The Executive Order of November 20, 1905, reducing the military reservation of Fort St. Michael, Alaska, is hereby amended to read as follows:
It is hereby ordered that all the lands included within the limits of the military reservation of Fort St. Michael, Alaska, declared by Executive Order of October 20, 1897 (General Orders, No. 59, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, October 20, 1897), reduced by Executive Order of April 13, 1899 (General Orders, No. 77, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, April 20, 1899), and further reduced by Executive Order of October 27, 1900 (General Orders, No. 132, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, November 3, 1900), except the lands hereinafter described, which are to be retained for military purposes, be placed under the control of the Secretary of the Interior, under authority of the act of Congress, approved July 5, 1884 (23 Stat. L., 103), for disposition under said act or as may be otherwise provided by law—said transfer to take effect on November 1, 1907.
The lands to be held in reservation for military purposes are bounded and described as follows:
Post of Fort St. Michael: Beginning at a post of basaltic lava (one foot square, marked on the faces with the initials U. S. M. R., one letter on each face, and with the number one (I) cut in its top surface) set in a cement foundation, and projecting one foot above high water, on the shore of St. Michael Bay, at a point where SW. corner of N. C. Co.'s shops, distant about 447 feet, bears N. 54° 02′ East, and the flagstaff of Fort St. Michael bears N. 33° 34′ W. ; thence North 500 feet, more or less, to a similar post, having the number two (II) cut in its top surface; thence N. 26° E. to the north shore of St. Michael Island on a line running about 125 yards east of parapets on target range, to a similar post, having the number three (III) cut in its top surface, situated at high-water mark on the north shore of St. Michael Island; thence in a westerly direction 4,500 feet, more or less, along the north shore to a similar post having the number four (IV) cut in its top surface, located near the west end of high bluff; thence about S. 14° 30′ E. 3,750 feet, more or less, to a similar post having the number five (V) cut in its top surface; thence S. 14° 15′ W. 630 feet, more or less, to a similar post, having the number six (VI) cut in its top surface, placed on the south shore of St. Michael Island, at high-water mark, 12 feet E. of the east end of the Hotel Healy Annex; thence in an easterly direction, along the south shore, to point of beginning. All bearings are true.
The northern boundary of the reservation is Norton Sound, the southern boundary is the Bay of St. Michael, and the reservation includes all land between high and low-water mark and all tidal lands lying between the eastern and western boundary lines extended.
Quartermaster's Depot and Shipyard: Beginning at a post of lava (one foot square, marked on the faces with the initials U. S. M. R., one letter on each face, and having the number ten (X) cut in its top surface), situated 51 feet north of the Quartermaster's Depot on the beach, near high-water mark; thence N. 81° 30′ W. 718 feet, more or less, to a similar post having the number nine (IX) cut in its top surface; thence due South 778 feet, more or less, to a similar post, having the number eight (VIII) cut in its top surface; thence due East to the Bay of St. Michael, to a similar post, having the number seven (VII) cut in its top surface, on the beach near high-water mark; thence North, along the shore line, to the place of beginning. All bearings are true.
The eastern boundary is the Bay of St. Michael, and the reservation includes all land between high and low-water mark and all tidal lands lying between the northern and southern boundary lines extended.
Wireless Telegraph Station: Beginning at the NE. corner of Buttel's lot, which lies about 300 feet NE. of the A. E. Co.'s hotel building on the south shore of the eastern end of St. Michael Island, and is marked by a post of lava (one foot square, marked on the faces with the initials U. S. M. R., one letter on each face, and having the number eleven (XI) cut in its top surface) set on the beach, at high-water mark, projecting one foot above the beach; thence North across the island to the north shore of same and on a line passing through a similar post, having the number twelve (XII) cut in its top surface, set on top of the bank, just above high-water mark; thence following the north shore line, bearing eastwardly, to a point near high-water mark, 800 feet due east of the western boundary line, said point being marked by a similar post having the number fourteen (XIV) cut in its top surface; thence due South to the south shore to a similar post having the number thirteen (XIII) cut in its top surface; thence in a westerly direction, along the south shore, to the point of beginning.
The northern boundary of the reservation is Norton Sound, the southern boundary is the Bay of St. Michael, and the reservation includes all land between high and low-water mark and all tidal lands lying between the eastern and western boundary lines extended. All bearings are true.
Also a strip of land, fifty feet wide, along the pipe line extending from the reservation for Wireless Telegraph Station to the reservation for the post of Fort St. Michael; the center line of said strip being the center line of the said pipe line.
Target Range (for collective fire): A rectangular tract, 5,275 feet by 900 feet, having for its longer axis the magnetic meridian through a point about 2,100 feet west of post No. IV (the NW. corner of the Post Reservation), which point is marked by a post of lava (one foot square, marked on the faces with the initials U. S. M. R., one letter on each face) bearing on the N. Wireless pole 90° E. of magnetic meridian and on the comb of the Quartermaster's Depot, 26° 42′ E. of magnetic meridian. This rectangular tract is marked at the NE. corner, on the beach, near high-water mark, by a similar post, having the number fifteen (XV) cut in its top surface; at the SE. corner by a similar post having the number sixteen (XVI) cut in its top surface; at the SW. corner by a similar post having the number seventeen (XVII) cut in its top surface; and at the NW. corner by a similar post having the number eighteen (XVIII) cut in its top surface.
The northern boundary is Norton Sound, and the reservation includes all land between high and low-water mark and all tidal lands lying between the eastern and western boundary lines extended.
Also a strip of land, fifty feet wide, for right of way from the reservation for target range to the post reservation—the center line to the beach being in a line bearing from the initial point of the target range 90° east of the magnetic meridian—said strip extending thence along the beach to the post reservation.
Magnetic variation 21° 30′ 40″ E.
Theodore Roosevelt.
The White House, June 8, 1906.
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).