< Newes from the Dead

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In Puellam à Diutino Patibuli
Cruciatu Redivivam.

DIstrahis Ecstaticam Nemesis cur dupla Puellam?
Quam denegas Superesse, nonpateris Mori?
Lex vocat ad Laqueum, revocatq́ꝫ, in Fila Salutis
Medela; fitq́ꝫ crux nova Remedium Crucis:
Mors sua Martyrium primum, Elysiosq́ꝫ, relicto
Per tot dolores Vita Martyrium recens.
Sustinet Illa tamen Miracula sæva, Gemellæ
Βοιθανάτῳ Siremps Socia Proserpinæ;
Ac Fati Tropico insistens, utrinq́ꝫ, tuetur
Amphibia Jana Lucis, & Noctis plagam.
Sic Phœbe Zonam cùm circuit Æquidialem,
Utrumq́ꝫ spectat Orbe diviso Polum:
Sic Atmosphæræ penetrans Confinia, Civis
Haud Aquila cessat Ætheræ, haud Cœli incipit:
Pyrrhæ emersit humo sic dimidiata propago.
Quam Semivivam, Semimortuam voces.

Offas ergò Cani, Junoni Οπλήεια debet,
Celebranda Threnis, & simul Genethlicis;
Mysta parentaret Cantu dum Κλαυσιγελοῖος,
Qui Flevit, & Corrisit Alternis Genis:
Comica nam Tragico commiscet Gaudia Luctuꝫ
Ut Arcus hilaris nube Lacrymosâ nitet:
Aut Protêa velut mutatâ Luce Tabella,
Hine Heraclitus, inde Democritus patet.

Mox proprio exoritur busto non Altera Phœnix,
Lucina sibimet, Ipsa Posteritas Sui.
Ac Individuâ prætentat Anastase Fatum,
Terræ Genitricis Regenerata è Sinu.
Floruit Hippolytus renovatus Membra, sed Idem
Magicâ revixit, aut Poëticâ Manu:
Deseruit Superos, iterumq́ꝫ, Sibylla revisit;
At Corporis Iter fuerat, haud à Corpore:
Eurydicenq́ꝫ, Orbi Manes voluêre Remissam,
Mediâ tamen languebat impatiens viâ.
Natales hi cuncta premunt Mysteria; Proles
Nam Posthuma ista Matris est etiam Suæ.
Ante Ortum moritur Pars, Pars post Funera vivit;
Vitam Embryô dat, Mortem Abortivam Sibi.
At non Angui-dei, non vicerat Orpheos Artes,
Nî Musicus, Medicusq́ꝫ, foret Anastates.

Macti estote Proci, Lethum expiat omnia; Fallor?
An conditâ Parente, jam Virgo redit?
Gustabat Gabali Loton, Lethenq; bibebat
Obliviosa hæc: undiq́ꝫ, sit Αμνηςία.
Deniq́ꝫ, quis neget innocuam, stipulante Feretro;
Nex ipsa quam fatetur indignam Nece?
Quam Furis rabies, Medicinaq́ꝫ, perdere nescit,
Salvamq́ꝫ, dat Militia, Parcarum Trias?
Si dubitatis adhuc, Morienti credite: saltem
Surgenti ab Umbris Fidet ipsa Insidia.

H. B. Coll. Om. Anim.

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Englished Thus.

WHY ATE, dost thou Double thus thy Smart?
Not suffering Her to Live, nor to Depart?
Physitians straining to Repaire what Losse
The Iudge inflicted, Multiply the Crosse:
Death wrote Her Martyr; but from Rest to Come
Back through such Paines, is Second Martyrdome.
Yet shee these cruell Miracles sustaines,
Rivall Inrolled in Proserpines both Traines;
And seated on Fates Tropick, doth survey
With either Eye the Courts of Night, and Day.
So Phœbe's Orbe in th'Equinox appears,
With Oblique Lookes viewing two Hemispheres:
Thus Eagles, when They to the Confines Fly
Of th'Atmosphære, dwell not in Ayre, nor Sky:
Such, Pyrrha's Unripe Issue, is displayd,
When it was yet halfe-Carcasse, and halfe-Mayd.

Pluto with Juno here might Presents claime,
While Dirge, and Caroll Confort forth her Name;
That Pantomime should Act these Obsequies,
Whose Face Parti-per-pale both Laughs, and Cryes:
For Shee Triumphs in Tragicomick shrowds;
As Rainebowes glister, yet in Weeping Clowds:
Or as a Protean Picture's different Site
Here shewes Democritus, there Heraclite.

Straight from her Urne this Unchang'd Phœnix rose,
Ofspring Herselfe, and Midwife to her Throwes:
And Antedates by this Mysterious Birth
Her Resurrection: Borne-again from Earth.
Hippolytus Revived in every Part,
But 'twas by Magick, or Poëtick Art:
Sibylla Saw, then Left the Ghosts below;
But Shee did In, not From the Body Goe:
The Shades sent back Eurydice to Day,
But Fainting Shee Return'd scarce halfe the Way.
This Wonder surmounts All: See, here is bred
Posthumous Life ev'n when the Mothers dead.
Part Dyed before, part Survived after Breath;
The Enbryo's Birth's Abortive, and Her death.
Orpheus, and Æsculape were here Outvyed,
'Cause both their Arts Concenter'd in one Guide.

Suiters Courage, All's purg'd by Sacrifice:
The Parent slaine, doth not a Virgin Rise?
Forgetfull Shee did Gallow Lotos Trye,
And Lethe tast: Let All crye Amnesty.
For who can think her Guilty, whom the Tombe
Does thus declare unworthy of her Doome?
Whom Law, whom Physick could not kill, whose Date
Souldiers Repriev'd, Three Committées of Fate?
If yee doubt still, her Dying Words Receive
How e're, Distrust her Risen must Believe.

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