< Folk-Lore





[Incorporating The Archæological Review and
The Folk-Lore Journal.]

VOL. II.—1891.

Publisher's design in Folk-Lore of the Northern Counties.png

Alter et Idem






I.—(March 1891.)

Opening Address to the Folk-Lore Society for the Session 1890-91.—G. L. Gomme 1
Magic Songs of the Finns, No. III.—Hon. J. Abercromby 31
The Legend of the Grail, No. I.—Dr. M. Gaster 50
Slava.—Col. Grant Maxwell 65
The Scotch Fisher Child.—Rev. Walter Gregor 73
An Early Irish Version of the Jealous Stepmother and the Exposed Child.—Alfred Nutt 87
Bhuridatta.—R. F. St. Andrew St. John 90
Report on Folk-tale Research, 1890.—E. Sidney Hartland 99

II.— (June, 1891.)

Legends of the Lincolnshire Cars. Part I.—Mrs. M. C. Balfour 145
An Amazonian Custom in the Caucasus.—Hon J. Abercromby 171
Childe Rowland.—Joseph Jacobs 182
The Legend of the Grail. No. II.—Dr. M. Gaster 198
Remarks on preceding article.—Alfred Nutt 211
Report on Greek Mythology.—Prof. F. B. Jevons 220

III.— (September, 1891.)

Legends of the Lincolnshire Cars. Part II.—Mrs. M. C. Balfour 257
Manx Folk-Lore and Superstitions.—Prof. J. Rhys 284
Folk-Drama.—T. Fairman-Ordish, F.S.A. 314
The Folk-Lore of Malagasy Birds.—Rev. James Sibree, Jun. 336
Mr. Stuart-Glennie on the Origins of Matriarchy.—Alfred Nutt and Joseph Jacobs 367
The International Folk-Lore Congress, 1891 373

IV.— (December, 1891.)

Legends of the Lincolnshire Cars. Part III.—Mrs. M. C. Balfour 401
Notes upon the Religion of the Apache Indians.—Capt. John G. Bourke 419
Samoan Stories. I.—Hon. John Abercromby 455
Weather Folk-Lore of the Sea.—Walter Gregor 468
An Explanation 483
Recent Research on Institutions.—G. Laurence Gomme, Esq., F.S.A. 485
Folk-Lore Society.—Annual Report of the Council 502
Title-Page and Contents for Vol II.

Notes and News (March, June, September, December) 120, 242, 392, 500
The Science of Fairy Tales.—Joseph Jacobs 123
Superstitious Beliefs and Practices of the Finns.—Hon. John Abercromby 244
Le Poème et la Légende des Nibelungen.—Alfred Nutt 381
Canti popolari Siciliani and Bibliografia Tradizioni popolari d’Italia.—Miss R. H. Busk 390
Modern Greek Folk-lore,, W. R. Paton and Lucy M. J. Garnett.—Story of the Girl who Plucked out her own Eyes, W. A. Clouston.—Irish Tales among the Redskins, Alfred Nutt 128
Tom-Tit-Tot, Prof. Reinhard Köhler 246
Miscellanea (March, June, December) 132,247,510
Folk-lore Bibliography (March, June, September, December) 139,249,394,514
Indexes—Articles—Bibliography 513
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