By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 5 of the Panama Canal Act, approved August 24, 1912, directing the President to "provide a method for the determination and adjustment of all claims arising out of personal injuries to employees thereafter occurring while directly engaged in actual work in connection with the construction, maintenance, operation or sanitation of the Canal, or of the Panama Railroad, or of any auxiliary canals, locks or other works necessary and convenient for the construction, maintenance, operation or sanitation of the Canal, whether such injuries result in death or not, and prescribe a schedule of compensation therefor," I hereby establish the following Order:
Section 1. The United States or the Panama Railroad Company shall pay compensation as hereinafter specified for personal injuries to their respective employees occurring on and after April 1, 1914, while such employees are directly engaged in actual work in connection with the construction, maintenance, operation or sanitation of the Panama Canal, or of the Panama Railroad, or of any auxiliary canals, locks or other works necessary and convenient for the construction, maintenance, operation or sanitation of the Panama Canal, whether such injuries result in death or not; provided, however, that no compensation shall be paid to any employee for any injury occurring to himself, nor shall any compensation be paid to his legal representatives or other person in the event of his death, if such injury or death occurred to him as the result of an intention upon his part to cause such injury to himself or to cause his own death; and no compensation shall be paid to any employee who is injured as the result of an intention upon his part to cause injury or death to another person, nor shall any compensation be paid to his legal representatives or to any other person in the event of his death, as the result of an intention upon his part to cause injury or death to another person; and provided further, That no compensation shall be paid to any employee for any injury to himself which was brought about by reason of his own intoxication; and similarly, no compensation shall be paid to the legal representatives or to any other person for or on account of the death of any employee when such death was brought about by reason of the intoxication of such employee.
Section 2. Compensation the exclusive remedy. Except as provided in this order, the United States and the Panama Railroad Company shall not be liable for personal injury to or the death of an employee for which compensation is provided in Section 1 hereof.
Section 3. Waiting period. No compensation shall be paid for a period of disability unless such period shall cover seven full consecutive days following the day of the inception of such disability. For any part of the day on which disability on account of injury begins and for the first four days of disability following, no compensation shall be paid at any time except as provided in Sections 9 and 10.
Section 4. Permanent total disability. If the injury results in permanent total disability, compensation shall be paid to the employee, except as provided in Section 16, for a period of eight years. For the first three months of such period, following the fourth entire day of disability, the monthly compensation shall equal 75 per cent of his monthly pay, and for the remainder of the period 50 per cent of his monthly pay. The following cases shall be included among those held to result in permanent total disability, to-wit:
- The total and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes;
- The loss of both feet at or above the. ankle;
- The loss of one hand and one foot;
- The loss of both hands at or above the wrist;
- Paralysis of the legs, arms, feet or hands, or an arm and a leg;
- Injury resulting in incurable imbecility or insanity.
Section 5. Temporary Disability. If the injury results in temporary disability, compensation shall be paid to the employee, except as provided in Section 16, until the end of the period for which compensation is payable as fixed below, unless such employee in the opinion of the Governor of the Panama Canal is sooner able to resume work. For the first three months of such period, following the fourth entire day of disability, the monthly compensation shall equal 75 per cent of his monthly pay, and for the remainder of such period, 50 per cent of his monthly pay.
- For the fracture of the skull, both tables, thirteen months;
- For the fracture of the thigh, twelve months;
- For the fracture of the arm between the elbow and shoulder, twelve months.
- For the fracture of the pelvis, ten months;
- For the fracture of the leg, eight months;
- For the fracture of the patella, eight months;
- For the fracture of the forearm between the wrist and elbow, six months;
- For the fracture of two or more ribs, four months;
- For the fracture of the foot, five months;
- For the fracture of the clavicle, three months;
- For the fracture of the lower jaw, three months;
- For the fracture of two or more toes, two months;
- For the fracture of two or more fingers, two months;
In all other cases of injury resulting in temporary disability, or in the event of two or more injuries listed above, the Governor shall fix the period for which compensation shall be paid, basing his decision on the relation that the injury or injuries received bears to those given above.
If before the expiration of the period for which compensation is payable, the Governor of the Panama Canal determines that the employee is capable of performing any class of work, and it is desired to continue such employee in the service, there shall be paid to the employee until the end of the period, or during such temporary partial disability, a monthly compensation equal to seventy-five per cent of the difference between the monthly rate of compensation received by him at time of injury and the wages per month of the particular class of work which the Governor determines the employee capable of performing.
Section 6. Permanent partial disability. If the injury results in permanent partial disability, compensation shall be paid to the employee, except as provided in Section 16, until the end of the period for which compensation is payable, as fixed below. For the first three months of such period, following the fourth entire day of disability, the monthly compensation shall equal 75 per cent of his monthly pay, and for the remainder of the period, 50 per cent of his monthly pay.
- (A) If the injury is included in the following list the period for which the compensation is payable as stated for such injuries may be increased by the Governor of the Panama Canal at his discretion by not to exceed fifty per cent of the period specified, having regard to the nature of the employee's trade or qualifications for work:
- For the loss by separation of one arm, at or above the elbow joint or permanent or complete loss of the use of one arm, forty months;
- For the loss by separation of one hand at or above the wrist joint, or the permanent and complete loss of the use of one hand, thirty-two months;
- For the loss by separation of one leg at or above the knee joint, or the permanent or complete loss of the use of one leg, thirty-six months;
- For the loss by separation of one foot at or above the ankle joint, or the permanent or complete loss of the use of one foot, twenty-four months;
- For the permanent and complete loss of hearing in both ears, forty months;
- For the permanent and complete loss of hearing in one ear, eighteen months;
- For the permanent and complete loss of the sight of one eye, sixteen months:
- (B) If the injury is included in the following list, the period shall be that stated for such injury:
- For the loss by separation of a thumb, ten months;
- For the loss by separation of a first finger, seven months; a second finger, five months; a third finger, four months; a fourth finger, three months;
- The loss of one phalanx of a thumb or two phalanges of a finger shall be considered equal to the loss of one-half a thumb or finger, and compensation for one-half of the above period shall be payable;
- The loss of more than one phalanx of a thumb and more than two phalanges of a finger shall be considered as the loss of an entire thumb or finger;
- For the loss by separation of a great toe, compensation for eight months, and any other toe, compensation for three months will be paid.
In all other cases of injury resulting in permanent partial disability, or in the event of two or more injuries listed in clauses "A" and "B," the Governor shall fix the period for which compensation shall be paid, basing his decision on the relation that the injury or injuries bears to those given in clauses "A" and "B," provided however that in no case shall payment be made for a period greater than sixty months.
If, before the expiration of the period for which compensation is payable, the Governor of the Panama Canal determines that the employee is capable of performing any class of work, and it is desired to continue such employee in the service, there shall be paid to the employee until the end of the period, a monthly compensation equal to seventy-five per cent of the difference between the monthly rate of pay received by him at the time of injury and his wage-earning capacity per month.
Section 7. Affidavit as to Wages. After the beginning of partial disability the Governor of the Panama Canal may, from time to time, require the injured employee to make an affidavit as to the wages per month which he is receiving. In the statement of the wages, the value of rent, board, lodging and other advantages received from the employer, which can be estimated in money, shall be taken into account. If the employee at any time fails to make such affidavit, he shall not be entitled to any compensation while such failure continues, and the period of such failure shall be deducted from the period during which compensation is payable to the employee; provided, however, that if the said employee, in any such affidavit furnished, shall swear falsely with respect to any material fact within his knowledge, the compensation otherwise payable to him shall, from the time of the filing of such affidavit or the ascertainment of the falsity thereof, cease and determine.
Section 8. Refusal to work. If an employee, determined to be capable for such work, refuses to work after suitable work is furnished to or secured for him by the United States or by the Panama Railroad Company, he shall not be entitled to any compensation while such refusal continues, and the period of such refusal shall be deducted from the period during which compensation is payable to the employee.
Section 9. Sick leave. If at the time disability begins the employee has to his credit any unused sick leave, he may, at his option, subject to the approval of the Governor of the Panama Canal, use such leave until it is exhausted. During such time no compensation under this order shall accrue, and any period of sick leave so used after the first four days of disability following the day of injury shall be deducted from the period for which compensation under this Order is payable to the employee.
Section 10. Medical, surgical and hospital treatment. There shall be furnished to the injured employee such medical, surgical and hospital service and supplies as may in the opinion of the Governor of the Panama Canal be deemed just and reasonable, except that when an injured employee not on the Isthmus of Panama elects to furnish his own physician, or to care for himself, the expense thereof is to be borne by the employee and no allowance therefor will be made under this order. If any such injured employee shall refuse to submit to the medical or surgical treatment prescribed for him and determined by the Governor of the Panama Canal to be reasonable and proper, the Governor may in his discretion either reduce the amount of compensation to which said employee might otherwise be entitled, or consider such refusal on the part of the employee to be a waiver by him of any right to compensation under this order.
Section 11. Transportation of injured employees. If in the opinion of the Governor of the Panama Canal it is not desirable to continue the injured employee in the service, such employee, so soon as he is able to travel, may be furnished, in the discretion of the Governor of the Panama Canal, transportation to his home port, or to any other port requiring no greater expenditure. If an injured employee who is a citizen of the United States desired to go to a port in the United States, the cost of transportation to which is greater than the cost to his home port, an amount may be paid towards the cost of such transportation, not in excess of the cost of transportation to his home port. In addition, an injured employee may be furnished railway transportation to or towards his home in the United States costing not in excess of $30.00. If at the time of the injury the employee is on the Isthmus, the Governor of the Panama Canal may in his discretion suspend for such period as such employee remains on the Isthmus after free transportation has been offered, as herein provided, the compensation payable to such employee.
Section 12. Death Payments. If the injured employee shall die within one year from the date of and as the result of injuries received while directly engaged in actual work, the persons mentioned in this section, except as provided in Section 16, shall be entitled to receive compensation as set forth in the following schedule after deducting from the periods mentioned therein any period for which payment has been made to the deceased employee; provided, however, that the total amount of compensation paid to employee and beneficiaries shall not exceed the sum of $5,000.
- (A) If the deceased employee leaves a widow to whom he was married at the time of the injury, she shall be paid monthly for eight years, unless she sooner marries or dies, a sum equal to twenty-five per cent of the monthly pay of the employee.
- (B) If the deceased employee leaves a widow to whom he was married at the time of the injury with one or two children incapable of self-support and dependent on her for support, there shall be paid her monthly for each such child an additional allowance of ten per cent of the monthly pay of the employee, such additional allowance to continue until the child dies, marries or in the opinion of the Governor of the Panama Canal becomes capable of self-support. If there shall be more than two children dependent on her for support the additional monthly allowance for all children shall be twenty-five per cent of the monthly pay of the employee. In no case however shall the additional monthly allowances continue beyond a period of eight years.
- (C) If the deceased employee leaves a widow, or a widow and children, entitled to compensation under paragraphs A or B of this section, and also leaves another child or children incapable of self-support and not supported by the widow, there shall be paid monthly for the benefit of such child or children last named, to such person as may be designated under the provisions of Section 16, such proportions as the Governor of the Panama Canal may decide, of the deceased employee's monthly pay, not exceeding ten per cent for each such child; provided that the total proportion of monthly pay of deceased employee to widow and all children under this paragraph and paragraphs A and B of this section, shall not exceed thirty-five per cent for widow and one child, forty-five per cent for widow and two children, and fifty per cent for widow and three or more children, and; provided that in order to make payment to the children under this section the Governor may if necessary reduce the proportion payable to widow or children under paragraphs A and B of this section; and provided Further that payment for the benefit of a child or children not supported by the widow shall continue until the child dies, marries, or in the opinion of the Governor becomes capable of self-support, but in no case shall such payments continue more than eight years.
- (D) If the deceased employee has left no widow entitled to compensation under this order, but has left a child or children incapable of self-support, there shall be paid monthly for the benefit of such child or children to the person designated under the provisions of Section 16, not more than twenty-five per cent of the monthly pay of the deceased employee for one child and not more than fifty per cent of the monthly pay for two or more children, provided that payments shall continue until the child dies, marries, or in the opinion of the Governor becomes capable of self-support, but in no case shall such payments continue more than eight years.
- (E) If the deceased employee leaves a widow or children entitled to compensation under this order and shall also leave a parent either partially or wholly dependent on him for support; or a brother, sister, grand-parent or grand-child wholly dependent on him for support, there may be paid to such relation monthly such portion or portions of the monthly pay of the employee as may be determined by the Governor of the Panama Canal, provided that the total compensation to all beneficiaries under this and paragraphs A, B, C and D of this Section shall not exceed fifty per cent of the monthly pay of the deceased employee and provided that in order to make payment to the relatives under this paragraph the Governor of the Panama Canal may if necessary reduce the proportion payable to widow or children under paragraphs A, B, C and D of this section, and; provided further that payment for the benefit of a relative under this paragraph shall cease if he dies, marries or in the opinion of the Governor becomes capable of self-support, but in no case shall payment continue more than eight years.
- (F) As used in this section, the terms "child" and "children" include stepchildren, adopted children, posthumous children and illegitimate children. The terms "brother" and "sister" and their plurals include stepbrothers, and stepsisters, half brothers and half sisters, and brothers and sisters adopted by the parent of the deceased employee. The terms "grandchild" and "grandchildren" include children of adopted children, and children of stepchildren, but do not include stepchildren of children, stepchildren of stepchildren, or stepchildren of adopted children. The terms "parent" and "parents" include stepparents and the parents by whom the deceased employee was adopted. The terms "grandparent" and "grandparents" include the parents of the parents by whom the deceased employee was adopted, but do not include parents of stepparents, stepparents of parents, or stepparents of stepparents.
- (G) If a beneficiary should die or for any other reason cease to be entitled to compensation under this order, the amounts payable to the remaining beneficiaries shall be recast; the amount payable to each for the remainder of the period during which he is entitled to compensation being determined in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this section.
Section 13. Burial expenses. If, as the result of the injury, an employee whose home is in the United States dies while on the Isthmus of Panama or while away from his home or his office, such absence being under instructions from the Panama Canal authorities, and the right to compensation has not ceased, his body, if practicable and if desired by his relatives, and if transportation has not been furnished the employee under Section 11 before his death, shall be embalmed and transported in a hermatically sealed casket to his home. If death occurs on the Isthmus and the body is not transported from the Isthmus, the body shall be interred or cremated on the Isthmus at the expense of the United States or of the Panama Railroad Company.
Section 14. Computation of pay. For the purpose of calculating compensation under this order, the monthly pay of the employee shall be taken as the basis, to be computed as provided hereunder, except that where such monthly pay so computed amounts to $200.00 or over, $200.00 shall be taken as the basis for computing compensation. Subject to the maximum herein fixed, monthly pay shall be computed as follows:
- (A) If the employee is paid by the year, divide his yearly pay at the time of the injury by twelve;
- (B) If the employee is paid by the month, take his monthly pay at the time of the injury;
- (C) If the employee is paid by the week, multiply his weekly pay at the time of the injury by 52 and divide the result by 12;
- (D) If the employee is paid by the day divide his daily pay at the time of the injury by the number of hours worked per day, and multiply the result by 8. When his daily rate of pay on the basis of eight hours per day has been ascertained, multiply the result by 26.
- (E) If the employee is paid by the hour multiply his hourly pay at the time of the injury by eight. When his daily rate of pay on the basis of eight hours per day has been ascertained, multiply the result by 26.
- (F) If the employee is paid by his output, find his daily pay at the time of the injury by dividing the total amount earned by him in the employment in which and at the rate of pay at which he was employed at the time of the injury by the number of days he was so employed during the thirty days immediately preceding the injury, then multiply the result by 26, except as provided in paragraph G. In all cases under this paragraph (F) in which the employee works more than eight hours per day and in such other cases as the Governor of the Panama Canal may deem proper he may fix the compensation that shall be paid in case of injury based upon an average wage of employees working eight hours per day in the same occupation as that of the injured employee.
- (G) Payments for a fractional part of a month to or on account of employees who were on a per diem, hourly, or piece-work basis, shall be made for regular working days only, except that employees who were at time disability was incurred entitled to pay for holidays will receive pay therefor.
- (H) Subsistence shall be included as a part of the pay and commutation therefor at a rate fixed by the Governor of the Panama Canal shall be paid during any period subsistence is not actually furnished to an employee entitled to subsistence.
Section 15. Commutation of periodical payments. Unless it shall appear to the Governor of the Panama Canal to be for the best interest of the United States or of the Panama Railroad Company or for the best interest of the injured employee or the beneficiary, the liability of the United States or the Panama Railroad Company for compensation to such injured employee or beneficiary shall be discharged by the payment of a lump sum which will equal the total sum of the probable future payments, capitalized at their present value calculated at four per cent per annum with annual rests. The probability of the death of the injured employee or the beneficiary before the expiration of the period for which compensation is payable shall be determined according to the American Table of Mortality. The probability of the happening of any other contingency affecting the amount or duration of the compensation shall be disregarded. Upon paying such amount all further liability on the part of the United States or Panama Railroad Company on account of such injury or death shall cease.
Section 16. The true intent and meaning of this order is to provide a fund for the injured employee, or, in the event of his death, for those beneficiaries herein provided for; and to that end payment shall be made directly to the employee as herein provided for, or to the beneficiary as herein provided for, excepting in those cases where such employee or such beneficiary is by reason of lunacy, infancy, or other legal disability not in a position to receive and give legal acquittance for such payment. In all cases of that character where the employee or beneficiary named herein is under any legal disability whatever, so that his receipt and release would not be an acquittance, the Governor of the Panama Canal shall pay the sum which would otherwise go directly to such employee or beneficiary to whomsoever has been qualified by legal proceedings to receive the same for or on account of such employee or beneficiary, if any such there be who has made application therefor to the Governor; and in the event that no such application is made to the Governor, then the Governor may appoint some one to receive the money for and on account of such employee or beneficiary so under disability, and may require such person to make such formal application with respect thereto and to furnish such bonds for the security of the money and the performance of his duties as to the Governor may seem proper.
Section 17. Notice of injury or death. Immediately after the injury, the injured employee or some one on his behalf shall give to the immediate superior of such employee notice, written if practicable, of the injury, and if the injury results in the death of the employee, one of the persons entitled to compensation or some person on his behalf shall at once give either to the immediate superior of such employee or to the Governor of the Panama Canal a written notice of such death. The notice shall state the name of the employee, his class of service, the year, month, day and hour when and the particular locality where the injury or death occurred, the cause of the injury or death, the nature of the injury, and the address of the employee and of the person giving the notice. The notice may be given personally or sent by mail.
Failure to promptly give the notice herein specified may, in the discretion of the Governor of the Panama Canal, be decided by him to be a waiver by the employee or his beneficiary of any claim to compensation under this order.
Section 18. Report of injury or death. Immediately after an injury to an employee resulting in his death or in his probable disability, the immediate superior of the employee shall at once make a report to the Governor of the Panama Canal, containing such information as the Governor of the Panama Canal may, by regulation, require.
Section 19. Claim for compensation. No compensation under this order shall be allowed to any person unless he, or someone on his behalf shall make a written claim therefor upon the Governor of the Panama Canal within the time specified in Section 21. The claim may be served personally upon or sent by mail either to the Governor of the Panama Canal or to such person as he may, by regulation, require.
Section 20. Contents of claim. The claim shall be signed by or on behalf of the person making the claim and shall state the name of the employee, the age, sex, nationality and class of service of such employee, the year, month, day and hour when and the particular locality where the injury or death occurred, the cause of the injury or death, the nature of the injury, the nature and extent of the disability resulting therefrom; the monthly pay of the employee at the time of the injury, the relationship to the employee of the person claiming to be entitled to compensation, the names and addresses of all persons entitled to compensation on account of such injury or death, and the address of the person making the claim. The claim shall be sworn to by the person entitled to compensation or by the person acting on his behalf, and, except in case of death, or as otherwise provided in regulations prescribed by the Governor of the Panama Canal, shall be accompanied by a certificate of the employee's physician, if any, stating the nature of the injury, and the nature and extent of the disability. The claim shall, wherever possible, be made on forms furnished by the Governor of the Panama Canal, and in addition to the statements above required, shall contain such other information as the Governor of the Panama Canal may require.
The Governor of the Panama Canal may waive the making of and swearing to claims and the inclusion therein of any of the above requirements in such cases as he may deem proper.
Section 21. Time within which claim must be made. Claims for compensation shall be made within sixty days after the beginning of disability resulting from an injury, or, in case of death, within one year after the death. For any reasonable cause shown, the Governor of the Panama Canal may allow claim for injury to be filed within one year after the injury.
No claim for compensation shall be allowed where the disability commences more than six months after the occurrence of the alleged injury, nor where the disability begins after the separation of the employee from the service.
Section 22. Medical examination. After the injury and during disability the employee shall as frequently and at such times and places as may be reasonably required submit himself to examination by a medical officer of the United States or by a physician designated by the Governor of the Panama Canal and paid by the United States or by the Panama Railroad Company, as the case may be. The employee may have a duly qualified physician designated and paid by him present to participate in such examination. If an examination of an employee is ordered while he is away from the Isthmus of Panama, and such order requires him to travel from the place wherein he dwells, then he shall be paid his reasonable traveling and other expenses and loss of wages incurred in order to submit to such examination. If the employee refuses to submit himself for or in any way obstructs any examination, his right to claim compensation under this order shall be suspended until such refusal or obstruction ceases. No compensation shall be payable while such refusal or obstruction continues and such period shall be deducted from the period for which the compensation would otherwise be payable.
Section 23. Disagreement between physicians. In case of any disagreement between the physician making an examination on the part of the United States or the Panama Railroad Company and the employee's physician, the Governor of the Panama Canal shall appoint a third physician. The decision of the majority shall be final. A reasonable fee shall be allowed and paid by the United States or by the Panama Railroad Company, as the case may be, to such third physician if he is not a medical officer of the United States.
Section 24. Assignment of right against third person. If an injury or death for which compensation is payable under this order is caused under circumstances creating a legal liability upon some person other than the United States or the Panama Railroad Company to pay damages therefor, no compensation shall be payable to any beneficiary for such injury or death until he assigns to the United States or to the Panama Railroad Company, as the case may be, any right of action which he may have to enforce such liability of such other person, or any right which he may have to share in any money (or other property) received in satisfaction of such liability of such other person. The United States or the Panama Railroad Company, as the case may be, if it realizes upon such right shall after deducting the amount of any compensation already paid to the beneficiary and the expenses of such realization or collection, pay over to the beneficiary any surplus remaining. Such surplus so paid over shall be credited on future instalments of compensation as they become due. The Governor of the Panama Canal may waive the requirement of such assignment or may waive it for such period as he may deem proper.
Section 25. Assignment of right against Panama Railroad Company. If an injury or death for which compensation is payable under this order is caused under circumstances creating a legal liability upon the Panama Railroad Company to pay damages therefor under the laws of the United States or of any State, Territory or possession of the United States or of the District of Columbia or of any foreign country, no compensation shall be payable to any beneficiary for such injury or death until he releases to the Panama Railroad Company, any right of action which he may have to enforce such liability of the Panama Railroad or until he assigns to the United States or to the Panama Railroad Company, as the case may be, any right which he may have to share in any money (or other property) received in satisfaction of such liability of the Panama Railroad Company. The Governor of the Panama Canal may waive the requirement of such assignment or release for such period as he may deem proper.
Section 26. Assignments and attachments. No claims for compensation under this order shall be assignable, and all compensation and claims therefor shall be exempt from all claims of creditors.
Section. 27. Attorneys' fees. No claim for legal services in connection with any claim arising under this order shall be enforceable unless approved by the Governor of the Panama Canal.
Section 28. Modification of allowance of compensation. The Governor of the Panama Canal may at any time review, and, in accordance with his determination thereon, end, diminish, or increase any compensation previously fixed or determined.
Section 29. Recovery of compensation erroneously paid. If any compensation is paid under mistake of law or of fact the Governor of the Panama Canal shall have power to cancel any order under which such compensation has been paid, and shall be entitled to recover whatever has been so paid.
Section 30. Powers of the Governor of the Panama Canal. The Governor of the Panama Canal shall make all necessary rules and regulations for the proper, effective, and economical enforcement of this order, and shall decide all questions arising under this order or in regard to the interpretation thereof. His determination of any fact necessary to or underlying any claim hereunder, shall be final and conclusive.
Section 31. Singular, masculine and person. Wherever used in this order the singular includes the plural and vice versa, and the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter, and the word "person" includes any firm, association or corporation.
Section 32. Liability of the United States and of the Panama Railroad Company. If the payment of compensation under this order on account of an injury or death is from the funds of the United States, the Panama Railroad Company shall be released and discharged from all liability on account of such injury or death, and if it is from the funds of the Panama Railroad Company, the United States shall be released and discharged from all liability on account of such injury or death.
Section 33. Repeal of laws of Canal Zone. All laws of the Canal Zone inconsistent with any of the provisions of this order are hereby repealed.
Section 34. Time of taking effect. This order shall take effect on April 1, 1914.
Woodrow Wilson.
The White House
- March 20, 1914.
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).