Title The Poetical Works of Samuel Johnson
Author Samuel Johnson
Year 1805
Location Philadelphia
Source pdf
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


THE Life of the Author, 3
London. A Poem, 53
The Vanity of human Wishes, 63
Prologues, 78, 81, 83, 84
Spring, 85
Midsummer, 87
Autumn, 88
The Winter’s Walk, 92
To Miss **** 98
Epigram on George II, and Colley Cibber, Esq. ib.
Stella in Mourning, 94
To Stella, ib.
Verses written at the Request of a Gentleman to whom a Lady had given a Sprig of Myrtle, 95
To Lady Firebrace, at Bury Assizes, 96
To Lyce, an elderly Lady, ib.
On the Death of Mr. Robert Levett, 98
Epitaph on Claude Phillips, 100
Epitaph on Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart. ib.
On the Death of Stephen Grey, F. R. S. the Electrician, 102
To Miss Hickman, playing on the Spinnet, 103
Paraphrase of Proverbs, Chap. IV. Verse 6—-11, 104
Horace, Lib, 4, Ode VII. translated, 105
On seing a Bust of Mrs. Montague, 106
Lines written in Ridicule of certain Poems, &c. 108
Parody of a Translation from the Medea of Euripides, 109
Burlesque on the modern Versifications, &c. 110
Epitaph for Mr. Hogarth, ib.
Translation of the two first Stanzas of the Song “Rio verde,” 111
To Mrs. Thrale, on her completing her thirty-fifth year, ib.
Impromptu Translation, 112
Lines written under a Print representing Persons skaiting, ib.
Translation of a speech of Aquileio, 113
Impromptu, 114
Translation of Virgil, Pastoral I. ib.
Translation of Horace, Book I. Ode XXII. 115
Translation of Horace, Book II. Ode IX. 116
Translation of part of the Dialogue between Hector and Andromache, 118
To Miss **** 119
Evening, an Ode. To Stella, 121
To the same, 122
Toa Friend, 123
To a young Lady, on her Birthday, 124
Epilogue intended to have been spoken by a Lady, &c. 125
The young Author, 127
Friendship, an Ode, 128
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