< The Army and Navy Hymnal < Catholic
For other English-language translations of this work, see Te Deum.
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Holy God, We Praise Thy Name" " " "3" } subsubtitle = "(SANCTE DEUS, LAUDAMUS TE)" composer = "German Choral" poet = "Rev. C. Walworth" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \key f \major \time 3/4 \relative f' {
<< { f2 } \\ { a,4 bes } >> <f' c>4 |
<f d> <c e> <f c> |
<g bes,> <a c,> <g bes,> |
<f a,>2. |
<< { a2 } \\ { c,4 f } >> <a f>4 |
<< { a4 g f } \\ { e2 f4 } >> | \break
<< { c'4 bes } \\ { f2 } >> <a f>4 |
<a f> <g e> r4 |
<f c>2 q4 |
<< { f4 e } \\ { c2 } >> <f c>4 |
<< { g4 a g } \\ { c,2 c8 [ bes ] } >> <f' a,>2. | \break
<a c,>2 <a d,>4 |
<< { a4 g } \\ { c,2 } >> <f c>4 |
<c' c,> <bes d,> <a d,> |
<a c,> <g c,> r4 |
\repeat volta 2 { <g e>2 <a f>4 |
<bes g> <a f> <g e> | \break
<a f>2 <bes e,>4 |
<c f,>2. |
<d f,>2 q4 |
<< { c4 bes } \\ { f2 } >> <a f>4 |
<< { bes4 a } \\ { f2 } >> <g e>4 |
<f c>2. }
} }
%\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
%\set stanza = #"1."
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \clef bass \key f \major \relative f {
<< { c2 } \\ { f,4 g } >> <f' a,>4 |
<< { f4 g } \\ { bes,2 } >> <f' a,>4 |
<< { d4 c } \\ { \stemUp g4 c } >> <e c>4 |
<< { f2. } \\ { f,4 a c } >> |
<< { f4 a } \\ { f2 } >> <c' f,>4 |
<< { c4 bes } \\ { c,2 } >> <a' f>4 | %end of 1st line
<< { a4 d } \\ { f,2 } >> <c' f,>4 |
<c c,> q r4 |
<a f>4 <bes g> <c a> |
<bes g>2 <a f>4 |
<< { \stemDown g4 \stemUp f } \\ { e4 f } >> <e c>4 |
<< { f2. } \\ { f,4 a c } >> | %end of 2nd line
<< { f2 } \\ { f4 e } >> <f d>4 |
<< { f4 e } \\ { a,4 c8 [ bes ] } >> <f' a,>4 |
<< { f2 } \\ { a,4 bes } >> <f' b,>4 |
<f c> <e c> r4 |
<< { c'2 } \\ { c,4 bes } >> <c' a,>4 |
<d g,,> <c c,> <c bes,> | %end of 3rd line
<< { c2 } \\ { a,4 a' } >> <c g>4 |
<a f> <bes g> <c a> |
<< { bes2 bes4 } \\ { bes4 f d8 [ bes ] } >> |
<c' a,>4 <d bes,> <c c,> |
<bes d,> <c c,> <bes c,> |
<a f>2.
} }
>> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 96 } }](../../../I/40b826657cd37fe25a632fa606d9406a.png.webp)
1.Holy God we praise thy name,
Lord of all we bow before thee;
All on earth thy scepter claim,
All in heaven above adore thee,
Infinite thy vast domain,
Ever lasting is thy regin.
2.Hark! the loud celestial Hymn,
Angel choirs above are raising;
Cherubim and seraphim
In unceasing chorus praising,
Fill the heavens with sweet accord;
Holy, holy, holy, Lord!
3.Holy Father, Holy Son,
Holy Spirt, Three we name thee,
While in essence only One,
Undivided God we claim thee;
And adoring bend the kneee,
While we own the mystery.
4.Thou art King of glory, Christ!
Son of God yet born of Mary,
For use sinner sacrificed,
And to death a tributary;
First to break the bars of death,
Thou hast opened heaven to faith.
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