Title The Lone Wolf: a melodrama
Author Louis Joseph Vance
Illustrator (Scenes from the photoplay)
Year 1918
Publisher A. L. Burt Company
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


  2. I. Troyon's 1
  3. II. Return 18
  4. III. A Point of Interrogation 24
  5. IV. A Stratagem 40
  6. V. Anticlimax 47
  7. VI. The Pack Gives Tongue 53
  8. VII. L'Abbaye 59
  9. VIII. The High Hand 71
  10. IX. Disaster 86
  11. X. Turn About 98
  12. XI. Flight 108
  13. XII. Awakening 126
  14. XIII. Confessional 133
  15. XIV. Rive Droit 153
  16. XV. Sheer Impudence 166
  17. XVI. Restitution 179
  18. XVII. The Forlorn Hope 194
  19. XVIII. Enigma 206
  20. XIX. Unmasked 224
  21. XX. War 242
  22. XXI. Apostate 253
  23. XXII. Trapped 259
  24. XXIII. Madame Omber 265
  25. XXIV. Rendezvous 278
  26. XXV. Wings of the Morning 287
  27. XXVI. The Flying Death 300
  28. XXVII. Daybreak 310
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