The following is the description from the Department of War's General Order No. 77 of 1905, not the actual order text, which was in the form of an approval of a recommendation from the Secretary of War.

The President of the United States, by order dated May 17, 1905, reserved for military purposes, under section 12 of the Act of Congress, approved July 1, 1902, entitled "An Act temporarily to provide for the administration of the affairs of civil government in the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes" (32 Stat. L., 691-695), the following properties of the United States, situated in the city of Manila, Philippine Islands, viz:

  1. The Cuartel Meisic, three parcels bounded and described as follows:
    (a) Parcel I, comprising an area of 24,017 square meters (about 5.935 acres), bounded on the north by Calle Felipe II; on the east by Calle Reina Regente; on the south by an alley without name; and on the west by Calle Meisic. with metes and bounds as follows:
    Beginning at the northeast angle of the main stone wall surrounding Cuartel Meisic, said point being on the south line of Calle Felipe II, and distant 8.75 meters in a direction north 80° 14′ west from the intersection of said line with the west line of Calle Reina Regente, and is marked "A" on plan, dated January 31, 1905, prepared In the office of the City Engineer, Manila, P. I. (Book 95, page 18), and designated as "Map of Military Reservation Cuartel Meysic, District of Binondo;" thence south 9° 20′ west, 213.54 meters, along the outer face of the stone wall surrounding the barrack buildings of the Cuartel Meisic, to the southeast angle of same marked "B" on plan; thence north 81° 00′ west, 94.37 meters, along the north side of an alley approximately 3 meters wide leading to the estero and bridge of Jolo, to the southwest angle of the main buildings of the Cuartel Meisic, shown at "C" on plan; thence north 35° 33′ west, 37.15 meters, to an angle of the stone building containing the guard house of the barracks, shown at "D" on plan; thence north 8° 57′ east, 13.59 meters, along the outer and lower edge of the stone buttresses of the last mentioned stone building, to its northwest corner, shown at "E" on plan; thence south 81° 00′ east, 12.30 meters, along the outer face of said stone building, to the intersection of this line with the east line of Calle Meisic, as approved by the Municipal Board January 25, 1905, point of intersection marked "F" on plan; thence north 6° 35′ east, 174.95 meters, along the east line of Calle Meisic as approved by the Municipal Board on January 25th, 1905, to its intersection with the south side of Calle Felipe II, as approved by the Municipal Board January 25, 1905, shown at "G" on plan; thence south 80° 14′ east, 116.25 meters, along the north side of the Cuartel buildings, to the point of beginning.

    (b) Parcel II, comprising an area of 1,364 square meters (about 0.337 acre), being a triangular parcel of land bounded by Calle Santa Elena on the north; Calle Meisic on the east; and an unnamed street on the west, with truncated angle at each corner of the triangle; said lines being these established by the Municipal Board on January 25, 1905, with metes and bounds as follows:
    Beginning at a point marked "H" on said plan, said point being south 6° 35′ west, 3.495 meters, from the intersection of the south line of Calle Santa Elena with the west line of Calle Meisic; thence south 6° 35′ west, 74.63 meters, along the west line of Calle Meisic to the chaflan corner marked "I" on plan; thence south 82° 58′ west, 2.355 meters, along the south chaflan of the triangle formed by the three streets above named, to point marked "J" on plan; thence north 20° 39′ 30″ west, 63.885 meters, along the east line of the unnamed street lying between Calle Meisic and the Estero de Jolo to the angle of the northwest chaflan marked "K" on plan; thence north 23° 47′ 30″ east, 6.115 meters, along said chaflan to the south line of Calle Santa Elena, point marked "L" on plan; thence north 68° 14′ 30″ east, 30.24 meters, along the south line of Calle Santa Elena to the angle of the northeast chaflan, marked "M" on plan; thence south 52° 35′ east, 3.58 meters, along said northeast chaflan to the point ol beginning.

    (c) Parcel III, comprising an area of 3,580 square meters (about 0.885 acre), bounded on the north by Calle Felipe II; on the east by Calle Meisic; on the south by Calle Santa Elena; on the west by the property of Mr. Rafael Perez; with metes and bounds as follows:
    Beginning at the southeast angle of the stone wall bounding the property of Mr. Rafael Perez at its intersection with the north line of Calle Santa Elena, shown at "N" on said plan; thence north 12° 24′ west, 81.90 meters, along the line of the stone wall aforementioned, to its intersection with the south line of Calle Felipe II, as established by the Municipal Board of the City of Manila on January 25,1905, said point being shown at "O" on plan; thence south 80° 14′ east, 66.88 meters, along said south line of Calle Felipe II to its intersection with the west line of Calle Meisic as established January 25, 1905, shown at "P" on plan; thence south 6° 35′ west, 49.15 meters, along said west line of Calle Meisic to the angle of the chaflan shown at "Q" on plan; thence south 37° 25′ west, 5.15 meters, along said chaflan to its intersection with the north line of Calle Santa Elena aforementioned, point shown at "R" on plan; thence south 68° 14′ 30″ west, 42.56 meters, along said north line of Calle Santa Elena to the point of beginning.
    All bearings are from true meridian.
  2. The Estado Mayor, comprising an area of 10,380 square meters (about 2.565 acres), bounded on the north by military land; on the east by the Pasig River; on the south by land of the City of Manila; on the west by Calle Arroceros; with metes and bounds as follows:
    Beginning at a point marked "J" on plan of survey of said reservation dated January 27, 1905 (Book 509, page 1). prepared in the Office of the City Engineer, Manila, P. I., and designated as "Plan of Survey of Portion of Land Occupied by the Military Authorities at Estado Mayor, District of Ermita, Manila, P. I.," which point is at the southeast corner of a stone post at the intersection of a stone wall on the westerly side of the Pasig River and a wood and stone fence on the northerly side of land of the City of Manila (Arroceros Shops); thence south 64° 37′ west, along the southerly side of a wood and stone fence for 128.86 meters to point "A" on plan; thence north 28° 44′ west, along the present property line of Calle Arroceros for 65.64 meters to point "C" on plan; thence north 57° 15′ east, along the line of a wooden building for 60.09 meters to point "D" on plan; thence south 32° 02′ east along the line of a wooden building for 6.33 meters to point "E" on plan; thence north 59° 22′ east, along the line of a wooden building for 12.25 meters to point "F" on plan; thence north 31° 01′ west, along the line of a wooden building for 32.12 meters to point "G" on plan; thence north 58° 23′ east, along the line of a wooden building for 47.60 meters to point "H" on plan; thence south 40° 56′ east, along the outside of a stone wall built on the westerly side of Pasig River, for 11.90 meters to point "I" on plan; thence south 33° 15′ east, along the outside of the last-mentioned stone wall for 94.40 meters to point "J" on plan, or point of beginning.
    All bearings magnetic for 1905.
  3. "Malate Barracks," commonly called "Cuartel Malate," two parcels, bounded and described as follows:
    (a) Parcel "A," comprising an area of 12,653.85 square meters (about 3.126 acres), bounded on the north by Calle Herran; on the east by Calle Nueva; on the south by Calle Cortado, and on the west by Calle Real; with metes and bounds as follows:
    Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan, dated February 3, 1905, prepared in the office of the City Engineer, Manila. P. I., and designated as "Map of Military Reservation, Cuartel Malate," said point being the intersection of the west building line of Calle Nueva and the south building line of Calle Herran, as approved by the Municipal Board, December 11, 1903, and December 20, 1904; thence south 25° 22′ east, along the aforementioned west building line of Calle Nueva, a distance of 129.74 meters to point "2" on plan; thence south 65° 31′ west, along the north building line of Calle Cortado (approved February 3, 1905), a distance of 93.80 meters to point "3" on plan; thence north 26° 13′ west, along the east building line of Calle Real (approved December 18, 1903), a distance of 137.34 meters to point "4" on plan; thence north 70° 13′ east, along the south building line of Calle Herran (approved December 20, 1904), a distance of 96.28 meters to point "1" on plan, or point of beginning.

    (b) Parcel "B," comprising an area of 16,985.85 square meters (about 4.197 acres), bounded on the north by a callejon and city property; on the east by Calle Real; on the south by the land of Encarnacion de Elizalde & Sons, and on the west by Manila Bay; with metes and bounds as follows:
    Beginning at a point marked "1" on said plan, said point being the intersection of the west building line of Calle Real (approved December 18, 1903), and the south side of a callejon marking the north boundary of the Military Reservation, also being 45.15 meters north 26° 13′ west, from the Intersection of center line of Calle Herran and the west building line of Calle Real; thence south 67° 14′ west, along south side of said callejon a distance of 66.20 meters to point "2" on plan; thence following the line of high water in Manila Bay, south 14° 26′ east, for 8.33 meters to point "3" on plan; thence south 25° 44′ east, for 37.20 meters to point "4" on plan; thence south 11° 19′ east, for 13.00 meters to point "5" on plan; thence still following the line of high water south 26° 57′ east, for 169.07 meters, to point "6" on plan; thence south 14° 57′ east, for 17.68 meters to point "7" on plan; thence along the north face of a stone wall north 64° 28′ east for a distance of 10.97 meters to point "8" on plan; thence north 65° 31′ east, for a distance of 17.23 meters to point "9" on plan; thence still following north face of wall north 64° 05′ east, for a distance of 44.61 meters to point "10" on plan, being on the west building line of Calle Real; thence north 26° 13′ west, along the west building line of Calle Real, a distance of 240.97 meters to point "1" on plan, or point of beginning, including the land between high and low water mark of Manila Bay in front of said parcel.
    All bearings are from the magnetic meridian.
  4. Fort Santiago, including the lands reserved for an ordnance depot by Executive Order of June 29, 1904 (G. O., No. 125, War Department, July 20, 1904), comprising an area of 11.696 acres, bounded on the north by the Pasig River; on the east by the street system of Manila; on the south and southeast by the street system of Manila and by Plaza Moriones, and on the west and southwest by the moat, with metes and bounds us follows:
    Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan of survey of said reservation, prepared in February, 1905, marked "Plan of Fort Santiago, Manila, P.I. to be reserved by the military authorities, U. S. A.", said point being the south corner of the building situated at the intersection of the southwest building line of Calle Hospital and the northwest building line of Calle Santa Clara; thence north 42° 45′ 30″ west, along said building line, a distance of 3.98 feet, to point marked "2" on plan; thence north 41° 19′ 30″ west, along said building, a distance of 204.67 feet, to point marked "3" on plan; thence south 46° 59′ 45″ west, along said building, a distance of 5.48 feet, to point marked "4" on plan; thence north 42° 53′ 15″ west, a distance of 381.13 feet, to point marked "5" on plan; thence north 34° 16′ 15″ west, a distance of 25.71 feet, to point marked "6" on plan; thence south 47° 06′ 30″ west, a distance of 4.54 feet, to point marked "7" on plan; thence north 42° 53′ 30″ west, a distance of 20.19 feet, to corner at the intersection with the south edge of the moat, said corner being marked "8" on plan; thence south 47° 09′ 15″ west, a distance of 177.29 feet, along the southerly edge of the moat, to point marked "9" on plan; thence south 27° 43′ west, a distance of 26.23 feet, along the southerly edge of the moat to corner of small building, and marked "10" on plan; thence south 42° 14′ 30″ east, a distance of 351.50 feet, along face of said building and stone fence, to point marked "11" on plan; thence south 38° 27′ 15″ east, a distance of 53.77 feet, to point marked "12" on plan; thence south 33° 39′ 15″ east, a distance of 218.33 feet, along back face of rampart, to point marked "13" on plan; thence south 56° 23′ west, a distance of 67.05 feet, along end of rampart, to point marked "14" on plan, said point being the most southerly point of the fort; thence north 33° 36′ 15″ west, a distance of 188.45 feet, along the edge of the moat and at the base of the rampart, to point marked " 15" on plan; thence south 56° 46′ 15″ west, a distance of 86.58 feet, to point marked "16" on plan; thence north 71° 56′ 45″ west, a distance of 35.88 feet, to point marked "17" on plan; thence north 1° 59′ 45″ east, a distance of 38.48 feet, to point marked "18" on plan; thence north 46° 57′ east, a distance of 29.40 feet, to point marked "19" on plan; thence north 42° 52′ 30″ west, a distance of 7.24 feet, to point marked "20" on plan; thence north 48° 46′ east, a distance of 10.40 feet, to point marked "21" on plan; thence north 42° 26′ 15″ west, a distance of 379.26 feet, to point marked "22" on plan; thence south 34° 07′ 15″ west, a distance of 26.25 feet, to point marked "23-A" on plan; thence along the curve at the base of the bastion a distance of 14.74 feet, to point marked "23-B" on plan, said point being north 89° 29′ 30″ west, a distance of 14.08 feet, from point "23-A;" thence north 25° 38′ 45″ west, a distance of 142.65 feet, to point marked "24" on plan; thence north 60° 12′ 15″ east, a distance of 31.11 feet, to point marked "25" on plan; thence north 34° 15′ 15″ west, a distance of 385.36 feet, to point marked "26" on plan; thence south 54° 29′ 15″ west, a distance of 7.68 feet, to point marked "27" on plan; thence north 40° 22′ 30″ west, a distance of 146.70 feet, to point marked "28" on plan; thence south 51° 12′ west, a distance of 17.62 feet, to point marked "29" on plan; thence north 18° 56′ 30″ west, a distance of 52.31 feet, to point marked "29-A" on plan; thence along the curve of the wall a distance of 146.09 feet, to point marked "30" on plan, said point bearing north 58° 26′ 15″ east, a distance of 112.91 feet, from point "29-A;" thence south 79° 45′ 30″ east, a distance of 98.54 feet, to point marked "31" on plan; thence along the curve of the wall, a distance of 112.00 feet, to point marked "32" on plan, said point bearing south 73° 24′ 30″ east, a distance of 66.70 feet from point "31;" thence south 60° 50′ 45″ east, a distance of 110.95 feet, to point marked "33" on plan; thence south 26° 08′ 45″ west, a distance of 14.11 feet, to point marked "34" on plan; thence south 66° 24′ 30″ east, a distance of 296.88 feet, to point marked "35" on plan; thence south 69° 11′ 45″ east, a distance of 60.00 feet, to point marked "36" on plan; thence south 70° 04′ 15″ east, a distance of 180.11 feet, to point marked "37" on plan; thence north 69° 04′ 45″ east, a distance of 149.38 feet, to point marked "38" on plan: thence south 72° 26′ east, a distance of 154.53 feet, to point marked "39" on plan; thence south 3° 58′ 30″ east, a distance of 65.67 feet, to point marked "40" on plan; thence south 79° 26′ east, a distance of 66.26 feet, to point marked "41" on plan; thence south 10° 32′ 30″ west, a distance of 69.38 feet, to point marked "42" on plan; thence north 82° 04′ 30″ west, a distance of 17.18 feet, to point marked "43" on plan; thence south 9° 25′ 15″ west, a distance ol 20.16 feet, to point marked "44" on plan; thence south 46° 36′ 45″ west, a distance of 123.17 feet, to point marked "45" on plan; thence south 41° 52′ 30″ east, a distance of 287.91 feet, to point marked "46" on plan; thence south 48° 22′ west, a distance of 236.90 feet, to point marked "1" on plan, or the point of beginning.
    The bearings are true, and are determined from the bearing of the last course of this survey (points "46" to "1"), as given in the map of Fort Santiago made under the direction of Captain William M. Harts, in March and April, 1903.

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