An Act
To provide for the continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department of Agriculture
through fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. Short title; table of contents.

(a) Short Title.—
This Act may be cited as the ``Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008´´.
(b) Table of contents.—
The table of contents of this Act is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Definition of Secretary.
Sec. 3. Explanatory Statement.
Sec. 4. Repeal of duplicative enactment.
Sec. 1001. Definitions.
Subtitle A—Direct Payments and Counter-Cyclical Payments
Sec. 1101. Base acres.
Sec. 1102. Payment yields.
Sec. 1103. Availability of direct payments.
Sec. 1104. Availability of counter-cyclical payments.
Sec. 1105. Average crop revenue election program.
Sec. 1106. Producer agreement required as condition of provision of payments.
Sec. 1107. Planting flexibility.
Sec. 1108. Special rule for long grain and medium grain rice.
Sec. 1109. Period of effectiveness.
Subtitle B—Marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments
Sec. 1201. Availability of nonrecourse marketing assistance loans for loan commodities.
Sec. 1202. Loan rates for nonrecourse marketing assistance loans.
Sec. 1203. Term of loans.
Sec. 1204. Repayment of loans.
Sec. 1205. Loan deficiency payments.
Sec. 1206. Payments in lieu of loan deficiency payments for grazed acreage.
Sec. 1207. Special marketing loan provisions for upland cotton.
Sec. 1208. Special competitive provisions for extra long staple cotton.
Sec. 1209. Availability of recourse loans for high moisture feed grains and seed cotton.
Sec. 1210. Adjustments of loans.
Subtitle C—Peanuts
Sec. 1301. Definitions
Sec. 1302. Base acres for peanuts for a farm.
Sec. 1303. Availability of direct payments for peanuts.
Sec. 1304. Availability of counter-cyclical payments for peanuts.
Sec. 1305. Producer agreement required as condition on provision of payments
Sec. 1306. Planting flexibility.
Sec. 1307. Marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments for peanuts.
Sec. 1308. Adjustments of loans.
Subtitle D—Sugar
Sec. 1401. Sugar program.
Sec. 1402. United States membership in the International Sugar Organization.
Sec. 1403. Flexible marketing allotments for sugar.
Sec. 1404. Storage facility loans.
Sec. 1405. Commodity Credit Corporation storage payments.
Subtitle E—Dairy
Sec. 1501. Dairy product price support program.
Sec. 1502. Dairy forward pricing program.
Sec. 1503. Dairy export incentive program.
Sec. 1504. Revision of Federal marketing order amendment procedures.
Sec. 1505. Dairy indemnity program.
Sec. 1506. Milk income loss contract program.
Sec. 1507. Dairy promotion and research program.
Sec. 1508. Report on Department of Agriculture reporting procedures for nonfat dry milk.
Sec. 1509. Federal Milk Marketing Order Review Commission.
Sec. 1510.Mandatory reporting of dairy commodities.
Subtitle F—Administration
Sec. 1601. Administration generally.
Sec. 1602. Suspension of permanent price support authority.
Sec. 1603. Payment limitations.
Sec. 1604. Adjusted gross income limitation.
Sec. 1605. Availability of quality incentive payments for covered oilseed producers.
Sec. 1606. Personal liability of producers for deficiencies.
Sec. 1607. Extension of existing administrative authority regarding loans.
Sec. 1608. Assignment of payments.
Sec. 1609. Tracking of benefits.
Sec. 1610. Government publication of cotton price forecasts.
Sec. 1611. Prevention of deceased individuals receiving payments under farm commodity programs.
Sec. 1612. Hard white wheat development program.
Sec. 1613. Durum wheat quality program.
Sec. 1614. Storage facility loans.
Sec. 1615. State, county, and area committees.
Sec. 1616. Prohibition on charging certain fees.
Sec. 1617. Signature authority.
Sec. 1618. Modernization of Farm Service Agency.
Sec. 1619. Information gathering.
Sec. 1620. Leasing of office space.
Sec. 1621. Geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers.
Sec. 1622. Implementation.
Sec. 1623. Repeals.
Subtitle A—Definitions and Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation
Sec. 2001. Definitions relating to conservation title of Food Security Act of 1985.
Sec. 2002. Review of good faith determinations related to highly erodible land conservation.
Sec. 2003. Review of good faith determinations related to wetland conservation.
Subtitle B—Conservation Reserve Program
Sec. 2101. Extension of conservation reserve program.
Sec. 2102. Land eligible for enrollment in conservation reserve.
Sec. 2103. Maximum enrollment of acreage in conservation reserve.
Sec. 2104. Designation of conservation priority areas.
Sec. 2105. Treatment of multi-year grasses and legumes.
Sec. 2106. Revised pilot program for enrollment of wetland and buffer acreage in conservation reserve.
Sec. 2107. Additional duty of participants under conservation reserve contracts.
Sec. 2108. Managed haying, grazing, or other commercial use of forage on enrolled land and installation of wind turbines.
Sec. 2109. Cost sharing payments relating to trees, windbreaks, shelterbelts, and wildlife corridors.
Sec. 2110. Evaluation and acceptance of contract offers, annual rental payments, and payment limitations.
Sec. 2111. Conservation reserve program transition incentives for beginning farmers or ranchers and socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers.
Subtitle C—Wetlands Reserve Program
Sec. 2201. Establishment and purpose of wetlands reserve program.
Sec. 2202. Maximum enrollment and enrollment methods.
Sec. 2203. Duration of wetlands reserve program and lands eligible for enrollment.
Sec. 2204. Terms of wetlands reserve program easements.
Sec. 2205. Compensation for easements under wetlands reserve program.
Sec. 2206. Wetlands reserve enhancement program and reserved rights pilot program.
Sec. 2207. Duties of Secretary of Agriculture under wetlands reserve program.
Sec. 2208. Payment limitations under wetlands reserve contracts and agreements.
Sec. 2209. Repeal of payment limitations exception for State agreements for wetlands reserve enhancement.
Sec. 2210. Report on implications of long-term nature of conservation easements.
Subtitle D—Conservation Stewardship Program
Sec. 2301. Conservation stewardship program.
Subtitle E—Farmland Protection and Grassland Reserve
Sec. 2401. Farmland protection program.
Sec. 2402. Farm viability program.
Sec. 2403. Grassland reserve program.
Subtitle F—Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Sec. 2501. Purposes of environmental quality incentives program.
Sec. 2502. Definitions.
Sec. 2503. Establishment and administration of environmental quality incentives program.
Sec. 2504. Evaluation of applications.
Sec. 2505. Duties of producers under environmental quality incentives program.
Sec. 2506. Environmental quality incentives program plan.
Sec. 2507. Duties of the Secretary.
Sec. 2508. Limitation on environmental quality incentives program payments.
Sec. 2509. Conservation innovation grants and payments.
Sec. 2510. Agricultural water enhancement program.
Subtitle G—Other Conservation Programs of the Food Security Act of 1985
Sec. 2601. Conservation of private grazing land.
Sec. 2602. Wildlife habitat incentive program.
Sec. 2603. Grassroots source water protection program.
Sec. 2604. Great Lakes Basin Program for soil erosion and sediment control
Sec. 2605. Chesapeake Bay watershed program.
Sec. 2606. Voluntary public access and habitat incentive program..
Subtitle H—Funding and Administration of Conservation Programs
Sec. 2701. Funding of conservation programs under Food Security Act of 1985.
Sec. 2702. Authority to accept contributions to support conservation programs.
Sec. 2703. Regional equity and flexibility.
Sec. 2704. Assistance to certain farmers and ranchers to improve their access to conservation programs.
Sec. 2705. Report regarding enrollments and assistance under conservation programs.
Sec. 2706. Delivery of conservation technical assistance.
Sec. 2707. Cooperative conservation partnership initiative.
Sec. 2708. Administrative requirements for conservation programs.
Sec. 2709. Environmental services markets.
Sec. 2710. Agriculture conservation experienced services program.
Sec. 2711. Establishment of State technical committees and their responsibilities.
Subtitle I—Conservation Programs Under Other Laws
Sec. 2801. Agricultural management assistance program.
Sec. 2802. Technical assistance under Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act.
Sec. 2803. Small watershed rehabilitation program.
Sec. 2804. Amendments to Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act of 1977.
Sec. 2805. Resource Conservation and Development Program.
Sec. 2806. Use of funds in Basin Funds for salinity control activities upstream of Imperial Dam.
Sec. 2807. Desert terminal lakes.
Subtitle J—Miscellaneous Conservation Provisions
Sec. 2901. High Plains water study.
Sec. 2902. Naming of National Plant Materials Center at Beltsville, Maryland, in honor of Norman A. Berg.
Sec. 2903. Transition.
Sec. 2904. Regulations.
Subtitle A—Food for Peace Act
Sec. 3001. Short title.
Sec. 3002. United States policy.
Sec. 3003. Food aid to developing countries.
Sec. 3004. Trade and development assistance.
Sec. 3005. Agreements regarding eligible countries and private entities.
Sec. 3006. Use of local currency payments.
Sec. 3007. General authority.
Sec. 3008. Provision of agricultural commodities.
Sec. 3009. Generation and use of currencies by private voluntary organizations and cooperatives.
Sec. 3010. Levels of assistance.
Sec. 3011. Food Aid Consultative Group.
Sec. 3012. Administration.
Sec. 3013. Assistance for stockpiling and rapid transportation, delivery, and distribution of shelf-stable prepackaged foods.
Sec. 3014. General authorities and requirements.
Sec. 3015. Definitions.
Sec. 3016. Use of Commodity Credit Corporation.
Sec. 3017. Administrative provisions.
Sec. 3018. Consolidation and modification of annual reports regarding agricultural trade issues.
Sec. 3019. Expiration of assistance.
Sec. 3020. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 3021. Minimum level of nonemergency food assistance.
Sec. 3022. Coordination of foreign assistance programs.
Sec. 3023. Micronutrient fortification programs.
Sec. 3024. John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer Program.
Subtitle B—Agricultural Trade Act of 1978 and Related Statutes
Sec. 3101. Export credit guarantee program.
Sec. 3102. Market access program.
Sec. 3103. Export enhancement program.
Sec. 3104. Foreign market development cooperator program.
Sec. 3105. Food for Progress Act of 1985.
Sec. 3106. McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program.
Subtitle C—Miscellaneous
Sec. 3201. Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust.
Sec. 3202. Global Crop Diversity Trust.
Sec. 3203. Technical assistance for specialty crops.
Sec. 3204. Emerging markets and facility guarantee loan program.
Sec. 3205. Consultative Group to Eliminate the Use of Child Labor and Forced Labor in Imported Agricultural Products.
Sec. 3206. Local and regional food aid procurement projects.
Subtitle D—Softwood lumber
Sec. 3301. Softwood lumber.
Subtitle A—Food stamp program
Sec. 4001. Renaming of Food Stamp Act and program.
Sec. 4002. Conforming amendments.
Sec. 4101. Exclusion of certain military payments from income.
Sec. 4102. Strengthening the food purchasing power of low-income Americans.
Sec. 4103. Supporting working families with child care expenses.
Sec. 4104. Asset indexation, education, and retirement accounts.
Sec. 4105. Facilitating simplified reporting.
Sec. 4106. Transitional benefits option.
Sec. 4107. Increasing the minimum benefit.
Sec. 4108. Employment, training, and job retention.
Sec. 4111. Nutrition education.
Sec. 4112. Technical clarification regarding eligibility.
Sec. 4113. Clarification of split issuance.
Sec. 4114. Accrual of benefits.
Sec. 4115. Issuance and use of program benefits.
Sec. 4116. Review of major changes in program design.
Sec. 4117. Civil rights compliance.
Sec. 4118. Codification of access rules.
Sec. 4119. State option for telephonic signature.
Sec. 4120. Privacy protections.
Sec. 4121. Preservation of access and payment accuracy.
Sec. 4122. Funding of employment and training programs.
Sec. 4131. Eligibility disqualification.
Sec. 4132. Civil penalties and disqualification of retail food stores and wholesale food concerns.
Sec. 4133. Major systems failures.
Sec. 4141. Pilot projects to evaluate health and nutrition promotion in the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
Sec. 4142. Study on comparable access to supplemental nutrition assistance for Puerto Rico.
Subtitle B—Food distribution programs
Sec. 4201. Emergency food assistance.
Sec. 4202. Emergency food program infrastructure grants.
Sec. 4211. Assessing the nutritional value of the FDPIR food package.
Sec. 4221. Commodity supplemental food program.
Sec. 4231. Seniors farmers’ market nutrition program.
Subtitle C—Child nutrition and related programs
Sec. 4301. State performance on enrolling children receiving program benefits for free school meals.
Sec. 4302. Purchases of locally produced foods.
Sec. 4303. Healthy food education and program replicability.
Sec. 4304. Fresh fruit and vegetable program.
Sec. 4305. Whole grain products.
Sec. 4306. Buy American requirements.
Sec. 4307. Survey of foods purchased by school food authorities.
Subtitle D—Miscellaneous
Sec. 4401. Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellows and Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows.
Sec. 4402. Assistance for community food projects.
Sec. 4403. Joint nutrition monitoring and related research activities.
Sec. 4404. Section 32 funds for purchase of fruits, vegetables, and nuts to support domestic nutrition assistance programs.
Sec. 4405. Hunger-free communities.
Sec. 4406. Reauthorization of Federal food assistance programs.
Sec. 4407. Effective and implementation dates.
Subtitle A—Farm Ownership Loans
Sec. 5001. Direct loans.
Sec. 5002. Conservation loan and loan guarantee program.
Sec. 5003. Limitations on amount of farm ownership loans.
Sec. 5004. Down payment loan program.
Sec. 5005. Beginning farmer or rancher and socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher contract land sales program.
Subtitle B—Operating loans
Sec. 5101. Farming experience as eligibility requirement.
Sec. 5102. Limitations on amount of operating loans.
Sec. 5103. Suspension of limitation on period for which borrowers are eligible for guaranteed assistance.
Subtitle C—Emergency loans
Sec. 5201. Eligibility of equine farmers and ranchers for emergency loans.
Subtitle D—Administrative provisions
Sec. 5301. Beginning farmer and rancher individual development accounts pilot program.
Sec. 5302. Inventory sales preferences; loan fund set-asides.
Sec. 5303. Loan authorization levels.
Sec. 5304. Transition to private commercial or other sources of credit.
Sec. 5305. Extension of the right of first refusal to reacquire homestead property to immediate family members of borrower-owner.
Sec. 5306. Rural development and farm loan program activities.
Subtitle E—Farm credit
Sec. 5401. Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation.
Sec. 5402. Technical correction.
Sec. 5403. Bank for cooperatives voting stock.
Sec. 5404. Premiums.
Sec. 5405. Certification of premiums.
Sec. 5406. Rural utility loans.
Sec. 5407. Equalization of loan-making powers of certain district associations.
Subtitle F—Miscellaneous
Sec. 5501. Loans to purchasers of highly fractioned land.
Subtitle A—Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act
Sec. 6001. Water, waste disposal, and wastewater facility grants.
Sec. 6002. SEARCH grants.
Sec. 6003. Rural business opportunity grants.
Sec. 6004. Child day care facility grants, loans, and loan guarantees.
Sec. 6005. Community facility grants to advance broadband.
Sec. 6006. Rural water and wastewater circuit rider program.
Sec. 6007. Tribal College and University essential community facilities.
Sec. 6008. Emergency and imminent community water assistance grant program.
Sec. 6009. Water systems for rural and native villages in Alaska.
Sec. 6010. Grants to nonprofit organizations to finance the construction, refurbishing, and servicing of individually-owned household water well systems in rural areas for individuals with low or moderate incomes.
Sec. 6011. Interest rates for water and waste disposal facilities loans.
Sec. 6012. Cooperative equity security guarantee.
Sec. 6013. Rural cooperative development grants.
Sec. 6014. Grants to broadcasting systems.
Sec. 6015. Locally or regionally produced agricultural food products.
Sec. 6016. Appropriate technology transfer for rural areas.
Sec. 6017. Rural economic area partnership zones.
Sec. 6018. Definitions.
Sec. 6019. National rural development partnership.
Sec. 6020. Historic barn preservation.
Sec. 6021. Grants for NOAA weather radio transmitters.
Sec. 6022. Rural microentrepreneur assistance program.
Sec. 6023. Grants for expansion of employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities in rural areas.
Sec. 6024. Health care services.
Sec. 6025. Delta Regional Authority.
Sec. 6026. Northern Great Plains Regional Authority.
Sec. 6027. Rural Business Investment Program.
Sec. 6028. Rural Collaborative Investment Program.
Sec. 6029. Funding of pending rural development loan and grant applications.
Subtitle B—Rural Electrification Act of 1936
Sec. 6101. Energy efficiency programs.
Sec. 6102. Reinstatement of Rural Utility Services direct lending.
Sec. 6103. Deferment of payments to allows loans for improved energy efficiency and demand reduction and for energy efficiency and use audits.
Sec. 6104. Rural electrification assistance.
Sec. 6105. Substantially underserved trust areas.
Sec. 6106. Guarantees for bonds and notes issued for electrification or telephone purposes.
Sec. 6107. Expansion of 911 access.
Sec. 6108. Electric loans for renewable energy.
Sec. 6109. Bonding requirements.
Sec. 6110. Access to broadband telecommunications services in rural areas.
Sec. 6111. National Center for Rural Telecommunications Assessment.
Sec. 6112. Comprehensive rural broadband strategy.
Sec. 6113. Study on rural electric power generation.
Subtitle C—Miscellaneous
Sec. 6201. Distance learning and telemedicine.
Sec. 6202. Value-added agricultural market development program grants.
Sec. 6203. Agriculture innovation center demonstration program.
Sec. 6204. Rural firefighters and emergency medical service assistance program.
Sec. 6205. Insurance of loans for housing and related facilities for domestic farm labor.
Sec. 6206. Study of rural transportation issues.
Subtitle D—Housing Assistance Council
Sec. 6301. Short title.
Sec. 6302. Assistance to Housing Assistance Council.
Sec. 6303. Audits and reports.
Sec. 6304. Persons not lawfully present in the United States.
Sec. 6305. Limitation on use of authorized amounts.
Subtitle A—National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977
Sec. 7101. Definitions.
Sec. 7102. National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board.
Sec. 7103. Specialty crop committee report.
Sec. 7104. Renewable energy committee.
Sec. 7105. Veterinary medicine loan repayment.
Sec. 7106. Eligibility of University of the District of Columbia for grants and fellowships for food and agricultural sciences education.
Sec. 7107. Grants to 1890 schools to expand extension capacity.
Sec. 7108. Expansion of food and agricultural sciences awards.
Sec. 7109. Grants and fellowships for food and agricultural sciences education.
Sec. 7110. Grants for research on production and marketing of alcohols and industrial hydrocarbons from agricultural commodities and forest products.
Sec. 7111. Policy research centers.
Sec. 7112. Education grants to Alaska Native-serving institutions and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions.
Sec. 7113. Emphasis of human nutrition initiative.
Sec. 7114. Human nutrition intervention and health promotion research program.
Sec. 7115. Pilot research program to combine medical and agricultural research.
Sec. 7116. Nutrition education program.
Sec. 7117. Continuing animal health and disease research programs.
Sec. 7118. Cooperation among eligible institutions.
Sec. 7119. Appropriations for research on national or regional problems.
Sec. 7120. Animal health and disease research program.
Sec. 7121. Authorization level for extension at 1890 land-grant colleges.
Sec. 7122. Authorization level for agricultural research at 1890 land-grant colleges.
Sec. 7123. Grants to upgrade agricultural and food sciences facilities at 1890 land-grant colleges, including Tuskegee University.
Sec. 7124. Grants to upgrade agriculture and food sciences facilities at the District of Columbia land-grant university.
Sec. 7125. Grants to upgrade agriculture and food sciences facilities and equipment at insular area land-grant institutions.
Sec. 7126. National research and training virtual centers.
Sec. 7127. Matching funds requirement for research and extension activities of 1890 institutions.
Sec. 7128. Hispanic-serving institutions.
Sec. 7129. Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities.
Sec. 7130. International agricultural research, extension, and education.
Sec. 7131. Competitive grants for international agricultural science and education programs.
Sec. 7132. Administration.
Sec. 7133. Research equipment grants.
Sec. 7134. University research.
Sec. 7135. Extension Service.
Sec. 7136. Supplemental and alternative crops.
Sec. 7137. New Era Rural Technology Program.
Sec. 7138. Capacity building grants for NLGCA Institutions.
Sec. 7139. Borlaug international agricultural science and technology fellowship program.
Sec. 7140. Aquaculture assistance programs.
Sec. 7141. Rangeland research grants.
Sec. 7142. Special authorization for biosecurity planning and response.
Sec. 7143. Resident instruction and distance education grants program for insular area institutions of higher education.
Subtitle B—Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990
Sec. 7201. National genetics resources program.
Sec. 7202. National Agricultural Weather Information System.
Sec. 7203. Partnerships.
Sec. 7204. High-priority research and extension areas.
Sec. 7205. Nutrient management research and extension initiative.
Sec. 7206. Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative.
Sec. 7207. Agricultural bioenergy feedstock and energy efficiency research and extension initiative.
Sec. 7208. Farm business management and benchmarking.
Sec. 7209. Agricultural telecommunications program.
Sec. 7210. Assistive technology program for farmers with disabilities.
Sec. 7211. Research on honey bee diseases.
Sec. 7212. National Rural Information Center Clearinghouse.
Subtitle C—Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998
Sec. 7301. Peer and merit review.
Sec. 7302. Partnerships for high-value agricultural product quality research.
Sec. 7303. Precision agriculture.
Sec. 7304. Biobased products.
Sec. 7305. Thomas Jefferson Initiative for Crop Diversification.
Sec. 7306. Integrated research, education, and extension competitive grants program.
Sec. 7307. Fusarium graminearum grants.
Sec. 7308. Bovine Johne's disease control program.
Sec. 7309. Grants for youth organizations.
Sec. 7310. Agricultural biotechnology research and development for developing countries.
Sec. 7311. Specialty crop research initiative.
Sec. 7312. Food animal residue avoidance database program.
Sec. 7313. Office of pest management policy.
Subtitle D—Other Laws
Sec. 7401. Critical Agricultural Materials Act.
Sec. 7402. Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1994.
Sec. 7403. Smith-Lever Act.
Sec. 7404. Hatch Act of 1887.
Sec. 7405. Agricultural Experiment Station Research Facilities Act.
Sec. 7406. Agriculture and food research initiative.
Sec. 7407. Agricultural Risk Protection Act of 2000.
Sec. 7408. Exchange or sale authority.
Sec. 7409. Enhanced use lease authority pilot program.
Sec. 7410. Beginning farmer and rancher development program.
Sec. 7411. Public education regarding use of biotechnology in producing food for human consumption.
Sec. 7412. McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Act.
Sec. 7413. Renewable Resources Extension Act of 1978.
Sec. 7414. National Aquaculture Act of 1980.
Sec. 7415. Construction of Chinese Garden at the National Arboretum.
Sec. 7416. National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act Amendments of 1985.
Sec. 7417. Eligibility of University of the District of Columbia for certain land-grant university assistance.
Subtitle E—Miscellaneous
Sec. 7501. Definitions.
Sec. 7502. Grazinglands research laboratory.
Sec. 7503. Fort Reno Science Park Research Facility.
Sec. 7504. Roadmap.
Sec. 7505. Review of plan of work requirements.
Sec. 7506. Budget submission and funding.
Sec. 7511. Research, education, and economics.
Sec. 7521. Research and education grants for the study of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Sec. 7522. Farm and ranch stress assistance network.
Sec. 7523. Seed distribution.
Sec. 7524. Live virus foot and mouth disease research.
Sec. 7525. Natural products research program.
Sec. 7526. Sun grant program.
Sec. 7527. Study and report on food deserts.
Sec. 7528. Demonstration project authority for temporary positions.
Sec. 7529. Agricultural and rural transportation research and education.
Subtitle A—Amendments to Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978
Sec. 8001. National priorities for private forest conservation.
Sec. 8002. Long-term State-wide assessments and strategies for forest resources.
Sec. 8003. Community forest and open space conservation program.
Sec. 8004. Assistance to the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.
Sec. 8005. Changes to Forest Resource Coordinating Committee.
Sec. 8006. Changes to State Forest Stewardship Coordinating Committees.
Sec. 8007. Competition in programs under Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978.
Sec. 8008. Competitive allocation of funds for cooperative forest innovation partnership projects.
Subtitle B—Cultural and Heritage Cooperation Authority
Sec. 8101. Purposes.
Sec. 8102. Definitions.
Sec. 8103. Reburial of human remains and cultural items.
Sec. 8104. Temporary closure for traditional and cultural purposes.
Sec. 8105. Forest products for traditional and cultural purposes.
Sec. 8106. Prohibition on disclosure.
Sec. 8107. Severability and savings provisions.
Subtitle C—Amendments to Other Forestry-Related Laws
Sec. 8201. Rural revitalization technologies.
Sec. 8202. Office of International Forestry.
Sec. 8203. Emergency forest restoration program.
Sec. 8204. Prevention of illegal logging practices.
Sec. 8205. Healthy forests reserve program.
Subtitle D—Boundary Adjustments and Land Conveyance Provisions
Sec. 8301. Green Mountain National Forest boundary adjustment.
Sec. 8302. Land conveyances, Chihuahuan Desert Nature Park, New Mexico, and George Washington National Forest, Virginia.
Sec. 8303. Sale and exchange of National Forest System land, Vermont.
Subtitle E—Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 8401. Qualifying timber contract options.
Sec. 8402. Hispanic-serving institution agricultural land national resources leadership program.
Sec. 9001. Energy.
Sec. 9002. Biofuels infrastructure study.
Sec. 9003. Renewable fertilizer study.
Sec. 10001. Definitions.
Subtitle A—Horticulture marketing and information
Sec. 10101. Independent evaluation of Department of Agriculture commodity purchase process.
Sec. 10102. Quality requirements for clementines.
Sec. 10103. Inclusion of specialty crops in census of agriculture.
Sec. 10104. Mushroom promotion, research, and consumer information.
Sec. 10105. Food safety education initiatives.
Sec. 10106. Farmers' market promotion program.
Sec. 10107. Specialty crops market news allocation.
Sec. 10108. Expedited marketing order for Hass avocados for grades and standards and other purposes.
Sec. 10109. Specialty crop block grants.
Subtitle B—Pest and disease management
Sec. 10201. Plant pest and disease management and disaster prevention.
Sec. 10202. National Clean Plant Network.
Sec. 10203. Plant protection.
Sec. 10204. Regulations to improve management and oversight of certain regulated articles.
Sec. 10205. Pest and Disease Revolving Loan Fund.
Sec. 10206. Cooperative agreements relating to plant pest and disease prevention activities.
Subtitle C—Organic agriculture
Sec. 10301. National organic certification cost-share program.
Sec. 10302. Organic production and market data initiatives.
Sec. 10303. National Organic Program.
Subtitle D—Miscellaneous
Sec. 10401. National Honey Board.
Sec. 10402. Identification of honey.
Sec. 10403. Grant program to improve movement of specialty crops.
Sec. 10404. Market loss assistance for asparagus producers.
Sec. 11001. Livestock mandatory reporting.
Sec. 11002. Country of origin labeling.
Sec. 11003. Agricultural Fair Practices Act of 1967 definitions.
Sec. 11004. Annual report.
Sec. 11005. Production contracts.
Sec. 11006. Regulations.
Sec. 11007. Sense of Congress regarding pseudorabies eradication program.
Sec. 11008. Sense of Congress regarding the cattle fever tick eradication program.
Sec. 11009. National Sheep Industry Improvement Center.
Sec. 11010. Trichinae certification program.
Sec. 11011. Low pathogenic diseases.
Sec. 11012. Animal protection.
Sec. 11013. National Aquatic Animal Health Plan.
Sec. 11014. Study on bioenergy operations.
Sec. 11015. Interstate shipment of meat and poultry inspected by Federal and State agencies for certain small establishments.
Sec. 11016. Inspection and grading.
Sec. 11017. Food safety improvement.
Subtitle A—Crop insurance and disaster assistance
Sec. 12001. Definition of organic crop.
Sec. 12002. General powers.
Sec. 12003. Reduction in loss ratio.
Sec. 12004. Premiums adjustments.
Sec. 12005. Controlled business insurance.
Sec. 12006. Administrative fee.
Sec. 12007. Time for payment.
Sec. 12008. Catastrophic coverage reimbursement rate.
Sec. 12009. Grain sorghum price election.
Sec. 12010. Premium reduction authority.
Sec. 12011. Enterprise and whole farm units.
Sec. 12012. Payment of portion of premium for area revenue plans.
Sec. 12013. Denial of claims.
Sec. 12014. Settlement of crop insurance claims on farm-stored production.
Sec. 12015. Time for reimbursement.
Sec. 12016. Reimbursement rate.
Sec. 12017. Renegotiation of Standard Reinsurance Agreement.
Sec. 12018. Change in due date for Corporation payments for underwriting gains.
Sec. 12019. Malting barley.
Sec. 12020. Crop production on native sod.
Sec. 12021. Information management.
Sec. 12022. Research and development.
Sec. 12023. Contracts for additional policies and studies.
Sec. 12024. Funding from insurance fund.
Sec. 12025. Pilot programs.
Sec. 12026. Risk management education for beginning farmers or ranchers.
Sec. 12027. Coverage for aquaculture under noninsured crop assistance program.
Sec. 12028. Increase in service fees for noninsured crop assistance program.
Sec. 12029. Determination of certain sweet potato production.
Sec. 12030. Declining yield report.
Sec. 12031. Definition of basic unit.
Sec. 12032. Crop insurance mediation.
Sec. 12033. Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance.
Sec. 12034. Fisheries disaster assistance.
Subtitle B—Small Business Disaster Loan Program
Sec. 12051. Short title.
Sec. 12052. Definitions.
Sec. 12061. Economic injury disaster loans to nonprofits.
Sec. 12062. Coordination of disaster assistance programs with FEMA.
Sec. 12063. Public awareness of disaster declaration and application periods.
Sec. 12064. Consistency between administration regulations and standard operating procedures.
Sec. 12065. Increasing collateral requirements.
Sec. 12066. Processing disaster loans.
Sec. 12067. Information tracking and follow-up system.
Sec. 12068. Increased deferment period.
Sec. 12069. Disaster processing redundancy.
Sec. 12070. Net earnings clauses prohibited.
Sec. 12071. Economic injury disaster loans in cases of ice storms and blizzards.
Sec. 12072. Development and implementation of major disaster response plan.
Sec. 12073. Disaster planning responsibilities.
Sec. 12074. Assignment of employees of the office of disaster assistance and disaster cadre.
Sec. 12075. Comprehensive disaster response plan.
Sec. 12076. Plans to secure sufficient office space.
Sec. 12077. Applicants that have become a major source of employment due to changed economic circumstances.
Sec. 12078. Disaster loan amounts.
Sec. 12079. Small business bonding threshold.
Sec. 12081. Eligibility for additional disaster assistance.
Sec. 12082. Additional economic injury disaster loan assistance.
Sec. 12083. Private disaster loans.
Sec. 12084. Immediate Disaster Assistance program.
Sec. 12085. Expedited disaster assistance loan program.
Sec. 12086. Gulf Coast Disaster Loan Refinancing Program.
Sec. 12091. Reports on disaster assistance.
Sec. 13001. Short title.
Subtitle A—General provisions
Sec. 13101. Commission authority over agreements, contracts or transactions in foreign currency.
Sec. 13102. Anti-fraud authority over principal-to-principal transactions.
Sec. 13103. Criminal and civil penalties.
Sec. 13104. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 13105. Technical and conforming amendments.
Sec. 13106. Portfolio margining and security index issues.
Subtitle B—Significant Price Discovery Contracts on Exempt Commercial Markets
Sec. 13201. Significant price discovery contracts.
Sec. 13202. Large trader reporting.
Sec. 13203. Conforming amendments.
Sec. 13204. Effective date.
Subtitle A—Socially disadvantaged producers and limited resource producers
Sec. 14001. Improved program delivery by Department of Agriculture on Indian reservations.
Sec. 14002. Foreclosure.
Sec. 14003. Receipt for service or denial of service from certain Department of Agriculture agencies.
Sec. 14004. Outreach and technical assistance for socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers.
Sec. 14005. Accurate documentation in the Census of Agriculture and certain studies.
Sec. 14006. Transparency and accountability for socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers.
Sec. 14007. Oversight and compliance.
Sec. 14008. Minority Farmer Advisory Committee.
Sec. 14009. National Appeals Division.
Sec. 14010. Report of civil rights complaints, resolutions, and actions.
Sec. 14011. Sense of Congress relating to claims brought by socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers.
Sec. 14012. Determination on merits of Pigford claims.
Sec. 14013. Office of Advocacy and Outreach.
Subtitle B—Agricultural security
Sec. 14101. Short title.
Sec. 14102. Definitions.
Sec. 14111. Office of Homeland Security.
Sec. 14112. Agricultural biosecurity communication center.
Sec. 14113. Assistance to build local capacity in agricultural biosecurity planning, preparedness, and response.
Sec. 14121. Research and development of agricultural countermeasures.
Sec. 14122. Agricultural biosecurity grant program.
Subtitle C—Other miscellaneous provisions
Sec. 14201. Cotton classification services.
Sec. 14202. Designation of States for cotton research and promotion.
Sec. 14203. Grants to reduce production of methamphetamines from anhydrous ammonia.
Sec. 14204. Grants to improve supply, stability, safety, and training of agricultural labor force.
Sec. 14205. Amendment to the Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978.
Sec. 14206. Report on stored quantities of propane.
Sec. 14207. Prohibitions on dog fighting ventures.
Sec. 14208. Department of Agriculture conference transparency.
Sec. 14209. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act amendments.
Sec. 14210. Importation of live dogs.
Sec. 14211. Permanent debarment from participation in Department of Agriculture programs for fraud.
Sec. 14212. Prohibition on closure or relocation of county offices for the Farm Service Agency.
Sec. 14213. USDA Graduate School.
Sec. 14214. Fines for violations of the Animal Welfare Act.
Sec. 14215. Definition of central filing system.
Sec. 14216. Consideration of proposed recommendations of study on use of cats and dogs in Federal research.
Sec. 14217. Regional economic and infrastructure development.
Sec. 14218. Coordinator for chronically underserved rural areas.
Sec. 14219. Elimination of statute of limitations applicable to collection of debt by administrative offset.
Sec. 14220. Availability of excess and surplus computers in rural areas.
Sec. 14221. Repeal of section 3068 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2007.
Sec. 14222. Domestic food assistance programs.
Sec. 14223. Technical correction.
Sec. 15001. Short title; etc.
Subtitle A—Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance from the Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund
Sec. 15101. Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance.
Subtitle B—Revenue provisions for agriculture programs
Sec. 15201. Customs User Fees.
Sec. 15202. Time for payment of corporate estimated taxes.
Subtitle C—Tax provisions
Sec. 15301. Exclusion of conservation reserve program payments from SECA tax for certain individuals.
Sec. 15302. Two-year extension of special rule encouraging contributions of capital gain real property for conservation purposes.
Sec. 15303. Deduction for endangered species recovery expenditures.
Sec. 15311. Temporary reduction in rate of tax on qualified timber gain of corporations.
Sec. 15312. Timber REIT modernization.
Sec. 15313. Mineral royalty income qualifying income for timber REITs.
Sec. 15314. Modification of taxable REIT subsidiary asset test for timber REITs.
Sec. 15315. Safe harbor for timber property.
Sec. 15316. Qualified forestry conservation bonds.
Sec. 15321. Credit for production of cellulosic biofuel.
Sec. 15322. Comprehensive study of biofuels.
Sec. 15331. Modification of alcohol credit.
Sec. 15332. Calculation of volume of alcohol for fuel credits.
Sec. 15333. Ethanol tariff extension.
Sec. 15334. Limitations on duty drawback on certain imported ethanol.
Sec. 15341. Increase in loan limits on agricultural bonds.
Sec. 15342. Allowance of section 1031 treatment for exchanges involving certain mutual ditch, reservoir, or irrigation company stock.
Sec. 15343. Agricultural chemicals security credit.
Sec. 15344. 3-year depreciation for race horses that are 2-years old or younger.
Sec. 15345. Temporary tax relief for Kiowa County, Kansas and surrounding area.
Sec. 15346. Competitive certification awards modification authority.
Sec. 15351. Limitation on excess farm losses of certain taxpayers.
Sec. 15352. Modification to optional method of computing net earnings from self-employment.
Sec. 15353. Information reporting for Commodity Credit Corporation transactions.
Sec. 15361. Protection of social security.
Subtitle D—Trade provisions
Sec. 15401. Short title.
Sec. 15402. Benefits for apparel and other textile articles.
Sec. 15403. Labor Ombudsman and technical assistance improvement and compliance needs assessment and remediation program.
Sec. 15404. Petition process.
Sec. 15405. Conditions regarding enforcement of circumvention.
Sec. 15406. Presidential proclamation authority.
Sec. 15407. Regulations and procedures.
Sec. 15408. Extension of CBTPA.
Sec. 15409. Sense of Congress on interpretation of textile and apparel provisions for Haiti.
Sec. 15410. Sense of Congress on trade mission to Haiti.
Sec. 15411. Sense of Congress on visa systems.
Sec. 15412. Effective date.
Sec. 15421. Unused merchandise drawback.
Sec. 15422. Requirements relating to determination of transaction value of imported merchandise.

Sec. 2. Definition of Secretary.

In this Act, the term “Secretary” means the Secretary of Agriculture.

Sec. 3. Explanatory statement.

The Joint Explanatory Statement submitted by the Committee of Conference for the conference report to accompany H.R. 2419 of the 110th Congress (House Report 110-627) shall be deemed to be part of the legislative history of this Act and shall have the same effect with respect to the implementation of this Act as it would have had with respect to the implementation of H.R. 2419.

Sec. 4. Repeal of duplicative enactment.

(a) In general.—
The Act entitled “An Act to provide for the continuation of agricultural programs through fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes” (H.R. 2419 of the 110th Congress), and the amendments made by that Act, are repealed, effective on the date of enactment of that Act.
(b) Effective date.—
Except as otherwise provided in this Act, this Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the earlier of—
(1) the date of enactment of this Act; or
(2) the date of the enactment of the Act entitled “An Act to provide for the continuation of agricultural programs through fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes” (H.R. 2419 of the 110th Congress).

Legislative History

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See also


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