Amendments to Rule VI.

Amend Rule VI by adding at the end of the third line, after the word "registration," the words "before the Commission except as herein prescribed."

In the same rule, in the second line of clause (b), under the heading "Custom-House Service," strike out the words "whose employees number as many as 150."

In the same rule add to the statement of positions excepted from the requirements of examination and registration in the Custom-House Service the following:

(c) One principal deputy collector at each subport or station.

In the same rule, under the Internal-Revenue Service, letter the present paragraph (a) and add new paragraphs as follows:

(b) One deputy collector in each internal-revenue district where the number of employees in the office of the collector exceeds four.
(c) One deputy collector in each stamp (or branch) office.

At the end of the rule add a new paragraph to read as follows:

Appointments to the positions named in this rule in the Custom-House Service and in the Internal-Revenue Service shall be subject to an examination to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not disapproved by the Commission, equal to the examination held by the Commission for positions of like grade. Such examinations shall be conducted by the Commission in accordance with its regulations.

As amended, the rule will read:

Rule VI.

The following-named employees or positions which have been or may hereafter be classified under the civil-service act shall be excepted from the requirements of examination or registration before the Commission except as herein prescribed.


(a) Private secretaries or confidential clerks (not exceeding two) to the President or to the head of each of the eight Executive Departments.
(b) Indians employed in the Indian Service at large, except those employed as superintendents, teachers, teachers of industries, kindergartners, and physicians.
(c) Attorneys or assistant attorneys in any department whose main duties are connected with the management of cases in court.


(a) One cashier in each customs district.
(b) One chief or principal deputy or assistant collector in each customs district.
(c) One principal deputy collector at each subport or station.


(a) One assistant postmaster or chief assistant to the postmaster, of whatever designation, at each post-office.
(b) One cashier of each first-class post-office when employed under the roster title of cashier only.


(a) One employee in each internal-revenue district, who shall act as cashier or chief deputy or assistant collector, as may be determined by the Treasury Department.
(b) One deputy collector in each internal-revenue district where the number of employees in the office of the collector exceeds four.
(c) One deputy collector in each stamp (or branch) office.

Appointments to the positions named in this rule in the Custom-House Service and in the Internal-Revenue Service shall be subject to an examination to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not disapproved by the Commission, equal to the examination held by the Commission for positions of like grade. Such examinations shall be conducted by the Commission in accordance with its regulations.


Signature of William McKinley
William McKinley.

Executive Mansion,

July 27, 1897

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