Hurrah for Dixie!

Southrons, hear your Country call you!
Up! lest worse than death befall you!
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.
Lo! all the beacon-fires are lighted,
Let all the hearts be now united!
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.
Chorus.Awake ye sons of Dixie’s land,
  Awake! awake!
In Dixie’s land we’ll take our stand,
And live and die for Dixie’s land.
Awake! awake! awake! awake ye sons of Dixie.

Hear the Northern thunders mutter!
Northern flags in the Southwind flutter;
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.
Send them back your fierce defiance!
Stamp upon the accurs’d alliance!
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.—Chorus.

Fear no danger! Shun no labor!
Lift up rifle, pike and sabre!
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.
Shoulder pressing close to shoulder,
Let the odds make each heart bolder!
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.—Chorus.

How the South’s great heart rejoices,
At your cannon’s ringing voices;
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.
For faith betrayed and pledges broken,
Wrongs inflicted, insults spoken;
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.—Chorus.

Strong as lions, swift as eagles,
Back to their kennels hunt these beagles!
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.
Cut the unequal bonds assunder!
Let them then each other plunder!
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.—Chorus.

Swear upon your Country’s altar,
Never to submit or falter;
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.
Till the spoilers are defeated,
Till the Lord’s work is completed,
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.—Chorus.

Halt not, till our Federation
Secures among Earth’s Powers its station!
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.
Then at peace and crowned with glory,
Hear your children tell the story!
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.—Chorus.

If the loved ones weep in sadness,
Victory soon shall bring them gladness;
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.
Excultant pride upon soon banish sorrow;
Smiles chase tears away to-morrow;
  Look away, look away, look away, look away.—Chorus.

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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