< The Army and Navy Hymnal < Hymns
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "In the Lonely Midnight" "          " "39" } subsubtitle = "(IN THE LONELY MIDNIGHT. 6,5,6,5,D.)" composer = "Alonzo P. Howard, 1838–1902" poet = "Theodore Chickering Willians, 1855–1915" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key ees \major \time 4/4 \relative b' {
  <bes g ees>4^\markup { \caps Unison } q q <c g ees> |
  q2 <bes g ees> |
  <aes d,>4 <g d> <f d> <e cis> |
  <f d bes>2( <bes f d>) |
  <bes g ees>4 q q <c g ees> | %end of line 1
  q2 <bes g ees> |
  <bes g d>4 <a fis d> q <d a fis> |
  <d bes g>2( ~ <d aes f>) |
  <ees bes g ees>4 <d bes g d> <c g ees c> <g ees c> |
  <c aes d,>2 q | % end of line 2
  <d aes d,>4 <c aes d,> <f, d bes> <c' aes f d> |
  <bes g ees bes>1 |
  <g ees des>4 q <aes ees des> <bes ees, des> |
  <c ees, c>2 <ees c fis, ees> |
  <ees bes g ees>4 <g, ees c> <f ees c> <bes f d bes> |
  <ees, bes g>1 \bar "|."
  <aes ees c aes> <g ees bes g> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key ees \major \relative e {
  <ees bes'>4 <bes bes'> <ees bes'> <bes bes'> |
  << { bes'2 bes } \\ { ees,4 bes ees bes } >> |
  <f' bes> <g bes> <aes bes> <g bes> |
  << { s2 aes } \\ { aes4 bes, f' bes, } >> |
  <ees g> <bes bes'> <ees bes'> <bes bes'> | % end of line 1
  << { bes'2 bes | s4 d, } \\ { ees bes ees bes | <d d,> d } >>
  <d c'> q |
  <g g,> <d g bes> <bes bes,> <bes f' aes> |
  <ees, ees,> <ees' g bes> <bes bes,> <ees g bes> |
  <f f,> <aes bes d> <bes, bes,> <aes' bes d> | % end of line 2
  <bes, bes,> <aes' bes d> <bes, bes,> <bes aes'> |
  <ees, ees,> ees' g bes |
  <bes ees, > q <bes f> <bes g> |
  << { aes2 } \\ { aes } >> <a a,> |
  <bes bes,>4 <g c,> <aes aes,> <aes bes,> |
  <ees ees,>1 <aes aes,> <ees ees,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }

1.In the lone - ly mid - night
On the win - try hill,
Shep-herds heard the an-gels
Sing- ing, 'Peace, good - will.'
Lis-ten, O ye wea-ry,
To the an - gels' song
Un - to you the tid - ings
Of great joy be - long.
2.Though in Da-vid's cit - y
An - gels sing no more,
Love makes an - gel music
On earth's dark - est shore ;
Tho' no heavenly glory
Meet your wondering eyes,
Love can make your dwelling
Bright as par - a - dise.
3.Though the child of Ma - ry,
Sent from heaven on high,
In his man - ger cra - dle
May no lon - ger lie,
Love is King for - ev - er,
Tho' the proud world scorn;
If ye tru - ly seek him,
Christ your Kings is born.

Copyright, Hymn and Tune Book, Unitarian

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