< Gospel of Buddha (1917)
- Abstain from impurity, 126.
- Abstinence, 49.
- Abode in me, truth has taken its, 163.
- Abodes of truth, 75
- Abolish all the lesser, 247.
- Abolished, omens, 173.
- About to pass away, 242.
- Absolution, 99.
- Abuse, the sermon on, 167
- According to their deeds, 212.
- Address, Buddha's farewell, 232.
- Adoration be to thee, 171.
- Aim, one, one essence, one law, 163.
- Aim, the one, Nirvāna, 164.
- Aim, the preacher's sole, 128.
- All creatures received the message in their own language, 55
- Alone, let a man walk, 102 (see also Solitary).
- Altercations, 100.
- Always in danger of death, 211
- Ambrosia, lake of, 118.
- Angels rejoice, 8.
- Anger, by love overcome, 137.
- Annihilation, 145, 146.
- Annihilation of egotism, 147.
- Annihilation, Simha's question concerning, 145.
- Another Buddha will arise, 245,
- Anxious to learn, must be, 234.
- Anxious to learn the truth, be, 126.
- Apoplexy, struck by, 191.
- Appearance of Bodhisatta, 25.
- Appearance, the glory of his, 212.
- Appeared, the saviour, 256.
- Appeased not by hatred, hatred, 102
- Are all paths saving paths? 139.
- Artisans, the chief of the, 201.
- Asceticism, 225.
- Ascetics, naked, 89.
- Ashes, 109.
- Assemblies of the Vajji, 220.
- Assemblies, various kinds of, 177.
- Assured of final salvation, 248.
- Astrology and forecasting by signs forbidden, 236.
- Atman and the I, 32.
- Atone for your evil deeds, you will have to, 200.
- Atonement by blood, 152.
- Audience, like unto the color of my, 177.
- Avoid dying, not any means to, 211.
- Bad deeds easy to do, 132.
- Bamboo grove, 144.
- Bathing in the Ganges, 14.
- Battle of life, 149.
- Battle, the elephant no longer fit for, 166.
- Battles, fight your, 149.
- Be married unto the truth, 205.
- Be ye lamps unto yourselves, 134.
- Beauty, to restore to you a nobler, 202.
- Becoming, gradual, 138.
- Bee collects nectar, the, 137.
- Being, the purpose of, 255.
- Beings, preach to all, 129.
- Beneath, water gurgling, 193.
- Best, truth is, 55.
- Better bore out both eyes, 94,
- Blessed One, has to suffer, the, 233; Blessed One, refuge in the, 150, 151, 160, 247; Blessed One swooned, the, 35; Blessed One walked unshod, the, 109, Blessed One, wearisome to the, 226.
- Blind man, 17.
- Blind men, 141.
- Blind received sight, 8.
- Blind, the man born, 181.
- Blind, truth is hidden to the, 353.
- Blind, your eyes are, 187.
- Bliss be diffused, let the, 190.
- Bliss, the communication of, 189,
- Bliss where suffering is, 20.
- Blood, atonement by, 152.
- Blood has no cleansing power, 152.
- Blood, shedding of, 33.
- Blow, give the rock a good, 194,
- Blow off the impurities, 137.
- Body of flesh? Why preserve this, 242.
- Body of the law, 160; the body of the law will endure, 242.
- Body, the worldling nourishes his, 189.
- Bonds that tie all souls together; 259.
- Boons of Visākhā, eight, 95.
- Brahma, 87, 139.
- Brahman, 65, 139, 140, 141, 142, 152,153,154, 156, 157, 168, 186, 187, 188, 190,194, 195, 196, 206, 207, 208, 219, 220, 224.
- Brahman lore, the substance of, 141.
- Bridler of men's hearts, 226.
- Bright, the sun is, 139.
- Bright, thinkers are, 139; warriors are bright, 139.
- Bubble, 39.
- Buddhahood, omens of 8, 9, signs of Buddhahood, 8.
- Burning, every thing is, 64.
- Butterfly, like the, 237.
- By deeds one becomes an outcast, 196
- Calamities, ten great, 215.
- Carp not, 126, 127.
- Cart, as a worn out, 233.
- Cast-off rags, 89, 91.
- Caste, I ask not for, 196.
- Cause of further migrations, 119.
- Cause of selfhood, the, Found! 41.
- Cease by hatred, hatred does not, 137.
- Ceremony, 144, 225.
- Chance, 73.
- Change, grief at, if; self is change 158.
- Charity, rich in returns, 27; the sermon on, 75.
- Charms are treacherous, 202.
- Chastity, 126.
- Cherish no hatred, 126.
- Chickens should break the egg-shell, 143.
- Chief of the artisans, the, 201.
- Children, I am your father, ye are, 163.
- City of Nirvāna, the, 130.
- Cleanses from error, the truth, 250.
- Cleansing power, blood has no, 152.
- Cleaving to self, 158.
- Cloth of gold, robes of, 239.
- Cloud, like a, 164.
- Cloud of good qualities, lap.
- Coil, the, 39.
- Color of my audience, like unto the 177.
- Combination, individuality a, 32; combination subject to separation, 32.
- Come forth into the light, 143.
- Come into the world to befriend, 114.
- Come to teach life, 153.
- Commandments, see the ten evils, 126.
- Communication of bliss, the, 189.
- Complete surrender of self 148.
- Compounds will be dissolved, 158, 242
- Comprehension of things, truth the correct, 41.
- Concord, two ways of re-establishing, 104; meeting in concord, 220; re-establishment of concord, 103.
- Conditions of welfare, eight, 220.
- Confer the ordination, 58.
- Confession of trespasses, 99.
- Conquerors, the greatest of, 132.
- Conquest of self, 149.
- Consolidation of Buddha's religion, 89.
- Contact of the object and senses, 66.
- Continuity, sameness and, 137.
- Coop, the fowl in the, 122.
- Correct comprehension of things, truth the, 41
- Correlatives, 20.
- Courtesan, 96, 200, 227-231.
- Covet not, 126.
- Crane, the wild, 122; the cruel crane, 184.
- Creatures, all, received the message in their own language, 55.
- Criminal, punishment of the, 148.
- Criminal's act, punishment the fruit of the, 148.
- Crossed the river, 225.
- Crossed the stream, he had, 213.
- Cultivate good-will, 67.
- Culture of the mind, 87.
- Danger of death, always in, 211.
- Dangers hang over Pataliputta, three, 224.
- Park, do not call the world, 187.
- Dart of lust, the, 183.
- Dead are many, the, 210.
- Dead not saved by lamentation, 211.
- Deaf and dumb speak, the, 8.
- Death, always in danger of, 211; Buddha's death, 249; fate after death, 212; death is near, 235; no escape from, 16; in. the domain of death, 113; self is death, 153, 158, 160; thoughtlessness, the path of death 131.
- Deeds, according to their, 212; bad deeds easy to do, 132; by deeds one becomes an outcast; 196; passed away according to his deeds, 194.
- Deeper, dig, 119.
- Delusion and truth, 42.
- Delusions, 49.
- Denies the existence of the soul, Gotama, 151.
- Desert, a waterless, 1415 rescue in the desert, 191; a sandy desert, 191.
- Desire, the extinction of evil, 138.
- Desolation, a hopeless, 141.
- Despot, the, 199,
- Destiny of warriors, 149.
- Destroyed, hell is, 226.
- Devadatta, sect of, no.
- Die until, etc., I shall not, 44, 235; truth cannot die, 245.
- Died in the faith, he, 207.
- Diffused, let the bliss be, 190.
- Dig deeper, 129.
- Disciple, die first woman lay-, 61.
- Disciple, a, flagged, 191.
- Dissatisfied, the people, 71.
- Dissolution, necessity of, 249.
- Dissolved, compounds will the, 241.
- Distinction, without, 164.
- Doctrine, preach the, glorious in the beginning, the middle, and end 58; my doctrine is like the great ocean, 177; doctrine like unto fire. 178; doctrine like unto water, 178.
- Doffed their robes, the bhikkhus, 95.
- Dog, the hungry, 198.
- Domain of death, in the, 113,
- Do not call the world dark, 187.
- Do not rely on external help, 134.
- Do not scold, 103.
- Door of immortality, 44.
- Draught-ox, exertion is a, 195.
- Drink, the refreshing, perception of truth, 118.
- Drinking? Is the water not fit for, 165.
- Dumb, the deaf and, speak, 8.
- Dust, like one who flings, 168.
- Dust of worldliness, 44.
- Dwelling-place, wisdom has no, 154.
- Dying, not any means to avoid, 211.
- Each day one hemp-grain, 34.
- Earnestness is the goad, 195; earnestness is the path of immortality, 132.
- Earth, peace on, 9.
- Earthquake, 149.
- East, face towards the, 113.
- Eating of flesh, the, 49.
- Ecstasy, the song of, 221.
- Eddies of transmigration, 166.
- Efficacy, rituals have no, 33.
- Egg-shell, chickens should break the, 143; I have first broken the egg-shell, 148.
- Eggs, hen brooding over, 143.
- Ego, the, 30; ego, an illusion, 33; the instability of the ego, 31.
- Egotism, the annihilation of, 148.
- Eight boons of Visākhā, 95.
- Eight conditions of welfare, 220.
- Eight wonderful qualities, 178.
- Eightfold path, the, 41, H3 a 3 7.
- Eightfold, the best way is the 138.
- Eldest, I am the, 248.
- Elephant, powerful, 166; the elephant no longer fit for battle, 166.
- Elevate the mind, 80.
- Emaciated from fasts, 35.
- Embrace of truth, the", 105;.
- Emptiness and immaterial life, 30.
- Enabled me to do so, faith, 213.
- Endure, thoughts will, 132.
- Enemy, his greatest, 134.
- Enlightened Teacher, refuge in the, 145.
- Entities, souls not separate and self-existent, 153.
- Envy not, 126.
- Epidemic, 121.
- Eradication of self, 148.
- Error, self an, 67; error be thou my guide, 2*8.
- Error, truth cleanses from, 250.
- Errors, 126.
- Escape from death, no, 16.
- Essence of life, truth is the, 258; one in essence, 259; one essence, one law, one aim, 163.
- Eternal, truth the image of the, 3.
- Everlasting life, 149, 205-,
- Evil actions, thou canst not escape the fruit of, 159.
- Everything is burning, 64.
- Evil by good, overcome, 137; evil deeds, you will have to atone for your, 200; ignorance the root of evil, 40; pain is the outcome of evil, 133; evil powers no surrender, 148, evil of lust, avoid, 183.
- Evolution, 158; in the course of evolution, 255.
- Exertion is a draught-ox, 195.
- Existence is spiritual, all, 151; thirst for existence and selfhood, 39.
- Expulsion, sentence of, 100.
- External help, do not rely on, 234.
- Extinction of self, the, salvation, 4; the extinction of sinful desire, 138; the extinction of thirst, 138.
- Eye, the, ātman and, 29; eye of truth, 59; mental eye, 209; spiritual eye, 254.
- Eyes, better bore out both, 94.
- Face to face, Brahma, 140; the universe face to face, 1425 face to face with him, 148.
- Face towards the east, 223.
- Facing towards the west, 223.
- Faith alone can save, 213; faith enabled me to do so, 213; hast thou faith, 235; he died in the faith, 207; faith is the seed, 195; faith in the Buddha, 226; Sāriputta's faith, 211.
- Falter not, wise people, 133.
- Famine, 120.
- Farewell address, Buddha's, 232.
- Fashion themselves, wise people, 133.
- Fashioned, truth cannot be, 257.
- Fasts, emaciated from, 35.
- Fate after death, 212, 226.
- Father and son, 207; father I reverence my father, 144; ye are my children, I am your father, 163.
- Faults of others, the, 134, 137,
- Fell upon him, sickness, 232, 237.
- Fetch me some water, 238.
- Few, the living are, 210.
- Fight your battles, 149.
- Fire, doctrine like unto, 178.
- Fire, sermon on, 64.
- First broken the egg-shell, I have,
- First Buddha, I am not the, 245.
- First lay-member, the, 60.
- First women lay-disciples, the, 61.
- Fish, the giddy, 183.
- Fit for battle, the elephant no longer, 166.
- Fit for drinking? Is the water now, 163.
- Fit to live, more, 149.
- Five meditations, 174.
- Five roots of mind, the, 29.
- Five wishes of Bimbisāra, 68.
- Fivefold gain, 223; fivefold loss, 223,
- Flagged, a disciple, 191.
- Flagging, religious zeal, 35.
- Flame, sameness of the, is 1 ?.
- Flesh, the eating of, 49; thorn in the, 138; let the flesh waste away, 34; why preserve this body of flesh? 242.
- Flings dust, like one who, 168.
- Flowers out of season, 141; lotus flowers, 39; mandāra flowers, o.
- Following the Master over the stream, 212.
- Fool, 133; the listless fool, 190.
- Foolish, pleasures destroy the, 134; foolish talk, 140.
- Forbidden, miracles, 119–121.
- Forecasting by signs forbidden, astrology and, 236.
- Found! the cause of selfhood 40; found the truth, 55.
- Foundation of the Kingdom of Righteousness, 47.
- Four kinds of offering, 186; four kinds of merit, 186; four simples, 181; the four quarters, 143; the four noble truths, 41, 181; the four signs, 15; where four roads cross, 140.
- Fowl in the coop, the, 122.
- Fragrant like the lotus, 201.
- Free your mind of ignorance, 126.
- Fruit of evil actions, thou canst not escape the, 159; the fruit of immortality, 195; the fruit of the criminal's act punishment, 148.
- Fruits, ripe, 211.
- Ganges, bathing in the, 14.
- Giddy fish, the, 133.
- Gift of religion, the, 138.
- Gift, the long's, 69.
- Give also to the Nigganthas, 150; give, if thou art asked, 137; give the rock a good blow, 194.
- Gives away, he who, etc., 241.
- Giving away, 75.
- Glad tidings, 1.
- Gladness of Visākha, 97.
- Glorious in the beginning, middle, and end, preach the doctrine 58; the truth is glorious, 60, 61, 68.
- Glory of his appearance, the, 212; the truth in all its glory, 256.
- Goad, earnestness is the, 195.
- Goal, the, 118, 138.
- Gods and men, teacher of, 226.
- Goes out to wage war, 130.
- Gold, robes of cloth of, 139.
- Gone into the yoke, 138.
- Good qualities, cloud of, 129; hapiness is the outcome of good, 133; overcome evil by good, 137; good tidings, 21; cultivate goodwill, 67; good works are rain, 195.
- Gotama Gate, 114.
- Governs all things, karma, 121.
- Grace, the time of, 183, 192.
- Gradual becoming, 158.
- Grant me my life, 107, 186.
- Great is thy faith, 222.
- Great understanding, muni of, 170.
- Greatest enemy, his, 134; the greatest of conquerors, 132.
- Greedy tailor, the, 184.
- Grief at change, 19; overcome grief, 234; selfish in my grief, 210.
- Grounded, that it be well, 122.
- Grove, bamboo, 144.
- Guide, error be thou my, 258.
- Guiding-rein, mind is the, 195.
- Happily, let us live, 139.
- Happiness is the outcome of good, 133; vanity of worldly happiness, 3.
- Happy, he is altogether, 143; make thyself happy, 235.
- Hard times teach a lesson, 112.
- Harvest Nirvāna, the, 195; thou wilt greap the harvest sown in the past, 159.
- Hast thou faith? 235
- Hatred appeased not by hatred, 102; cherish no hatred, 126; hatred ceases by love, 137; hatred does not cease by hatred, 137.
- He promoted him higher, 182.
- He who gives away, etc., 241.
- He who walks righteously is ever near me, 246.
- Hearts, bridler of men's 226.
- Heaven, hope of, a mirage, 122; like one who spits at heaven, 167; pleasures of self in heaven, 153.
- Heavenly songs, 241.
- Hell is destroyed, 226.
- Helmet of right thought, 93.
- Help, do not rely on external 234; now my lot to help, 214.
- Hemp-grain, each day one, 34.
- Hen brooding over egg, 143.
- Hereafter, the, 159.
- Heresies, 73.
- Hermit, layman and, 59.
- Higher, he promoted him, 182.
- Hold fast to the truth, 234.
- Holiness better than sovereignty, 27.
- Homage, worthiest, 241.
- Honor, so great an, 228.
- Honored be his name, 69.
- Hope of heaven a mirage, 122.
- Hopeless desolation, a, 142.
- Hungry dog, parable of the, 198.
- I am not the first Buddha, 245; I am the eldest, 248; I am the truth, 163; I am thirsty, 238; I ask not for caste, 196; I have first broken the egg-shell, 248; no room for the I, 65; I reverence my father, 144; I shall not die until, etc., 44; such faith have I, 221; the I perishable, 66;, the I, the soul, 29; the thought of I, 31; the transmission of the soul and the I, 32.
- Idea of self, the, 242.
- Identity, 156; identity and non-identity, 152, 156; identity of self, 157; where is the identity of my self? 155.
- Idle talk, invocations are, 159.
- If thou art asked, give, 137.
- Ignorance, free your mind of, 126; ignorance the root of evil, 40.
- Illimitable light, 159.
- Illusion, self an, 42, 149; the ego an illusion, 33.
- Illustration by a lamp, 155; illustration by a letter, 155.
- Image of the eternal, truth the, 3.
- Immaterial life, emptiness and, 30.
- Immeasurable light, 118.
- Immolation, 152.
- Immortal, life, 119; the immortal path 76.
Immortality, 72, 84, 210; door of immortality, 44; earnestness is the path of immortality, 132; immortality in transiency, 3; immortality in truth, 153, 160; the fruit of immortality, 195; the water of immortality, 149; truth and immortality, 6.
- Immutable, the words of Buddha, 20.
- Impure is nakedness, 95, 96.
- Impurity, abstain from, 126; purity and impurity belong to oneself, 131.
- Impurities, blow off the, 137.
- In the course of evolution, 255.
- Incantations, 1445 incantations have no saving power, 33.
- Incarnation of the truth, 253-.
- Individuality a combination, 32; the wheel of individuality, 65.
- Inexhaustible life, 174.
- Instability of the ego, the, 66.
- Instruction, words of, 170,
- Instruments, 64.
- Invocations, 141; invocations are idle talk, 159.
- Is it wrong to go to war? 147.
- Jewel, a, 252; precious crown jewel, 130.
- Jewels and worldliness, 59.
- Jungle, a pathless, 142.
- Karma governs all things, 121.
- Keep my hold on life, 232.
- Kill not, 126.
- King Bimbisāra, 25, 6$, 69, 90, 110.
- King of kings, 250; long of truth, 130, 163., powerful king, 130.
- Kingdom of Righteousness, Foundation of the, 47, 55.
- Kingdom of truth, 48.
- King's gift, the, 69.
- Kings, Naga, 9.
- Knew me not, they, 178.
- Knowledge remains, 154.
- Kusa-grass, 193.
- Lake of Ambrosia, 118.
- Lake, still, like a, 133.
- Lame walk, the, 8.
- Lamentation, dead not saved by, 211.
- Lamp, illustration by a, 155.
- Lamps unto yourselves, be ye, 234.
- Land, pure, 173.
- Language, all creatures received the message in their own, 55.
- Last word, 249.
- Law, body of the, 160 one aim, one essence, one law, 163; the law the body of the Tathāgata, 253; the body of the law will endure, 242.
- Laws are temporary, many, 253
- Laws of righteousness, obedience to the, 152.
- Lay disciples, the first women, 61
- Lay member, the first, 60.
- Lay robes, 91.
- Layman and hermit, 59.
- Layman, priest and, alike, 74.
- Leaning against the doorpost, 142.
- Learn, must be anxious to, 234
- Learning, availeth not, 159
- Lesser, abolish all the, 147
- Lesson given to Rāhula, 165
- Lesson, hard times teach a, 122.
- Let a man walk alone, to 102.
- Let the bliss be diffused, 190
- Let the flesh waste away, 34.
- Let us go into the world, 250.
- Let us live happily; 139.
- Let us obey the truth, 254.
- Let your light shine forth, 109.
- Letter, illustration by a, 155
- Letter, in the, 104.
- Lie not, 126.
- Life, battle of, 149; come to teach, 153; life everlasting, 149, 205; grant me my life, 107, 186 keep my hold on life, 232; life immortal, 119; inexhaustible life, 174; reason in the struggle for life, 255; seek thou the life that is of the mind, 253; truth is life, 153; life yearns for the truth, 158; Light, come forth into the, 143; illimitable light, 259; immeasurable light, 118 ; let your light shine forth, 109.
- Like a still lake, 133.
- Like unto the color of my audience, 177.
- Lily, the, on a heap of rubbish, 138.
- Lineage of the faith, 222.
- Lintel, leaning against the, 242.
- Listen to both parties, 103.
- Listless fool, the, 190.
- Little by little, 182.
- Live happily, let us, 139.
- Live, more fit to,. 149.
- Lives of men, 198.
- Living are few, the, 210.
- Living, luxurious, 188.
- Living in paradise, 207,
- Lobster, 184.
- Locality? is wisdom a, 154.
- Locality, Nirvāna not a, 154.
- Logic holds universally, 156.
- Lord, glorious, 150, 247.
- Lord, pass away, 235.
- Loss, fivefold, 223.
- Lost, a treasure that can never be, 171.
- Lost son, the, 182.
- Lot to help, now my, 214.
- Lotus-flower in water, the, 51, 75, 118.
- Lotus-flowers, 39, 93.
- Lotus, fragrant like the, 201.
- Love, hatred ceases by, 137; love of truth, 149; overcome anger by love, 137; the world filled with love, 143.
- Lust, the dart of 183.
- Luxurious living, 188.
- Macarisms, 41, 41, 171.
- Made up of thoughts, 131.
- Magic power, 119.
- Main, rivers reach the, 225,.
- Make thyself happy, 135.
- Maker, Issara, the, 71.
- Maker, the, self, 73.
- Man, a blind, 17.
- Man born blind, the, 181.
- Man, who is the strong? 125.
- Mango-grove, 139, 221, 137.
- Many, the dead are, 210.
- Married unto the truth, be, 205.
- Master, out of reverence for the, 148.
- Master over the stream, following the, 212.
- May be expected to prosper, Sangha, 221.
- Me, this is done by, 132.
- Meats remained undiminished, 2 of.
- Medicines, 90, 210, 246.
- Meditation (see bhāvana and satipatthāna in the Glossary), 39, 174, 237.
- Meeting in concord, 120.
- Men, blind, 141; teacher of gods and men, 226; the lives of men, 198.
- Men's hearts, bridler of, 226.
- Mental eye, 209.
- Merit, four kinds of, 186.
- Merit, the order (sangha) the sowingground of, 226.
- Message in their own language, all creatures received the, 55.
- Migrations, cause of further, 118.
- Mind, Brahma's, 142; culture of the, 87; elevate the mind, 80; mind is the guiding rein, 195; seek thou the life that is of the mind, 153; the five roots of mind, 29; there is mind, 151.
- Mind, we the result of, 131.
- Miracle-mongers, 173.
- Miracles, 171.
- Miracles forbidden, 119–121.
- Mirage, hope of heaven a, 122.
- Mirage, the cause of self a, 32.
- Mirror of truth, the, 225.
- Mission, the preachers, 127.
- Moon, the, shines by night, 139.
- Moral powers, 97.
- Moral sense, 97.
- More fit to live, 149.
- More, sin no, 183.
- Mortification not the right path 35.
- Mortification profitless, 49.
- Mortification vain, 50.
- Mother, a, 67.
- Muni of great understanding, 170.
- Mustard seed, the, 209.
- Naked ascetics, 89.
- Nakedness, impure is, 95, 96*.
- Name, honored be his, 69.
- Nature of religion consists in worship and sacrifice, the, 152.
- Nature of the rope, the 67.
- Nature of self, the, 66.
- Near me, he who walks, righteously is ever, 246.
- Necessity of dissolution, 249,
- Nectar, the bee collects, 137.
- Needed, the one thing that is, 153
- Noble, eightfold path, the, 41, 237, 258.
- Noble truths, the four, 41, 181.
- Non-action, 145, 145.
- Non-existence of the soul, 153.
- Non-identity, identity and, 152, 158.
- Not any means to avoid dying, 211.
- Not worthy of yellow robes, 103.
- Nothing remains, 160.
- Nothing will remain, 225.
- Nothingness stares me in the face, 153.
- Nourishes his mind, the wise man, 189.
- Novices, precepts for the, 124.
- Now is the time to seek religion, 21.
- Now my lot to help, 214.
- Obedience to the laws of righteousness, 152.
- Obey the truth, let us, 254.
- Object and senses, contact of, 66.
- Observe the Uposatha or Sabbath, 98.
- Ocean, a 26; rivers in the ocean, a 14; my doctrine is like the great ocean, 177.
- Offering, four kinds of, 186.
- Omens abolished, 173.
- Omens of Buddhahood, 10.
- One hemp-grain each day, 34.
- One in essence, 259.
- One, the truth is but, 138, 164, 257
- One thing that is needed, the, 153.
Oneself, purity and impurity belong to, 331.
- Order, rules for the, 233.
- Order, the, (sangha) the sowing-ground of merit, 226.
- Ordination, 58, 59, 88, [see also Pabbajjā and Upasampadā in the Glossary].
- Others art thou thyself, 157.
- Others, the faults of, 134, 137.
- Our, water is all gone, 193.
- Outcast, the, 195; by deeds one becomes an outcast, 196; who is an outcast? 195.
- Outcome of evil, pain is the, 135.
- Outcome of good, happines is the, 133.
- Outwitted, 184.
- Overcome anger by love, 137.
- Overcome evil by good, 137.
- Overcome grief, 234.
- Ox led to slaughter, an.
- Pain is the outcome of evil, 133.
- Parable, 165, 179 &c.
- Parable of the hungry dog, 198.
- Paradise in the West, the, 173; living in paradise, 207; the paradise of the pure land, 173.
- Parties, listen to both, 103.
- Party in search of a thief, a, 206.
- Pass away, about to, 242; people pass away, 212; the truth will never pass away, 152.
- Passed away according to his deeds, 194.
- Passion, rain and, 132.
- Past, thou wilt reap the harvest sown in the, 159.
- Path of transmigration, weary, a 237; sign of the right, 143; the eight-fold, 41; the immortal path, 76; the noble eightfold path, 143, 237, 258; mortification not the path, 35; walk in the noble path, 160 a pathless jungle, 142; are
all paths saving? 139. [See also Maggo in the Glossary.]
- Peace on earth, 9.
- Peacemaker, the, 197.
- People dissatisfied, the, 71; people pass away, 212; wise people falter not, 133; wise people fashion themselves, 133.
- Perception of truth, the refreshing drink, 118.
- Perishable, the I, 66.
- Personalities of Buddha, the three, 232.
- Pestilence, 121.
- Physician, 20, 181, 210; the best physician, 169; without beholding the physician, 246.
- Pit, treasure laid up in a deep, 171.
- Pity me not, 28.
- Plantain-tree, 39.
- Pleasure, he who lives for, 133; let a man take pleasure in the dharma, 171.
- Pleasures destroy the foolish, 134; pleasures of self in heaven, 153; why do we give up the pleasures of the world, 172; religious wisdom lifts above pleasures, 109.
- Potter, 163; potter, vessels made by the, 211.
- Power, incantations have no, 33; magic power, 119.
- Powerful elephant, 166,
- Powerful king, 130.
- Powers, moral, 97.
- Practise the truth, 160.
- Praise of all the Buddhas, the, 258.
- Prayers, 141; prayers vain repetitions, 33.
- Preach the doctrine, glorious in the beginning, middle, and end, 58; preach to all beings, 129.
- Preacher's mission, the, 117; the preacher's sole aim, 128.
- Preachers, Tathāgatas are only, 131;
- Precepts, 247; precepts for the novices, 124; ten precepts, 124. walk according to the precepts, 241.
- Precious crown jewel, 130,
- Precious jewel, a, 252. ,
- Priceless, the lives of men are, 198.
- Priest and layman alike, 74.
- Prince, test of the, 13.
- Problem of the soul, the, 29.
- Profitless, mortification, 49.
- Prohibitions, 120.
- Promoted him higher, he, 182.
- Propound the truth, 117.
- Prosper, sangha may be expected to 221.
- Prospered, bhikkhus, 120.
- Punishment of the criminal, 147.
- Punishment, the fruit of the criminal's act, 148.
- Puppets on a string, 123.
Pure land, the paradise of the, 173.
- Purity and impurity belong to oneself, 131.
- Purpose of being, the, 255.
- Purpose, speak to the, 126.
- Qualities, cloud of good, 129; eight wonderful qualities, 178.
- Quality, the thing and its, 30.
- Quarrels, 100.
- Quarters, the four, 143; the six quarters, 144.
- Question concerning annihilation, 145
- Questioned, the sages, 13.
- Questions of the deva, i6&.
- Rabbit rescued from the serpent, 27.
- Rags, cast-off, 89, 91, 110.
- Rahula, lessons given to, 165.
- Rain and passion, 132.
- Rain fell, 94.
- Rain, good works are, 195.
- Rare in the world, 228.
- Reap the harvest sown in the past, thou wilt, 159.
- Reap what we sow, we, 153, 200.
- Reason,as the helpmate of self, 256.
- Reason in the struggle for life, 255.
- Reason, no truth is attainable without, 256.
- Reasoning ceases, 154.
- Rebirth without transmigration of self, 33.
- Rebuked, the bhikshus, 109.
- Received the message in their own language, all creatures, 55.
- Re-establishing concord, two ways of, 104;
- Re-establishment of concord, 103.
- Reform to-day, 113.
- Refreshing drink, the, perception of truth, 118.
- Refuge in the Blessed One, 150, 151, 160, 247.
- Refuge in the Buddha, 60, 61, 64, 68, 168, 206, 251, 157.
- Refuge in the Enlightened Teacher, 145.
- Refuge is his name, 113.
- Rejoice, angels, 8.
- Religion, Buddha's, consolidation of, 89; now is the time to seek religion, 21; seeing the highest religion, 138; the gift of all religion, 138; worship and sacrifice the nature of religion, 152; thou tearest down religion, 152.
- Religious man, the, and truth, 125; religious wisdom lifts above pleasures, 109; religious zeal flagging, 35.
- Rely on yourselves, 134.
- Remain in thy station, 74; nothing will remain, 225; the truth will remain, 242, 249.
- Repetitions, prayers vain, 33.
- Reprove, do not, 103.
- Rescue in the desert, 191.
- Restore to you a nobler beauty, to, 201.
- Revere the traditions, 254.
- Reverence for the Master, out of 248.
- Reverence my father, I, 144.
- Rice-milk, 95.
- Rich in returns, charity, 27.
- Righteous cause, war in a, 149.
- Righteousness, foundation of the kingdom of, 47; source of all righteousness, 118; the kingdom of righteousness, 55; the throne of truth is righteousness, 257.
- Right path, mortification not the, 35.
- Right path, sign of the, 143.
- Right thought, helmet of, 93.
- Ripe fruits, 211.
- Rituals have no efficacy, 33.
- River, crossed the, 225.
- Rivers in the ocean, 214.
- Rivers reach the main, 22?.
- Roads cross, where four, 140.
- Robe of the Tathâgaca, 127.
- Robes, lay, 91; robes of cloth of gold, 239; the bhikkhus doffed their robes, 95.
- Rock a good blow, give the, 194.
- Room for the I, no, 65.
- Root of evil, ignorance the, 40.
- Roots of mind, the five, 29.
- Rope, the nature of the, 67.
- Rubbish, the lily on a heap of, 138.
- Rules for the order, 233.
- Sabbath, 98; observe the Uposatha or Sabbath, 98.
- Sacrifice, 33; sacrifice of self, 152; the nature of religion, worship and sacrifice, 152.
- Sacrifices, 33 ; sacrifices cannot save 159.
- Sages questioned, the, 13.
- Saint, a sinner can become a, 171.
- Salvation alone in the truth 134; assured of final, 248; salvation the extinction of self, 4; work out your salvation, 137, 240.
- Sameness and continuity, 157.
- Sandy desert, a, 192.
- Save, faith alone can, 113.
- Saving paths? Are all paths, 139.
- Saving power, incantations have no, 33.
- Saviour of others, a, 163.
- Saviour appeared, the, 156.
- Saviour, truth the, 5.
- Scepticism, 126.
- Schism, the, 100.
- Search of a thief, a party in, 206.
- Season, flowers out of, 241.
- Season, rainy, 58, 132.
- Sect of Devadatta, 110.
- Seed, faith is the, 195-
- Seeing the highest religion, 138.
- Seek thou the life that is of the mind, 153.
- Self, 72; self an error, 67; self an illusion, 41, 67; self and the cause of troubles, 67; self and truth, 4, 41, 148; self begets selfishness, 5; cleaving to self, 158; complete surrender of self, 148; eradication of self, 147; self-extinction, 152; identity of self, 158; illusion of self, 67; pleasures of self in, heaven, 153; self is change, 158; self is death, 153, 160; self-mortification, 89; my self has become the truth, 163; reason as the helpmate of self, 256; rebirth without the transmigration of self, 33, 153, sacrifice of self, 152 the conquest of self, 149; the extinction of self, salvation, 4; the idea of self, 242; self, the maker, 73; the nature of self, 65; self, the veil of Māyā, 6; truth and self, 153; truth guards him who guards his self 132; thou clingest to self, 122; where is the identity of my self 155; compounds lack a self, 158.
- Selfhood, the cause of, found, 40.
- Selfhood, thirst for existence and, 39.
- Selfish is my grief, 210.
- Selfishness, self begets, 5.
- Selfishness, surrender, 67.
- Sense, moral, 97.
- Senses and object, contact of, 66,
- Sentence of expulsion, 100, 101.
- Sentiency, truth vibrated through, 255.
- Separation, combination subject to, 31.
- Sermon on abuse, the, 167; the sermon on charity, 75-; sermon on fire, 64.
- Serpent, rabbit rescued from the, 27 .
- Seven kinds of wisdom, 97.
- Sevenfold higher wisdom, 222.
- Shaveling, 195.
- Shedding of blood, 33.
- Shine forth, let your light, 109.
- Shines by night, the moon, 139.
- Sick bhikkhu, the, 213.
- Sickness fell upon him, 232, 237.
- Sight, blind received, 8.
- Sign of the right path, 143.
- Signs forbidden, astrology and forecasting by, 236; signs of Buddhahood, 10; the four signs, 15.
- Sin, straggle against, 237.
- Sinner can become a saint, a, 172.
- Six quarters, the, 144.
- Slaughter, 33.
- Slaughter, ox led to, an.
- Smith, Chunda, the, 237, 240.
- Snake, no rope, 67.
- So great an honor, 228.
- Soldier, a, Simha, 147.
- Soldier of truth, a, 149.
- Soldiers of the Tathagata, 130.
- Solitary, 137.
- Son, the lost, 182.
- Son, father and, 207.
- Song of ecstasy, 221.
- Songs, heavenly, 241.
- Sorcerers, 173.
- Sorrow compared with a sword, 19.
- Soul, Gotama denies the existence of the, 151; non-existence of the soul, 153; the I the soul, 29, the problem of the soul, 29; the Buddhist conception of soul; viii.
- Souls not separate and self-existent entities, 153.
- Soup, a spoon tastes not the flavor of the, 191.
- Source of all righteousness, 118.
- Sovereignty, holiness better than, 27.
- Sow that you will reap, what you, 200.
- Sow, we reap what we, 153.
- Sower, the, 194.
- Sowest, others will reap what thou, 159.
- Sowing-ground of merit, the order (sangha) the 226.
- Speak, the deaf and dumb, 8.
- Speak to the purpose, 126,
- Speaking untruths, 166.
- Speculations, 138.
- Spells forbidden, 121.
- Spirit, in the, 104.
- Spiritual, all existence is, 151.
- Spiritual eye, 254.
- Spits at heaven, like one who, 167.
- Spoon, a, tastes not the flavor of the soup, 191.
- Spread the truth, 56.
- Staircase, a, 140.
- Stares me in the face, nothingness, 153.
- Station, remain in thy, 74.
- Steal not, 126.
- Stream, following the Master over the 212.
- Stream, he had crossed the, 213.
- String, puppets on a, 123.
- Strong man, who is the? 125.
- Struck by apoplexy, 191.
- Struggle against sin, 237.
- Struggle for life, reason in the, 255.
- Struggle must be, 148.
- Subject to separation, combination, 31.
- Substance, the, of Brahman lore, 141.
- Such a one will wander rightly in the world, 170.
- Such faith have I, 222.
- Suffer, the Blessed One had to, 233.
- Suffering, bliss where there is 20.
- Sun is bright, the, 139.
- Sun of the mind, the, 188.
- Superstition, 144.
- Supplications forbidden, 121.
- Supplications have no effect, 172.
- Suprabuddha, 110.
- Surrender, 148.
- Surrender selfishness, 67.
- Surrender to evil powers, no, 148.
- Swear* not, 126.
- Sweet, wrong, appears, {33.
- Swooned, the Blessed One, 3?.
- Sword, sorrow compared with, 19
- Tailor, the greedy, 184.
- Talents. [See Abhiññā in the Glossary.]
- Talk, foolish, 140.
- Tastes not the flavor of the soup, a spoon, 191.
- Teach the same truth, 258.
- Teacher, the, 131; teacher of gods and men, 226; the teacher unknown, 177; we have no teacher more, 247.
- Temporary, many laws are, 253.
- Ten commandments, the, 126.
- Ten great calamities, a 215.
- Ten precepts, 124.
- Terms of the world, such are the, 211.
- Test of the prince, 13.
- That it be well grounded, 222.
- There is mind, 151.
- They knew me not, 178.
- Thief a party in search of a, 206.
- Thinkers are bright, 139.
- Thing and its quality, the, 30.
- Things as they are, 67.
- Thirst for existence and selfhood, 39.
- Thirst, the extinction of, 138.
- Thirsty, I am, 238; water for the thirsty, 1.
- This is done by me, 132.
- Thorn in the flesh, 138.
- Thou art the Buddha, 110; thou canst not escape the fruit of evil actions, 159; thou clingest to self, 122; thou tearest down religion, 152; thou wilt reap what thou sowest, 159.
- Thought, helmet of right, 93; the thought of I, 31.
- Thoughtlessness the path of death, 132.
- Thoughts continue, 154; made up of thoughts, 131, thoughts of love, 143; thoughts will endure, 132.
- Three dangers hang over Pātaliputta, 224.
- Three personalities of Buddha, the, 252.
- Three vows, 56.
- Three woes, the, 14.
- Thyself, others art thou, 157.
- Tidings, glad, 1; good tidings, 21.
- Tie all souls together, bonds that, 259.
- Time of grace, the, 183, 192.
- Time to seek religion, now is the, 21.
- Times, hard, reach a lesson, 122.
- To-day, reform, 123.
- Together, bonds that tie all souls, 259.
- Traditions, revere the, 254.
- Transiency, immortality in, 3.
- Transmigration, eddies of 166; rebirth without the transmigration of self, 33; weary path of transmigration, 237.
- Transmission of the soul and the I, 32.
- Treacherous, charms are, 202.
- Treasure laid up in a deep pit, 171.
- Treasure that can never be lost, a, 171.
- Trespasses, confession of, 99.
- Troubles, the cause of, and self, 67.
- Truly thou art Buddha, 145.
- Trumpeter, 143.
- Trust in truth, a.
- Truth, a soldier of, 149; abodes of truth, 75; be anxious to learn the truth, 126; be married unto the truth, 205; Buddha the truth, 2, 245, 254; delusion and truth> 42; eye of truth, 59; glorious is the truth, 60, 61, 68; hold fast to the truth, 234; Iain the truth, 163; immortality in truth, is 153, 160, 205; incarnation of the truth, 253; kingdom of truth, 48; let us obey the truth, 254; life yearns for the truth, 258; love of truth, 149; my self has become the truth, 163; no truth is attainable without reason, 256; perception of truth, the refreshing drink, 118 practise the truth 160; propound the truth, 127; salvation alone in the truth, 234; spread the truth, 56; teach the same truth, 258; the embrace of truth, 205; the king of truth, 130, 163; the mirror of truth, 225; the throne of truth is righteousness, 257; the religious man and truth, 125; the truth cleanses from error, 250; the truth found, 55; the truth has been made known to me, 247; the truth will never pass away, 152; the truth will remain, 242, 249; the world is built for truth, 257; there is but one truth, 138, 164; trust in truth, 2; truth and immortality, 6; truth and self, 4, 41, 148, 153;, truth cannot be fashioned, 257; truth cannot die, 245; truth dawns upon me, 159; truth guards him who guards his self, 132;, truth has taken its abode in me, 163; truth in all its glory, 256; truth is best, 55; truth is hidden to the blind, 253; truth is life, 153; truth is one, 257; truth is the essence of life, 258; truth the correct comprehension of all things, 41; truth the image of the eternal, 3; truth the saviour, 5 ; truth vibrated through sentiency, 255.
- Truthful, be, 126.
- Truths, the four noble, 41, 181.
- Twelve nidānas, the, 40.
- Two ways of re-establishing concord, 104.
- Tyrant, 198.
- Unclean, the vessel has become, 165.
- Undiminished, meats remained, 205.
- Unguents, 90.
- Union of what we know not, 141.
- Union with Brahma, 141.
- Universally, logic holds, 156.
- Universe, face to face, 142.
- Unknown teacher, the, 177.
- Unshod, the Blessed One walked, 109.
- Untruths, speaking, 165.
- Vain, mortification, 5.
- Vain repetitions, prayers, 33.
- Vanities, 59.
- Vanity, 31, 122, 132, 134, 173; vanity of worldliness, 121; vanity of worldly happiness, 3.
- Various kinds of assemblies, 177.
- Veil of self-delusion, the, 200.
- Vessel has become unclean, the, 165.
- Vessels, 163; vessels made by the potter, 211.
- Vibrated through sentiency, truth, 225.
- Victor, the greater, 149.
- Vision a samana, the, 20.
- Vows, three, 56.
- Walk according to the precepts, 141 ; let a man walk alone, 102; the lame walk, 8; walk in the right path, 68.
- Wander rightly in the world, such a one will, 170.
- War, goes out to wage, 130; is it wrong to go to war? 147; war in a righteous cause, 148.
- Warriors are bright, 139,
- Warriors, destiny of 149.
- Water, doctrine like unto, 178; fetch me some water, 138; is the water now fit for drinking? 165; our water is all gone,
193; the lotus-flower in water, 51, 75, 118; water gurgling beneath, 193; water for the thirsty, 1; the water of immortality, 149.
- Waterless desert, a, 141.
- Ways, the best of, is eightfold, 138.
- We have no teacher more, 147;
- Wearisome to the Blessed One, 226.
- Weary path of transmigration, 137.
- Welfare, eight conditions of, 220.
- Well, the woman at the, 196.
- West, facing towards the, 223; the paradise in the West, 173,
- What we know not, a union of, 141; what you sow that you will reap, 200.
- Wheel, the, 51; the wheel of individuality, 65.
- Where does the wind dwell? 154; where four roads cross, 140; where is Nirvāna? 154; where is the identity of my self? 155.
- Which is the true self? 158.
- Who is an outcast? 195; who is the strong man? 125.
- Why do we give up the pleasures of the world? 172.
- Why preserve this body of flesh? 242.
- Wild crane, the, 122.
- Wind, as a great, 154.
- Wind dwell? where does the, 154.
- Wisdom has no dwelling-place, 154. is wisdom a locality? 154; religious wisdom lifts above pleasure, 209; seven kinds of wisdom, 97; sevenfold higher wisdom, 222.
- Wise man nourishes his mind, the, 189; wise people falter not, 133; wise people fashion themselves, 133.
- Wishes, five, of Bimbisara, 68
- Without beholding the physician, 246.
- Woes, the three, 14.
- Woman, a worldly, 213; if you see a woman, 93; the woman at the well, 196.
- Women as a rule are, etc., 228; the first women lay-disciples, 61.
- Word, last, 2495 word of the Buddhas, 22.
- Words of Buddhas immutable, the, 20.
- Work out your salvation, 237, 249.
- World dark, do not call the, 187; world filled with love, 143; let us go into the world, 250; rare in the world, 228; such a one will wander rightly in the world, 170; such are the terms of the world, 211; the world is built for truth, 257; come into the world to befriend, 214; why do we give up the pleasures of the world? 172.
- Worldliness, dust of, 44; jewels and worldliness, 59; vanity of worldliness, 121.
- Worldling nourishes his body, the, 189.
- Worldly happiness, vanity of, 3; a worldly woman, 213.
- Worn-out cart, as a, 233.
- Worship, 33.
- Worship and sacrifice, the nature of religion, 152.
- Worthiest homage, 241.
- Worthy of yellow robes, not, 103.
- Wrong appears sweet, 133.
- Yasa, 58–61.
- Yellow robes, not worthy of, 103.
- Yoke, gone into the, 138.
- Your eyes are blind, 187.
- Yourselves, be ye lamps unto, 234; rely on yourselves, 234; yourselves have known, 248.
- Zeal flagging, religious, 35.
[Names and terms must be looked up in the Glossary, where references to pages of the present book are separated by a dash from the explanation.]
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