Abbot, Willis J., 412 Abell, A. S., 192 Abolition paper, 152, 282 Abominations, Tariff of, 148 Accuracy and Fair Play, Bureau of,
Ada Diurna, 3 Adams, Abijah, 102 Adams, Isaac, 160 Adams, James, 56 Adams, John, 105, 132 Adams, John Q., 149 Adams, Osborn, 232 Adams, Samuel, 409 Adams, S. H., 226 Adams, W. L., 238 Adless daily paper, 408 Advertisements, Civil War Period, 312 Colonial Period, 70 liquors, lotteries, etc.,
of, 332 news in, 74 political, 446 "Rags Wanted," 97 Revolutionary Peri- od, 93
tax on, 110, 112, 346 Advertiser, Albany, 135
Bache's General, 103, 104 Baltimore, 94 Boston Daily, 155 Boston Daily (Polar Star),
Charleston, 92 Independent, 55 Louisville, 143 Mercantile, 142, 159 Milwaukee, 231 National, 142 New York Commercial, 134,
New York Daily, 120 Pennsylvania Daily, 118,
Portland Daily, 237 South Carolina General, 119 Advertising, agency, 74
Civil War Period, 312 honest laws, 394 increase in, 355
Advertising, medicinal, 72, 225, 390
newspaper, 355, 390, 392 Alabama, early papers, 180 Albright, Samuel J., 246 Alien and Sedition Laws, 102 AUa California, 337 American, Nashville, 379
New York (Hearst), 373 New York (King), 151 Antony, 2 Archer, Thomas, 6 Argus, Albany, 150, 360
Denver, 252
Memphis, 289
New York, 103
Oregonian, 238
Portland, 147, 148 Arizona, early papers, 249 Arkansas, early papers, 182 Army Organs, 90, 261, 301, 426 Associated Press, 343, 384, 415
Bailey, Francis, 90 Baker, N. A., 252, 254 Bangs, Samuel, 183 Bank, United States, 156 Banner, Abbeville, 282 Nashville, 335 Beach, Moses S., 268, 276 Beach, Moses Y., 188 Bee, Hudson, 143
New London, 103, 143 New Orleans, 289 New York, 189, 224 Omaha, 246, 337 Beginnings in States and Territories:
Alabama, 180
Arizona, 249
Arkansas, 182
California, 239
Colorado, 250
Connecticut, 51
Delaware, 56
Dist. of Columbia, 172
Florida, 165
Georgia, 58
Idaho, 252
Illinois, 181
Indiana, 177
Iowa, 234
Beginnings in States and Territories:
Kansas, 232
Kentucky, 169
Louisiana, 165
Maine, 167
Maryland, 45
Massachusetts, 17-29
Michigan, 179
Minnesota, 240
Mississippi, 177
Missouri, 178
Montana, 253
Nebraska, 245
Nevada, 248
New Hampshire, 55
New Jersey, 59
New Mexico, 233
New York, 36
North Carolina, 53
North Dakota, 255
Ohio, 174
Oklahoma, 235
Oregon, 236
Pennsylvania, 31
Rhode Island, 48
South Carolina, 47
South Dakota, 246
Tennessee, 174
Texas, 183
Utah, 242
Vermont, 166
Virginia, 50
Washington, 244
West Virginia, 171
Wisconsin, 231
Wyoming, 254
Beginnings of daily journalism, 118 Bellow, A. H., 339 Benjamin, Park, 198 Bennett, James Gordon, 193, 274, 302,
Benton, Thomas H., 158, 179 Biddle, Nicholas, 156 Bigelow, Horatio, 183 "Black Journalism," 143 Blaine, James G., 169, 363 Blair, Francis P., 157, 222, 283 Blake, Henry Ingraham, 154, 264 Blanket Sheets, 162 Borden, Gail, 216 Boston, First Daily, 120 Bowles, Samuel, 276, 319, 351, 402 Boycott, New York Tribune, 362 Boyd, Adam, 55 Boys, News, 87, 200, 272, 307 Bradford, Andrew, 31 Bradford, John, 169
Bradford, William, 31, 36, 39, 62, 65
Brisbane, Arthur, 364, 373, 381, 429
Broadsides, 8
Brooker, William, 29
Brooks, James G., 145, 169
Bruce, John P., 254
Bryan, William J., 363, 439
Bryant, William Cullen, 136, 276, 321,
Buchanan, John, 253 Buckingham, Joseph Tinker, 26, 132 Buel, Jesse, 150 Bulletin, Boston, 185
Philadelphia, 336 San Francisco, 337, 379, 443 Bulletin Boards, 3, 159 Bulls, Papal, 4 Burk, John, 120 Burr, Aaron, 138 Butler, J. S., 252 Butler, T. J., 252 Butter, Nathaniel, 6 Byers, William N. f 251
Caelius, 3
Cffisars as journalists, 3
Calhoun, John, 152, 157, 173, 227
California, Daily Alta, 379
California, editions, 263
California, early papers, 239
California journalism, 263
Call, San Francisco, 337
Campaign organs, 208
Campbell, John, 17, 21, 70
Canal Record, 408
Capital Topeka, 413
Cartoons, 78, 84, 131, 141, 302, 303,
304, 318, 321, 362 Censorship of press, 28, 290, 423 Census Reports, 228 Cent, Philadelphia, 186 Centinel, Massachusetts, 109 Charles, William, 141 Charless, Joseph, 178 Charleston journalism, 449 Cherokee newspapers, 235 Chicago Day Book, 408 Chicago, newspapers after fire, 342
journalism, 374 Childs, Francis, 120
George W., 192 China, conditions in, 7 Christian Science Monitor, 414 Chronicle, American, 66
New York, 38
New York Morning, 138
Pennsylvani a, 44
Chronicle, Washington, 336
Wilmington, 56
San Francisco, 337, 360, 379
Church, W. C., 268
Cicero, 3
Circulation, statement, 95, 142 Citizen, Vicksburg, 307 Civic societies, influence of, 400 Civil War Period, 285
reactions, 318 Clay, Henry, 222 Claypoole, 118 Clemens, S. E., 248 Cleveland, Grover, 362 Coleman, William, 107, 135 Collins, Isaac, 60 Colonial Period, 62 Colorado, early papers in, 250 Colton, Walter, 239 Combination of publishers, 114, 275,
Connecticut, early papers in, 51 Conrad, R. T., 267 Contents of first daily paper, 118 Continent, New York, 373 Cooper, J. F., 221 Cooperative newspapers, 339 Copperhead press, 285 Gotten, G. B., 183 Country weeklies, 304 Courant, Connecticut, 52
Constitutional, 84
Delaware, 57
Hartford, 355
New England, 29, 33, 48 "Court Paper," 173 Courier, Charleston, 139, 334 Courier-Journal, Louisville, 340, 379 Craig, D. H., 217, 276 Craske, Charles, 311 Crime, treatment, 223, 441, 449 Cummings, Alexander, 267, 269 Curry, George L., 237
Dailies, first in America, 118
oldest in New York, 134 Daily Acts, 3
Daily, contents of first, 118 Dana, Charles Anderson, 210, 321, 325,
Dana, Paul, 374 Davis, James, 53 Davis, Jefferson, 261 Day, Benjamin Henry, 187 DeForeest, Henry, 39 Delaware, early papers, 56 Denver, early papers, 400
Departments for women, 392
Department Stores, influence of, 431
District of Columbia, 172
Dix, Dorothy, 389
Draft riots, 286
Draper, John, 25
Draper, Richard, 25
Duncan, Matthew, 181
Dunlop, George, 374, 411
Eagle, Brooklyn, 220, 370 Eddy, Mary Baker, 414 Edes, B., 85 Edes, P., 168 Editorial, changes, 106
combats, 212
corrections, 402
giants, 276
leading of period, 294
Page, influenced by adver- tisers, 439
Page, revival of, 422
prayer meeting, 268
prostitution, 447
of secession, 296
signed, 448
Editors jailed, 41, 55, 102, 148 Editors of West, 378 Eliot, Charles William, 450 Ellis, Albert, 232 Emancipator, 152 Embree, Elihu, 152 English, W. B., 192 Enquirer, Cincinnati, 378 Ethics, newspaper, 388, 390, 413, 441,
European War, effect of, 419 Evasion of law, 11 Evening papers, 341, 382, 421 Examiner, San Francisco, 337, 360 Exorbitant war rates, 307 Expresses, pigeon, 217
pony, 219, 252, 258 steam, 212 Extras, first, 24
sporting, 382 war, 93, 367
Exposures by newspapers, 239 Extramural activities of newspapers, 357, 377
Farley, Samuel, 66
Feature paper, first, 133
Federalist, The, 121
Federal supervision, 226, 394, 396
Feminizing newspaper, 389
Fenno, John, 122
Ferber, Thomas, 56
Field, David Dudley, 326
Fleet, Thomas, 69
Florida, early papers, 165
Forney, J. W., 276, 336
Fowle, Darnel, 55
Franco-Prussian War, 328
Franklin, Benjamin, 30, 32, 34, 44, 47,
51, 65, 68, 75, 78, 94, 102 Franklin, James, 29, 48, 72 Free postage, 75
Free Press, Detroit, 246, 338, 379, 412 Freedom of press, 31, 127, 450 Freeman, F. K., 323 Freeman, R. L., 323 French-English papers, 165 Freneau, Philip, 88, 90, 92, 106, 113,
120, 122
Fresh-air funds, 358 Frontier Index, 322 Frothingham, David, 103
Gaine, Hugh, 87, 93, 98 Gales, Joseph, Jr., 173, 223 Gales, Joseph, Sr., 106 Garrison, William Lloyd, 152, 186 Gazette, popularity of name, 44 Gazette, Albany, 97
Arkansas, 182
Boston, 22, 29, 72, 78, 85, 92, 98, 110, 141
Charleston City, 154
Cincinnati, 143, 276
Connecticut, 51
Delaware, 56
Detroit, 180
Falmouth, 167
Florida, 165
Gaine's New York, 87, 98
Georgia, 58
Halifax, 84
Hudson, 97
Illinois, 181
Indiana, 178
Kentucky, 169
Knoxville, 174
Louisiana, 166, 282
Maine, 168
Maryland, 45, 83, 97
Massachusetts, 26
Mississippi, 177
Missouri, 178
Nashville, 174
National, 105, 122
New Hampshire, 55, 95
New Jersey, 59, 98
New London, 52
Gazette, New York, 32, 36, 65, 74, 78
New York Daily, 115, 122, 141, 159
North Carolina, 53, 97
Parker's New York, 67
Pennsylvania, 34, 65, 67, 71, 75, 78, 84
Pittsburg, 147, 338
Porcupine, 101
Providence, 49, 92, 98
Rhode Island, 48
Rivington's New York Loyal, 88,95
Royal, 48
Royal Georgia, 58
Royal South Carolina, 91
South Carolina, 47, 48, 73, 78, 83
State of Georgia, 58
Tennessee, 174
Texas, 183
Vermont, 103, 106
Virginia, 50, 78
Washington, 172
Wheeling, 172 Georgia, early papers, 58 Gerrymander, cartoon, 131 Gibson, G. R., 234 Globe, Boston, 438 St. Paul, 379 Washington, 157, 222, 227 Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, 379 Goddard, Morrill, 380 Goddard, William, 49, 94, 96 Gold, news of, 262 Government newspaper, 408 regulations, 389
Grant, U. S., 325, 327, 345, 361 Greeley, Horace, 148, 186, 207, 209, 213, 273, 276, 277, 283, 295, 302, 312, 320, 323, 352, 404 Green, Bartholomew, 24 Green, Jonas, 45 Green, Samuel, 8 Green, Timothy, 2d, 52 Guthrie Get-up, 236
Hadley, Arthur T., 429 Hale, David, 219 Hale, Samuel, 49 Hall, David, 34 Hall, Edmund, 45 Hallock, Gerard, 276 Hamilton, Alexander, 122 Hammond, Charles, 143 Hammond, John Hayes, 250 Harris, Benjamin, 9 , 15
Harrison, William Henry, 173, 208, 220
Hartford Convention, 141
Haskell, D. M., 186
Hay, John, 342
Headlines, 93, 367, 422
Hearst, William Randolph, 337, 372
Heiss, J. P., 261
Henry, Robert, 171
Herald, Boston, 191, 262
Chicago, 375
New York, 193, 262, 263, 287, 311, 318, 342, 356, 345, 357
Omaha, 246
San Francisco, 263 High-tariff papers, 146 Hildreth, 108 Hill, Isaac, 149 Hitchcock, G. M., 246 Holly, Alanson, 231 Holt, Charles, 103 Holt, Hamilton, 409 Holt, John, 52, 85, 88, 95 Hough, George, 167 Howells, William Dean, 210, 338 Hudson, Frederic, 200 Hunter, 51
Hurlburt, William H., 370 Hyde, William, 338
Ice funds, 357
Idaho, early papers, 252
Illinois, early papers, 181
Indian papers, 232, 235
Indiana, early papers, 177
Inks, printing, 63, 308, 386
Innovations of New York Herald, 198
Iowa, early papers, 234
Irving, John, 138
Irving, Peter, 138
Irving, Washington, 138
Irving, William, 138
Isler, Peter, 171
Jackson, Andrew, 149, 162, 173, 189,
193, 227, 279, 340 Jay, John, 121
Jefferson, Thomas, 105, 112, 122 Jennings, L. J., 329 Johnson, James, 58 Jones, George, 270 Journal, Boston, 259, 263, 336
Chicago, 265, 281, 342
Commerce, of, 200
Connecticut, 52
Dayton, 378
Detroit, 412
Freeman's, 90
Journal, Holt's New York, 85, 88 Maryland, 94, 96 Milwaukee, 360 Minneapolis, 300, 379 New Hampshire, 133 New Jersey, 61, 87 New York Evening, 367 New-York Weekly, 38, 43 Ohio State, 338 Pennsylvania, 82, 90 Providence, 146, 425 South Carolina Weekly, 47 Journalism, beginnings in colonies. See Beginnings in States and Territories beginnings in Rome, 2 birth of English, 6 Chicago, 374 commercial, 352 history repeated, 264 origin of sensational, 4 religious, 413 rural, 404 Siamese Twins, 26 Washington, 291
Kansas, early papers, 232
journalism, 280 Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 280 Keeley, James, 375, 393, 509 Keimer, Samuel, 33 Kendall, Amos, 226 Kendall, G. W., 259 Kensey, S. A., 248 Kentucky, early papers, 169 Kenyon, Frank, 252 Killen, Jacob, 56 Kimmel, S. H., 181 King, Henry, 322 King, John, 234 Kingsley, J. L., 189 Kollock, Shepard, 61, 90, 135
Label for advertisements, 397
Labor conditions, 96, 277
Land-grab exposure, 272
Laws, honest advertising, 394
Leader, Des Moines, 378
Ledger, Philadelphia, 278
Lee, H. G., 237
Leggett, William, 203, 214, 224, 369
Letters, to editors, 318
Libel suits, Cooper vs. Commercial
Advertiser, 222 Cooper vs. Courier & En- quirer, 221
Cooper vs. New York Trib- une, 222
Libel Suits, Crosby vs. Zenger, 42
Government vs. New York
World, 407 McKean vs. Cobbett, 101
Liberator, 153
License for journalism, 403
Lincoln, Abraham, 283, 285, 291, 294, 295, 303
Literary daily, 138
Log cabin, 208
Logotypes, 279
Location, papers, 108, 348
Louisiana, early papers, 165
Lounsberry, Clement A., 255
Lowell, J. R., 258
Madison, James, 112, 140, 143 Maine, early papers, 167 Marble, Manton, 321, 352, 370, 372 Marion, J. H., 250 Martinez, Antonio, 233 Maryland, early papers, 45 Massachusetts, early papers, 17, 29 Massacre, Boston, 86 Mather, Increase, 8, 30 Maxwell, William, 174 Maverick, Augustus, 341 McClure, A. K, 363 McClure, S. S., 330 McKelway, St. Glair, 221, 370 Mecom, Benjamin, 52 Medicinal advertising, 72, 225, 390 Medill, Joseph, 265, 276, 352 Meeker, Jotham, 232 Mercury, American Weekly, 31
Cape Fear, 55
Charleston, 332
Newport, 49
New York, 77, 80, 83, 87, 93
Portsmouth, 56 Mergenthaler machines, 317 Meridith, Hugh, 33 Merrick, J. L., 251
Mexican War to Civil War Period, 258 Michigan, early papers, 179 Military exceptions for journalists, 310 Miller, Samuel, 180 Minnesota, early papers, 240 Mississippi, early papers, 177 Mitchell, E. P., 374 Montana, early papers, 253 Moore, J. H., 236 Mormons, 246 Morton, J. S., 246 Morton, Thomas, 245 Mother Goose Rhymes, 69 Moury, Sylvester, 249
Mowry, John, 166 Municipal newspapers, 410 Munsey, Frank A., 373
National Era, 262 National Republican organ, 151 Nebraska, early papers, 245 Nelson, William R., 376 Nevada, early papers, 248 New Hampshire, early papers, 55 New Jersey, early papers, 59 New Mexico, early papers, 233 New York, early papers, 36
evening papers, 341 newspaper generals, 302 News, Boston Daily, 331
Chicago Daily, 360, 375, 390 Dallas, 330 Deseret, 242 Detroit, 379, 412 Gaheston, 339 Indianapolis, 336, 359 Los Angeles Municipal, 410 Portland, 237 Rocky Mountain, 378 San Francisco, 264 News, associations, city, 317, 375 "boiled down," 67 charted, 448 desire for, 1 mode of treatment, 67, 92, 260,
suppression of, 430, 441 News-Letter, Boston, 17, 19, 70 News-Letters, Campbell's printed, 18,
27, 69, 70
Campbell's writtsn, 17 English, 6 Roman, 2 Newspaper, adless, 408
advertising, 355, 390, 392 advertising label, 397 battles, 211
beginnings in colonies. See Beginnings in States and Territories changes, 335 conditions in North, 309 conditions in West, 310 cost of production, 69, 159 disinfected, 107 endowed, 409 ethics, 388, 390, 413, 441,
federal supervision of, 226 first use of word, 7 literary influence s, 81
Newspaper, manners, 320
military criticism of, 302
municipal, 410
near, 9
office mobbed, 89
oral, 5, 15, 179, 263
organ of postmasters, 29
ownership, statement of,
political tracts, 101 printed on wall-paper, 306 printed on wrapping-pa- per, 310 printing trading stamps,
412 Publishers' Association,
precursors of American, 8 readjustment, 353 spoken, 5, 15, 179, 263 subscription rates raised,
307, 423 subscriptions for limited
periods, 306 Sunday, 309, 379, 419 tickets, 308 written, 5, 15, 179, 244,
Niles, Ezekiah, 151 Noah, Mordecai, 145, 153, 157, 198 North, S. N. B., 348 North American, Philadelphia, 266,
269, 390
North Carolina, early papers, 53 North Dakota, early papers, 255 Norton, B. H., 190 Nye, E. W., 255
Ohio, early papers, 174 Oklahoma, early papers, 235 Older, Fremont, 443 "Oldstyle, Jonathan," 138 Oral newspapers, 5, 15, 179, 263 Oregon, early papers, 236 Oregonian, Portland, 379 Organs, abolition, 152, 262
army, 90, 261, 301, 426
carpet-baggers, 333
Ku-Klux Klan, 334 Otis, Harrison Gray, 377
Pacific Coast journalism, 230, 262, 310
newspapers, 310 Paper, scarcity, 69, 97, 182, 243, 305,
made from pulp, 346, 386 mills, 62, 70, 98, 386
Parker, James, 43, 51, 95 Parks, William, 45, 50 Party organ in Maine, 148 patronage, 223 press in Albany, 150 Peek, Alvin S., 383 Pennsylvania, early papers, 31 Penny Press, in Boston, 190
in New York, 185 in Philadelphia, 192 Periods, newspaper,
Colonial Period, 62 Revolutionary Period, 82 Period of Early Republic, 100 Party Press Period, 140 Transition Period, 206 Mexican War to Civil War
Period, 258 Civil War Period, 285 Reconstruction Period, 317 Period of Financial Readjust- ment, 352 Period of Social Readjustment,
Peripatetic papers, 299, 322 Personal journalism, 318, 319, 321 Philadelphia journalism, 90, 336, 431 Phillips, Eleazer, 46 Pickering, Loring, 337 Picric journalism, 319, 321 Pigeon expresses, 217 Plaindealer, Cleveland, 338, 378 Political advertising, 446 Polk, J. K., 261 Pony express, 219, 252, 258 Post, Boston Daily, 270, 331
Boston Evening, 69, 79, 84, 331
Boston Penny, 190
Charleston Morning, 91
Chicago, 336, 342
New York Daily Evening, 114, 135,
141, 280, 308, 368, 398, 433 New York Evening, 39, 42 New York Morning, 186 Pennsylvania Evening, 90, 93 San Francisco, 337 Postal organs of Massachusetts, 29
regulations, 75, 95, 112, 161, 314,
347, 394 Post-Boy, Boston, 26
New York, 74 Post-office printing, 305 Post-offices as advertising agencies, 74 Post vs. press, 95 Post-riders, 113 Poulson, Zachariah, Jr., 155 Prentice, George D., 340
Present state of New-English affairs, 8 Press, Grand Rapids, 359
Philadelphia, 276, 336
Pittsburg, 358
St. Paul Pioneer, 379 Press, and pestilence, 106 k and politics, 148
\ and U.S. Bank, 156
\ vs. Presidents, 105 as detective, 360
Associated, 343, 384, 415
Associations, 275, 384
battle of statesmen, 124
censorship, 28, 290, 423
divided, 104
freedom of, 107, 110, 450
gag law, 331
mirror of times, 100, 144, 197
modesty of politicians, 215
party, 115, 118, 140, 223
personal attacks of, 101
regulation of, 389
sensational, 368, 371
Tory, 141
United, 385
wheels, on, 322 Presses, printing, 63, 95, 160, 278, 317,
Proclamations, forged by press, 297 Prohibition, effects on journalism, 398 Public-Ledger, Philadelphia, 192 Publicity, pitiless, 440 Publick-Occurrences, 9, 19 Puclot, L., 165 Pulitzer, Albert, 372 Pulitzer, Joseph, 339, 370, 372 Punchinello, 321 Purdy, Alexander, 51
Rags, advertisements for, 97
Ray, C. H., 293
Raymond, Henry Jarvis, 211, 226, 269, 273, 276, 283, 302
Reconstruction journalism, 317
Record, Chicago, 375
Register, Weekly, 151
Regulation of press, 389
Reid, Whitelaw, 210, 379, 429, 435
Religious journalism, 331
Religious dailies, 266
in New York, 267 in Philadelphia, 266
Reporter, First Star, 154
Republican, Chicago, 336 Omaha, 379 St. Louis, 338, 379
Revere, Paul, 86
Revival of newspapers, 290
Revolutionary period, 82
Reynolds, J. S., 253
Rhett, Barnwell, 332
Rhode Island, early papers, 48
Richard, Rev. Father Gabriel, 16, 179
Richards, D. H., 231
Richards, William, 242
Rind, William, 51
Ritchie, Thomas, 261
Rivington, James, 88, 95, 96
Roman journalism, 2
Rosewater, Edward, 246, 337
Roulstone, George, 174
Russell, Benjamin, 129
San Francisco dailies, 263
Sargent, Eppes, 186
Scarcity of paper, 69, 97, 243, 305, 422
Scripps, James E., 338
papers of, 416, 417
Seaton, W. W., 173
Secession, Southern press on, 282
Sedition Laws, passage of, 102
Seitz, Don C., 381, 409, 438
Semple, Robert, 239
Senate, press restriction of, 222
Sensational journalism, 4, 223, 368, 371
Service work, 393
Seward, W. H., 207, 222, 283
Sheldon, Rev. Charles, 413, 441
Shepard, H. D., 186
Siamese Twins in journalism, 26
Simonton, J. W., 272, 343
Slack, A. E., 255
Slavery discussions, 279
Slaves, sold by newspapers, 93
Smith, S. H., 106, 173
South Carolina, early papers, 47
South Dakota, early papers, 246
Southern press, 334
Spain, war with, 364
Spanish-English papers, 234
Spoken newspapers, 5, 15, 179
Spooner, J. P., 167
Spy, Massachusetts, 85, 97, 111
Stamp Act, 1765, 82
Massachusetts, 1755, 78 Massachusetts, 1785, 109 New York, 1756, 79 repeal of, 84
Star, Kansas City, 376
Washington, 336, 374, 375
State-exemption for journalists, 310
State-subsidized newspaper, 59
Statistics, 227, 348, 349, 350, 418
Steam expresses , 212
Stereotyping improvements, 189, 311
Stewart, Andrew, 54
Stokes, Benjamin, 177
Stone, Melville E., 42, 375, 385, 413, 415
Storey, Wilbur F., 286
Stout, Elihu, 177
Stowe, H. B., 262
Strike, first printers', 96
Subscribers, poor pay, 38, 43, 58, 65,
68, 113, 178, 383 Summary, New London, 52 Sun, Baltimore, ,190, 219, 259
New (York, 187, 212, 267, 309, 325, 368, 385
Shawanoe, 232
San Francisco, 264
True, 188
Sunday newspapers, 309, 379, 419 Suppression of news, 430, 441, 442 Suspension of Southern newspapers, 289
Tabloid newspapers, 373 Tariff newspapers, 146 Taxes, Massachusetts, 79
Newspapers on, 79
New York, 80
United States, 346
Virginia, 275 Taylor, Charles H., 438 Taylor, Zachary, 262 Tea Party, Report of, 86 Telegram, Toledo, 378 Telegraph, 273, 317, 353 Tennessee, early papers, 174 Tennessean, Nashville, 335, 360 Texas, early papers, 216 Texas Republic journalism, 216 Thomas, Isaiah, 36, 85, 116, 133 Tilden, S. J., 327, 341 Time, eleven days lost, 77 Times, Boston, 191
Chicago, 286
Los Angeles, 377
New York, 226, 279, 288, 298, 312, 318, 438
Philadelphia, 363
Troy, 359
Times-Star, Cincinnati, 378 Timothy, Lewis, 47 Timothy, Peter, 48 Titcomb, Benjamin, Jr., 168 Topliff, Samuel, 185, 217 Tory press, 141 Towne, Benjamin, 90 Trading stamps, with newspapers, 412 Transcript, Albany, 190
Transcript, Baltimore, 190 Boston, 436 New York, 188 Philadelphia, 190, 193 Transition Period, 206 Tribune, Boston, 331
Chicago, 265, 276, 281, 342,
390, 426, 447 Detroit, 379 Kansas, 233, 281 Minneapolis, 379 New York, 209, 213, 222, 258, 272, 276, 281, 285, 287, 291, 295, 298, 311, 318, 323, 362, 379
Triumvirate, Van Buren, 150 Tweed Ring exposed, 329 Tyler, Moses C., 81 Typographical unions, 277, 362, 368 Typography, 62, 64, 279, 317
United Press, 375, 385, 416 United States Bank, 156, 192 United States Daily, 412 I Universal Instructor in all the Arts and Sciences; and Pennsylvania Gazette, 34 Utah, early papers, 242 Utah war, 243
Van Anden, Isaac, 20 Van Buren, Martin, 150, 193, 208, 261 Van Buren triumvirate, 150 Vanity Fair, 283 Vault, William, 236 Vermont, early papers, 166 Villard, Oswald G., 416, 431 "Villain Raymond," 272 Vincent, George E. f 430 Vindicator, 236 Virginia, early papers, 50 Vituperation of press, 143, 197, 319
Wait, Aaron E., 238
Wait, Thomas B., 167
Wall-paper editions, 306
Walter, Cornelia, 185
Walter, Lynde N., 185
War, correspondents, 260, 288, 289,
293, 294, 364, 427 expenses, 328, 365 newspaper, 29, 38 Warner, Charles Dudley, 74, 226, 353,
Washington, attack on, 104 Washington, early papers, 244 Watterson, Henry, 300, 325, 341, 379,
Wayland, L., 135
Webb, James Watson, 157, 159, 198,
212, 222, 276 Webb, Joseph, 248 Weed, Thurlow, 207, 222, 270 Weekly Newes, 6
Webster, Daniel, 147, 173, 262, 270 Webster, Noah, 134 Wells, Robert, 48 Wells, William, 165 West Virginia, early papers, 171 Western editors, 321, 378 Whiskey Ring exposed, 330 White, Horace, 266, 276 White, Isaac D., 360, 402 White, W. A., 406 Whitman, Walt, 221 Whitmarsh, Thomas, 47 Wild West weeklies, 382 Wiley, J. W., 239, 244 Wiley, Louis, 438 Willis, Nathaniel, 172, 175 Willis, N. Parker, 172
Wilson, James, 57
Winter weather and news, 65, 247
Wisconsin, early papers, 231
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 379
Woodruff, W. E M 182
Wordless journalism, 131
World, New York, 269, 285, 298, 339,
352, 360, 362, 365, 370, 381, 380,
401, 407, 438, 441 Written newspapers, 1, 5, 6, 15, 179,
244, 248 Wyoming, early papers, 254
Yachts, news, 219 Yerba Buena paper, 240 Young, Brigham, 242 Young, Charles de, 337 Young, M. H. de, 338
Zane, J. H,, 247
Zenger, John Peter, 38, 39, 43
Ziebach, Fran The Riverside Press
U . S . A