< Henry V (1918) Yale


(Figures in full-faced type refer to page-numbers)

a': 31 (II. iii. 11)

absolute: 61 (III. vii. 27)

abutting: 1 (I. Chor. 21)

accept: 111 (V. ii. 82)

accomplishing: 66 (IV. Chor. 12)

accompt: 1 (I. Chor. 17)

accord: 26 (II. ii. 86)

achieve: 85 (IV. iii. 91)

addition: 120 (V. ii. 367)

addrest: 48 (III. iii. 58)

admiration: 27 (II. ii. 108)

advance: 30 (II. ii. 192)

advantages: 83 (IV. iii. 50)

advice, his more: 25 (II. ii. 43)

advis'd, be: 14 (I. ii. 251)

affiance: 28 (II. ii. 127)

alarum: 39 (III. Chor. S. d.)

all proportion of subjection: 73 (IV. i. 154, 155)

an (if): 22 (II. i. 107)

an (as if): 31 (II. iii. 11)

ancient: 18 (II. i. 3)

antics: 42 (III. ii. 34)

apprehension: 65 (III. vii. 150)

approbation: 6 (I. ii. 19)

apt: 26 (II. ii. 86)

arbitrement: 73 (IV. i. 170)

argument (subject of contention): 40 (III. i. 21)

argument (theme): 61 (III. vii. 37)

argument (business): 73 (IV. i. 151)

art: 4 (I. i. 51)

as: 44 (III. ii. 78)

as may unworthiness define: 67 (IV. Chor. 46)

assays: 11 (I. ii. 151)

astonished: 106 (V. i. 40)

at one: 114 (V. ii. 203, 204)

attest: 1 (I. Chor. 16)

avouch: 107 (V. i. 77)

avouchment: 99 (IV. viii. 38)

awkward: 36 (II. iv. 85)

ball: 77 (IV. i. 280)

balm: 77 (IV. i. 280)

bar: 109 (V. ii. 27)

Barbason: 20 (II. i. 57)

barley-broth: 51 (III. v. 19)

Bartholomew-tide: 119 (V. ii. 335)

basilisks: 108 (V. ii. 17)

battle (army): 66 (IV. Chor. 9)

battle (battle lines): 81 (IV. iii. 2)

bawcock: 42 (III. ii. 27)

beadle: 74 (IV. i. 180)

beaver: 80 (IV. ii. 44)

become: 6 (I. ii. 8)

bedlam: 105 (V. i. 20)

bent: 108 (V. ii. 16)

beseeched: 45 (III. ii. 119)

beshrew: 116 (V. ii. 240)

best indu'd: 28 (II. ii. 139)

bestow yourself: 84 (IV. iii. 68)

blood: 28 (II. ii. 133)

blown: 59 (III. vi. 164)

bolted: 28 (II. ii. 137)

book: 94 (IV. vii. 77)

bootless: 47 (III. iii. 24)

bound my horse: 113 (V. ii. 145)

bowels, in the: 37 (II. iv. 102)

brave: 38 (III. Chor. 5)

bravely: 84 (IV. iii. 69)

break: 116 (V. ii. 264)

breath: 38 (II. iv. 145)

bring: 30 (II. iii. 2)

broached: 104 (V. Chor. 32)

broken music: 116 (V. ii. 262)

bubukles: 57 (III. vi. Ill)

buffet: 113 (V. ii. 145)

bully: 69 (IV. i. 48)

but: 51 (III. v. 12)

but in purged judgment: 28 (II. ii. 136)

buxom: 54 (III. vi. 27)

by and by: 23 (II. ii. 2)

Cadwallader: 105 (V. i. 29)

capital: 111 (V. ii. 96)

careers: 23 (II. i. 133)

careful: 76 (IV. i. 251)

carefully, more than: 33 (II. iv. 2)

carry coals: 43 (III. ii. 51)

case: 41 (III. ii. 5)

casted slough: 68 (IV. i. 23)

cause of policy: 4 (I. i. 45)

caveto: 32 (II. iii. 56)

ceremonies: 71 (IV. i. 110)

chaces: 15 (I. ii. 266)

chambers: 39 (III. Chor. S. d.)

charge: 6 (I. ii. 15)

Charlemain: 8 (I. ii. 75)

Charles the Great: 7 (I. ii. 46)

charter'd: 4 (I. i. 48)

che vous la: 69 (IV. i. 35)

Cheshu: 43 (III. ii. 69)

chez: 60 (III. vii. 15)

Chorus: 2 (I. Chor. 32)

christom: 31 (II. iii. 12)

chuck: 42 (III. ii. 27)

civil: 13 (I. ii. 199)

clear thy crystals: 32 (II. iii. 57)

close: 12 (I. ii. 182)

closet: 115 (V. ii. 210)

comes o'er: 15 (I. ii. 267)

companies: 4 (I. i. 55)

compassing: 78 (IV. i. 314)

complement: 28 (II. ii. 134)

compound (decide) : 22 (II. i. 103)

compound (come to terms) : 84 (IV. iii. 80)

condition: 107 (V. i. 84)

condole: 23 (II. i. 134)

confounded: 40 (III. i. 13)

congreeing: 12 (I. ii. 182)

congreeted: 109 (V. ii. 31)

conscience: 72 (IV. i. 124)

consent: 12 (I. ii. 181)

consideration: 3 (I. i. 28)

consign: 111 (V. ii. 90)

contemplation: 4 (I. i. 63)

contrived: 73 (IV. i. 173)

convey'd: 8 (I. ii. 74)

convoy: 83 (IV. iii. 37)

copy: 40 (III. i. 24)

corantos: 52 (III. v. 33)

couch: 80 (IV. ii. 37)

coulter: 109 (V. ii. 46)

couple a gorge: 21 (II. i. 75)

coursing: 11 (I. ii. 143)

cousin: 6 (I. ii. 4)

coxcomb: 106 (V. i. 45)

coz: 82 (IV. iii. 30)

crescive in his faculty: 4 (I. i. 66)

Crispian, feast of: 83 (IV. iii. 40)

crush'd: 12 (I. ii. 175)

cue, upon our: 58 (III. vi. 134)

cullions: 42 (III. ii. 23)

cunning: 113 (V. ii. 149)

currance: 3 (I. i. 34)

cursorary: 110 (V. ii. 77)

curtains: 80 (IV. ii. 41)

curtal-axe: 80 (IV. ii. 21)

curtsy: 117 (V. ii. 291)

dare: 80 (IV. ii. 36)

darnel: 109 (V. ii. 45)

dear: 30 (II. ii. 181)

decoct: 52 (III. v. 20)

defensible: 48 (III. iii. 50)

defunction: 8 (I. ii. 58)

deliver: 59 (III. vi. 179)

deracinate: 109 (V. ii. 47)

desire: 68 (IV. i. 27)

diffus'd: 110 (V. ii. 61)

discover'd: 29 (II. ii. 151)

discuss: 43 (III. ii. 67)

dishonest: 7 (I. ii. 49)

distressful: 77 (IV. i. 290)

dout: 79 (IV. ii. 11)

down-roping: 81 (IV. ii. 48)

drench: 51 (III. v. 19)

dress us: 68 (IV. i. 10)

earnest: 29 (II. ii. 169)

elder-gun: 75 (IV. i. 213)

element: 71 (IV. i. 108)

embassy: 5 (I. i. 95)

empery: 13 (I. ii. 226)

emptying: 51 (III. v. 6)

England: 33 (II. iv. 9)

englutted: 84 (IV. iii. 83)

enlarge: 25 (II. ii. 40)

enlink'd to: 47 (III. iii. 18)

enrounded: 67 (IV. Chor. 36)

enschedul'd: 110 (V. ii. 73)

estate: 71 (IV. i. 100)

even of it: 23 (II. i. 128)

even-pleach'd: 109 (V. ii. 42)

evenly deriv'd: 36 (II. iv. 91)

exception: 34 (II. iv. 34)

excursions: 86 (IV. iv. S. d.)

executors: 13 (I. ii. 203)

exhale: 20 (II. i. 66)

exhibiters: 5 (I. i. 74)

expedience: 84 (IV. iii. 70)

expedition: 30 (II. ii. 191)

faced out of my way: 63 (III. vii. 95)

fair time of day: 108 (V. ii. 3)

fall: 113 (V. ii. 167)

farced: 77 (IV. i. 283)

fatal and neglected: 33 (II. iv. 13)

fate: 35 (II. iv. 64)

favour: 110 (V. ii. 63)

fear'd: 11 (I. ii. 155)

fell feats: 47 (III. iii. 17)

fellow with: 116 (V. ii. 260)

ferret: 87 (IV. iv. 30)

fet: 40 (III. i. 18)

figo: 55 (III. vi. 60)

figures: 93 (IV. vii. 35)

find: 8 (I. ii. 72)

fin'd: 94 (IV. vii. 73)

firk: 87 (IV. iv. 29)

flesh'd: 47 (III. iii. 11)

flesh'd, been: 35 (II. iv. 50)

floods: 7 (I. ii. 45)

flourish: 17 (II. Chor. S. d.)

flower-de-luce: 115 (V. ii. 223)

for (for want of) : 10 (I. ii. 114)

for (instead of): 53 (III. v. 60)

fore-hand: 77 (IV. i. 300)

forespent: 34 (II. iv. 36)

fox: 87 (IV. iv. 9)

fracted: 23 (II. i. 130)

France: 17 (II. Chor. 20)

freely: 14 (I. ii. 231)

French hose: 62 (III. vii. 59, 60)

from: 56 (III. vi. 94)

from the answer of his degree: 96 (IV. vii. 143)

full-fraught: 28 (II. ii. 139)

fumitory: 109 (V. ii. 45)

gage: 75 (IV. i. 226)

galled: 40 (III. i. 12)

galliard: 15 (I. ii. 252)

galling: 107 (V. i. 78)

garb: 107 (V. i. 81)

gentle his condition: 84 (IV. iii. 63)

gesture: 66 (IV. Chor. 25)

giddy: 11 (I. ii. 145)

gilt: 18 (II. Chor. 26)

gimmal'd: 81 (IV. ii. 49)

gipes: 93 (IV. vii. 53)

girded: 39 (III. Chor. 27)

gleeking: 107 (V. i. 78)

glistering: 28 (II. ii. 117)

gloze: 7 (I. ii. 40)

go about: 75 (IV. i. 215)

go to hazard: 63 (III. vii. 98)

God before: 16 (I. ii. 307)

God-den: 44 (III. ii. 93)

good sort: 101 (IV. viii. 80)

grace of kings: 18 (II. Chor. 28)

grandfather: 95 (IV. vii. 96)

grant: 103 (V. Chor. 7)

great sort: 96 (IV. vii. 143)

greener: 38 (II. iv. 136)

greenly: 113 (V. ii. 148)

groat: 106 (V. i. 62)

grosslv: 27 (II. ii. 107)

gulf: 33 (II. iv. 10)

gull: 56 (III. vi. 72)

gun-stones: 16 (I. ii. 282)

habit: 57 (III. vi. 124)

had: 77 (IV. i. 300)

haggled: 91 (IV. vi. 11)

Hampton: 27 (II. ii. 91)

handle: 32 (II. iii. 39)

hard-favour'd: 40 (III. i. 8)

hazard: 15 (I. ii. 263)

head, in: 24 (II. ii. 18)

heady: 3 (I. i. 34); 47 (III. iii. 32)

hearts: 78 (IV. i. 312)

help Hyperion to his horse: 77 (IV. i. 295)

hilding: 80 (IV. ii. 29)

his: 3 (1. i. 36)

honour-owing: 91 (IV. vi. 9)

housewifery: 33 (II. iii. 66)

humorous: 34 (II. iv. 28)

huswife: 107 (V. i. 85)

Hydra-headed: 3 (I. i. 35)

imaginary: 1 (I. Chor. 18)

imagin'd wing: 38 (III. Chor. 1)

imp: 69 (IV. i. 45)

impawn: 7 (I. ii. 21)

impeachment: 59 (III. vi. 154)

impounded: 11 (I. ii. 160)

in few: 14 (I. ii. 245)

in fresher robes: 86 (IV. iii. 117)

in lieu of: 15 (I. ii. 255)

indirectly: 36 (II. iv. 94)

instance: 28 (II. ii. 119)

intelligence: 17 (II. Chor. 12)

intendment: 11 (I. ii. 144)

intertissued: 77 (IV. i. 282)

investing: 66 (IV. Chor. 26)

irreconciled: 73 (IV. i. 162)

is come after: 93 (IV. vii. 34, 35)

is pear: 99 (IV. viii. 37)

issue: 91 (IV. vi. 34)

it: 109 (V. ii. 40)

jack-an-apes: 113 (V. ii. 147)

Jack-sauce: 97 (IV. vii. 149)

jades: 51 (III. v. 19)

jealousy: 28 (II. ii. 126)

Jewry: 48 (III. iii. 40)

just notice: 96 (IV. vii. 123)

jutty: 40 (III. i. 13)

kecksies: 109 (V. ii. 52)

kern: 62 (III. vii. 59)

kind: 17 (II. Chor. 19)

kinsman: 70 (IV. i. 59)

Lady: 20 (II. i. 38)

larding: 91 (IV. vi. 8)

late commissioners, the: 26 (II. ii. 61)

lavoltas: 52 (III. v. 33)

layer-up: 116 (V. ii. 247)

lazars: 3 (I. i. 15)

leas: 109 (V. ii. 44)

legerity: 68 (IV. i. 23)

let: 110 (V. ii. 65)

lewis his: 9 (I. ii. 88)

lig: 45 (III. ii. 128)

like (adj.): 2 (I. i. 3)

like (adv.): 30 (II. ii. 183)

likes: 39 (III. Chor. 39)

line (vb.): 33 (II. iv. 7)

line (n.): 36 (II. iv. 88)

lineal: 9 (I. ii. 82)

linstock: 39 (III. Chor. 33)

list (vb.): 3 (I. i. 43)

list (n.): 117 (V. ii. 293)

lob down: 81 (IV. ii. 47)

lodging: 61 (III. vii. 34)

'long: 36 (II. iv. 80)

love: 97 (IV. vii. 167)

lowliness: 100 (IV. viii. 55)

luxurious: 87 (IV. iv. 20)

luxury: 51 (III. v. 6)

make boot upon: 12 (I. ii. 194)

man: 42 (III. ii. 33)

marches: 11 (I. ii. 140)

marry: 45 (III. ii. 115)

masters: 38 (II. iv. 137)

measure: 112 (V. ii. 138)

meeter: 15 (I. ii. 254)

member: 77 (IV. i. 301)

men of mould: 42 (III. ii. 24)

mervailous: 20 (II. i. 50)

mess: 45 (III. ii. 126)

mettle of your pasture: 41 (III. i. 27)

mickle might: 21 (II. i. 70)

minding: 67 (IV. Chor. 53)

miscarry: 73 (IV. i. 157)

miscreate: 6 (I. ii. 16)

moiety: 115 (V. ii. 228)

mortality: 7 (I. ii. 28)

mortified: 3 (I. i. 26)

mountain: 35 (II. iv. 57)

name: 102 (TV. viii. 110)

native: 73 (IV. i. 178)

neighbourhood: 120 (V. ii. 381)

nicely: 6 (I. ii. 15)

noble: 22 (II. i. 112)

nook-shotten : 51 (III. v. 14)

odds: 38 (II. iv. 129)

o'erblows: 47 (III. iii. 31)

o'erwhelm: 40 (III. i. 11)

of (against): 31 (II. iii. 29)

of (for): 48 (III. iii. 45)

of (from): 58 (III. vi. 125)

on heaps: 90 (IV. v. 18)

opening: 6 (I. ii. 16)

or: 6 (I. ii. 12); 13 (I. ii. 225)

order: 104 (V. Chor. 39)

orisons: 25 (II. ii. 53)

ostent: 103 (V. Chor. 21)

out of doubt: 68 (IV. i. 20)

out of his knowledge: 64 (III. vii. 149)

outwear: 81 (IV. ii. 63)

over-lusty: 66 (IV. Chor. 18)

overbears attaint: 67 (IV. Chor. 39)

overlook: 51 (III. v. 9)

overshot: 64 (III. vii. 139)

paction: 121 (V. ii. 393)

pales in: 103 (V. Chor. 10)

Parca: 105 (V. i. 21)

parle: 47 (III. iii. 2)

parts (musical): 12 (I. ii. 181)

parts (sides): 96 (IV. vii. 124)

pass: 18 (II. Chor. 39)

passages (lines of succession): 5 (I. i. 86)

passages (deeds): 57 (III. vi. 100)

pauca: 21 (II. i. 83)

pax: 55 (III. vi. 42)

pay: 74 (IV. i. 212)

peasant best advantages: 77 (IV. i. 304)

peer: 95 (IV. vii. 89)

peevish: 64 (III. vii. 147)

perdition: 57 (III. vi. 106)

perdurable: 89 (IV. v. 7)

perdy: 20 (II. i. 52)

peremptory: 111 (V. ii. 82)

perpend: 87 (IV. iv. 8)

perspectively: 119 (V. ii 347)

Pharamond: 7 (I. ii. 37)

pioners: 44 (III. ii. 96)

pitch and pay: 32 (II. iii. 52)

plain-song: 41 (III. ii. 6)

play: 66 (IV. Chor. 19)

pleasant: 15 (I. ii. 259)

policy (wisdom): 13 (I. ii. 220)

policy (trickery): 17 (II. Chor. 14)

popular: 69 (IV. i. 38)

popularity: 4 (I. i. 59)

poring: 66 (IV. Chor. 2)

port: 1 (I. Chor. 6)

portage: 40 (III. i. 10)

possess: 72 (IV. i. 116)

powdering-tub : 21 (II. i. 79)

powers: 24 (II. ii. 15)

prabbles: 100 (IV. viii. 69)

practic: 4 (I. i. 51)

preed no contention: 105 (V. i. 11, 12)

preposterously: 27 (II. ii. 112)

prescript: 61 (III. vii. 51)

present: 35 (II. iv. 67)

presentlv: 21 (II. i. 92)

prey, in: 12 (I. ii. 169)

proceeding on distemper: 25 (II. ii. 54)

projection: 35 (II. iv. 46)

proportion: 27 (II. ii. 109)

proportions: 10 (I. ii. 137); 16 (I. ii. 304)

puissant: 10 (I. ii. 116)

purchase: 43 (III. ii. 46)

quality: 58 (III. vi. 149)

Qualtitie calmie custure me: 87 (IV. iv. 4)

question: 2 (I. i. 5)

quick: 26 (II. ii. 79)

quit: 29 (II. ii. 166)

quittance: 25 (II. ii. 34)

quotidian tertian: 23 (II. i. 124)

raught: 91 (IV. vi. 21)

rawly: 73 (IV. i. 149)

re-answer: 58 (III. vi. 140)

reduce: 110 (V. ii. 63)

relapse of mortality: 85 (IV. iii. 107)

relish: 71 (IV. i. 115)

requiring: 37 (II. iv. 101)

resolved of: 6 (I. ii. 4)

respect: 107 (V. i. 75)

rest: 19 (II. i. 17)

returns: 48 (III. iii. 46)

rheumatic: 32 (II. iii. 40)

rim: 87 (IV. iv. 15)

rivage: 39 (III. Chor. 14)

road: 10 (I. ii. 138)

Roan: 53 (III. v. 54)

robustious: 65 (III. vii. 164)

roping: 52 (III. v. 23)

round: 75 (IV. i. 219)

rub: 30 (II. ii. 188)

sa': 45 (III. ii. 122)

sack: 31 (II. iii. 29)

sad-ey'd: 13 (I. ii. 202)

Saint Davy's day: 69 (IV. i. 55)

Saint Denis: 114 (V. ii. 192)

Salique: 6 (I. ii. 11)

sand: 71 (IV. i. 101)

'Sblood: 98 (IV. viii. 9)

scaffold: 1 (I. Chor. 10)

scald: 104 (V. i. 5)

scambling (adj.): 2 (I. i. 4)

scambling (n.) : 115 (V. ii. 217)

sconce: 56 (III. vi. 78)

seat: 15 (I. ii. 269)

second accent: 37 (II. iv. 126)

self: 2 (I. i. 1)

sennet: 121 (V. ii. 402 S. d.)

senses: 32 (II. iii. 52)

sequestration: 4 (I. i. 58)

set: 18 (II. Chor. 34)

severals: 5 (I. i. 86)

shales: 79 (IV. ii. 18)

shog: 20 (II. i. 47)

show: 28 (II. ii. 127)

shows: 71 (IV. i. 108)

shrewdly: 61 (III. vii. 55)

signal: 103 (V. Chor. 21)

signs: 30 (II. ii. 192)

sinister: 36 (II. iv. 85)

skirr: 94 (IV. vii. 65)

slips, in the: 41 (III. i. 31)

slovenry: 85 (IV. iii. 114)

snatchers: 11 (I. ii. 143)

sooth: 59 (III. vi. 154)

sort: 104 (V. Chor. 25)

sorts: 12 (I. ii. 190)

speculation: 80 (IV. ii. 31)

speed, be my: 114 (V. ii. 193)

spiritualty: 10 (I. ii. 132)

spital: 21 (II. i. 78)

sprays: 51 (III. v. 5)

Staines: 30 (II. iii. 2)

starts: 121 (Epil. 4)

sternage, to: 39 (III. Chor. 18)

Still: 11 (I. ii. 145); 78 (IV. i. 322)

stilly: 66 (IV. Chor. 5)

stood on: 56 (III. vi. 80)

stoop: 71 (IV. i. 113)

straight: 30 (II. ii. 191)

straight strossers: 62 (III. vii. 60)

subscribed: 120 (V. ii. 363)

suddenly: 111 (V. ii. 81)

sufferance, by his: 25 (II. ii. 46)

sufferance, in: 29 (II. ii. 159)

suggest: 27 (II. ii. 114)

supply, for the which: 2 (I. Chor. 31)

sur-rein'd: 51 (III. v. 19)

sutler: 22 (II. i. 116)

swashers: 42 (III. ii. 31)

swill'd with: 40 (III. i. 14)

sympathize with: 65 (III. vii. 163)

take: 20 (II. i. 55)

tall: 21 (II. i. 72)

Tartar: 28 (II. ii. 123)

task: 6 (I. ii. 6)

Tavy's: 95 (IV. vii. 109)

temper: 113 (V. ii. 152)

temper'd: 28 (II. ii. 118)

tender: 30 (II. ii. 175)

tenours: 110 (V. ii. 72)

terms: 100 (IV. viii. 43)

that: 4 (I. i. 47)

them: 9 (I. ii. 93)

theoric: 4 (I. i. 52)

tike: 19 (II. i. 31)

to: 62 (III. vii. 65)

toward: 98 (IV. viii. 4)

troth-plight: 19 (II. i. 21)

Troyan: 105 (V. i. 20)

trumpet: 81 (IV. ii. 61)

tucket: 57 (III. vi. 123 S. d.)

tucket sonance: 80 (IV. ii. 35)

tun: 15 (I. ii. 255)

tway: 45 (III. ii. 132)

umber'd: 66 (IV. Chor. 9)

uncoined constancy: 113 (V. ii. 160)

undid: 112 (V. ii. 137)

unfurnish'd: 11 (I. ii. 148)

ungotten: 16 (I. ii. 287)

unprovided: 74 (IV. i. 186)

unraised: 1 (I. Chor. 9)

untempering: 116 (V. ii. 239)

unto the practices: 27 (II. ii. 90)

upon: 5 (I. i. 76)

upon example: 68 (IV. i. 19)

upon our part: 5 (I. i. 73)

vantage, of: 59 (III. vi. 156)

vasty: 1 (I. Chor. 12)

vaultages: 37 (II. iv. 124)

vaward: 86 (IV. iii. 130)

very casques, the: 1 (1. Chor. 13)

via: 79 (IV. ii. 4)

view: 109 (V. ii. 32)

vigil: 83 (IV. iii. 45)

vile: 83 (IV. iii. 62)

voice: 27 (II. ii. 113)

void his rheum: 53 (III. v. 52)

void: 94 (IV. vii. 63)

vulgar: 94 (IV. vii. 81)

wafer-cakes: 32 (II. iii. 54)

war-proof: 40 (III. i. 18)

waxen: 14 (I. ii. 233)

whelks: 57 (III. vi. Ill)

whiffler: 103 (V. Chor. 12)

Whitsun morris-dance: 34 (II. iv. 25)

wink: 19 (II. i. 8)

withal (with): 5 (I. i. 81)

withal (therewith): 13 (I. ii. 216); 34 (II. iv. 34)

womby: 37 (II. iv. 124)

word: 32 (II. iii. 52)

worshipp'd: 14 (I. ii. 233)

would: 17 (II. Chor. 18)

wrack: 11 (I. ii. 165)

wrest: 6 (I. ii. 14)

wringing: 76 (IV. i. 256)

yearn: 30 (II. iii. 3)

yerk: 94 (IV. vii. 84)

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