Title The Popular Magazine, Vol. 72, No. 1
Editor Charles Agnew MacLean
Year 1924
Source djvu
Progress Source file must be fixed before proofreading
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed

The complete book-length novel in the next issue of the POPULAR will be “SEWARD’S FOLLY,” a story of the Alaska-purchase days, by Edison Marshall. In the same issue will appear the first installment of a great tale of the Southwest, “THE RIDERS FROM TEXAS,” by Dane Coolidge. This notable issue will be on the news stands May 7th. Reserve your copy in advance.

Vol. LXXII APRIL 20, 1924 No. 1

THE CRUSADER’S CASKET. A Complete Novel Roy Norton 3

A modern feud and an ancient curse make romance live.

LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF GOLD. A Short Story Howard R. Marsh 60

An episode in the life of a desert settlement.

PIGEON PIE. A Short Story Talbert Josselyn 70

The doves of strife descend.

THE STRENGTH OF THE MEEK. A Short Story C. S. Montanye 80

Ottie Scandrel purveys health—and amusement.

DRAGOUR, THE DRUGMASTER. A Series Bertram Atkey 91

II.—The Barford Heirlooms.

CAUGHT IN THE NET. Editorials The Editor 101

FOR HIS TRIBE. A Short Story Charles Tenney Jackson 106

The primitive stirs the blood of a man.

TONY SITS IN. A Short Story Percival Wilde 116

A story of poker as it should not be played.

GOLD AND THE GIRL. A Four-part Story—Part III. H. de Vere Stacpoole 131

A romance of the sea and treasure-trove.

THE FIGHT AT BOGGY BAYOU. A Short Story Harris Dickson 153

When a man defied the Mississippi.

TALKS WITH MEN. Adventures in Experience Martin Davison 163

VIII.—On a Variety of Matters.

THE AVAILS OF THE FRACTION. A Short Story Theodore Seixas Solomons 167

Alaska and the desserts of treachery.

THE GREEN RIBBON CLUB. A Short Story Robert H. Rohde 175

The Great Macumber investigates a marital mystery.


Twice-a-month publication issued by Street & Smith Corporation, 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New York. Ormond G. Smith, President; George C. Smith, Vice President and Treasurer; George C. Smith, Jr., Vice President; Ormond V. Gould, Secretary. Copyright, 1924. by Street & Smith Corporation, New York. Copyright, 1924, by Street & Smith Corporation, Great Britain. All Rights Reserved. Publishers everywhere are cautioned against using any of the contents of this magazine either wholly or in part. Entered as Second-class Matter, September 20, 1909, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Canadian Subscription, $4.72. Foreign, $5.44.

“WARNING—Do not subscribe through agents unknown to you Complaints are daily made by persons who have been thus victimized.

IMPORTANT—Authors, agents, and publishers are requested to note that this corporation does not hold itself responsible for loss of unsolicited manuscripts while at this office or in transit; and that it cannot undertake to hold uncalled-for manuscripts for a longer period than six months. If the return of manuscript is expected, postage should be inclosed.

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