Title Russian Literature (Kropotkin)
Author Petr Kropotkin
Year 1905
Publisher McClure, Phillips
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
OCLC 1084582555



Chapter I: Introduction 1

The Russian Language—Early folk literature: Folklore — Songs—Sagas—Lay of Igor's Raid—Annals—Mongolian Invasion; its consequences—Correspondence between John IV. and Kurbskiy—Religious splitting—Avvakum's Memoirs—The eighteenth century—Peter I. and his contemporaries: Tretiakovskiy—Lomonésoff—Sumarokoff — The times of Catherine II: Derzhávin—Von Wizin—The Freemasons: Novikoff—Radischeff—Early nineteenth century: Karamzin and Zhukovskiy—The Decembrists — Ryléelf.

Chapter II: Pushkin; Lermontoff 39

Pushkin—Beauty of form—Pushkin and Schiller—His youth; his exile; his later career and death—Fairy tales: Ruslan and Ludmila—His lyrics—"Byronism" — Drama—Evgheniy Onyeghin—Lermontoff—Pushkin or Lermontóff? His life—The Caucasus—Poetry of nature — Influence of Shelley—The DemonMtsyri—Love of Freedom—Pushkin and Lermontóff as prose-writers—Other poets and novelists of the same epoch.

Chapter III: Gogol 67

Little Russia—Nights on a Farm near Dikanka and Mirgorod—Village life and humour—How Ivan Ivanovitch quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforytch—Historical novel: Taras BulbaThe Cloak—Drama: The Inspector-General — Its influence—Dead Souls: Main types—Realism in the Russian novel.

Chapter IV: Turguéneff; Tolstóy 88

Turguéneff—The Character of his art—A Sportsman's Note-book—Pessimism in his early novels—His series of novels representing the leading types of Society: Rudin—Lavretskiy—Helen and Insaroff—Bazároff—Why Fathers and Sons was misunderstood—Hamlet and Don QuixoteVirgin Soil—Movement towards the people—Tolstóy—Childhood and Boyhood—During and after the Crimean War—Youth: in search of an ideal—Small stories—The Cossacks—Educational work—War and PeaceAnna Karenina—Religious crisis—His interpretation of the Christian teaching—Main points of Christian ethics—Latest works of art—Kreutzer SonataResurrection.

Chapter V: Gontcharoff; Dostoyevskiy; Nekrásoff 151

Gontcharoff—Oblomoff—The Russian malady of Oblomoffdom—Is it exclusively Russian? The Precipice—Dostoyevskiy—His first novel—General character of his work—Memoirs from a Dead HouseDown-trodden and OffendedCrime and PunishmentThe Brothers Karamazoff—Nekrasoff—Discussions about his talent—His love of the people—Apotheosis of Woman—Other prose-writers of the same epoch—Serghei Aksakoff—Dal—Ivan Panaeff—Hvoschinskaya (V. Krestovskiy-pseudonyme)—Poets of the same epoch—Koltsoff—Nikitin—Pleschéeff—The admirers of pure art: Tutcheff; A. Maykoff; Scherbina; A. Fet—A. K. Tolstoy—The Translators.

Chapter VI: The Drama 191

Its origin—The Tsars Alexei and Peter I.—Sumarokoff—Pseudo-classical tragedies: Knyazhnin; Ozeroff—First comedies—The first years of the nineteenth century—Griboyedoff—The Moscow stage in the fifties—Ostrovskiy: his first dramas—The Thunderstorm—Ostrovskiy's later dramas—Historical dramas: A. K. Tolstoy—Other dramatic writers.

Chapter VII: Folk-Novelists 221

Their position in Russian literature—The early folknovelists—Grigirovitch—Marko Vovtchok—Danilevskiy—Intermediate period: Kokoreff; Pisemskiy; Potyekhin—Ethnographical researches—The realistic school: Pomyalovskiy—Ryeshetnikoff—Levitoff—Gleb Uspenskiy—Zlatovratskiy and Other folk-novelists: Naumoff—Zasodimskiy—Saloff—Nefedoff—Modern realism: Maxim Gorkiy.

Chapter VIII: Political Literature; Satire; Art-Criticism; Contemporary Novelists 263

Political Literature—Difficulties of censorship—The circles: Westerners and Slavophiles—Political literature abroad: Herzen—Ogaryoff—Bakunin—Lavroff—Stepniak—The Contemporary and Tchernyshevskiy—Satire: Schedrin (Saltykoff)—Art-Criticism—Its importance in Russia—Byelinskiy—Dobroluboff—Pisareff—Mihailovskiy—Tolstoy's What is Art? Contemporary Novelists: Oertel—Korolenko—Present drift of literature—Merezhovskiy—Boborykin—Potapenko—Tchehoff.

Bibliographical Notes 319

Index 321

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