot be reached under present conditions, 114.
    liberty will not bring, 98.
  • People, Providence, on education, 164.
    on taxes, 356.
    the San Francisco, on Anarchism, 415, 416.
  • Perrine, F. A. C., fruitless attempts of, to understand, 50, 51.
    puppet for a God, 46-50.
    Resistance to Taxation, 43-51.
  • Perry an inconsistent free trader, 292, 293.
  • Petition, the right of, made taxable, 160,
  • Philanthropists, George on, 353.
  • Philanthropy cannot excuse plunder, 483-487.
    play-house, at Guise, 483-487.
  • Physical conflict, probability of a, 329.
  • Physical maltreatment of children, 145.
  • Pinney, Lucien V., attacks free money, 245, 246.
    believes m despotism, 115.
    a Communist, 247.
    on difference between prohibition and tariff, 116.
    on free currency, 245, 246.
    his ignorance of freedom, 248-251.
    on the incompetency of the individual, 120.
    on the post office, 120-125.
    on State banks, 246, 247.
  • Play-house philanthropy at Guise, 483-487.
  • Plimsoll, Mr., on rights of Parliament, 150-152.
  • Poets, early death of, desirable, 490, 491.
  • Police, blindness of the, in fire-bug cases, 432.
  • Policemen, Donisthorpe on, 94.
  • Policy, anarchistic, for doubtful cases, 135.
  • Political corruption, weekly Star on, 164, 165.
  • Political economists, Ruskin on. 182.
  • Political economy, Manchester school of, 10.
  • Political fetishes all alike.
  • "Politician in Sight of Haven," by A. Herbert, 469.
  • Poll-tax, collection of, 420, 421.
  • Pomeroy, M. M., on currency, 276.
  • Population, centralization of, 108.
    reduction of, cannot help labor, 466.
    question, Walker on, 466.
  • "Position of William," Ruskin on, 181-183.
    Stimson on, 199, 200.
  • Possession and ownership, difference between, 130.
  • Possession under liberty, 59, 60.
    (See also Ownership.)
  • Postage, injustice of second-class rates, 125.
  • Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, on Anarchism, 169.
  • Post Office, Lucien Pinney on the, 120-125.
  • Potter, W. F., on religion, 159, 160.
  • Poverty, the cause of, 54.
    the result of monopoly, 27.
  • Powderly, T. K., on the age of consent, 149, 150.
    on the use of dynamite, 480.
  • Power adds to itself, 8.
    can be starved to death, 415.
    how it can be destroyed, 415, 416.
    of government to fix value, 222-226.
  • Practicability of mutual banks, 259.
  • Press, blindness of the, in the fire-bug cases, 432.
    liberty of the, 168.
  • Press, Winsted, on higher education, 164,
  • Price governed by cost, 200.
    labor the measure of, 5.
  • Price of labor, N. Y. Nation on, 493, 494.
  • Prices affected by the McKinley bill, 225.
  • Prisons may be superfluous, 27,
    under Anarchy, 56.
  • Private enterprise and the post office, 120-125.
    more successful than government, 122.
  • Private property, Aveling on, 378.
    Communists on, 430.
    interest not dependent on, 218, 219.
    Kropotkine on, 388.
    not a denial of liberty, 395, 396.
    Proudhon on, 394.
  • Privilege the cause of usury, 6.
    wealth a legal, 361.
    (See also Government, Monopoly, State.)
  • Privileged capital first point of attack, 465.
  • Privileges of capitalists, 460, 461.
    and capital, State Socialism distinguishes, 7.
    definition of, 61.
    wages should equal, 241.
    what is a complete, 244, 245.
    (See also Commodity.)
  • Production, free banking will increase, 243.
    increased by abolition of interest, 197.
    on a large scale, 394, 395.
    ownership comes from, 127, 128.
    two modes of expending labor in, 127, 128.
  • Productivity of capital, fiction of, 300, 302.
  • Profit affected by interest, 12.
    is unjust, 6.
  • Profit-sharing, compulsory, 179.
    a humbug, 290.
    a robber scheme, 487, 488.
  • Progress, liberty the condition of, 74.
  • Prohibition defined, 119.
    the duty of lawyers, 155.
    and protective tariff, 115-120.
    and woman suffrage, 159.
  • Prohibition of government by itself, 117,
  • Product and capital identical, 10, 196.
  • Promises, enforcing of fulfilment of, 158.
    the keeping of, is important, 51.
    H. Olerich, Jr., 157, 158,
  • Promises to Pay, variation in value of, 272.
  • Propaganda, where best carried on, 423, 424.
  • Propagandism by deed, 432.
    by resistance, 45.
  • Property, Byingion on, 348, 349.
    can be used and pledged, 231.
    chance element in, 272.
    defined by Proudhon, 391.
    in literary expression, 128.
    is impossible; Proudhon's meaning, 342.
    labor should be put in possession of, 4.
    labor the true basis of, 127.
    mental, a superstition, 261.
    perfection of, 131.
    private, interest not dependent on, 218, 219.
    Proudhon on, 391, 392.
    right to, decided by juries, 212.
    a social convention, 61.
    under Anarchism, 309-312.
    (See also Occupancy, Ownership, Possession, Private property, Wealth.)
  • Property in ideas. (See Copyright, Patents.)
  • Protection, competitive, 326, 327.
    exchange value of, 326, 327.
    relation of, to rent, 328, 329.
    and rent, 327.
    secured by co-operation, 14.
    the State not necessary to, 54.
    value of, not equal to rent, 330.
    (See also Defensive association.)
  • Protective tariff, Ingersoll on, 496.
    is invasion, 116,
    Lucien V. Pinney on the, 115-120.
    prohibition and, 115-120,
  • Protest, Appleton argues against, 106-109.
    for propagandism, 420, 421.
    importance of, 112, 113.
    is an affirmation, 111.
  • Proudhon, Pierre J., on Anarchism, 9.
    Bank of Exchange, 288.
    Bank of the People, 288.
    compared to K. Marx, 10, 479, 480.
    discussion with Bastiat, 196, 197.
    economics of, 6.
    on God, 14.
    on government, 26.
    on the growth of ideas, 420.
    hates Communism, 391-393.
    no amateur, 243.
    phrase "Property is impossible," 342.
    on property, 391, 392.
    on the Revolution, 449.
    "Revolution of the 19th Century," 27-29. 37.
    uses words in different senses, 301, 302.
    "What is Property?" 390-393, 420.
  • Punishment, capital, 156, 157.
    of criminals not opposed, 52.
    of invaders, 55.
    (See also Capital punishment. Prisons.)
  • Punishments, nature of, under Anarchy, 60.
  • Purchasing power of labor, 271, 272.
  • Quacks and regular physicians, 166.
  • Race experience, act according to, 47.
  • Rape, Anarchism and, 149, 150.
  • Rate of interest on capital, how determined, 207.
  • Read, F. W., on abolition of taxation, 35.
    on voluntary taxation, 31. 32.
  • Reason the basis of social growth, 141.
  • Rebels, individuals must be, 114.
  • Reciprocity of credit, 242.
  • Reciprocity of debt, 242.
  • Reform communities no test of principles, 423.
  • Reform clubs based on intolerance, 105.
    Donisthorpe on, 89-97.
  • Reform, free money the most important, 274.
  • Reformers, Anarchists should not hinder other, 48.
  • Religion, Anarchism subversive of, 24.
  • Religious liberty, B. W. Ball's appreciation of, 53.
  • Rent and the abolition of the State, 323.
    affected by interest, 12.
    annihilation of, 300.
    collection of, by force, 337-339.
    confiscation of, a denial of liberty, 336.
    definition of, 300, 303.
    effect of competition on, 343.
    the price of monopoly, 204, 205.
    and protection, 327.
    relation of, to protection, 328, 329.
    Ricardo's theory of, a true one, 323.
    is unjust, 6.
    use of the word, 304.
    voluntary associations would not collect, 342.
    (See also Economic rent, Land, Monopolistic rent. Single tax, Unearned increment.)
  • Rent of skill, single-taxers should distribute, 342.
  • Representation, minority, 47.
  • Republicanization, of specie, 283.
  • Resistance, propagandism by, 45.
    Robinson on, 68.
    rule or, 75-7S.
    (See also Aggression, Defence, Invasion, Non-resistance, Passive resistance, Restraint.)
  • Resiraint not government, 39.
  • Restriction on the market, 454, 455.
  • Restrictions resulting from State Socialism, 377, 378.
  • Revolution, armed, too easily put down, 440.
    bloody, the desire of tyrants, 413.
    by force to be avoided, 456.
    open, means sure defeat, 415.
    social, cannot be achieved by force,
    seen and not "foreseen," 449.
    when the time is ripe for, 48.
    (See also Dynamite, Force, Resistance, Violence.)
  • "Revolution of the 19th Century" from Proudhon, 27-29, 37.
  • Revolution, the, Proudhon on, 449.
  • Revolutionary methods useless, 16.
  • "Revolutionary War Science," by John Most, 435.
  • Reward of capital, 289, 290.
  • Reward of labor under free competition, 302.
  • Reward of usurer, 292.
  • Ricardo, D., theory of rent is true, 322, 323.
  • Right, definition of, 210.
    different use of the word, 130, 131.
    to gamble, 272.
    to keep unearned increment, 306.
    might is, 24.
    might the only, 350.
    of numbers, 59.
    social expediency the only, 130.
    to threaten, 153.
    (See also Might, Egoism.)
  • Right of ownership, anarchistic conception of, 131.
    Bilgram on, 129, 130.
  • Rights created by contract, 146.
    egoistic position regarding, 211.
    individual has no, 146.
    under Anarchy, 58-60.
  • Rigidity, fear of, groundless, 312.
  • Risk taken by every one, 241, 242.
  • Robbery, Communism a form of, 248.
  • Robinson, John Beverley, advisability of violence, 78-80.
    on law, 73.
    liberty and aggression, 72-78.
    plea for non-resistance, 67-72.
    rule or resistance, 75-78.
  • Rochefort, H., on Anarchists, 429.
  • Rule or resistance, 75-78,
    superiority will always, 336.
  • Ruskin, John, compared to Herbert, 470, 471.
    depreciates liberty, 470, 471.
    first letter to British workingmen, 181-183.
    on the laborer's deficit, 361, 362.
    "Position of William," 181-183, 199, 200.
    summary of Bastiat's fable, 181-183.
    work for economic equity, 470, 471.
  • Safety of free banks, 249.
  • Sale an exchange of labor, 303.
    subtle conditions involved in, 182.
  • Scarcity of capital, effect of, on interest, .
  • Scheme, profit-sharing a robber, 487, 488.
  • Schemes, failure of, 232, 233.
  • Schneider, M., on State Socialism, 347.
  • Schwab, Justus, refuses association with fire-bugs, 432.
  • Science, tyranny of, 154-156.
  • Scramble, danger of a, A. Herbert on, 310, 311.
  • Sea water, gold and silver in, 259, 260.
  • Secession, right of, 46.
    right of, from voluntary association, .
    to deny the right of, is slavery, 48.
  • Security of money essential to stable commerce, 276-278.
  • Self-interest, "Egoist" on, 338.
  • Selfish, expediency not necessarily, 64,
  • Services of time, when valuable, 204.
  • Sexes, relations of the, 15.
  • Sexual association, liberty in, 149, 150.
  • Shaw, G. Bernard, on freedom in finance, 294.
  • Shewitch, S., debate with George, 321.
  • Silver in sea water, 259, 260.
  • Simplifying government, George's pretence of, 353.
  • Single tax, Bilgram on, 264.
    cannot be harmonized with Anarchism, .
    and free money, 326.
    an inquisition needed for, 354.
    leads to State Socialism, 33T-339.,
  • State Socialism more logical than, 331.
  • Single-taxers on land, 351.
  • Skill and capital, difference between, 202.
    effects of, can be distributed, 336.
    effects of, single tax should distribute, 338, 339.
    George on, 201. 202.
    should it be paid? 307.
  • Slave labor compared to free, 460.
  • Slavery, arguments of its supporters, 53.
    land-holding compared to, by H. George. 352.
    too high a price for insurance, 158, 159.
  • Smith, Adam, on the measure of price, 5.
  • Social contract, 25.
    denied by Anarchists, 32.
  • Social convention, enforcement of, 64.
    property is a, 61.
  • Social conventions, why enforced, 64.
  • Social expediency, standard of, 130.
  • Social growth, reason the basis of, 141,
  • Social institutions. (See Institutions.)
  • Social life, Anarchism the fundamental principle of, 80.
  • Social relations, interdependency of various, 143.
  • Social revolution cannot be achieved by force, 439.
  • Socialism, aim of, 362.
    an American growth, 6.
    Anarchism the only true, 362, 363.
    defined by Pentecost, 363-365.
    definitions of, 366-369.
    function of, 5.
    ignorance concerning, 4.
    and the lexicographers, 365-369.
  • Socialism, B. Malon on, 477-479.
    the anti-theft movement, 362.
    the term monopolized by State Socialists, 363, 364.
    (See also Anarchism, Communism, State Socialism.)
  • Socialisms, the two, contrasted by E. Lesigne, 16-18.
    (See also Anarchism, Capital, Communism, Democracy, Government, Labor, Modern Socialism , State, State Socialism.)
  • Socialists, foreign, morality of, 462, 463.
  • Socialists the only moral class, 362.
  • Society an aggregation of individuals, 35.
    Anarchists believe in, 85.
    Anarchists would not kill, 36.
    antisocial at present, 361, 362.
    freedom in, 85.
    the laborer's desire for, 314, 315.
    man's dearest possession, 321, 322.
  • Sociological distinctions cannot always be drawn, 81.
  • Solution, free land alone no, 313.
  • Sovereignty of the individual, 13, 106.
  • Sovereignty, Individual, has no alternative but authority, 376.
  • Specie, republicanization of, 283.
  • Specie fraud, the, 198.
  • Spelling reform, 242, 243.
  • Spencer, Herbert, criticised by Andrews, 370, 371.
    law of equal freedom, 137.
    man vs. the State, 370, 371.
    origin of the State, 75.
    on poverty, 370, 371.
    his relation to anarchism, 103.
    right to ignore the State, 27.
    the sin of, 370, 371.
  • Spies, A., words of, on the scaffold, 448.
  • Spooner, Lysander, letter to Grover Cleveland, 48.
    memorial resolutions for, 491-493.
    trial by jury, 442, 443.
    trial of John Webster, 62.
    work of, for freedom, 492, 493.
  • Standard, a fixed, of value, A. Herbert on, 310, 311.
  • Standard of value compared to a standard of length, 255.
    Galveston News on a, 253, 254.
    how constituted, 253,
    indispensable, 252, 253.
    necessity for, the simplest financial truth, 258.
    Westrup on a, 256, 257.
  • Standards of value compared to a standard of length, 255, 256.
  • Stanford, Leland, his bank a revolution, 278.
    his Land Bank, 278-280.
    his originality a myth, 280.
  • Starved out, how Uncle Sam can be, 411, 413.
  • State, abolition of, necessary to individualism, 113.
    abolition of the, and rent, 323.
    Anarchists favor the, as denned by Harris, 84.
    Anarchists protest against every form of, 114.
    B. W. Ball's opposition to the, 52.
    best means of fighting the, 114.
    can be restrained, 38.
    the century's battle with, 31.
    chief invader, 39.
    definition of the, 22, 23.
    different from a voluntary association. 43-51. 341-
    different from society, 35.
    effect of abolition of, on rent, 323.
    must be destroyed, 447.
    must be made unnecessary, 31.
    the nature of the, 34-38.
    necessity of abolishing the, 14.
    needed to maintain Communism, 399, 400.
    not a concrete organism, 35.
    not an outgrowth of Anarchy, 329, 330.
    not founded on contract, 32.
    not non-invasive, 62.
    originated in aggression, 22, 75.
    relation of the individual to, 21-29.
    the right to ignore the, 27.
    a social organism, 32.
    (See also Authority, Compulsory co-operation, Defensive association, Government, Voluntary associations.)
  • State banks different from free banks, 245, 246.
    inferior to national banks, 249.
  • State Socialism and Anarchism, 3-18.
    and Anarchism, Wm. T. Harris on, 82-86,
    and Anarchism, no halting between,
    definition of, 7.
    distinguishes between capital and product, 7.
    impairs individuality, 8.
    leads to slavery, 378, 379.
    more logical than single tax, 331.
    necessarily aggressive, 377, 378.
    representing authority, 4.
    M. Schneider on, 347.
    tyranny of, 8.
    (See also Anarchism, Authority, Capital, Communism, Competition, Co-operation. Democracy, Freedom, Government, Labor, Liberty, State.)
  • State Socialists more logical than George, 315, 316.
  • Steal, teaching a child to, 142.
  • Stimson, F. J., false criticism of Ruskin, 199.
  • Strikers, the N. Y. Nation wants them punished, 459.
  • Strikes not invasive, 162, 163.
  • Stuart, Frank Q., New Abolition, 133, 134.
  • Subordination taught in schools, 140.
  • Sumner, Prof., fear of laissez faire, 371-374.
    ignorance of, 371-374.
    on labor's lack of capital, 372.
    lecture on Socialism at New Haven, 374.
    on Karl Marx, 372.
    on John Most, 372.
    not a consistent free trader, 374.
    on taxation, 372-374.
  • "Sun," N. Y., an apologist for monopoly, 455.
  • "Sun," N. Y., on the Homestead strike, 453
    on law-breaking, 163, 169.
    libertarian pretence of, 354.
    on the N. Y. fire-bugs, 435-439.
  • Superiority will always rule, 336, 337.
  • Superstitions, economic, regarding gold, 260, 261.
  • Supreme Court of Ill., and the Communists, 446-448.
    at one with the Communists, 447, 448.
  • Surplus value, Jus on, 495, 496.
    (See also Discount, Interest, Profits, Rent, Usury.)
  • Swain, J. H., opinion of, concerning force, 440, 441.
  • Syphilis, Massachusetts law concerning, 169.
  • Tariff monopoly, 12.
    as an advantage, 13.
  • Tarn, A., on crystalline customs, 309, 310.
    on properly in land, 309, 310.
  • Tax, bank discount is a, 207.
    imposition of, limits competition, 133.
    interest a, 221, 222.
    on the issue of money, 252.
  • Tax-collector, interview with a, 420, 421.
  • Taxation an invasion, 62.
    and Anarchism, 56.
    Byington on, 348, 349.
    not coextensive with government, 43.
    is robbery, 420, 421.
    reductio ad absurdum of, 160.
    resistance to, 43-51.
    the root of monopoly, 14.
    the root of invasion, 37.
    Sumner on, 372 374.
    (See also Compulsory taxation, Free trade, Protective tariff, Single tax, Voluntary taxation.)
  • Taxes are all artificial, 354.
    collection of, an aggression, 25.
    H. George believes in several, 356, 357.
  • Teacher, Harris not a competent, 86.
  • Teachings, Kropotkine likes easy, 408.
  • Tenant, landlord no right to share the labor of, 308.
  • Terrorism, where expedient, 428, 429.
  • Theft, abettor of, U. S. Grant an, 159.
  • Theory of interest, George's, criticised, 201.
  • Thieves, brotherhood of, Dana a member, 456.
    Frick a member, 456.
  • Thompson, R. E., on free trade in money, , 296.
  • Threaten, the right to, 153.
  • Time argument of Henry George, 204, 205.
    and labor, 204, 205.
    services, gratuitous, 204.
  • Title to land, the only just, 61.
  • Title to wealth, mutual money is a, 233.
  • To-day's "dodging" of the interest question, 220, 221.
    on capital, 217-222.
    on interest. 217-219.
  • Tools, labor's necessity for, 314, 315.
  • Topolobampo Colony, Chicago Unity on, 166.
  • Tory, W. Donisthorpe mistaken for a, 90.
  • Trade, balance of, protectionists on, 292, 293.
  • Trade unions believers in authority, 458.
  • Tragedy, Chicago, 448. 449.
  • Tramways as monopolies, 90.
  • Transfer papers, interest a tax on, 214.
  • Trial by Jury, Spooner on, 442, 443.
  • Trumbull, M. M., criticism of finance, 279.
  • Truth, the ballot not a test of, 82.
    bravery sustained at the cost of, 446.
  • Truth, N. Y., on surplus wealth, 177.
  • Truth Seeker, N. Y., on equal liberty, 65.
  • Tucker, B. R., on the labor problem, 474.
  • Tyranny of compulsory arbitration, 172, 173.
    cause of, 113,
    (See also Aggression, Despotism, Government, Invasion, State.)
  • Tyrants desire a bloody revolution, 413.
  • Uncle Sam, how he can be starved out, 411-413.
  • Unearned increment, confiscation of, 325.
    in large newspapers, 355.
    of ability, 323,
    right to keep, 306.
  • Unpaid labor the Socialist complaint, 403.
  • Unsocial conduct, Anarchy will minimize, 144.
  • Use of capital, compensation for, 189.
  • Usurer, reward of, 292.
  • Usurers, who are, 178.
  • Usurpation, the State is a, 45.
  • Usury, basis of, 178.
    competition fatal to, 344, 345.
    dependent on monopoly, 27.
    freedom of credit will abolish, 396.
    and the K. of L., 291.
    principal forms of, 275.
    the result of privilege, 6.
    (See also Discount, Interest, Profits, Rent, Surplus value.)
  • Utilitarians, Anarchists are, 24.
  • Vaccination, compulsory, 104.
  • Value, variations in, 272.
    (See also Standard of value.)
  • Values, the power of government over, 222-226.
  • Veuillot, L., compared to Frick, 457, 458.
  • Violence, advisability of, 78-80.
    and liberty, 439-442.
    what upholders of, should expect, 442.
    when advisable, 70, 71.
  • Virtue not promoted by jails alone, 58.
  • Voltaire, Frangois A. de, on God, 14.
  • Voluntary association protecting users of land, 311, 312.
    and the State, difference between, 43-51.
  • Voluntary associations are not States, 38.
    "Egoist" on, 339, 340.
    enforce their regulations, 44.
    jury service may be a condition of membership in, 56.
    no conflict between, 104.
    will exist as long as needed, 340, 341.
    would not collect rent, 342.
    (See also Defensive association, Protection, Punishment.)
  • Voluntary co-operation, 41, 103-105.
  • Voluntary taxation means dissolution
    of the State, 31.
    strengthens credit, 36.
  • Wage of labor is its product, 6.
    only just income, 6.
  • Wages defined. 241.
    determined by interest, 293.
    iron law of, persists under monopoly, .
    should equal product, 241.
    and the tariff, 115.
    (See also Labor, Product, Reward, Skill.)
  • Wagner, Richard, "Parsifal," copyright on, 171, 172.
  • Wakeman, T. B., as fanatical as a priest, 155.
    on prohibition, 154-156.
  • Walker, E. C., on colonization, 423, 424.
    on domestic economy, 465.
    incendiary Malthusian utterance of, 469.
  • Walker, Francis A., on the Chicago Communists, 386-393,
    fairness of, all a pretence, 384, 385.
    fundamental error of. 386.
    lecture before the Trinity Club, 383-
    on Kropotkine, 386-393.
    refuses correction, 385, 386.
  • War, Industrial, how to prevent, 460, 461.
    Liberty engaged in, 423.
  • Warren, Josiah, an American, 6.
    on Anarchism, 9.
    economics of, 6.
    father of the cost principle, 307.
    labor note of, 193.
  • Wealth cannot become worthless, 399.
    a legal privilege, 361.
    method of obtaining, 177.
    the monetization of, needed, 374.
    mutual money a title to, 233.
    should be owned by labor, 185.
    two ways of distributing, 347.
  • Weekly "Star" on political corruption, 165,
  • Wells, David A., free trade of , a sham, , 293.
  • Wells, Fargo & Co. carry letters cheaper than the post office, 121.
  • Westrup, A. B., criticised by J. Greevz Fisher, 227-229.
    faithful work for freedom, 258.
    heresy of, on a standard of value, 257-259.
    on a standard of value, 256, 257.
  • "What is Property?" P.J.Proudhon, 390-393.
  • Where we stand, 52-55.
  • Whitman, Walt, outlives his usefulness, 491.
  • Wilde, O., and individualism, 379.
  • William I. of Germany lived too long, , 491.
  • Wines, F. H., proportion of foreign criminals, 462, 463.
    speech of, before the Prison Congress, 462, 463.
  • Winsted Press. (See Press, Winsted.)
  • Woes of an Anarchist, by W. Donisthorpe, 86-97.
  • Woman suffrage and prohibition, 159.
  • "Words of a Rebel," P. Kropotkine, 387-389
  • Work and Wages on Atkinson, 495,
  • World, N. Y., compares land with newspapers, 354, 355.
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