Invaders From Outside - J. Schlessel - 5
The Electric Chair - George Waight - 17
As Obligated - Armstrong Livingston - 26
The Rajah’s Gift - E. Hoffmann Price - 35
The Fireplace - Henry S. Whitehead - 40
White Man’s Madness - Lenore E. Chaney - 49
Red and Black - Irvin Mattick - 67
When We Killed Thompson - Strickland Gillilan - 73
Wings of Power (First Part) - Lady Anne Bonny - 77
Out of the Long Ago - Seabury Quinn - 95
On the Highway - Cargray Cook - 106
The Ocean Leech - Frank Belknap Long, Jr. - 109
Two Crows - Francis Hard - 115
Fog - C. Franklin Miller 116
Luisma’s Return - Arthur J. Burks - 123
A Changeling Soul - Victor Lauriston - 129
The Specter Priestess of Wrightstone - Herman F. Wright - 134
The Valley of Teeheemen (Conclusion) - Arthur Thatcher - 133
The Remorse of Professor Panebianco - Greye La Spina - 157
Arhl-a of the Caves - C. M. Eddy, Jr. - 163
The Festival - H. P. Lovecraft - 169
Phantoms - Laurence R. D’Orsay - 175
The Eyrie - 179