HYND, JOHN (fl. 1606), romancer, was probably grandson of Sir John Hynde, the judge [q. v.] (cf. pedigree in Addit. MS. 14049, f. 50). He was educated at Cambridge, graduating B.A. 1595-6, and M.A. 1599. His chief work was 'Eliosto Libidinoso: Described in two Bookes: Wherein their eminent dangers are declared, who guiding the course of their life by the Compasse of Affection, either dash their ship against most dangerous shelves, or else attaine the Haven with extreame Prejudice,' London, 4to, 1606. This title is largely borrowed from the subsidiary title of Robert Greene's 'Gwydonius the Card of Fancie,' published in 1584. The tract is a prose story or novel in Greene's manner. It contains six short pieces of verse, one, 'Eliostoes Roundelay,' taken from Greene's 'Never too Late,' where it is called 'Francescoes Roundelay;' another by Nicholas Breton [q.v.], and four by Hynd himself. The book is dedicated to Philip Herbert, earl of Montgomery, and is prefaced by some lines in its praise, signed Alexander Burlacy,esq. The prose, according to Collier, is 'an exaggeration of Greene's worst style and most obvious faults;' the verse is less contemptible. Collier, in his 'Catalogue of the Bridgewater Collection,' p. 183, describes another romance which he supposes to be by Hynd, entitled ' The most excellent Historie of Lysimachus and Varrona, Daughter to Syllanus, Duke of Hypata in Thessalia, &c.,' black letter, 4to, 1604; this also contains several short poems. Hynd wrote a moral tract, entitled; The 'Mirrour of Worldly Fame. Composed by J. H.,' London, 12mo, 1603, pp. 60. It is dedicated 'to the right worshipful my singular good uncle, Mr. William Hynd,' and has been reprinted in the 'Harleian Miscellany,' viii. 33. There is in Harl. MS. 375, art. 51, at the British Museum, a letter in Latin from John Hind, 'ex sedibus Lambethanis,' dated 4 Id. Mart. 1644-5.
[Corser's Collectanea Anglo-Poetica; Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 446; Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, p. 441; J.P. Collier's Catalogue, &c., of the Library at Bridgewater House, p. 1813; W. C. Hazlitt's Handbook, p.276; Bibliotheca Heberiana, viii. No. 1230; J. P. Collier's Poetical Decameron, ii. 120; Brydges's Censura Literaria, vi. 265-8.]