The following is the description from the Department of War's General Order No. 161 of September 30, 1905, not the actual order text, which took the form of an approval of a September 15, 1905 recommendation from the Acting Secretary of War.

The President of the United States, by order dated September 18, 1905, modified the Executive Order of October 10, 1903, (General Orders, No. 43, War Department, October 27, 1903), reserving under section 12 of the act of Congress approved July 1, 1902, entitled "An act temporarily to provide for the administration of the affairs of civil government in the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes" (32 Stat. L., 691), the lands described therein for the purposes of a military reservation at Fort San Pedro, in the neighborhood of Iloilo, Panay, Philippine Islands, so as to reserve under said act of Congress all public lands, and those only, included within metes and bounds as follows, viz:

Beginning at 1½-inch iron pipe bearing N. 65° 58′ 35″ W. at a distance of 394.59 meters from the northwest corner of Fort San Pedro, No. 22, Iloilo, Panay, P. I. (Station No. 1); thence N. 37° 32′ 40″ E. a distance of 554.14 meters to an iron pipe (Station No. 2); thence N. 84° 18′ 30″ E. 83.78 meters to an iron pipe (Station No. 3); thence N. 37° 32′ 40″ E. to the mean lower low-water line a distance of 113.35 meters, more or less (Station No. 4); thence following the meander line of mean lower low water of the Iloilo River southeastward and of the Straits of Iloilo southwestward and northwestward until it intersects a line passing through Station No. 1, and bearing therefrom S. 37° 32′ 40″ W. (Station No. 5); thence N. 37° 32′ 40″ E. a distance of 40.72 meters, more or less, to Station No. 1, the point of beginning. Bearings true. Magnetic declination about 1° 32′ east. The above tract contains 34.501 hectares, more or less, and is shown on a map marked "Military Reservation, Fort San Pedro, No. 28, Iloilo, Panay, P. I. Surveyed by Detachment of Co. 'I,' 3d Batt. of Engrs., under 1st Lieut. W. P. Stokey, Corps of Engrs., April, 1905"

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).

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