An Act
To revise the laws relating to immigration, naturalization and nationalization; and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act, divided into titles, chapters and sections according to the following table of contents, may be cited as the ``Immigration and Nationality Act´´.

Table of Contents

Sec. 101. Definitions.
Sec. 102. Applicability of Title II to Certain Nonimmigrants.
Sec. 103. Powers and Duties of the Attorney General and the Commissioner.
Sec. 104. Powers and Duties of the Secretary of State; Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs.
Sec. 105. Liaison with Internal Security Officers.

Chapter 1 — Quota System
Sec. 201. Numerical Limitations; Annual Quota Based Upon National Origin; Minimum Quotas.
Sec. 202. Determination of Quota to which an Immigrant is Chargeable.
Sec. 203. Allocation of Immigrant Visas within Quotas.
Sec. 204. Procedure for Granting Immigrant Status under Section 101(a)(27)(F)(i) or 206(a)(1)(A).
Sec. 205. Procedure for Granting Nonquota Status or Preference by Reason of Relationship.
Sec. 206. Revocation of Approval of Petitions.
Sec. 207. Unused Quota Immigrant Visas.
Chapter 2 — Qualifications for Admission of Aliens; Travel Control of Citizens and Aliens
Sec. 211. Documentary Requirements.
Sec. 212. General Classes of Aliens Ineligible to Receive Visas and Excluded from Admission.
Sec. 213. Admission of Aliens on Giving Bond or Cash Deposit.
Sec. 214. Admission of Nonimmigrants.
Sec. 215. Travel Control of Aliens and Citizens in Time of War or National Emergency.
Chapter 3 — Issuance of Entry Documents
Sec. 221. Issuance of Visas.
Sec. 222. Applications for Visas.
Sec. 223. Reentry Permits.
Sec. 224. Nonquota Immigrant Visas.
Chapter 4 — Provisions Relating to Entry and Exclusion
Sec. 231. Lists of Alien and Citizen Passengers Arriving or Departing; Record of Resident Aliens and Citizens Leaving Permanently for Foreign Country.
Sec. 232. Detention of Aliens for Observation and Examination.
Sec. 233. Temporary Removal for Examination Upon Arrival.
Sec. 234. Physical and Mental Examination.
Sec. 235. Inspection by Immigrant Officers.
Sec. 236. Exclusion of Aliens.
Sec. 237. Immediate Deportation of Aliens Excluded from Admission or Entering in Violation of Law.
Sec. 238. Entry through or from Foreign Contiguous Territory and Adjacent Islands; Landing Stations.
Sec. 239. Designation of Ports of Entry for Aliens Arriving by Civil Aircraft.
Sec. 240. Records of Admission.
Chapter 5 — Deportation; Adjustment of Status
Sec. 241. General Classes of Deportable Aliens.
Sec. 242. Apprehension and Detention of Aliens.
Sec. 243. Countires to which Aliens shall be Deported; Cost of Deportation.
Sec. 244. Suspension of Deportation; Voluntary Departure.
Sec. 245. Adjustment of Status of Nonimmigrant to that of Person Admitted for Permanent Residence.
Sec. 246. Rescission of Adjustment of Status.
Sec. 247. Adjustment of Status of Certain Resident Aliens to Nonimmigrant Status.
Sec. 248. Change of Nonimmigrant Classification.
Sec. 249. Record of Admission for Permanent Residence in the Case of Certain Aliens who Entered the United States Prior to July 1, 1924.
Sec. 250. Removal of Aliens who have Fallen into Distress.
Chapter 6 — Special Provisions Relating to Alien Crewmen
Sec. 251. Lists of Alien Crewmen; Reports of Illegal Landings.
Sec. 252. Conditional Permits to Land Temporarily.
Sec. 253. Hospital Treatment of Alien Crewmen Afflicted with Certain Diseases.
Sec. 254. Control of Alien Crewmen.
Sec. 255. Employment on Passenger Vessels of Aliens Afflicted with Certain Disabilities.
Sec. 256. Discharge of Alien Crewmen.
Sec. 257. Bringing Alien Crewmen into United States with Intent to Evade Immigration Laws.
Chapter 7 — Registration of Aliens
Sec. 261. Aliens Seeking Entry into the United States.
Sec. 262. Registration of Aliens in the United States.
Sec. 263. Provisions Governing Registration of Special Groups.
Sec. 264. Forms and Procedure.
Sec. 265. Notices of Change of Address.
Sec. 266. Penalties.
Chapter 8 — General Penalty Provisions
Sec. 271. Prevention of Unauthorized Landing of Aliens.
Sec. 272. Bringing in Aliens Subject to Disability or Afflicted with Disease.
Sec. 273. Unlawful Bringing of Aliens into United States.
Sec. 274. Bringing in and Harboring Certain Aliens.
Sec. 275. Entry of Alien at Improper Time or Place; Misrepresentation and Concealment of Facts.
Sec. 276. Reentry of Deported Alien.
Sec. 277. Aiding or Assisting Subversive Alien to Enter the United States.
Sec. 278. Importation of Aliens for Immoral Purpose.
Sec. 279. Jurisdiction of District Courts.
Sec. 280. Collection of Penalties and Expenses.
Chapter 9 — Miscellaneous
Sec. 281. Schedule of Fees.
Sec. 282. Printing of Reentry Permits and Blank forms of Manifests and Crew Lists.
Sec. 283. Travel Expenses and Expense of Transporting Remains of Immigration Officers and Employees who Die Outside of the United States.
Sec. 284. Members of the Armed Forces.
Sec. 285. Disposal of Privileges at Immigrant Stations.
Sec. 286. Disposition of Moneys Collected under the Provisions of this Title.
Sec. 287. Powers of Immigration Officers and Employees.
Sec. 288. Local Jurisdiction over Immigrant Stations.
Sec. 289. American Indians born in Canada.
Sec. 290. Central File; Information from Other Departments and Agencies.
Sec. 291. Burden of Proof.
Sec. 292. Right to Counsel.

Chapter 1 — Nationality at Birth and by Collective Naturalization
Sec. 301. Nationals and Citizens at Birth.
Sec. 302. Persons Born in Puerto Rico.
Sec. 303. Persons Born in the Canal Zone.
Sec. 304. Persons Born in Alaska.
Sec. 305. Persons Born in Hawaii.
Sec. 306. Persons Living in and Born in the Virgin Islands.
Sec. 307. Persons Living in and Born in Guam.
Sec. 308. Nationals but not Citizens at Birth.
Sec. 309. Children Born out of Wedlock.
Chapter 2 — Nationality Through Naturalization
Sec. 310. Jurisdiction to Naturalize.
Sec. 311. Eligibility for Naturalization.
Sec. 312. Requirements as to Understanding the English language, History, Principles and Form of Government of the United States.
Sec. 313. Prohibition upon the Naturalization of Persons Opposed to Government or Law, or who Favor Totalitarian Forms of Government.
Sec. 314. Ineligibility to Naturalization of Deserters from the Armed Forces of the United States.
Sec. 315. Alien Relieved from Training and Service in the Armed Forces of the United States Because of Alienage Barred from Citizenship.
Sec. 316. Requirements as to Residence, Good Moral Character, Attachment to the Principles of the Constitution, and Favorable Disposition to the United States.
Sec. 317. Temporary Absence of Persons Performing Religious Duties.
Sec. 318. Prerequisites to Naturalization — Burden of Proof.
Sec. 319. Married Persons.
Sec. 320. Children Born Outside the United States of one Alien and one Citizen Parent.
Sec. 321. Children Born Outside the United States of Alien Parent.
Sec. 322. Child born Outside the United States; Naturalization on Petition of Citizen Parent Requirements and Exemptions.
Sec. 323. Children Adopted by United States Citizen.
Sec. 324. Former Citizens Regaining United States Citizenship.
Sec. 325. Nationals but not Citizens of the United States; Residence within Outlying Possessions.
Sec. 326. Resident Philippine citizens Excepted from Certain Requirements.
Sec. 327. Former United States Citizens Losing Citizenship by Entering the Armed Forces of Foreign Countries during World War II.
Sec. 328. Naturalization through Service in the Armed Forces of the United States.
Sec. 329. Naturalization through Active-duty Service in the Armed Forces during World War I or World War II.
Sec. 330. Constructive Residence through Service on Certain United States Vessels.
Sec. 331. Alien Enemies; Naturalization under Specified Conditions and Procedure.
Sec. 332. Procedural and Administrative Provisions; Executive Functions.
Sec. 333. Photographs.
Sec. 334. Petition for Naturalization; Declaration of Intention.
Sec. 335. Investigation of Petitioners; Preliminary Examination of Petitions.
Sec. 336. Final Hearing in Open Court; Examination of Petitioner Before the Court.
Sec. 337. Oath of Renunciation and Allegiance.
Sec. 338. Certificate of Naturalization; Contents.
Sec. 339. Functions and Duties of Clerks.
Sec. 340. Revocation of Naturalization.
Sec. 341. Certificates of Citizenship; Procedure.
Sec. 342. Cancellation of Certificates not to Affect Citizenship Status.
Sec. 343. Documents and Copies Issued by the Attorney General.
Sec. 344. Fiscal Provisions.
Sec. 345. Mail Relating to Naturalization Transmitted Free of Postage and Registered.
Sec. 346. Publication and Distribution of Citizenship Textbooks from Naturalization Fees.
Sec. 347. Compilation of Naturalization Statistics and Payment for Equipment.
Sec. 348. Admissability in Evidence of Testimony as to Statements Voluntarily made to Others or Employees in the Course of their Official Duties.
Chapter 3 — Loss of Nationality
Sec. 349. Loss of Nationality by Native-born or Naturalized Citizen.
Sec. 350. Dual Nationals; Divestiture of Foreign Nationality.
Sec. 351. Restrictions on Expatriation.
Sec. 352. Loss of Nationality by Naturalized National.
Sec. 353. Section 352 not Effective as to Certain Persons.
Sec. 354. Section 352(a)(2) not Effective as to Certain Persons.
Sec. 355. Loss of American Nationality through Parent's Expatriation; Not Effective Until Person Attains Age of 25 Years.
Sec. 356. Nationality Lost Solely from Performance of Acts or Fulfillment of Conditions.
Sec. 357. Application of Treaties; Exceptions.
Chapter 4 — Miscellaneous
Sec. 358. Certificate of Diplomatic or Consular Officer as to Loss of American Nationality.
Sec. 359. Certificate of Nationality for a Person not a Naturalized Citizen for use in Proceedings of a Foreign State.
Sec. 360. Judicial Proceedings for Declaration of United States Nationality in Event of Denial of Rights and Privileges as National.

Sec. 401. Joint Congressional Committee.
Sec. 402. Amendments to Other Laws.
Sec. 403. Laws Repealed.
Sec. 404. Authorization of Appropriations.
Sec. 405. Savings Clauses.
Sec. 406. Separability.
Sec. 407. Effective Date.

Approved June 27, 1952.

Legislative History

  • H.R. 5678, S. 2550


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