< Instead of a Book
- Abolition, Ball's appreciation ot, 53.
- of interest, 194.
- of currency, effect of, on capital, 219.
- of the State, effect of, on rent, 323.
- of the State, meaning of, 104.
- Abolitionists, the credit due them, 112,
- political, Anarchists are, 54.
- Abundance of capital, effect of, on interest, 219.
- Actions, consequences of, borne by the actors, 139.
- Advantage off location differs from advantage conferred by law, 338.
- Advisability of violence, 70, 71.
- Age of consent, Anarchism and, 149, 150.
- B. O. Flower on, 168.
- proposition to raise, 161.
- Aggression, authority as a weapon of, 458.
- J. B. Robinson on, 68.
- liberty and, 72-78.
- State originated in, 75.
- (See also Compulsory co-operation, Government, Invasion, State, Tyranny.)
- Agreements of laborers not to unite, 163.
- Alexander of Russia and taxation, 161.
- "American Architect" on the discharge of workmen, 171,
- Analogy between prohibition and tariff, 118, 119.
- Anarchism cannot be harmonized with the single tax, 346.
- defined by Pentecost, 363-365.
- definition of, 9.
- enforcement of law under, 312.
- the fundamental principle of social life, 80.
- is consistent Manchesterism, 404, 405.
- a misinterpretation of, 38-40.
- moral law of, 15.
- not constructive, 111.
- the only true Socialism, 363.
- the opposite of Archism, 325.
- property under, 309-312.
- questions about, by S. Blodgett, 55-67.
- State Socialism and, 3-18.
- (See also Authority, Capital, Communism, Competition, Co-operation, Democracy, Freedom, Government labor. Liberty, State, State Socialism.)
- Anarchistic Journals asked to expose the fire-bugs, 433.
- Anarchistic Socialism will abolish usury, 404.
- Anarchists are Jeffersonians, 14,
- cannot be K. of L., 481.
- cannot expect justice from the State, 446.
- mission of the, 22.
- not afraid of their principles, 41.
- not Communists, 16, 390-393.
- not Malthusians, 465-469.
- on land, 299, 300; 351.
- refuse to sustain monopoly, 341.
- (See also Chicago Communists.)
- Anarchy cannot be sustained by force, 427, 428.
- cannot come by force, 427, 428.
- Chas. O'Conor a believer in, 489, 490.
- Democracy and, 159.
- etymology of, 112.
- has never existed, 329, 330.
- how often used in the bad sense, 309,
- means order, 391,
- necessarily atheistic, 463-465.
- Proudhon's use of the word, 391.
- will minimize unsocial conduct, 144.
- would be established by evolution, 49.
- Andrews, S. P., "Nature of Money," 276-278.
- on Spencer, 370, 371.
- Answering correspondents immediately, reason for, 69.
- Anti-monopolist on the mail service, 125.
- "Anti-State Theorists," by B. W. Ball, 52.
- "Apex" on interest, 189.
- on usury, 190, 191.
- Appleton, Henry, on Socialism, 483-487.
- State is the enemy, 106-109.
- Arbitration, compulsory, tyranny of, 172, 173.
- Archism, the opposite of Anarchism, 325.
- "Arena," editor of. (See Flower, B. O.)
- Arson, Communists have no excuse for committing, 439.
- Artificial monopolies should be abolished, 332, 333.
- Assault, child's right to immunity from, 144.
- Associations for defence, 25.
- voluntary, how they can free land, 311, 312.
- (See also Defensive association. Protection, State, Voluntary associations.)
- Atheism of Gambetta opposed to liberty, 30.
- Atkinson, E., debate with Greene, 283.
- insurance company of, 281, 282.
- Atkinson, E. on the rich and poor, 496.
- on U. S. Treasury, 496.
- rational finance, 282-284.
- Work and Wages, on, 495,
- Authorities, Chicago, crazed by the bomb, 441, 442.
- Authority as a weapon of aggression, 458.
- contrasted with free contract, 27-29.
- divorce laws a recognition of, 320.
- human, more to be feared than divine, 31.
- individual sovereignty has no alternative but, 376.
- representing State Socialism, 4.
- trade unions believe in, 458.
- what it will do, 348.
- (See also Despotism, Government, State, Tyranny.)
- Aveling, E., on private property, 378, 379.
- self-contradictory definitions, 378.
- Babcock, J. M. L., on compulsory profit-sharing, 179.
- defence of capital, 180.
- on interest, 186.
- Bailie, William, compulsory education, 143.
- Bakounine, Michael, on God. 14.
- on tyranny of science, 155, 156.
- Balance of trade, protectionists on the, 292, 203.
- Ball, B. W., "Anti-State Theorists," 52.
- Ballot, Anarchism hostile to, 169.
- no remedy, 415.
- not a test of truth, 82.
- object of the, 82.
- Pentecost's belief in, 426, 427.
- a representative of force, 426, 427.
- Ballots and Bullets, Pentecost's address on, 426, 427.
- Bank of Exchange, Proudhon's, 288.
- Bank of France, Proudhon on the, 196, 197.
- Bank of the People, Proudhon's real ideal, 288.
- Bankers lend no capital, 206.
- Banking, English law on, 226.
- free trade in, 227-234.
- Henry George on, 126.
- monopoly, the, interest rests on, 217.
- (See also Banks, Borrowing, Lending.)
- Banking transaction, a, 220.
- Banking transactions, no lending of capital in, 220, 221.
- "Basis" believes in saving, 191.
- on interest, 191-193.
- defines money, 192.
- Bastiat, F., fable of the plane and the plank, 181, 182.
- :discussion with Proudhon, 196, 197.
- Bax, E. B., on legality, 428.
- "Beast of Property," Most on, 429.
- Bell Telephone Co., a monopoly, 167.
- Bellamy E., on the labor problem, 473,
- Benton, E. H., on greenbacks, 284, 285.
- on secured money, 284, 285.
- Bequest to Henry George, 164.
- Berkman, A., attempt of, on Frick's life, 456-
- Bilgram, Hugo, on credit-mooey, 263.
- defines capital, 263, 264.
- on Frick, 457.
- "Involuntary Idleness," 262, 263.
- on mutual bahks, 265, 266.
- right of ownership, 129, 130.
- on the single tax, 264.
- on trades unions, 457.
- Bishop, Mr., on bribery at electicais, 47.
- Blackmail and boycott, 161, 162.
- Blodgett, S., puzzled by the word "invasion," 66.
- questions on Anarchism, 55-67.
- Blunt, W. S., on courage, 422.
- Bolt, the right to, 160.
- Borrower, relation of, to lender, 193, 194.
- Borrowing will cease under Anarchy, 211.
- effects of, 293.
- H. George on, 205.
- (See also Banking, Lending.)
- Boycott and blackmail, 161, 62.
- and its limit, 152-154.
- (See also Force.)
- Bravery sustained at the cost of truth,
- Bribery at elections, 47.
- Brick Pomeroy, (See Pomeroy, M. N.)
- Brown, A. B.,on rights of labor, 185.
- Brute force not the best influence, 59.
- Butler, B., hypocrisy of, 425-426.
- letter of acceptance of, 424-426.
- Butterine, law in Pennsylvania concerning, 170.
- Byington, S. T., on economic rent, 343, 344.
- on the liberty to use land, 348, 349.
- on property, 348, 349.
- on taxation, 348, 349.
- Capital, abundance of, effect of, on interest, 217.
- and money, 215, 216.
- and money, difference between, 193.
- and product identical, 10, 196.
- and product, State Socialism distinguishes, 7.
- and skill, difference between, 202.
- as usurious in country as in town, 114.
- borrowing of, 191.
- compensation for use of, 189.
- decrease of, 197.
- defence of, by J. M. L. Babcock, 18o.
- defined by Bitgram, 263, 264.
- George denies the need of, 294, 313,
- how, can be made free, 321.
- interest not paid for the use of, 219, 220.
- is not borrowed, 194.
- mutualism in the service of, 281, 382.
- nature of, 221.
- necessity for a great quantity of, disputed, 394, 395.
- needs no payment, 184.
- none needed by a mutual bank, 286, 287, 295.
- not lent by bankers, 206.
- privileged, the first point of attack, 465.
- Prof. Sumner on labor's lack of, 372.
- reward of, 289, 290.
- Capital Punishment, 156, 157.
- Capitalists deniers of liberty, 454.
- privileges of, 460, 461.
- Carlyle, T.., compares laborers with slaves, 460.
- Census-takings bad effect of, on monopoly, 461-463.
- Centralization of population, benefit of, 114.
- Chevalet, E., "La Question Sociale," , 403.
- Chicago authorities crazed by the bomb, 439-442.
- Chicago, bomb-throwing, 439-442.
- Chicago Communists, agreement with Kropotkine, 386-393.
- convicted for their opinions, 447, 448.
- courage and devotion of the, 386.
- execution of, 449.
- methods of the, 387, 388, 419.
- not Anarchists, 111, 445.
- socialistic creed of the, 387-390.
- Chicago jury, how selected, 443.
- Chicago trial, Fowler on, 444-446.
- Chicago "Unity" on Topolobampo colony, 166.
- Child an individual, 146.
- Children belong to their mothers, 147-149.
- communistic possession of, 148.
- rearing of, not compulsory, 138.
- rearing of, under Anarchism, 15.
- rights of, 134-146.
- Christians escape investigation, 137.
- Church an object of derision, 31,
- and State, education intrusted to, 140.
- and State, resemblance between, 159, 160.
- and State, twin leeches of, 140.
- decline of the, 30.
- militant, why it did not triumph, 407.
- power of control in the, 75.
- power of the, 75.
- still possesses privileges, 85.
- Church-work, must be voluntary, 85.
- Churches may exist under Anarchism,
- Circulation of money illustrated, 220, 285.
- Cities not destined to disappear, 345.
- Civilization and government, 158.
- Claims of capital to increase, 18:3-185.
- Cleveland Grover, on Mormonism, 494, 495.
- Spooner's letter to, 48.
- Cobden, Richard, on competition, 12.
- Coercion should be abolished, 40.
- Collectivists and the term Socialism, 369.
- Colonization, E. C. Walker on, 423, 424.
- no remedy, 114.
- Command, highly evolved parents will not, 142.
- Commodity, (See Product, Wages.)
- Common grave. Communists oppose a, 408.
- Communism a form of robbery, 248.
- is a form of State, 111.
- Most's lack of faith in, 399.
- Proudhon on, 391-393.
- a State needed to maintain, 399, 400.
- (See also Anarchism, Authority, Capital, Competition, Co-operation, Democracy, Freedom, Government, Labor, Liberty, State.)
- Communism, beast of, 429-433.
- Communist teachings, effect of, 430.
- Communistic possession of children, 148.
- Communists have no excuse for committing arson, 439.
- not Anarchists, 16, 390-393, 430.
- opposed to purchase, 403, 404.
- opposition to a common grave, 408.
- on private property, 430.
- Communists, Chicago, methods of the,
- Communities, reform, cannot test principles, 423.
- Community has no right to the land, 330, 331.
- a nonentity, 330.
- Compensation for use of capital, 189.
- Competition fatal to usury, 344, 345.
- in letter-carrying, 121.
- interest reduced by, 196.
- is not war, 404, 405.
- the leveller of prices, 9.
- limited by taxes, 123.
- now one-sided, 9.
- reduces interest, it, 204.
- unrestricted, the truest co-operation, 405.
- value of protection under, 327.
- (See also Co-operation, Free competition, Free trade, Freedom, Laissez faire.)
- Competitive protection, value of, 326, 327.
- Compromise is right, 44.
- Morley on, 425, 426.
- when we must, 46.
- "Compulsion by the State," right and wrong of, by A. Herbert, 469.
- Compulsion, every form of, tried, 274.
- Compulsory arbitration, tyranny of, 172, 173.
- Compulsory Communism, Lingg and his comrades believe in, 445.
- Compulsory co-operation, is it desirable? 102.
- is never justified, 105.
- Compulsory education not anarchistic, 134-136.
- under Anarchy, 143.
- Compulsory institutions, punishment inflicted by, 156.
- Compulsory money, Pinney's apology for, 117.
- Conception of invasion, 71, 72.
- Concession, labor loses by foolish, 184.
- Conflict, physical, probability of, 329.
- Consent. (See Age of consent.)
- Conspiracy not necessarily invasive, 154.
- the State a, 75.
- Constructive, Anarchism is not, 111.
- reform, necessity for, 106-109.
- Consumption, definition of, 236, 237.
- economic, 244, 245.
- Contract, the limit of usefulness of, 48,
- why men, 350.
- or organism, 31-33.
- (See also Freedom of contract.)
- Contracts enforced by voluntary associations, 342, 343.
- "Jus" on Parliament's right to repudiate its, 151, 152.
- rights created by, 102
- the right to break, 51.
- Co-operation must be voluntary, 42.
- Co-operation, not necessarily State socialistic, 99.
- true, identical with competition, 405.
- (See also Competition, Compulsory co-operation. Voluntary co-operation.)
- Co-operators build play-houses in the wilderness, 419.
- Copyright, Henry George on, 126-129.
- on Wagner's "Parsifal," 171, 172.
- (See also Patent monopoly.)
- Corporal punishment, folly of, 142.
- Correspondents, reason for answering, immediately, 69.
- Corruption, political, weekly Star on, 164, 165.
- Cost the just price, 403.
- the limit of price, 6, 200.
- of labor, 307.
- of mutual banking, 268, 269.
- of mutual banking, Bilgram on, 265, 266.
- of mutual banking, by whom borne, 265-269.
- Cost principle and free money, 2S6, 287.
- Lazarus on, 305.
- only needs liberty, 286, 287.
- should not be realized by denying liberty, 332, 333.
- Warren the father of, 307.
- Courage, Blunt on. 422.
- Credit, Anarchism would free, 20S.
- freedom of, 197.
- freedom of, abolishes interest, 209.
- how to organize, 287, 28S.
- importance of, 272.
- monopoly prevents the use of, 190.
- need not be obtained by all, 398.
- organization of, 190.
- reciprocity of. 242.
- strengthened by voluntary taxation, 36.
- stronger in a voluntary "State," 37.
- Credit-money, attempts at, suppressed by law, 243.
- Bilgram on, 263.
- (See also Free money, Mutual banks.)
- Crime, the right to witness, 41.
- Criminals made by the State, 26.
- punishment of, not opposed, 52.
- Crystalline customs, A. Herbert on, 310, 311.
- A. Tarn on, 309, 310.
- Currency, contraction of, 195.
- effect of, on the abundance of capital, 219.
- enactments, failure of, 230.
- the K. of L. on the. 290, 291.
- non-interest-bearing, 284-286.
- (See also Free money. Gold.)
- Currency laws, ignorance concerning,
- Curtis, T. W., on the George movement, 316-318.
- on the laborer's desire for society, 318.
- on "Progress and Poverty," 317.
- Davidson, Clara Dixon, on education by experience, 138.
- on making liars of children, 141.
- on making thieves of children, 142.
- relation between parents and children, 136-142.
- Davitt, M., on land, 299.
- Death always possible, 138,
- Debt, reciprocity of, 242,
- Debts, freedom to exchange, Fisher on,
- Decency as affected by music halls, 96.
- Defence of Capital, by Babcock, 180.
- Defence, authority as a weapon of, 458.
- a commodity, 33.
- differs from government, 23.
- Defensive association cannot become invasive, 43.
- Defensive associations, 25.
- like churches, 32.
- protect all invaded persons, 36.
- Definitions, the importance of, 84.
- Democracy and Anarchy, 159.
- the new. 91.
- Democratic doctrine, "Egoist" on, 337, 338.
- Denslow, Van Buren, on the reward of capital, 289, 290.
- on wages, 289.
- "Der Einzige und sein Eigenthum," by Caspar Schmidt, 24.
- Desertion of children not invasion, 138.
- Desire, the invader's, 77.
- Despotism, argument of its friends, 250.
- (See also Government, State, Tyranny.)
- Despotisms of a libertarian, 115.
- Dictionaries on Socialism, 365-369.
- Discount, by whom paid. 267.
- (See also Interest, Profits, Usury.)
- Discount, bank, is a tax, 207.
- Discount and interest, difference between, 212-214,
- Discounting of notes, the, 221.
- Discovery gives no right to ownership, 127.
- Distinctions, sociological, cannot always be drawn, 81.
- Distribution of the rent of skill, 342.
- Divine authority not to be feared as much as human, 30, 31.
- Division of labor, Fisher on, 224.
- Divorce an absurdity, 15.
- laws a recognition of authority, 320.
- Robert Ingersoll on, 165.
- Dogmatism, when justifiable, 225.
- Dom Pedro of Brazil and taxation, 161.
- Domestic economy, Atkinson's former belief in, 284.
- Donisthorpe, Wordsworth, on co-operation and the State, 99-103.
- misunderstanding of Anarchism, 38-40.
- woes of an Anarchist, 86-97.
- woes of, moral of, 98, 99.
- Doubtful cases, policy for, 135.
- Duties, rights and, under Anarchy, 58, 60.
- Duty discarded by Anarchists, 24,
- man's only, 59.
- not the, of children to obey, 142.
- Dynamite, Powderly on the use of, 480.
- E., G. W., on a new law of equal freedom, 145.
- rights of children, 145.
- Economic organism, dissolution of State in the, 104.
- Economic rent, Anarchists do not deny the existence of, 12, 344.
- Byington on, 343, 344.
- confiscation of, tyrannical, 346,
- freedom will diminish, 345,
- Economic superstitions regarding gold, 260, 261.
- Economists. (See Political economists.)
- Edgeworth. (See Lazarus, M. E.)
- Education abandoned by parent, 140.
- by experience, 138.
- higher, Winsted Press on, 164.
- how much, necessary, 135.
- of children, 136-142.
- Providence People on, 163.
- secure, through liberty, 146.
- State-regulated, is despotic, 89.
- Educational endeavors, failures of, 139.
- Egoism, "Egoist" on, 333.
- (See also Rights, Might.)
- "Egoist" on authority, 324.
- on competitive protection, 326.
- denies equity, 334, 335.
- on economic rent, 328, 325.
- on egoism, 333. 334.
- on enlightened self-interest, 338.
- on H. George. 322.
- on land occupancy, 324, 325, 339, 340.
- on the occupancy title to land, 334.
- on Ricardo's theory of rent, 322.
- on rights, 324.
- on skill, 333, 334.
- on a standard of value, 258.
- on voluntary association, 339, 340.
- Egoistic position on rights, 210, 211.
- Egoists, Anarchists are, 24.
- Elections, bribery at, 47.
- Electricity will extract gold from sea water, 259, 260.
- Elements common to all States, 22.
- Ely R. T., "French and German Socialism," 383, 384.
- Emergencies, what is meant by, 413.
- Employers and non-union men, 163.
- Encyclopædias' definitions of Socialism, 365-369.
- Enforcement of social conventions, 64.
- England, law of, on banking, 226.
- Equal freedom applied to children, 145.
- between parents and children, 135.
- Herbert Spencer on. 137.
- Equal liberty, S. Blodgett's ignorance concerning, 63-66.
- is not equal slavery, 65.
- a social convention, 62.
- Equal slavery, equal liberty is not, 67.
- Equity regarding product and wage, 241.
- Etymology of Anarchy, 112.
- Evening Post, N. Y., not an extreme free-trader, 296.
- Evolution defined, 51.
- towards Anarchy, 37.
- would establish Anarchy, 49.
- Exchange, illustration of, 220.
- Exchange of credits performed by banks, 104.
- Exchange of labor is a sale, 303.
- Exchange values, money used to. 190.
- Executions of Chicago Communists, 448, 449.
- Existing State, protest against, is Anarchistic, 111.
- Expediency not necessarily selfish, 64.
- social, the only right, 130.
- Experience, education of children by, 138.
- Exploitation, freedom of credit will abolish, 398.
- Express companies as mail carriers, 120-125.
- Expression, literary. (See Literary expression.)
- Expropriation, Communism means, 387, 388.
- Kropotkine on, 388.
- Extravagant claims, definition of, 184.
- Failure of currency enactments, 230.
- Fair Play's defence of the K. of L., 480, 481.
- Familisterre at Guise. 483-487.
- Family, Anarchists believe in the, 85.
- experiment in, 85.
- Wm. T. Harris on the, 85.
- Farming, fewN should engage in, 273, 274.
- Federation, Jurassian, 390.
- Fetish, labor's new, 424. 425.
- Fetishes, political, all, alike, 425, 426.
- Finance, Atkinson on. 282-284.
- Galveston News teaches rational, 284.
- Trumbul, on, 279.
- {See also Banking, Capital, Credit, Currency, Exchange, Gold, Money, Standard of Value.)
- Fines as invasive as imprisonment, 119.
- Fire-bugs defended by Most, 434.
- exposed by Liberty, 429-433.
- newspapers asked to expose them, 433.
- N. Y. Sun on, 435-439.
- Fisher, J. Greevz, his assertions untrue, 236, 237.
- his belittling of mutual money, 223-226.
- on consumption, 240, 241.
- on the consumption of gold, 223. 224.
- on equality of wage and product, 238.
- on the evils of coinage, 236.
- on Greene, 239, 240.
- ignorant ol finance, 242.
- on the power of government to fix value, 222, 223.
- on Westrup, 227-229.
- Flower, B. O., on the age of consent, 168.
- Folly the worst enemy, 456.
- Force, ballot a representative of, 426, 427.
- cannot establish Anarchy, 427, 428.
- cannot maintain Anarchy. 427, 428.
- no use of, against the non-invasive, 98.
- not the best influence, 59.
- physical, no remedy, 415.
- social revolution cannot be achieved by, 439.
- Swain on, 440, 441.
- use of, a last resort, 397.
- (See also Dynamite, Resistance, Revolution, Violence.)
- Foreigners, morality of, compared to American, 462, 463.
- the most moral, are socialistic, 463.
- "Fors Clavigera," Ruskin, John, extract from, 181-183.
- Fortunes, great, George on, 354.
- Foster, F. K., on the labor problem, 475, 476.
- Foster, J. Herbert, on capital, 215.
- interest and discount, 212-214.
- on money, 215.
- sympathy of, for capital misplaced, 216.
- on Westrup, 215.
- Fowler, C. T., on the Chicago trial, 444-446.
- The Sun, 419.
- France, Bank of, Proudhon on the, 196, 197.
- Free, different uses of the word, 295.
- Free banking, and free trade, 292, 293.
- immediate practicability of, 251.
- will increase production, 243.
- Free banks different from State banks, 245, 246.
- safety of, 249.
- (See also Land banks, Mutual banks.)
- Free competition, power of, 279.
- reward of labor under, 302.
- will distribute rent, 343.
- (See also Competition.)
- Free contract contrasted with authority, 27-29.
- Free currency, Greenbackers on, 276.
- Free labor compared to slave, 460.
- Free land defined, 345, 346.
- insufficiency of, 355, 356.
- no solution alone, 313.
- voluntary association protecting users of, 311, 312.
- Free market fatal to usury, 344.
- right to a, 454.
- Free money and the cost principle, 286, 287.
- effect of, on rent, 275.
- the most important reform, 273, 274.
- (See also Free banks, Mutual banks.)
- Freedom, difficulties to, imaginary, 37.
- effect of, on economic rent, 345.
- to exchange debts, Fisher on, 224.
- incompatible with State Socialism, 83.
- opposed to the idea of God. 464, 465.
- principle of, must be established, 465.
- society dependent on, 83.
- Spooner's work for, 490-493.
- to manufacture money, 295.
- will diminish economic rent, 345.
- (See also Liberty.)
- Freedom of contract, N. Y. Nation pretends to believe in, 460.
- Freedom of speech, all other freedoms follow, 429.
- is not yet denied, 397.
- Freedoms, the most important, denied, 85.
- Freethinkers' Magazine, T. B. Wakeman in, 154-156.
- Free trade in all things, 10.
- (See also Balance of trade, Competition, Laissez faire. Protection.)
- Free trade in banking, 227-234.
- its effect on debt, 230, 231.
- Free trader, consistency of, 295, 296.
- George not a consistent, 319, 320.
- Sumner not a consistent, 374.
- French, H. J., ignorant of passive resistance, 422.
- Frick, H. C., attempt on the life of, 455, 456.
- not a soldier of liberty, 457, 458.
- G. J., defends Marx, 375-377.
- on "Libertas," 375-377.
- Galveston News. (See News.)
- Gamble, the right to, 272.
- Game laws, English, 92.
- Gary, Joseph, his charge to the jury, 443.
- on a "color-line" case, 450.
- George, Henry, believes in several taxes, 356, 357.
- on banking, 126.
- bequest to, 164.
- cannot be stumped, 355, 356.
- compared land-holding to slavery, 351, 352.
- on the comparison of land with newspapers, 354, 355.
- on copyright, 126-129.
- criticised Dy J. F. Kelly, 319.
- debate with Shewitch, 321.
- denies the necessity for capital, 294, 313.
- his ignorance of banking, 206.
- ignorant of the power of competition, 204.
- on interest, 200-203.
- juggling of, 126-129.
- on land, 299.
- not a champion of free speech, 449, 450.
- on philanthropists, 353.
- remedy similar to Nihilism, 315.
- on the sale of liquor, 165.
- on skill, 20T, 202.
- slander of mutualism, 281, 282.
- his trouble with the State Socialists, 315, 316.
- and the value of capital, 320, 321.
- God and freedom incompatible, 464, 465.
- and man are enemies, 464.
- a puppet for a, 46-50.
- Godin, social palace of, 483-487.
- Gold, adherence to, a religion, 261.
- consumed when used as currency, 233, 234.
- demonetization of, 259, 260.
- in sea water, 259, 260.
- value of, 225-227.
- value of, and mutual banks, 231-234.
- variation in value of, unknown, 254.
- Gold standard, fallacy of a, 198.
- Government defined, 70.
- definition of, 23.
- differs from defence, 23.
- the farce of, 171.
- George's pretence of simplifying it, 353.
- gradual abolition of, desirable, 329.
- incompetency of, shown in the fire-bug cases, 432, 433.
- is invasion, 23, 61.
- Pentecost an abettor of, 81, 82.
- power of. over values, 222-226.
- prohibited by itself, 117.
- (See also Authority, Compulsory co-operation. Defensive association. State, Voluntary associations.)
- Governmental competition. Anarchists not opposed to, 123.
- Grant, U. S., an abettor of theft, 159.
- obsequies of, 159.
- Greenbacker, position of, defined, 285, 286.
- Greenbackers on free currency, 276.
- ignorant of their own theory, 280.
- on profit-sharing, 179,
- truths taught by, 248.
- Greene, Wm. B., debate with Atkinson, 283.
- Greene, Wm. B., his definition of money, 231.
- on merchandise money, 232.
- on mutual money, 232.
- and State banks, 246.
- his views expounded, 243, 244.
- Guise, social palace at, 484-487.
- Happiness, equal freedom necessary to, 137.
- liberty essential to, 41.
- Harris, Wm. T., an incompetent teacher, 86.
- an unconscious Anarchist. 83.
- on State Socialism and Anarchism, 82.
- Haskell, B. C., on H. George, 315-316.
- Herald of Anarchy, error of, concerning prices, 258.
- Herald, Boston, on "Bolting," 160.
- Herbert, Auberon, compared to Ruskin, 470, 471.
- on crystalline customs, 310, 311.
- good work of, for liberty, 470.
- Ignores the money monopoly, 469-472.
- on interest, 208.
- "Politician in Sight of Haven," 469-472.
- on property in land, 310-312.
- his relation to Anarchism, 103.
- thinks interest useful, 210.
- on voluntary taxation, 371.
- Homestead strike, N. Y. Sun on the, 453.
- "Honorius." (See Appleton, Henry.)
- Horn, W. T., cannot understand freedom, 406, 407.
- on competition, 404-406.
- on co-operation, 404,405.
- false ethics of, 406, 407.
- Howells, William Dean, and his $10,000 novel, 170.
- Hudspeth, W., ignorance of liberty, 377, 378.
- on State Socialism, 377, 378.
- Human authority more to be feared than divine, 30, 31.
- Hyndman, H. M., on the Manchester school, 379.
- Ideas, political economists lack, 182.
- Idleness, necessary, must be paid, ^03, .
- Illinois law regarding juries, good features in, 442, 443.
- Importance of Middlemen, 292.
- Increase, capital's claim to, 183.
- (See also Interest.)
- Increment. (See Unearned increment.)
- Indemnity not rent, 303, 304.
- Individual has no rights, 146.
- relation of the State to, 21-29
- sovereignty of the, 106.
- Individual sovereignty has no alternative but authority, 376.
- the Open Court on, 131, 132.
- Individualism, Appleton on, 107.
- conditioned by liberty, 110.
- importance of, 106-109.
- Jus not thorough in its, 152.
- misinterpretations of, 112.
- Wilde's road to, 379.
- "Individualist," the, and the new abolition, 133, 134.
- Individuality impaired by State Socialism, 8.
- the object of society, 83.
- Industrial war, how to prevent, 460, 461.
- Influences that work for morality, 57, 58,
- Ingalls, J. K., argument against money, 270-272.
- on credit, 270,
- on free money, 269-271.
- on the purchasing price of labor, 270.
- on value, 269.
- Ingersoll, Robert, on divorce, 165.
- on protection, 496.
- Inquisition needed for the single tax, 354.
- Institutions, interdependency of various, 143.
- (See also Social institutions.)
- Insufficiency of free land, 355, 356.
- Insurance and interest, 189.
- mutual, Atkinson on, 281, 282.
- and the State, difference between, 100, 101.
- Intelligence without liberty, 137.
- Interest, abolition of, 194.
- and civilization, 191-198.
- decrease of, 197.
- defence of, 180.
- definition of, 213.
- and discount, difference between, 212- 214.
- discussion between Proudhon and Bastiat on, 196, 197.
- Herbert thinks it useful, 210.
- and insurance, 189,
- low, how caused, 293.
- not dependent on private property, 218, 219.
- not paid for the use of capital, 219, 220.
- not the result of monopoly, according to George, 201.
- on money and other capital, 207.
- the price of credit under monopoly, 190, 191.
- rate of, how determined, 234.
- reduced by competition, 11.
- the result of monopoly, 197.
- and sale, difference between, 188.
- a tax levied by monopoly, 221, 222.
- a tax on transfer papers, 214.
- is unjust, 6.
- the viability of, 217.
- as viewed by To-day, 217-220.
- (See also Discount, Increase, Profits, Usury)
- Interference, means of, must not be instituted, 104.
- Invader, life of an, not sacred, 157.
- Invader's desire to invade, 77.
- Invaders, punishment of, 55.
- Invasion, Anarchists enemies of, 52.
- by co-operative societies, 102, 103.
- child's right to immunity from, 144,
- conspiracy not necessarily an, 154.
- how determined, 71, 72.
- not easily defined, 81.
- of government, 23.
- prohibition of, 167.
- resistance to, 69-80.
- resistance to the antithesis of government, 57.
- Invasion, some cases of, not treated by force, 104.
- tariff an, 116.
- what constitutes, 78.
- (See also Aggression, Government, State, Tyranny.)
- Invasion and ostracism, the difference between, 153.
- "Investigator," Atlantic, on Anarchism, 163.
- "Involuntary Idleness," Hugo Bilgram, 262, 263.
- an important work, 262-265.
- Ireland, its road to freedom, 414, 415.
- Irish situation in 1881, 414, 415,
- Jails not inconsistent with Anarchism, 77.
- not the only promoters of virtue, 58.
- Jefferson, Thos., on government, 14.
- Joint possession of children, 148.
- Jurassian Federation of Switzerland, 390.
- Jury, the Chicago, how selected, 443.
- Jury, how selected. 56.
- Jury law, good features in Illinois, 442, 443.
- Jury service under Anarchy, 56.
- Jury trial, early form of, 62.
- Jus, boycott and its limits, 152-154.
- not thorough in its individualism, 152.
- on rights of Parliament, 150-152.
- on surplus value, 495, 4Q6.
- Justice can be secured from imperfect people, 157, 158.
- securing of, 157.
- Kelly, G. B., on profit-sharing, 487.
- Kelly, John F., on H. George, 319.
- K., F. F., possession of children, 147.
- Knights of Labor, Anarchists among the, 482, 483.
- on the currency, 290, 291.
- declaration of principles of the opposed to Anarchy, 482.
- as a liberty training-school, 481-483.
- not anarchistic, 290, 291.
- opposed to liberty, 480-483.
- Koopman, H. L., on the supply of gold, 260, 261.
- Kropotkine, Peter, absurd distinction of rights of, 407, 408.
- and the Chicago Communists, 386-393.
- on expropriation, 388.
- favors easy teaching instead of true, 408.
- on private property, 83.
- "Words of a Rebel," 387-389.
- Labor affected by reduction of interest, 196.
- and time, 204, 205,
- cornering, better than cornering capital, 163.
- cost of, 307.
- entitled to a free market, 454.
- how deprived of its earnings, 54.
- the measure of price, 5.
- necessity of tools for, 314, 315.
- price of, N. Y. Nation on the, 493, 494.
- its product is its wage, 6.
- purchasing power of, variable, 271, 272.
- should be saved from its friends, 455, 456.
- should it be paid? 403, 404.
- slave, compared to free, 460.
- unpaid, the Socialist complaint, 403.
- (See also Skill, Wages.)
- Labor authoritarians, 457, 458.
- Labor leaders of Boston, opinion of, on the labor problem, 472-476.
- Labor movement, a great man in the, 476.
- Labor note, Josiah Warren's, 192.
- Labor notes based on all products, 198,
- "Basis" on, 192.
- Labor-press laudations of Marx, 477.
- Labor problem, E. Bellamy, 473, 474.
- Foster on, 475, 476.
- B. R. Tucker on, 474.
- various solutions of, 472-476.
- Laborer does not receive surplus wealth, 177.
- will not give up society, 314, 315.
- Laborers are soldiers, 460, 461.
- Labor's lack of capital, Prof. Sumner on, 372.
- new fetish, 424, 425.
- product is its wage, 6.
- Laissez faire, absolute, 10,
- doctrine, 10.
- Sumner's fear of, 371-374.
- will abolish interest, 294.
- (See also Competition, Free trade.)
- Land, Anarchists on, 299, 300.
- as a basis of currency, 198.
- conditions of occupancy of, 324-326.
- M. Davitt on, 299.
- distribution of, 342, 343.
- freeing of, 345, 346.
- H. George on, 299.
- holders of, ought not to be disturbed, 332.
- McGregor on, 273-275.
- the only just title to, 61.
- C. S. Parnell, on, 299.
- possession of, rests on various motives, 330.
- not a product, 61.
- Land Bank, its failure would injure free banks, 279.
- Stanford's, is governmental, 278, 279.
- (See also Free banks. Mutual banks.)
- Land-holdings compared to slavery by H. George, 352.
- Land League an anarchistic organization, 414, 415.
- a passive-resistance movement, 412, 413.
- Land monopoly, 12.
- Land occupancy, "Egoist" on, 324, 339, 340.
- Land values, Pentecost on, 357.
- Lassalle, F., on passive resistance, 413.
- Law, flexibility of, under Anarchy, 312.
- Law, ]. B. Robinson on, 73.
- Law of competition, credit brought under the, 178.
- Law of wages, iron, persists under monopoly. 466.
- Law-breaking, N. Y. Sun on, 168, 169.
- Laws on currency, 237.
- Lawyers' ignorance of currency laws, 237.
- Lazarus, M. E., economic rent, 300-309.
- ignorance of the cost principle, 308.
- Lazarus, M. E., on Marx, 305.
- on passive resistance, 411, 412.
- on Proudhon, 300, 301.
- on Proudhon's bank, 287, 28S.
- Lee, Robt. E., superstitions of, 494.
- Legal tender, what constitutes, 285.
- Legality, Bax on, 428, 429.
- Lender, relation of, to borrower, 193, 194.
- Lending, George on, 205.
- will cease under Anarchy, 208.
- (See also Banking, Borrowing, Interest.)
- Lesigne, Ernest, on Socialism, 16-18.
- Lesson of Homestead, 453-455.
- Letter-carriers, tax on private, 121.
- Letter-carrying, private associations for, 120-125.
- Levy, J. H., criticism of, 40-43.
- on A. Herbert, 212.
- his maximum, 40-43.
- misunderstanding of Anarchism, 38-40.
- "Outcome of Individualism," 38.
- recognizes that government is an evil, 38, 39.
- Lewis, O. P., on Anarchy, 463-465.
- on religion, 463-465.
- Lexicographers and Socialism, 365-369.
- Liars, how to make, of children, 142.
- Liberal Club, discussion at, 95, g6,
- Libertas, German edition of Liberty, 375.
- Most on, 393-397.
- Liberty, purpose of, 30, 31.
- salutatory. 30, 31.
- tribute to Karl Marx, 476-480.
- Liberty and aggression, 72-78.
- cannot be attained by denying liberty, 42.
- capitalists deny, 454.
- the condition of progress, 74.
- the enemies of, 30.
- essential to happiness, 41.
- the greater blessing, 98.
- K. of L. opposed to, 481-483.
- the lesser evil, 98.
- more desirable than equality, 333.
- not a cure-all, 230.
- not a natural right, 132.
- private property not a denial of, 395, 396.
- representing Anarchism, 4.
- upheld by Anarchism, 132.
- what it will do, 347, 348.
- will not bring perfection. 98.
- will realize the cost principle, 286, 287.
- without intelligence, 137.
- (See also Freedom.)
- Liberty and Property Defence League, criticism of, 89-92.
- not radical, 90.
- Liberty of ownership the most important, 350.
- Life, no one has a right to, 144.
- Lingg, L., on the verdict, 444, 445.
- Liquor, sale of, Henry George on, 165.
- Literary expression, property in, 128.
- Lloyd, J. William, on society, 35.
- Localization, the kind of, needed, 114.
- Love between parents and children, 142.
- paternal, a late development, 147.
- Lum, Dyer D., on the advantage of being in jail, 418.
- does not strike the cause of tyranny, 148.
- Lum, Dyer D., does not understand mastership, 418.
- ignorant of true methods, 418-420.
- on methods, 417, 418.
- only fights the existing State, 418.
- Machines, invention and manufacture of, 127.
- Mail-carrying. (See Letter-carrying.)
- Majority, absolute right of, 8.
- has right to make laws, 46.
- liability to err, 120.
- Malon, Benoit, on the bourgeoisie, proletariat, and capitalism, 478, 479.
- on Socialism, 477-479.
- Malthusianism illustrated by a fable, 467-469.
- is bad political economy, 466, 467.
- is it true? 336.
- no remedy, 465-469.
- Maltreatment of children, 136, 145.
- Man, God an enemy of, 464.
- "Man vs. the State," by H. Spencer, 370, 371.
- Manchester school of economy, 10.
- Hyndman on the, 379.
- Manchesterism, consistent, is Anarchism, 404.
- Market, right to a free, 454.
- Marriage an absurdity, 15.
- Marx, Karl, authoritarianism of, 477.
- compared to Proudhon, 10, 479, 480.
- conception of society, 375, 376.
- conception of the State, 375, 376.
- criticised by Sumner, 372.
- economics of, 6.
- the founder of State Socialism, 7.
- hatred of liberty, 476.
- and the labor question, 476-480.
- Lazarus on, 305.
- Liberty's tribute to, 476-480.
- love for equality, 476.
- memorial services of, 477.
- on State Socialism, 7.
- system of, dependent upon authority, 377
- Massachusetts law concerning syphilis, 169.
- Maternal love, 147.
- McCarthy, Judge, on God's injunctions, 163.
- McGlynn, Dr., power of the Church, 75.
- McGregor, J. M., on land, 273-275.
- on money, 273-275.
- McKinley bill, its effect on prices, 225.
- Medicine, practice of, a legal monopoly, 165, 166.
- Memorial meeting in honor of Marx at New York, 477.
- Mental maltreatment of children, 145.
- Merchandise money, Greene on, 232,
- Methods of the Chicago Communists, 387, 388.
- Lum on, 417, 418.
- (See also Boycott, Force, Resistance, Revolution, Secession, Violence.)
- Middlemen, importance of, 292.
- Might is right, 24.
- the only right, 350.
- Military spirit encouraged by Church and State, 140.
- Mill. John Stuart, minority representation, 47.
- Minority, withdrawal of, from voluntary associations, 57.
- Minority representation, 47.
- Misinterpretation of Anarchism, by J. H. Levy, 38-40.
- Mississippi floods, government relief of sufferers from, 158.
- Modern Socialism, magnitude of, 3.
- Money cannot be used by one person, 190.
- and capital, difference between, 193, , 216.
- circulation of, illustrated. 285.
- defined by Greene, 231.
- effect of an abundance of, 248.
- functions of, R. E, Thompson on, 295, 296.
- gold and silver, fallacy in regard to, 198.
- government should not issue, 265.
- issue of, lax on the, 252.
- McGregor on, 273-275.
- monopoly of, 11.
- the most perfect form of capital, 215, 216.
- must be secured, 276-278.
- not a natural monopoly, 294, 295.
- the proper standard of, 198.
- a representative of wealth, 190.
- representative, not capital, 193.
- and a standard of value, 257-259.
- a title to capital, 194.
- a tool used by all trades, 230.
- (See also Capital, Currency, Free money, Gold, Interest, Standard of value.)
- Monopolies, the four great, 11.
- the two greatest, 178.
- Monopolistic rent, 300.
- Monopoly, absence of, will bring price to cost, 200,
- Anarchists refuse to sustain, 341.
- the cause of poverty, 27.
- census-taking fatal to, 461-463.
- conferred by government, 246, 247,
- effects of, 53.
- for the benefit of a large class, 90.
- interest a tax levied by, 221, 222.
- money not a natural, 204, 295.
- N. Y. Sun's apologies for, 455.
- the practice of medicine a, 165, 166.
- what constitutes, 246, 247.
- (See also Government, Privilege, State.)
- Moral law of Anarchism, 15.
- Moral obligations. (See Duty.)
- Morality, influences that work for, 57, 58.
- Morley, J., on compromise, 425, 426.
- Morrnonism, Cleveland on, 494, 495.
- Most, John, admits that Communism is not wholly good, 395, 396.
- criticised by Sumner, 372.
- defends the fire-bugs, 432-434.
- dynamite a cure-all with him, 401.
- on Libertas, 393-397.
- misconception of Proudhon, 394.
- not an Anarchist, m, 112.
- Mothers, right of, to their children, 147-149.
- Motive of action is egoistic, 137.
- Murder, defensive killing not, 156.
- Music halls, argument on closing, 96.
- Mutual bank does not need capital, 286, 387.
- propaganda in Chicago, 252, 253.
- Mutual banking, cost of, 265-269.
- Mutual banks of issue, 11.
- practicability of, 258.
- and value of gold, 231-234.
- (See also Free banks. Land bank.)
- Mutual insurance, E. Atkinson on, 281, 282.
- Mutual money, Greene on, 232.
- not based on specie, 232.
- Mutualism, in the service of capital, 281, 282.
- (See also Co-operation.)
- "Nation," N. Y., pretends belief in free contract, 460,
- on the price of labor, 493, 494.
- wants strikers punished, 459.
- National banks superior to State banks, .
- National Woman Suffrage Association, Wm. T. Harris before the, 82-86.
- Natural law, enforcement of, not a part of Anarchism, 57.
- Natural monopoly, money not a, 294, 295.
- Natural-right Anarchism out of date, 132.
- Natural rights, Anarchists do not believe in, 169.
- Neo-Malthusians believe in prevention, 467.
- New Abolition, the, contradictory, 133, 134.
- criticism of the, 133, 134.
- New York Sun. (See Sun, N. Y.)
- News, Galveston, on the functions of money, 253, 254.
- non-appreciation of Atkinson, 284.
- on a standard of value, 253, 254.
- teaches rational finance, 284.
- Newspapers asked to expose the fire-bugs, 433-
- unearned increment in, 355.
- Nine demands, the, of the new abolition, 133, 134.
- No-rent movement in Ireland, 412, 413.
- movement, why it failed, 416.
- No-rule a self-contradiction, 82.
- Non-interference in doubtful cases, 136.
- Non-resistance and passive, 79.
- a plea for, 67-72,
- a self-contradiction, 82.
- (See also Passive resistance.)
- Non-Resistants, Anarchists not, 52.
- Normal earnings, definition of, 202.
- Notes, the discounting of, 221.
- Obey, not the duty of children to, 142,
- Occupancy of land, conditions of, 324-326.
- O'Conor, Charles, an Anarchist, 489, 490.
- Oglesby, R., a tool of capital, 446.
- Olerich, H., Jr., on promises, 157, 158.
- Open Court on individual sovereignty, 131, 132.
- Order upheld by Anarchism, 132.
- Organization of credit, 190, 191, 287, 288.
- Ostracism and invasion, the difference between, 153.
- Ownership, anarchistic criterion of, 60.
- Ownership, and possession, difference between, 130.
- comes from production, 127, 128.
- defined, 333-335.
- discovery gives no right to, 127.
- liberty of, the most important, 350.
- right of, Hugo Bilgramon, 129, 130.
- Parental love, increase of, 148.
- Parents, joint possession of children by, 148.
- relation of, to children, 134-146.
- Parliament, right of, to repudiate, 150-152.
- Parnell, C. S., on land, 299.
- Parsons, Albert R., not an Anarchist, 111.
- Passive resistance and non-resisitance, 79.
- French's ignorance of, 422.
- Lassalle on, 413.
- movement, the Land League a, 414.
- the power of, 411-413.
- (See also Non-resistance.)
- Patent monopoly, 13.
- Patents, evils of granting, 167.
- Paternal love a late development, 147.
- Pennsylvania, law in, concerning butterine, 170.
- Pentecost, Hugh O., an abettor of government, 81, 82.
- belief of, in the ballot, 426, 427.
- definition of Anarchism, 364, 365.
- definition of Socialism too limited, 363-365.
- on the value of land, 357.
- Perfection cannot be reached under present conditions, 114.
- liberty will not bring, 98.
- People, Providence, on education, 164.
- on taxes, 356.
- the San Francisco, on Anarchism, 415, 416.
- Perrine, F. A. C., fruitless attempts of, to understand, 50, 51.
- puppet for a God, 46-50.
- Resistance to Taxation, 43-51.
- Perry an inconsistent free trader, 292, 293.
- Petition, the right of, made taxable, 160,
- Philanthropists, George on, 353.
- Philanthropy cannot excuse plunder, 483-487.
- play-house, at Guise, 483-487.
- Physical conflict, probability of a, 329.
- Physical maltreatment of children, 145.
- Pinney, Lucien V., attacks free money, 245, 246.
- believes m despotism, 115.
- a Communist, 247.
- on difference between prohibition and tariff, 116.
- on free currency, 245, 246.
- his ignorance of freedom, 248-251.
- on the incompetency of the individual, 120.
- on the post office, 120-125.
- on State banks, 246, 247.
- Play-house philanthropy at Guise, 483-487.
- Plimsoll, Mr., on rights of Parliament, 150-152.
- Poets, early death of, desirable, 490, 491.
- Police, blindness of the, in fire-bug cases, 432.
- Policemen, Donisthorpe on, 94.
- Policy, anarchistic, for doubtful cases, 135.
- Political corruption, weekly Star on, 164, 165.
- Political economists, Ruskin on. 182.
- Political economy, Manchester school of, 10.
- Political fetishes all alike.
- "Politician in Sight of Haven," by A. Herbert, 469.
- Poll-tax, collection of, 420, 421.
- Pomeroy, M. M., on currency, 276.
- Population, centralization of, 108.
- reduction of, cannot help labor, 466.
- question, Walker on, 466.
- "Position of William," Ruskin on, 181-183.
- Stimson on, 199, 200.
- Possession and ownership, difference between, 130.
- Possession under liberty, 59, 60.
- (See also Ownership.)
- Postage, injustice of second-class rates, 125.
- Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, on Anarchism, 169.
- Post Office, Lucien Pinney on the, 120-125.
- Potter, W. F., on religion, 159, 160.
- Poverty, the cause of, 54.
- the result of monopoly, 27.
- Powderly, T. K., on the age of consent, 149, 150.
- on the use of dynamite, 480.
- Power adds to itself, 8.
- can be starved to death, 415.
- how it can be destroyed, 415, 416.
- of government to fix value, 222-226.
- Practicability of mutual banks, 259.
- Press, blindness of the, in the fire-bug cases, 432.
- liberty of the, 168.
- Press, Winsted, on higher education, 164,
- Price governed by cost, 200.
- labor the measure of, 5.
- Price of labor, N. Y. Nation on, 493, 494.
- Prices affected by the McKinley bill, 225.
- Prisons may be superfluous, 27,
- under Anarchy, 56.
- Private enterprise and the post office, 120-125.
- more successful than government, 122.
- Private property, Aveling on, 378.
- Communists on, 430.
- interest not dependent on, 218, 219.
- Kropotkine on, 388.
- not a denial of liberty, 395, 396.
- Proudhon on, 394.
- Privilege the cause of usury, 6.
- wealth a legal, 361.
- (See also Government, Monopoly, State.)
- Privileged capital first point of attack, 465.
- Privileges of capitalists, 460, 461.
- and capital, State Socialism distinguishes, 7.
- definition of, 61.
- wages should equal, 241.
- what is a complete, 244, 245.
- (See also Commodity.)
- Production, free banking will increase, 243.
- increased by abolition of interest, 197.
- on a large scale, 394, 395.
- ownership comes from, 127, 128.
- two modes of expending labor in, 127, 128.
- Productivity of capital, fiction of, 300, 302.
- Profit affected by interest, 12.
- is unjust, 6.
- Profit-sharing, compulsory, 179.
- a humbug, 290.
- a robber scheme, 487, 488.
- Progress, liberty the condition of, 74.
- Prohibition defined, 119.
- the duty of lawyers, 155.
- and protective tariff, 115-120.
- and woman suffrage, 159.
- Prohibition of government by itself, 117,
- Product and capital identical, 10, 196.
- Promises, enforcing of fulfilment of, 158.
- the keeping of, is important, 51.
- H. Olerich, Jr., 157, 158,
- Promises to Pay, variation in value of, 272.
- Propaganda, where best carried on, 423, 424.
- Propagandism by deed, 432.
- by resistance, 45.
- Property, Byingion on, 348, 349.
- can be used and pledged, 231.
- chance element in, 272.
- defined by Proudhon, 391.
- in literary expression, 128.
- is impossible; Proudhon's meaning, 342.
- labor should be put in possession of, 4.
- labor the true basis of, 127.
- mental, a superstition, 261.
- perfection of, 131.
- private, interest not dependent on, 218, 219.
- Proudhon on, 391, 392.
- right to, decided by juries, 212.
- a social convention, 61.
- under Anarchism, 309-312.
- (See also Occupancy, Ownership, Possession, Private property, Wealth.)
- Property in ideas. (See Copyright, Patents.)
- Protection, competitive, 326, 327.
- exchange value of, 326, 327.
- relation of, to rent, 328, 329.
- and rent, 327.
- secured by co-operation, 14.
- the State not necessary to, 54.
- value of, not equal to rent, 330.
- (See also Defensive association.)
- Protective tariff, Ingersoll on, 496.
- is invasion, 116,
- Lucien V. Pinney on the, 115-120.
- prohibition and, 115-120,
- Protest, Appleton argues against, 106-109.
- for propagandism, 420, 421.
- importance of, 112, 113.
- is an affirmation, 111.
- Proudhon, Pierre J., on Anarchism, 9.
- Bank of Exchange, 288.
- Bank of the People, 288.
- compared to K. Marx, 10, 479, 480.
- discussion with Bastiat, 196, 197.
- economics of, 6.
- on God, 14.
- on government, 26.
- on the growth of ideas, 420.
- hates Communism, 391-393.
- no amateur, 243.
- phrase "Property is impossible," 342.
- on property, 391, 392.
- on the Revolution, 449.
- "Revolution of the 19th Century," 27-29. 37.
- uses words in different senses, 301, 302.
- "What is Property?" 390-393, 420.
- Punishment, capital, 156, 157.
- of criminals not opposed, 52.
- of invaders, 55.
- (See also Capital punishment. Prisons.)
- Punishments, nature of, under Anarchy, 60.
- Purchasing power of labor, 271, 272.
- Quacks and regular physicians, 166.
- Race experience, act according to, 47.
- Rape, Anarchism and, 149, 150.
- Rate of interest on capital, how determined, 207.
- Read, F. W., on abolition of taxation, 35.
- on voluntary taxation, 31. 32.
- Reason the basis of social growth, 141.
- Rebels, individuals must be, 114.
- Reciprocity of credit, 242.
- Reciprocity of debt, 242.
- Reform communities no test of principles, 423.
- Reform clubs based on intolerance, 105.
- Donisthorpe on, 89-97.
- Reform, free money the most important, 274.
- Reformers, Anarchists should not hinder other, 48.
- Religion, Anarchism subversive of, 24.
- Religious liberty, B. W. Ball's appreciation of, 53.
- Rent and the abolition of the State, 323.
- affected by interest, 12.
- annihilation of, 300.
- collection of, by force, 337-339.
- confiscation of, a denial of liberty, 336.
- definition of, 300, 303.
- effect of competition on, 343.
- the price of monopoly, 204, 205.
- and protection, 327.
- relation of, to protection, 328, 329.
- Ricardo's theory of, a true one, 323.
- is unjust, 6.
- use of the word, 304.
- voluntary associations would not collect, 342.
- (See also Economic rent, Land, Monopolistic rent. Single tax, Unearned increment.)
- Rent of skill, single-taxers should distribute, 342.
- Representation, minority, 47.
- Republicanization, of specie, 283.
- Resistance, propagandism by, 45.
- Robinson on, 68.
- rule or, 75-7S.
- (See also Aggression, Defence, Invasion, Non-resistance, Passive resistance, Restraint.)
- Resiraint not government, 39.
- Restriction on the market, 454, 455.
- Restrictions resulting from State Socialism, 377, 378.
- Revolution, armed, too easily put down, 440.
- bloody, the desire of tyrants, 413.
- by force to be avoided, 456.
- open, means sure defeat, 415.
- social, cannot be achieved by force,
- seen and not "foreseen," 449.
- when the time is ripe for, 48.
- (See also Dynamite, Force, Resistance, Violence.)
- "Revolution of the 19th Century" from Proudhon, 27-29, 37.
- Revolution, the, Proudhon on, 449.
- Revolutionary methods useless, 16.
- "Revolutionary War Science," by John Most, 435.
- Reward of capital, 289, 290.
- Reward of labor under free competition, 302.
- Reward of usurer, 292.
- Ricardo, D., theory of rent is true, 322, 323.
- Right, definition of, 210.
- different use of the word, 130, 131.
- to gamble, 272.
- to keep unearned increment, 306.
- might is, 24.
- might the only, 350.
- of numbers, 59.
- social expediency the only, 130.
- to threaten, 153.
- (See also Might, Egoism.)
- Right of ownership, anarchistic conception of, 131.
- Bilgram on, 129, 130.
- Rights created by contract, 146.
- egoistic position regarding, 211.
- individual has no, 146.
- under Anarchy, 58-60.
- Rigidity, fear of, groundless, 312.
- Risk taken by every one, 241, 242.
- Robbery, Communism a form of, 248.
- Robinson, John Beverley, advisability of violence, 78-80.
- on law, 73.
- liberty and aggression, 72-78.
- plea for non-resistance, 67-72.
- rule or resistance, 75-78.
- Rochefort, H., on Anarchists, 429.
- Rule or resistance, 75-78,
- superiority will always, 336.
- Ruskin, John, compared to Herbert, 470, 471.
- depreciates liberty, 470, 471.
- first letter to British workingmen, 181-183.
- on the laborer's deficit, 361, 362.
- "Position of William," 181-183, 199, 200.
- summary of Bastiat's fable, 181-183.
- work for economic equity, 470, 471.
- Safety of free banks, 249.
- Sale an exchange of labor, 303.
- subtle conditions involved in, 182.
- Scarcity of capital, effect of, on interest, .
- Scheme, profit-sharing a robber, 487, 488.
- Schemes, failure of, 232, 233.
- Schneider, M., on State Socialism, 347.
- Schwab, Justus, refuses association with fire-bugs, 432.
- Science, tyranny of, 154-156.
- Scramble, danger of a, A. Herbert on, 310, 311.
- Sea water, gold and silver in, 259, 260.
- Secession, right of, 46.
- right of, from voluntary association, .
- to deny the right of, is slavery, 48.
- Security of money essential to stable commerce, 276-278.
- Self-interest, "Egoist" on, 338.
- Selfish, expediency not necessarily, 64,
- Services of time, when valuable, 204.
- Sexes, relations of the, 15.
- Sexual association, liberty in, 149, 150.
- Shaw, G. Bernard, on freedom in finance, 294.
- Shewitch, S., debate with George, 321.
- Silver in sea water, 259, 260.
- Simplifying government, George's pretence of, 353.
- Single tax, Bilgram on, 264.
- cannot be harmonized with Anarchism, .
- and free money, 326.
- an inquisition needed for, 354.
- leads to State Socialism, 33T-339.,
- State Socialism more logical than, 331.
- Single-taxers on land, 351.
- Skill and capital, difference between, 202.
- effects of, can be distributed, 336.
- effects of, single tax should distribute, 338, 339.
- George on, 201. 202.
- should it be paid? 307.
- Slave labor compared to free, 460.
- Slavery, arguments of its supporters, 53.
- land-holding compared to, by H. George. 352.
- too high a price for insurance, 158, 159.
- Smith, Adam, on the measure of price, 5.
- Social contract, 25.
- denied by Anarchists, 32.
- Social convention, enforcement of, 64.
- property is a, 61.
- Social conventions, why enforced, 64.
- Social expediency, standard of, 130.
- Social growth, reason the basis of, 141,
- Social institutions. (See Institutions.)
- Social life, Anarchism the fundamental principle of, 80.
- Social relations, interdependency of various, 143.
- Social revolution cannot be achieved by force, 439.
- Socialism, aim of, 362.
- an American growth, 6.
- Anarchism the only true, 362, 363.
- defined by Pentecost, 363-365.
- definitions of, 366-369.
- function of, 5.
- ignorance concerning, 4.
- and the lexicographers, 365-369.
- Socialism, B. Malon on, 477-479.
- the anti-theft movement, 362.
- the term monopolized by State Socialists, 363, 364.
- (See also Anarchism, Communism, State Socialism.)
- Socialisms, the two, contrasted by E. Lesigne, 16-18.
- (See also Anarchism, Capital, Communism, Democracy, Government, Labor, Modern Socialism , State, State Socialism.)
- Socialists, foreign, morality of, 462, 463.
- Socialists the only moral class, 362.
- Society an aggregation of individuals, 35.
- Anarchists believe in, 85.
- Anarchists would not kill, 36.
- antisocial at present, 361, 362.
- freedom in, 85.
- the laborer's desire for, 314, 315.
- man's dearest possession, 321, 322.
- Sociological distinctions cannot always be drawn, 81.
- Solution, free land alone no, 313.
- Sovereignty of the individual, 13, 106.
- Sovereignty, Individual, has no alternative but authority, 376.
- Specie, republicanization of, 283.
- Specie fraud, the, 198.
- Spelling reform, 242, 243.
- Spencer, Herbert, criticised by Andrews, 370, 371.
- law of equal freedom, 137.
- man vs. the State, 370, 371.
- origin of the State, 75.
- on poverty, 370, 371.
- his relation to anarchism, 103.
- right to ignore the State, 27.
- the sin of, 370, 371.
- Spies, A., words of, on the scaffold, 448.
- Spooner, Lysander, letter to Grover Cleveland, 48.
- memorial resolutions for, 491-493.
- trial by jury, 442, 443.
- trial of John Webster, 62.
- work of, for freedom, 492, 493.
- Standard, a fixed, of value, A. Herbert on, 310, 311.
- Standard of value compared to a standard of length, 255.
- Galveston News on a, 253, 254.
- how constituted, 253,
- indispensable, 252, 253.
- necessity for, the simplest financial truth, 258.
- Westrup on a, 256, 257.
- Standards of value compared to a standard of length, 255, 256.
- Stanford, Leland, his bank a revolution, 278.
- his Land Bank, 278-280.
- his originality a myth, 280.
- Starved out, how Uncle Sam can be, 411, 413.
- State, abolition of, necessary to individualism, 113.
- abolition of the, and rent, 323.
- Anarchists favor the, as denned by Harris, 84.
- Anarchists protest against every form of, 114.
- B. W. Ball's opposition to the, 52.
- best means of fighting the, 114.
- can be restrained, 38.
- the century's battle with, 31.
- chief invader, 39.
- definition of the, 22, 23.
- different from a voluntary association. 43-51. 341-
- different from society, 35.
- effect of abolition of, on rent, 323.
- must be destroyed, 447.
- must be made unnecessary, 31.
- the nature of the, 34-38.
- necessity of abolishing the, 14.
- needed to maintain Communism, 399, 400.
- not a concrete organism, 35.
- not an outgrowth of Anarchy, 329, 330.
- not founded on contract, 32.
- not non-invasive, 62.
- originated in aggression, 22, 75.
- relation of the individual to, 21-29.
- the right to ignore the, 27.
- a social organism, 32.
- (See also Authority, Compulsory co-operation, Defensive association, Government, Voluntary associations.)
- State banks different from free banks, 245, 246.
- inferior to national banks, 249.
- State Socialism and Anarchism, 3-18.
- and Anarchism, Wm. T. Harris on, 82-86,
- and Anarchism, no halting between,
- definition of, 7.
- distinguishes between capital and product, 7.
- impairs individuality, 8.
- leads to slavery, 378, 379.
- more logical than single tax, 331.
- necessarily aggressive, 377, 378.
- representing authority, 4.
- M. Schneider on, 347.
- tyranny of, 8.
- (See also Anarchism, Authority, Capital, Communism, Competition, Co-operation. Democracy, Freedom, Government, Labor, Liberty, State.)
- State Socialists more logical than George, 315, 316.
- Steal, teaching a child to, 142.
- Stimson, F. J., false criticism of Ruskin, 199.
- Strikers, the N. Y. Nation wants them punished, 459.
- Strikes not invasive, 162, 163.
- Stuart, Frank Q., New Abolition, 133, 134.
- Subordination taught in schools, 140.
- Sumner, Prof., fear of laissez faire, 371-374.
- ignorance of, 371-374.
- on labor's lack of capital, 372.
- lecture on Socialism at New Haven, 374.
- on Karl Marx, 372.
- on John Most, 372.
- not a consistent free trader, 374.
- on taxation, 372-374.
- "Sun," N. Y., an apologist for monopoly, 455.
- "Sun," N. Y., on the Homestead strike, 453
- on law-breaking, 163, 169.
- libertarian pretence of, 354.
- on the N. Y. fire-bugs, 435-439.
- Superiority will always rule, 336, 337.
- Superstitions, economic, regarding gold, 260, 261.
- Supreme Court of Ill., and the Communists, 446-448.
- at one with the Communists, 447, 448.
- Surplus value, Jus on, 495, 496.
- (See also Discount, Interest, Profits, Rent, Usury.)
- Swain, J. H., opinion of, concerning force, 440, 441.
- Syphilis, Massachusetts law concerning, 169.
- Tariff monopoly, 12.
- as an advantage, 13.
- Tarn, A., on crystalline customs, 309, 310.
- on properly in land, 309, 310.
- Tax, bank discount is a, 207.
- imposition of, limits competition, 133.
- interest a, 221, 222.
- on the issue of money, 252.
- Tax-collector, interview with a, 420, 421.
- Taxation an invasion, 62.
- and Anarchism, 56.
- Byington on, 348, 349.
- not coextensive with government, 43.
- is robbery, 420, 421.
- reductio ad absurdum of, 160.
- resistance to, 43-51.
- the root of monopoly, 14.
- the root of invasion, 37.
- Sumner on, 372 374.
- (See also Compulsory taxation, Free trade, Protective tariff, Single tax, Voluntary taxation.)
- Taxes are all artificial, 354.
- collection of, an aggression, 25.
- H. George believes in several, 356, 357.
- Teacher, Harris not a competent, 86.
- Teachings, Kropotkine likes easy, 408.
- Tenant, landlord no right to share the labor of, 308.
- Terrorism, where expedient, 428, 429.
- Theft, abettor of, U. S. Grant an, 159.
- Theory of interest, George's, criticised, 201.
- Thieves, brotherhood of, Dana a member, 456.
- Frick a member, 456.
- Thompson, R. E., on free trade in money, , 296.
- Threaten, the right to, 153.
- Time argument of Henry George, 204, 205.
- and labor, 204, 205.
- services, gratuitous, 204.
- Title to land, the only just, 61.
- Title to wealth, mutual money is a, 233.
- To-day's "dodging" of the interest question, 220, 221.
- on capital, 217-222.
- on interest. 217-219.
- Tools, labor's necessity for, 314, 315.
- Topolobampo Colony, Chicago Unity on, 166.
- Tory, W. Donisthorpe mistaken for a, 90.
- Trade, balance of, protectionists on, 292, 293.
- Trade unions believers in authority, 458.
- Tragedy, Chicago, 448. 449.
- Tramways as monopolies, 90.
- Transfer papers, interest a tax on, 214.
- Trial by Jury, Spooner on, 442, 443.
- Trumbull, M. M., criticism of finance, 279.
- Truth, the ballot not a test of, 82.
- bravery sustained at the cost of, 446.
- Truth, N. Y., on surplus wealth, 177.
- Truth Seeker, N. Y., on equal liberty, 65.
- Tucker, B. R., on the labor problem, 474.
- Tyranny of compulsory arbitration, 172, 173.
- cause of, 113,
- (See also Aggression, Despotism, Government, Invasion, State.)
- Tyrants desire a bloody revolution, 413.
- Uncle Sam, how he can be starved out, 411-413.
- Unearned increment, confiscation of, 325.
- in large newspapers, 355.
- of ability, 323,
- right to keep, 306.
- Unpaid labor the Socialist complaint, 403.
- Unsocial conduct, Anarchy will minimize, 144.
- Use of capital, compensation for, 189.
- Usurer, reward of, 292.
- Usurers, who are, 178.
- Usurpation, the State is a, 45.
- Usury, basis of, 178.
- competition fatal to, 344, 345.
- dependent on monopoly, 27.
- freedom of credit will abolish, 396.
- and the K. of L., 291.
- principal forms of, 275.
- the result of privilege, 6.
- (See also Discount, Interest, Profits, Rent, Surplus value.)
- Utilitarians, Anarchists are, 24.
- Vaccination, compulsory, 104.
- Value, variations in, 272.
- (See also Standard of value.)
- Values, the power of government over, 222-226.
- Veuillot, L., compared to Frick, 457, 458.
- Violence, advisability of, 78-80.
- and liberty, 439-442.
- what upholders of, should expect, 442.
- when advisable, 70, 71.
- Virtue not promoted by jails alone, 58.
- Voltaire, Frangois A. de, on God, 14.
- Voluntary association protecting users of land, 311, 312.
- and the State, difference between, 43-51.
- Voluntary associations are not States, 38.
- "Egoist" on, 339, 340.
- enforce their regulations, 44.
- jury service may be a condition of membership in, 56.
- no conflict between, 104.
- will exist as long as needed, 340, 341.
- would not collect rent, 342.
- (See also Defensive association, Protection, Punishment.)
- Voluntary co-operation, 41, 103-105.
- Voluntary taxation means dissolution
- of the State, 31.
- strengthens credit, 36.
- Wage of labor is its product, 6.
- only just income, 6.
- Wages defined. 241.
- determined by interest, 293.
- iron law of, persists under monopoly, .
- should equal product, 241.
- and the tariff, 115.
- (See also Labor, Product, Reward, Skill.)
- Wagner, Richard, "Parsifal," copyright on, 171, 172.
- Wakeman, T. B., as fanatical as a priest, 155.
- on prohibition, 154-156.
- Walker, E. C., on colonization, 423, 424.
- on domestic economy, 465.
- incendiary Malthusian utterance of, 469.
- Walker, Francis A., on the Chicago Communists, 386-393,
- fairness of, all a pretence, 384, 385.
- fundamental error of. 386.
- lecture before the Trinity Club, 383-
- on Kropotkine, 386-393.
- refuses correction, 385, 386.
- War, Industrial, how to prevent, 460, 461.
- Liberty engaged in, 423.
- Warren, Josiah, an American, 6.
- on Anarchism, 9.
- economics of, 6.
- father of the cost principle, 307.
- labor note of, 193.
- Wealth cannot become worthless, 399.
- a legal privilege, 361.
- method of obtaining, 177.
- the monetization of, needed, 374.
- mutual money a title to, 233.
- should be owned by labor, 185.
- two ways of distributing, 347.
- Weekly "Star" on political corruption, 165,
- Wells, David A., free trade of , a sham, , 293.
- Wells, Fargo & Co. carry letters cheaper than the post office, 121.
- Westrup, A. B., criticised by J. Greevz Fisher, 227-229.
- faithful work for freedom, 258.
- heresy of, on a standard of value, 257-259.
- on a standard of value, 256, 257.
- "What is Property?" P.J.Proudhon, 390-393.
- Where we stand, 52-55.
- Whitman, Walt, outlives his usefulness, 491.
- Wilde, O., and individualism, 379.
- William I. of Germany lived too long, , 491.
- Wines, F. H., proportion of foreign criminals, 462, 463.
- speech of, before the Prison Congress, 462, 463.
- Winsted Press. (See Press, Winsted.)
- Woes of an Anarchist, by W. Donisthorpe, 86-97.
- Woman suffrage and prohibition, 159.
- "Words of a Rebel," P. Kropotkine, 387-389
- Work and Wages on Atkinson, 495,
- World, N. Y., compares land with newspapers, 354, 355.
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