< Henry VIII (1925) Yale

Appendix D

The Text of the Present Edition

The text of the present volume is based, by permission of the Oxford University Press, upon that of the Oxford Shakespeare, edited by the late W. J. Craig. Craig's text has been carefully collated with the Shakespeare Folio of 1623, and the following deviations have been introduced:

1. The stage directions of the Folio have been restored. Necessary words and directions, omitted by the Folio, are added within square brackets.

2. Spelling has been normalized to accord with modern English practice; e.g., Blackfriars, Sandys, everywhere, warlike, vainglory, reverend, sovereign (instead of Black-Friars, Sands, every where, war-like, vain-glory, rev'rend, sov'reign). The punctuation has been largely revised, and a number of old-fashioned Folio forms restored; e.g., th' effects, t' aspire, y' are (you're), burthen (burden).

8. The following changes of text have been introduced, usually in accordance with Folio authority. The readings of the present edition precede the colon, while Craig's readings follow it.

I. i. 42–45 All was royal . . . his full function (assigned to Buckingham F): (assigned to Norfolk)

47 As you guess (assigned to Norfolk F): (assigned to Buck.)

63 a' (O F): he

78 upon,—: upon;

80 in,—: in

120 venom'd-mouth'd F: venom-mouth'd

144 till 't F: till it

ii. 32 longing F: 'longing

57 compels F: compel

147, 148 Henton F: Hopkins

190 Bulmer: Blumer F

iii. 59 h'as (Ha's F): he has

iv. 77 'em F: them

86 Ye F: You

II. i. 53 S. d. (Follows line 54 in Craig)

106 'em F: them

ii. 7 'em F: them

60 has (ha's F): hath

64 Who's F: Who is

99 mine F: my

107 unpartial F: impartial

iii. 97 moe (mo F): more

iv. 125 Gent. Ush. F: Grif.

183 many-maz'd: many maz'd F

215 I then F: Then I

223 drives F: drive

III. i. 65 in a F: in

114, 115 you F: ye

118 h'as (ha's F): he has

157 'em F: them

ii. 30 letters F: letter

32 How that F: That

78 in's F: in his

103 An F: A

234 lords F: lord

400 him F: 'em

443 by it F: by 't

IV. i. 79 before 'em F: before them

ii. 49 an humble F: a humble

50 honour. From F: honour from

V. i. 11 and F: an

172, 173 an F: a

iii. 73 y' are F: you are

107 Chan.: Cham. F

133 his F: this

177 he's F: he is

iv. 2 Parish-garden (Parish Garden F): Paris-garden

7 ye F: you

86 y' are F: ye 're

v. 76 H'as ('Has F): He has

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