An Act
To revise the laws relating to immigration, naturalization and nationalization; and for other purposes.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
- This Act, divided into titles, chapters and sections according to the following table of contents, may be cited as the ``Immigration and Nationality Act´´.
Table of Contents
- Sec. 101. Definitions.
- Sec. 102. Applicability of Title II to Certain Nonimmigrants.
- Sec. 103. Powers and Duties of the Attorney General and the Commissioner.
- Sec. 104. Powers and Duties of the Secretary of State; Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs.
- Sec. 105. Liaison with Internal Security Officers.
- Chapter 1 — Quota System
- Sec. 201. Numerical Limitations; Annual Quota Based Upon National Origin; Minimum Quotas.
- Sec. 202. Determination of Quota to which an Immigrant is Chargeable.
- Sec. 203. Allocation of Immigrant Visas within Quotas.
- Sec. 204. Procedure for Granting Immigrant Status under Section 101(a)(27)(F)(i) or 206(a)(1)(A).
- Sec. 205. Procedure for Granting Nonquota Status or Preference by Reason of Relationship.
- Sec. 206. Revocation of Approval of Petitions.
- Sec. 207. Unused Quota Immigrant Visas.
- Chapter 1 — Quota System
- Chapter 2 — Qualifications for Admission of Aliens; Travel Control of Citizens and Aliens
- Sec. 211. Documentary Requirements.
- Sec. 212. General Classes of Aliens Ineligible to Receive Visas and Excluded from Admission.
- Sec. 213. Admission of Aliens on Giving Bond or Cash Deposit.
- Sec. 214. Admission of Nonimmigrants.
- Sec. 215. Travel Control of Aliens and Citizens in Time of War or National Emergency.
- Chapter 2 — Qualifications for Admission of Aliens; Travel Control of Citizens and Aliens
- Chapter 3 — Issuance of Entry Documents
- Sec. 221. Issuance of Visas.
- Sec. 222. Applications for Visas.
- Sec. 223. Reentry Permits.
- Sec. 224. Nonquota Immigrant Visas.
- Chapter 3 — Issuance of Entry Documents
- Chapter 4 — Provisions Relating to Entry and Exclusion
- Sec. 231. Lists of Alien and Citizen Passengers Arriving or Departing; Record of Resident Aliens and Citizens Leaving Permanently for Foreign Country.
- Sec. 232. Detention of Aliens for Observation and Examination.
- Sec. 233. Temporary Removal for Examination Upon Arrival.
- Sec. 234. Physical and Mental Examination.
- Sec. 235. Inspection by Immigrant Officers.
- Sec. 236. Exclusion of Aliens.
- Sec. 237. Immediate Deportation of Aliens Excluded from Admission or Entering in Violation of Law.
- Sec. 238. Entry through or from Foreign Contiguous Territory and Adjacent Islands; Landing Stations.
- Sec. 239. Designation of Ports of Entry for Aliens Arriving by Civil Aircraft.
- Sec. 240. Records of Admission.
- Chapter 4 — Provisions Relating to Entry and Exclusion
- Chapter 5 — Deportation; Adjustment of Status
- Sec. 241. General Classes of Deportable Aliens.
- Sec. 242. Apprehension and Detention of Aliens.
- Sec. 243. Countires to which Aliens shall be Deported; Cost of Deportation.
- Sec. 244. Suspension of Deportation; Voluntary Departure.
- Sec. 245. Adjustment of Status of Nonimmigrant to that of Person Admitted for Permanent Residence.
- Sec. 246. Rescission of Adjustment of Status.
- Sec. 247. Adjustment of Status of Certain Resident Aliens to Nonimmigrant Status.
- Sec. 248. Change of Nonimmigrant Classification.
- Sec. 249. Record of Admission for Permanent Residence in the Case of Certain Aliens who Entered the United States Prior to July 1, 1924.
- Sec. 250. Removal of Aliens who have Fallen into Distress.
- Chapter 5 — Deportation; Adjustment of Status
- Chapter 6 — Special Provisions Relating to Alien Crewmen
- Sec. 251. Lists of Alien Crewmen; Reports of Illegal Landings.
- Sec. 252. Conditional Permits to Land Temporarily.
- Sec. 253. Hospital Treatment of Alien Crewmen Afflicted with Certain Diseases.
- Sec. 254. Control of Alien Crewmen.
- Sec. 255. Employment on Passenger Vessels of Aliens Afflicted with Certain Disabilities.
- Sec. 256. Discharge of Alien Crewmen.
- Sec. 257. Bringing Alien Crewmen into United States with Intent to Evade Immigration Laws.
- Chapter 6 — Special Provisions Relating to Alien Crewmen
- Chapter 7 — Registration of Aliens
- Sec. 261. Aliens Seeking Entry into the United States.
- Sec. 262. Registration of Aliens in the United States.
- Sec. 263. Provisions Governing Registration of Special Groups.
- Sec. 264. Forms and Procedure.
- Sec. 265. Notices of Change of Address.
- Sec. 266. Penalties.
- Chapter 7 — Registration of Aliens
- Chapter 8 — General Penalty Provisions
- Sec. 271. Prevention of Unauthorized Landing of Aliens.
- Sec. 272. Bringing in Aliens Subject to Disability or Afflicted with Disease.
- Sec. 273. Unlawful Bringing of Aliens into United States.
- Sec. 274. Bringing in and Harboring Certain Aliens.
- Sec. 275. Entry of Alien at Improper Time or Place; Misrepresentation and Concealment of Facts.
- Sec. 276. Reentry of Deported Alien.
- Sec. 277. Aiding or Assisting Subversive Alien to Enter the United States.
- Sec. 278. Importation of Aliens for Immoral Purpose.
- Sec. 279. Jurisdiction of District Courts.
- Sec. 280. Collection of Penalties and Expenses.
- Chapter 8 — General Penalty Provisions
- Chapter 9 — Miscellaneous
- Sec. 281. Schedule of Fees.
- Sec. 282. Printing of Reentry Permits and Blank forms of Manifests and Crew Lists.
- Sec. 283. Travel Expenses and Expense of Transporting Remains of Immigration Officers and Employees who Die Outside of the United States.
- Sec. 284. Members of the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 285. Disposal of Privileges at Immigrant Stations.
- Sec. 286. Disposition of Moneys Collected under the Provisions of this Title.
- Sec. 287. Powers of Immigration Officers and Employees.
- Sec. 288. Local Jurisdiction over Immigrant Stations.
- Sec. 289. American Indians born in Canada.
- Sec. 290. Central File; Information from Other Departments and Agencies.
- Sec. 291. Burden of Proof.
- Sec. 292. Right to Counsel.
- Chapter 9 — Miscellaneous
- Chapter 1 — Nationality at Birth and by Collective Naturalization
- Sec. 301. Nationals and Citizens at Birth.
- Sec. 302. Persons Born in Puerto Rico.
- Sec. 303. Persons Born in the Canal Zone.
- Sec. 304. Persons Born in Alaska.
- Sec. 305. Persons Born in Hawaii.
- Sec. 306. Persons Living in and Born in the Virgin Islands.
- Sec. 307. Persons Living in and Born in Guam.
- Sec. 308. Nationals but not Citizens at Birth.
- Sec. 309. Children Born out of Wedlock.
- Chapter 1 — Nationality at Birth and by Collective Naturalization
- Chapter 2 — Nationality Through Naturalization
- Sec. 310. Jurisdiction to Naturalize.
- Sec. 311. Eligibility for Naturalization.
- Sec. 312. Requirements as to Understanding the English language, History, Principles and Form of Government of the United States.
- Sec. 313. Prohibition upon the Naturalization of Persons Opposed to Government or Law, or who Favor Totalitarian Forms of Government.
- Sec. 314. Ineligibility to Naturalization of Deserters from the Armed Forces of the United States.
- Sec. 315. Alien Relieved from Training and Service in the Armed Forces of the United States Because of Alienage Barred from Citizenship.
- Sec. 316. Requirements as to Residence, Good Moral Character, Attachment to the Principles of the Constitution, and Favorable Disposition to the United States.
- Sec. 317. Temporary Absence of Persons Performing Religious Duties.
- Sec. 318. Prerequisites to Naturalization — Burden of Proof.
- Sec. 319. Married Persons.
- Sec. 320. Children Born Outside the United States of one Alien and one Citizen Parent.
- Sec. 321. Children Born Outside the United States of Alien Parent.
- Sec. 322. Child born Outside the United States; Naturalization on Petition of Citizen Parent Requirements and Exemptions.
- Sec. 323. Children Adopted by United States Citizen.
- Sec. 324. Former Citizens Regaining United States Citizenship.
- Sec. 325. Nationals but not Citizens of the United States; Residence within Outlying Possessions.
- Sec. 326. Resident Philippine citizens Excepted from Certain Requirements.
- Sec. 327. Former United States Citizens Losing Citizenship by Entering the Armed Forces of Foreign Countries during World War II.
- Sec. 328. Naturalization through Service in the Armed Forces of the United States.
- Sec. 329. Naturalization through Active-duty Service in the Armed Forces during World War I or World War II.
- Sec. 330. Constructive Residence through Service on Certain United States Vessels.
- Sec. 331. Alien Enemies; Naturalization under Specified Conditions and Procedure.
- Sec. 332. Procedural and Administrative Provisions; Executive Functions.
- Sec. 333. Photographs.
- Sec. 334. Petition for Naturalization; Declaration of Intention.
- Sec. 335. Investigation of Petitioners; Preliminary Examination of Petitions.
- Sec. 336. Final Hearing in Open Court; Examination of Petitioner Before the Court.
- Sec. 337. Oath of Renunciation and Allegiance.
- Sec. 338. Certificate of Naturalization; Contents.
- Sec. 339. Functions and Duties of Clerks.
- Sec. 340. Revocation of Naturalization.
- Sec. 341. Certificates of Citizenship; Procedure.
- Sec. 342. Cancellation of Certificates not to Affect Citizenship Status.
- Sec. 343. Documents and Copies Issued by the Attorney General.
- Sec. 344. Fiscal Provisions.
- Sec. 345. Mail Relating to Naturalization Transmitted Free of Postage and Registered.
- Sec. 346. Publication and Distribution of Citizenship Textbooks from Naturalization Fees.
- Sec. 347. Compilation of Naturalization Statistics and Payment for Equipment.
- Sec. 348. Admissability in Evidence of Testimony as to Statements Voluntarily made to Others or Employees in the Course of their Official Duties.
- Chapter 2 — Nationality Through Naturalization
- Chapter 3 — Loss of Nationality
- Sec. 349. Loss of Nationality by Native-born or Naturalized Citizen.
- Sec. 350. Dual Nationals; Divestiture of Foreign Nationality.
- Sec. 351. Restrictions on Expatriation.
- Sec. 352. Loss of Nationality by Naturalized National.
- Sec. 353. Section 352 not Effective as to Certain Persons.
- Sec. 354. Section 352(a)(2) not Effective as to Certain Persons.
- Sec. 355. Loss of American Nationality through Parent's Expatriation; Not Effective Until Person Attains Age of 25 Years.
- Sec. 356. Nationality Lost Solely from Performance of Acts or Fulfillment of Conditions.
- Sec. 357. Application of Treaties; Exceptions.
- Chapter 3 — Loss of Nationality
- Chapter 4 — Miscellaneous
- Sec. 358. Certificate of Diplomatic or Consular Officer as to Loss of American Nationality.
- Sec. 359. Certificate of Nationality for a Person not a Naturalized Citizen for use in Proceedings of a Foreign State.
- Sec. 360. Judicial Proceedings for Declaration of United States Nationality in Event of Denial of Rights and Privileges as National.
- Chapter 4 — Miscellaneous
- Sec. 401. Joint Congressional Committee.
- Sec. 402. Amendments to Other Laws.
- Sec. 403. Laws Repealed.
- Sec. 404. Authorization of Appropriations.
- Sec. 405. Savings Clauses.
- Sec. 406. Separability.
- Sec. 407. Effective Date.
Approved June 27, 1952.
Legislative History
- H.R. 5678, S. 2550
- Codified, as amended, to Title 8, Chapter 12
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