< Fifes and Drums


Whether we gave him doubts or praises,
    That is a thing of yesterday.
We rally to the flag he raises,
    We go the inevitable way,
But not with pageantry or shouting—
We're done alike with boast and doubting.
We take the trail that duty blazes
    Be the issue what it may.

Brave are the words that he has spoken,
    The words that we have made our own.
Our blood and sweat shall be the token
    We fight for righteousness alone.
O God, who knowest all the making
Of noble vows—and all their breaking—
Grant that our word be never broken,
    Our banner never overthrown.

Give us to keep without misprision
    The truth our souls have understood,
Clean above hatred and derision,
    Strong through our evil days and good.
To love life's worth, not life's preserving,
More than success to honor serving,
Faithful forever to our vision
    Of liberty and brotherhood.

Amelia Josephine Burr.

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