When fragrant bloom of yellow broom
delights our lads and lasses,
O'er yellow broom in beauty's bloom
my Will all lads surpasses
Wi' Willy then I'll o'er the braes,
I'll o'er the braes wi' Willy ;
Wi' Willy then I'll o'er the braes,
I'll o'er the braes wi' Willy
From morn to eve I'll sing the praise
of buxom bonny Willy
Willy. Willy, Willy, Willy
From morn to eve I'll sing the praise
Of buxom bonny Willy.
Reclined by Tay at noon-tide day,
we'll pu' the daizy pretty,
The live lang day we'll kiss and play,
or sing some loving ditty.
Wi Willy then. &e.
Now blythe and gay at setting day,
gif mither dinna binder,
I'll sing and play wi' Willy gay,
for we twa ne'er shall sinder.
Wi Willy then, &c.

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.