Section 4, Rule V, is hereby amended (1) by inserting after the first proviso the following as a second proviso:
- And provided further, That in case of positions for which no maximum age limitations are fixed herein the Commission, upon consultation with and approval of the proper head of department or office, may, by regulation, determine maximum age limitations and confine competition in examinations for such positions to persons within such limitations.
(2) By inserting in the second line of the tabular statement, after the word "apprentice," the following as a parenthesis: "other than apprentice in mints and assay offices;" (3) by inserting after the second line of the tabular statement the following as a separate line: "Apprentice in mints and assay offices, 18—24;" (4) by inserting after the fifth line in the tabular statement the following as a separate line: "Keeper, assistant keeper, and officers of light-ships in the Light-House Service, 18—50;" (5) by striking out the word "and" after the word "inspector," in the eighth line of the tabular statement, and inserting after the word "disciplinarian," in the same line, the words "matron and assistant matron;" and (6) by inserting after the eighth line in the tabular statement the following as a separate line: "Observer in the Weather Bureau Service, 18—30."
The section an amended shall read as follows:
- No application for examination shall be accepted unless the applicant is within the age limitations fixed herein for entrance to the position to which he seeks to be appointed: Provided, That, subject to the other conditions of these rules, the application of any person whose claim of preference under the provisions of section 1754 of the Revised Statutes has been allowed by the Commission may be accepted without regard to his age: And provided further, That in the case of positions for which no maximum age limitations are fixed herein the Commission, upon consultation with and approval of the proper head of department or office, may, by regulation, determine maximum age limitations and confine competition in examinations for such positions to persons within such limitations. The age limitations for entrance to positions in the different branches of the service shall be as follows:
Minimum. Maximum. Departmental Service: Page, messenger boy, apprentice (other than apprentice in mints and assay offices), or student14 20 Apprentice in mints and assay offices18 24 Printer's assistant and messenger18 No limit. Positions in Railway Mail Service18 35 Internes and hospital stewards in the Marine-Hospital Service and acting second assistant engineer in the Revenue-Cutter Service21 30 Keeper, assistant keeper, and officers of light-ships in the Light-House Service18 50 Cadet in the Revenue-Cutter Service, and aid in the Coast and Geodetic Survey18 25 Surfman in the Life-Saving Service18 45 Superintendent, physician, supervisor, day-school inspector, disciplinarian, matron, and assistant matron in the Indian Service; inspector and assistant inspector of hulls and inspector and assistant inspector of boilers in the Steamboat-Inspection Service25 55 Observer in the Weather Bureau Service18 30 All other positions20 No limit. (The age limitation shall not apply in the case of the wife of the superintendent of an Indian school who applies for examination for the position of teacher or matron.)Custom-House Service: All positions20 No limit. Post-Office Service: Letter carrier21 40 All other positions18 No limit. Government Printing Service: All positions (male)21 No limit. All positions (female)18 No limit. Internal-Revenue Service: All positions21 No limit.
William McKinley.
Executive Mansion,
- March 29, 1900.
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States federal government (see 17 U.S.C. 105).