< History of American Journalism



Among the broadsides published in New England during the early colonial days, to correct false reports, may be found certain printed sheets so closely resembling a newspaper that such a term has been applied to them. While they did give some domestic news of the colonies and while they were printed to sell as news sheets, they had no regularity in publication, being issued only once. Consequently, they are to be regarded as the precursors of the newspaper press and not as real newspapers.


One of the earliest of these broadsides in some ways the most important—was The Present State of the New-English Affairs (1689). It was a single sheet, 8 × 14½ inches, printed on only one side. Its printer and publisher was Samuel Green. The first part consisted of an extract from a letter of the Reverend Increase Mather, dated at Deal in Kent, to Simon Baldwin, Governor of the Massachusetts colony in New England. The most important item in the sheet was a "passage extracted from the publick News-Letter" (of London) for July 6, 1689. Because the extract has historical value and at the same time shows, to a certain extent, the kind of news found in The London News-Letter, it is worth quotation:—

The people of New England having made a thorow Revolution, and secured the publick Criminals. On Thursday last, the Reverend and Learned Mr. Mather, President of the Colledge, and Minister of Boston, waited on the King; and in a most Excellent Speech laid before His Majesty, the State of that People; saying, That they were sober, and Industrious, and fit for Martial Service; and all with their Lives and Interests were at His Majesties Command, to tender the same unto His Majesty: That they desired nothing but His Majesties Acceptance of what they had done, and His Protection; and that if His Majesty pleased to encourage and Commission them, He might easily be Emperour of America. His Majesty assured him, that He was pleased with what was done for Him, and for themselves in the Revolution, and that their Priviledges and Religion should be secured unto them.

The Present State of the New-English Affairs was published "to prevent false reports." Other news-handbills must have circulated rather extensively about this time, for, toward the close of 1689, the Massachusetts authorities passed a resolution that "whereas many papers have been lately printed and dispersed, tending to the disturbance of the peace," any person guilty of printing or even concealing "such like papers" should be "accounted enemies" of the Government and "be proceeded against as such with the uttermost severity." Nothing did more to hinder the development of American journalism than the requirement, "Published by Authority." Freedom of the press came only after a hard-fought struggle.


An attempt, however, was made, in 1690 to establish what would have been a newspaper had there been more than one issue. On September 25 of that year, Benjamin Harris brought out, in Boston, Publick Occurrences. It was to have been published once a month or oftener "if any glut of occurrences happen." As it was not published by authority, the Governor and Council promptly found that the pamphlet, as it was called, contained "reflections of a very high nature" and ordered its suppression. They also, in the same resolution, forbade "any person or persons for the future to set forth anything in print without license first obtained from those that are, or shall be appointed by the Government to grant the same." Because of this drastic action, it was almost fifteen years before another attempt was made to give Boston a newspaper.

Publick Occurrences, Both Forreign and Domestick, was a small, four-page sheet, 7½ × 11½ inches, and had two columns to the page, except on the fourth, which was free from any printing. The only known copy of this sheet is preserved in the London Public Record Office, where it was found in 1845 by the Reverend Joseph B. Felt, of Salem. Frederic Hudson, in his "Journalism in the United States," published an expurgated copy of its contents which has since been reprinted in many American publications, and in 1901 Samuel Abbott Green, of the Massachusetts Historical Society, reproduced the original in facsimile. An unexpurgated version of Publick Occurrences is here given for the sake of historical accuracy. The purpose for which the sheet was printed, as well as the way in which the items were told, will surely attract the attention of the reader of to-day. Harris had a keener sense of news value than most of the other men who started Colonial newspapers.


Both Forreign and Domestick.

Boston, Thursday, Sept. 25th. 1690.

It is designed, that the Countrey shall be furnished once a moneth (or if any Glut of Occurrences happen, oftener,) with an account of such considerable things as have arrived unto our Notice.

In order hereunto, the Publisher will take what pains he can to obtain a Faithful Relation of all such things; and will particularly make himself beholden to such Persons in Boston whom he knows to have been for their own use the diligent Observers of such matters.

The which is herein proposed, is, First, That Memorable Occurrents of Divine Providence may not be neglected or forgotten, as they too often are. Secondly, That people every where may better understand the Circumstances of Publique Affairs, both abroad and at home; which may not only direct their Thoughts at all times, but at some times also to assist their Businesses and Negotiations.

Thirdly, That something may be done toward the Curing, or at least the Charming of that Spirit of Lying, which prevails amongst us, wherefore nothing shall be entered, but what we have reason to believe is true, repairing to the best fountains for our Information. And when there appears any material mistake in any thing that is collected, it shall be corrected in the next.

Moreover, the Publisher of these Occurrences is willing to engage, that whereas, there are many False Reports, maliciously made, and spread among us, if any well-minded person will be at the pains to trace any such false Report, so far as to find out and Convict the First Raiser of it, he will in this Paper (unless just Advice be given to to the contrary) expose the Name of such person, as A malicious Raiser of a false Report. It is suppos'd that none will dislike this Proposal, but such as intend to be guilty of so villanous a Crime.

That Christianized Indians in some parts of Plimouth, have newly

appointed a day of Thanksgiving to God for his Mercy in supplying their extream and pinching Necessities under their late want of Corn, & for His giving them now a prospect of a very Comfortable Harvest. Their Example may be worth Mentioning.

Tis observed by the Husbandmen that altho' the With-draw of so great a strength of them, as what is in the Forces lately gone for Canada, made them think it almost impossible for them to get well through the Affairs of their Husbandry at this time of the year, yet the Season has been so unusually favourable that they scarce find any want of the many hundreds of hands, that are gone from them; which is looked upon as a Merciful Providence.

While the barbarous Indians were lurking about Chelmsford, there were missing about the beginning of this month a couple of Children belonging to a man of that Town, one of them aged about eleven, the other aged about nine years, both of them supposed to be fallen into the hands of the Indians.

A very Tragical Accident happened at Water-Town, the beginning of this Month, an Old man, that was of somewhat a Silent and Morose Temper, but one that had long Enjoyed the reputation of a Sober and Pious Man, having newly buried his Wife, The Devil took advantage of the Melancholy which he thereupon fell into, his Wives discretion and industry had long been the support of his Family, and he seemed hurried with an impertinent fear that he should now come to want be- fore he dyed, though he had very careful friends to look after him who kept a strict eye upon him, least he should do himself any harm. But one evening escaping from them into the Cowhouse, they there quickly followed him found him hanging by a Rope, which they had used to tye their Calves withal, he was dead with his feet near touching the Ground.

Epidemical Fevers and Agues grow very common, in some parts of the Country, whereof, tho' many dye not, yet they are sorely unfitted for their imployments; but in some parts a more malignant Fever seems to prevail in such sort that it usually gores thro' a Family where it comes, and proves Mortal unto many.

The Small-pox which has been raging in Boston, after a manner very Extraordinary, is now very much abated. It is thought that far more have been sick of it then were visited with it, when it raged so much twelve years ago, nevertheless it has not been so Mortal. The number of them that have dyed in Boston by this last Visitation is about three hundred and twenty, which is not perhaps hah 7 so many as fell by the former. The Time of its being most General, was in the Months June, July, and August, then 'twas that sometimes in some one Congregation on a Lords-day there would be Bills desiring prayers for above an hun- dred Sick. It seized upon all sorts of people that came in the way of it, it infected even Children in the bellies of Mothers that had themselves undergone the Disease many years ago for some such were now born full of the Distemper. 'Tis not easy to relate the Trouble and Sorrow

that poor Boston has felt by this Epidemical Contagion. But we hope it will be pretty nigh Extinguished, by that time twelve month when it first began to Spread. It now unhappily spreads in several other places, among which our Garrisons in the East are to be reckoned some of the greatest Sufferers.

Altho' Boston did a few weeks ago, meet with a Disaster by Fire, which consumed about twenty Houses near -the Mill-Creek, yet about midnight, between the sixteenth and seventeenth of this Instant, an- other Fire broke forth near the South-Meeting-House, which consumed about five or six houses, and had almost carried the Meeting house it self, one of the fairest Edifices in the Country, if God had not remark- ably assisted the Endeavours of the People to put out the Fire. There were two more considerable Circumstances in the Calamities of this Fire, one was that a young man belonging to the House where the Fire began, unhappily perished in the Flames; it seems that tho' he might sooner awake than some others who did escape, yet he some way lost those Wits that should have taught him to help himself. Another was that the best furnished PRINTING-PRESS, of those few that we know of in America was lost; a loss not presently to be repaired.

There lately arrived at Piscataqua, one Papoon from Penobscot, in a small Shallop, wherein he had used to attend upon the pleasure of Casteen, but took his opportunity to run away, and reports: That a Vessel of small Bulk bound from Bristol to Virginia, having been so long at Sea, till they were prest with want, put in at Penobscot instead of Piscataqua, where the Indians and French seized her, and Butchered the Master, and several of the men: but that himself who belonged unto the Ships Crew, being a Jersey-man, was more favourably used, & found at length an advantage to make his Escape.

The chief discourse of this month has been about the affairs of the Western Expedition against Canada. The Albanians, New-Yorkers and the five Nations of Indians, in the West, had long been pressing of the Massachusetts to make an Expedition by Sea, into Canada, and still made us believe that they stayed for us, and that while we assaulted Quebeck, they would pass the Lake, and by Land make a Descent upon Mount Real. Accordingly this Colony with some assistance from our kind Neighbours of Plimouth; fitted an Army of near five and twenty hundred men, and a Navy of two and thirty sail; which went from hence the beginning of the last August, under the Command of the Honourable Sir William Phips.

In the mean time the English Colonies & Provinces in the West raised Forces, the Numbers whereof have been reported five or six hun- dred. The Honourable General Winthrop was in the Head of these, and advanced within a few miles of the Lake; He there had some good number of Maqua's to joyn his Forces, but contrary to his Expectation, it was found that the Canoo's to have been ready for the Transporta- tion of the Army over the Lake, were not prepared, and the other Nations of Indians, that should have come to this Campaign, sent their Excuses, pretending that the Small-pox was among them, and some other Trifles. The General Meeting with such vexing disappointments, called a Councel of War, wherein 'twas agreed, That it was impossible for them to Prosecute their Intended Expedition. However he dis- patched away the Maqua's to the French Territories, who returned with some Success, having slain several of the French, and brought home several Prisoners, whom they used in a manner too barbarous for any English to approve. The General coming back to Albany, there happened a misunderstanding, between him and the Lieutenant Governour of New-york which occasioned much discourse, but produced not those effects which were feared of it. Where lay the bottom of these miscarriages is variously conjectured, if any people further West than Albany, have been Tampering with the Indians, to desert the business of Canada, we hope time will discover it. And if Almighty God will have Canada to be subdu'd without the assistance of those miserable Salvages, in whom we have too much confided, we shall be glad, that there will be no Sacrifice offered up to the Devil, upon this occasion; God alone will have all the Glory.

'Tis possible, we have not so exactly related the Circumstances of this business, but this Account, is as near exactness, as any that could be had, in the midst of many various reports about it.

Another late matter of discourse, has been an unaccountable destruction befalling a body of Indians, that were our Enemies. This body of French Indians had a Fort somewhere far up the River, and a party of Maqua's returning from the East Country, where they have at a great rate pursued and terrified those Indians which have been invading of our North-East Plantations, and Killed their General Hope Hood among the rest; resolved to visit this Fort; but they found the Fort ruined, the Canno's cut to pieces, and the people all either Butchered or Captived. This gave them no little surprise, and they gave the English this account of it. That a body of Maqua's lately returning from the Spoil of Canada brought several French Prisoners with them; That calling at this Fort in their way, the Indians there seeing them- selves unable to resist them did pass divers Complements with them and partake of their Booties, That a French Captive after this, escaping from the Maqua's informed the French that these Indians had revolted unto the Maqua's, and hereupon the French or their Indians made a sudden Sally forth upon them, and utterly destroyed them, tho' they were in reality of their own party still.

Two English Captives escaped from the hands of Indians and French at Pascadamoquady, came into Portsmouth on the sixteenth Instant & say, That when Capt. Mason was at Fort Real, he cut the faces, and ript the bellies of two Indians, and threw a third Over board in the sight of the French, who informing the other Indians of it, they have in revenge barbarously Butcher'd forty Captives of our that were in their hands.

These two Captives escaped in a Shallop, which our Enemies intended to have set out with all the Circumstances of a Fishing Shallop but to have indeed fill'd it with Indians that should have Claptd on board any English Vessel that came in their way; They say that about three or four weeks ago, some Indians were coming this way to War, but crossing a path which they supposed to be of the Maqua's, they followed it until they discovered a place where some Canoo's were making, whereupon twenty Kennebeck Indian-Warriors went to look further after the business, who never yet returned. Which gives hope that they may come short home, but upon this the Squaws are sent to Penobscot, and the men stand on their Defence.

Portsmouth Sept. 20th. Two days since arrived here a small Vessel from Barbaboes, in which is a Letter to Captain H. K. of 19th August that speaks thus,

Christophers is wholly taken from the French as also a small Island called Stacia; we are very strong in Shipping, and our Ships of War are now gone for Tobago, a very good place to shelter from any Storms, after the suspicious months are over, they will attack the rest of the French places. We have News here that K. William is safe arrived in Ireland, and is marched with one hundred and forty thousand Foot and Horse. Himself leads the Body, Duke Scomburgh the right Wing, and the Earl of Oxford the left Wing, Duke Hamilton of Scotland leads the forlorn Hope with ten thousand men under him. Great victory they dayly have, and much people dayly come in to him, with submission: He has 200 Shipping with him of one sort or other, above one hundred Sail dayly run between Ireland and England, with meat for Man and Beast; His Majesty being unwilling to trust false Ireland for it. France is in much trouble (and fear) not only with us but also with his Son, who has revolted against him lately, and has great reason if reports be true, that the Father used to lie with the Sons Wife. He has got all the Hugonots, and all the dissatisfied Papists, with the great force of the D. of Lorraign, and are now against him, resolving to depose him of his life and Kingdom.

It's Reported the City of Cork in Ireland, has proclaimed K. William, and turned their French Landlords out of Doors; of this there wants further confirmation.

From Plimouth Sept. 22. We have an Account that on Friday the 12th Instant, in the night, our Forces Landing privately, forthwith surrounded Pegypscot Fort; but finding no Indians there, they March'd to Amonoscoggin. There on the Lords-day, they kill'd and took 15 or 16 of the Enemy, and recovered five English Captives mostly belonging to Oyster-River; who advised, that the men had been gone about ten days down to a River, to meet with the French, and the French Indians; where they expected to make up a Body of 300 men, and design first against Wells or Piscataqua.

On Tuesday, the Army came to our Vessels at Macquot, but one of the Vessels touching a Ground stopt a Tide; by which means, young Bracket, who was a considerable distance up the River, above Amonoscoggin Fort, being advised by an Indian that ran away from Amonoscoggin, that an English Army was there attempted his Escape, and came down to the Sloop, just as they came on their Sail.

On Thursday, they landed at Saco; a Scout of 60 men of ours discover a party of the Enemy, and had the Advantage of killing three of them, and taking nine Canoos, and an English captive named, Thomas Baker, who informed, that the Enemy had left a considerable Plunder at Pegypscut-Plains, which he supposed the Enemy was gone to secure. Whereupon the Army immediately embark'd, and arriving there that night, the next morning found the Bever-Plunder accordingly.

While our Vessels where at Anchor in Cascoe-Bay, our Auxiliary Indians lodging on shore, and being too careless in their Watch, the Enemy made an Attaque upon them. The English forth with repair'd to their Relief; but were sorely galled, by an Embuscado of Indians, The Enemy soon quitted the Field, escaping with their Canoo's, whereof ours took several. In the Surprise, we lost 9 men, and had about 20 wounded; the blow chiefly fell on our dead Friends, the Plimouth Forces; 15 being kill'd and wounded of Captain South worth's Company.

In spite of the fact that Publick Occurrences was ordered suspended, Benjamin Harris later met with public favor. In December, 1692, the official records show that he was ordered "to print the acts and laws made by the Great and General Court, or Assembly of their Majesties of Massachusetts-Bay in New England." Along about 1695 he returned to England where he became the publisher of The London Post.


Substitutes for the newspaper were found in two rather striking places the public tavern and the local church. In the former, items of community interest were freely passed along over pipes and ale. The walls of the tavern were frequently decorated with notices of what to-day appear in the newspaper; some in the advertising columns, others in the text. Foreign news was found in the different gazettes for which the tavern subscribed. In order that such papers might be available for the perusal of news, a notice was frequently posted to the effect that persons learning to read would please use old copies of the gazettes. In some sections the news feature in the tavern was an attraction. At Bridgeton, New Jersey, a written newspaper called The Plain-Dealer was publicly posted at "Matthew Potter's Bar." A notice informed the public that those interested might read the paper by calling at the tavern every Tuesday morning. Frequently, however, the contents of The Plain-Dealer were more like essays than news-items. Issues, however, were not without human interest. One number, for example, discussed "bundling with the girls"; another made a special plea for more patriotism on the part of the Jersey colonies. Whenever a colonial farmer visited a tavern, he always carried the news away—possibly along with other things which he ought not to have had.

America has not been without its spoken newspaper. The clergy of New England frequently related or referred to items of news. The bellman, as he made his rounds, sometimes told other things besides giving the hour and informing the public that all was well. The spoken newspaper probably reached its highest development in the United States in Detroit, Michigan. The Reverend Father Gabriel Richard, a priest of the Order of Sulpice, who first came to that place as resident pastor of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Anne, was its conductor. To arouse the public and awaken an interest in the affairs of the Government, he appointed a town crier who every Sunday at the doors of his church told the public in general and the congregation in particular all the news that was fit to speak. In addition, this public crier mentioned the auction sales and related other advertising announcements. Later, to supplement the spoken newspaper, a written edition was posted at a convenient place near the church. Father Richard was assisted in his news enterprise by Theopolis Meetz, the sacristan of St. Anne's Church, but later, a printer and publisher.

The evolution of journalism in America has been much the same as that in other countries. There have been spoken newspapers, written newspapers, and later printed newspapers. In other words, journalism history has again repeated itself.

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