< Europe in China


Abdel, F. A., 311.
Aberdeen Docks, 350, 386.
Aberdeen Island (Aplichau), 127, 133, 190.
Aberdeen Village (Shekpaiwan), 130, 133, 337.
Adams, W. H., 370, 374, 398.
Adamson, W., 387.
Ah-lum, 311-313.
Agra Bank, 386, 454.
Alabaster, Ch., 317.
Alcock, R., 304, 416, 419, 504.
Alexander, W. H., 370, 408, 520.
Alford, Bishop, 466, 467.
Alford, E. F., 529.
Alice Memorial Hospital, 564.
Almada, J. M., 182.
Almada, L., 182, 189.
Amalgamation Ordinance, 333, 370.
Amaral, J. M. F., 219, 230, 255.
Amateur D. C., 247, 283, 398, 469, 517.
Anderson, Dr., 32, 72, 177, 189.
Anderson, A. H., 387.
Anglo-Chinese College, 191, 280, 347.
Annals, Chinese, 78, 82, 111, 144, 151.
Anson, Commodore, 13.
Anstey, Ch., 330, 338.
Antrobus, B. C., 347.
Arbitration, 195, 206.
Arnold, J., 444.
Arrow War, 306318.
Ashton, S., 363, 538.
Association, 470.
Astell, J. W., 32, 42, 48, 70, 102.
Austin, H. P., 474.
Austin, J. G., 273, 387, 522.
Australia, 9, 273, 274, 556.
Austro-Hungarian—Expedition, 472; Lloyds, 566.
Ayres, Ph. 480, 508.
Bailey, D. H., 473, 502.
Baker, R. B., 400.
Ball, Dr., 180.
Ball, H. J., 364, 370, 391, 408, 409, 423, 515.
Banknotes, 244, 496.
Barbarians, 12, 33, 34, 36.
Barber, G. J., 474.
Barracks, 185, 221, 245.
Battles—First at the Bogue (Chuenpi), 109; Second, 121; Third, 137; Battle of Samyuenli, 145.
Baxter, Miss, 391, 465.
Beach, W. R., 402, 466.
Beart, E., 470.
Beckwith, J. H., 401.
Belcher, Sir E., 124, 125, 142.
Belilios, E. R., 491, 530, 532, 564.
Belilios Fund, 564.
Bell, W., 68, 102, 119, 226.
Bell, W. H., 566.
Bentham, G., 404.
Bentinck, Lord W., 17.
Berlin Foundling House, 393, 563.
Beyer, L., 473.
Bibby Adam & Co., 68.
Bifurcation (of government), 164, 166, 171, 364.
Bingham, J. E., 166.
Bird, J. R., 177.
Bird, S. G., 360, 376.
Birley & Co., 383.
Bishopric of Hongkong, 279, 466, 512.
Blake, Captain, 89.
Blakeman, N. 440.
Blockade (of Canton River), 106, 117, 181, 303, 304, 316.
Blockade (of the Factories), 88, 92.
Blockade of Hongkong, 415, 460, 502, 552, 569.
Board of Examiners (Marine), 363, 481.
Board of Examiners (Chinese), 481.
Boggs, E. M., 339.
Bogue, 4, 5, 106, 121, 137, 160.
Bonham, Sir S. G., 253287, 291294, 342.
Bonham Strand, 285, 287.
Booth, C. G., 566.
Borlase, Captain, 360.
Borneo Company, 557.
Bottomley, C. D., 543.
Bourbillon, M. de, 258, 301.
Bowdler, E., 480.
Bowra, E. C., 421.
Bowring, Mr., 440.
Bowring, Lady, 311.
Bowring, Sir J., 213, 238, 254, 284, 295392, 411, 428, 527.
Boyd, W., 35, 45.
Brabant, Duke of, 405.
Braine, G. T., 102, 106, 159, 189, 241.
Bramston, J., 486.
Brand, R., 373, 387.
Branding, 228, 449, 450, 488, 545.
Breakwater, 538.
Bremer, J. J. Gordon, 114, 116-119, 123, 135, 146, 165, 176.
Brewer, J. S., 526.
Bridges, W. T., 312, 331, 334, 338, 348, 369.
Brine, F., 399, 400.
Brodersen, J., 401.
Brokers, 492.
Brooke, G. T., 189.
Brooke, Sir J., 299.
Brown, Mr., 186.
Bruce, M., 189.
Bruce, Sir F. W., 220, 354, 358.
Brunker, Mr. & Mrs., 474.
Buckingham, Duke of, 430, 432, 434, 436.
Burd, J., 245.
Burdon, Bishop, 511, 512, 527.
Burgass, R., 189, 194
Burlinghame, A., 398.
Burn, D. L., 159, 189.
Burrell, Major-General, 142, 151, 180.
Burrows, Silas E., 349.
Bush, F. T., 244, 276.
Butterfield & Swire, 519, 551.
Buxey. T. B., 383.
Bythesea, Captain, 337.
Cadet Scheme, 300, 365, 422, 481.
Caine, W., 170, 186, 188, 189, 220, 229, 233, 241, 297, 338.
Calamities, 175, 177, 284, 350, 404, 473, 513, 565.
Caldwell, D. R., 189, 270, 271, 337, 339, 520.
Campbell, A., 243, 276.
Campbell, P., 342.
Canton, 195, 216, 302, 304, 305, 306, 316, 459.
Canton Cotton Guild, 415, 554.
Canton, Occupation of, 317, 356, 362.
Canton Railway, 388, 409.
Canton Register, 22, 35, 60, 196, 209.
Canton Rifle Corps, 400.
Cape Collinson, 131, 500.
Cape D'Aguilar, 131, 500.
Cardazo, S., 255.
Cardwell, Mr., 374.
Carnarvon, Earl, 427, 431.
Carpenter, F. S., 277.
Carter, A., 223, 225.
Carvalho, J. A. da, 530.
Catchpoole, Mr., 3, 27, 30.
Cay, R. D., 220.
Cemeteries, 175, 246, 332.
Census, 171, 226, 485.
Central Bank, 381, 386.
Central School, 392, 466, 561, 562.
Cession of Hongkong, 122126, 155157, 163.
Chablaye, M. de, 151.
Chadwick, O., 561.
Chaldecott, Dr., 341.
Chamber of Commerce—British, 35, 45, 101, 102; General, 67; Hongkong, 383, 384, 421, 428, 440, 503; Chinese, 560.
Chartered Bank of India, 387.
Chartered Mercantile Bank, 381, 387.
Charter of Hongkong, 188, 479, 525.
Chater, C. P., 564.
Chefoo Convention, 505, 552.
Chenez, M. des, 317.
Chesne, H. du, 472.
China Mail, 247, 426, 471, 549.
China Merchants S. N. Co., 505, 506, 556, 558.
China Punch, 470, 516.
Chinese, Government of the, 164, 222, 333, 364, 368, 460, 461, 574.
Chinese Hatred of Foreigners, 305.
Chinese Perfidy, 148, 153, 199, 256, 355.
Chinnerey, Mr., 285, 466.
Chomley, F., 370, 387.
Chopped Dollars, 496, 498, 554.
Choral Society, 398, 516.
Chuenpi, 4, 106, 453.
Chusan, 3, 55, 56, 59, 117, 118, 122, 148, 170, 204, 236, 355.
City Hall, 401, 468, 563.
Civil Hospital, 283, 462, 487, 510.
Civil Service Abuses, 321-326, 365, 366, 529.
Clarendon, Earl, 258, 296, 300, 305, 314, 342.
Clark, Mr., 474.
Clarke, H. M., 70.
Cleverly, Ch. St. G., 189, 279, 324, 329, 330, 360, 376, 391.
Clock Tower, 401.
Clouth, Dr., 517.
Club Right, 533.
Coast Survey, 499.
Coast Trade, 243, 454, 506.
Cochran, Dr., 474.
Cochrane, Sir Th., 151, 207.
Cohen, H., 401.
Co-Hong, 58.
Colborne, Sir F., 522.
Coley, R., 233.
College, T. R., 32, 37, 72.
Collier, Sir F. A., 285.
Colonial Chaplain, 189, 190.
Colonial Defence Commission, 362, 549.
Colonial Ships’ Register, 303, 332.
Colonial Surgeon, 180, 189.
Commerce, 197, 205, 219, 242, 271, 342346, 383, 410, 452460, 490506, 550560.
Commercial Bank, 287, 454.
Commission, Mixed, 360, 553.
Compradors, 533.
Comptoir d'éscompte, 519.
Compton, Ch. Sp., 230.
Consolidation of Laws, 370, 408, 532.
Consoo, 8.
Consul (Chinese), 419, 504.
Consular Student Interpreters, 300.
Consuls, Foreign, 244, 472.
Contagious Disease Acts, 331, 464.
Costa, Captain da, 269.
Convoying, 243, 272, 303.
Coolie Trade, 273, 344, 458, 500.
Cooper-Turner, Mr., 334, 405.
Coroner, 180, 221, 483.
Coughtrie, J. B., 470, 529.
Cowasjee, P. 174.
Coxon, A., 401, 444, 549.
Cragg & Co., 68.
Creagh, C. V., 446, 490, 546.
Cricket Club, 283.
Crime, Statistics of, 450, 488, 540, 545.
Crimes, 269, 337, 380, 381, 542.
Crooke, N., 35, 45.
Cunha, P. A. da, 255.
Currency, 184, 244, 275, 345, 375, 376, 495, 554.
Customs, Chinese Imperial Maritime, 356, 383, 384, 408.
D'Aguilar, G. C., 189, 207, 214, 216, 217, 233, 238, 245, 248, 249.
Daily Press, 321, 323, 329, 366, 404, 409.
Dalgarno, A., 521.
Danby, W., 487, 549.
Daniell, & Co., 68.
Davidson, W. M., 386.
Davidson, W. S., 21.
Davies, H. T., 321, 323, 324, 330.
Davies, J. W., 256.
Davis, H. W., 564.
Day, J., 329, 334, 350.
Deane, Dr., 180.
Deane, W. M., 365, 446, 546.
Death Rate, 192, 245, 278, 463, 509, 560.
Debating Society, 516, 566.
Defences, 298.
Delano, D., 383.
Dempster, Captain, 548.
Dennys, N. B., 516, 519.
Dent & Co., 21, 68, 119, 173, 174, 197, 203, 220, 329, 383, 386.
Dent, J., 189, 323, 324, 328, 329, 363, 401.
Dent, L., 35, 70, 90.
Dent, W., 106, 246, 286.
Deportation, 239, 312, 379, 449, 488, 556.
Derby, Lord, 313.
Detective Force, 271, 447, 489.
Devereux, Subaltern, 144.
Dhunjeeshaw, R., 387.
Dick, Th., 418.
Differential Duties, 175, 201, 240, 346, 505.
Diocesan School, 391, 466.
Dirom & Co., 68, 119, 174.
District Watchmen, 203, 238, 447.
Distillery Company, 491, 566.
Dixon, J., 538.
Docks, 196, 350, 386, 453, 519, 558, 565.
Dodd, J., 400.
Dods, G., 480, 508.
Dollar, 184, 185, 244, 275, 345, 374, 497, 554.
Donaldson, Th., 403, 474.
Donoval, J., 474.
Douglas Castle, 403.
Douglas, F., 380, 488, 520.
Douglas Mackenzie & Co., 35.
Drainage, 391.
Drain Gangs, 381.
Drake, Mr., 281.
Drew, Dr., 481.
Drinker, S., 311.
Drinking Fountain, 401.
Drummond, F. C., 189.
Drury, Admiral, 16.
Duddell, G., 315.
Dudgeon, P., 189, 223.
Duelling, 516.
Duipuis, M., 518.
Dwyer, Lieut., 269.
Eastern Globe, 196.
East India Company, 125, 26, 45, 46, 63, 289, 290.
Ede, N. J., 543.
Edge, J. C., 564.
Edger, J. F., 189, 261, 347.
Edinburgh, Duke of, 468, 469.
Education, 247, 247, 280, 396, 465, 510, 561, 575.
Eglinton Maclean & Co., 68.
Elimbke, A., 472.
Eitel, E. J., 472, 481, 511, 516, 526, 527, 531, 546, 548, 561, 562.
Eleepoo, 118, 120, 141, 154, 159.
Eliang, 139, 176.
Elgin, Lord, 314, 315, 355, 357, 359, 360, 395.
Elliot, Captain Ch., 32, 48, 49, 52, 63, 6974, 79, 84126, 135146, 291.
Elliot, Commodore Ch. G. J. B., 298, 315.
Elliot, Rear-Admiral G., 81, 116119.
Elliot's Vale, 178, 220.
Elimslie, A. W., 182.
Elimslie, E., 48, 72, 182.
Elphinstone, Mr., 53.
Emigration, 259, 344, 387, 501, 555.
Endicott, J. B., 456, 474.
Enscoe, Dr., 405.
Eulenburg, Count, 398.
Executive Council, 189, 221, 365, 525.
Exhibition, International, 277, 389.
Exodus—from Canton, 95; from Macao, 103; from Hongkong, 223, 319.
Extradition, 160, 213, 229, 230, 409, 410, 531.
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, 16, 27, 28, 101, 109.
Factories (Canton), 8, 9, 23, 36, 67, 88, 92, 139, 159, 217, 230.
Falconer, G. B., 448, 520.
Farncomb, E., 221, 233.
Fatshan, 140, 150, 302, 315, 318.
Fearon, Mr., 91.
Fearon, S., 180, 221.
Feliciani, Fra A., 190.
Field, Mr., 140.
Fire Brigade, 444, 528, 529.
Fitz-Gibbon, Mr., 185.
Fletcher & Co., 383.
Fletcher, A., 189, 324, 402.
Flint, Mr., 6, 7.
Flogging, 171, 238, 267, 449, 450, 541, 545.
Flora, 404, 519.
Forbes, W. H., 517, 529, 545.
Ford, Ch., 470, 520.
Foreigner (Meaning of the term), 248.
Foreign Devil, 13.
Formosa, 1, 56, 59, 349.
Forth, F. H., 329, 422.
Fox Rawson & Co., 68, 174.
Fox, T., 35.
Framjee, N., 68.
Framjee, P., 387.
Francis, J. J., 516, 532, 546, 550.
Franklin, Lady, 398.
Fraser, J., 473.
Frazer, J. M., 400.
Frazer Smith, R., 566.
Freedom of the Port, 125, 156, 166, 171, 182, 202, 569.
Free Trade v. Monopoly, 1925, 47, 212, 293, 294.
Fremantle, Mr., 499.
French Mail Steamers, 484, 530, 533.
Freemasonry, 247, 283, 284, 472, 518.
Friend of China, 183, 187, 196, 200, 223, 313, 321, 324.
Fryer, J., 391.
Fung Ming-Shan, 546.
Furdonjee, D., 102.
Gambling, 337, 338, 399, 428441, 508, 534, 536, 573.
Gaol, 171, 378, 379, 380, 449, 450, 488, 541.
Gas Company, 386.
Gaskell, W., 233, 350.
Gazette, 148, 170, 183, 364.
Gemmell & Co., 68, 174.
Genoa, Duke of, 524.
Geology, 404.
German Club, 397, 469, 372, 517.
Gibb, H. B., 414, 423, 530, 543, 544.
Gibb, J. D., 324, 389, 402.
Gibb, T. A., 189, 223, 225.
Gibb Livingston & Co., 68, 174.
Gibbons, H., 528.
George—II., 14; III., 15; IV., 17.
George, E., 557.
Gillespie & Co., 203.
Ginger and Coffee Plantations, 350.
Gladstone, Mr., 313.
Glenealy, 178, 220.
Gold Standard, 244, 275.
Goodall, Corporal, 400.
Gordon, A. T., 189, 194.
Gough, Sir H., 137, 147, 159.
Goulding, Mr., 473.
Governor General of H. M. Insular Possessions, 362.
Graea, Senhor da, 525.
Grant, Ch., 22.
Grant, Sir Hope, 358, 359, 361.
Grant, U. S., 524.
Granville, Earl, 435, 436, 437.
Gray, W., 189.
Green, F. W., 329, 347, 520.
Green, Th., 520.
Green Island, 127, 500.
Greig, J., 481, 492.
Grey, Earl, 28, 217, 261, 295, 325, 527.
Gribble, Hughes & Co., 119, 174.
Gros, Baron, 316.
Guimaraes, T. F., 255, 338, 400.
Gully, R., 174.
Gunthorpe, Mr., 405.
Gutzlaff, Ch., 72, 189, 241, 254, 281, 284, 285.
Gymnasium, 397.
Hadfield, Lieut., 144.
Haiphong, 519.
Hall, W. K., 138, 357.
Hanlon, Mr., 510.
Hanoi, 519.
Happer, A., 394.
Happy Valley (Wongnaichung), 167, 245, 247.
Harbour Office, 177, 451.
Harland, Dr., 245, 350.
Harper, P. R., 387.
Harrison, Mr., 6.
Hart, Ch., 174.
Hart, Sir R., 356, 408, 502.
Havilland, De, 194.
Hay, J. C. D., 270.
Hayllar, Th. C., 448, 492, 532, 561.
Hazeland, F. I., 334, 401, 474.
Headmoney, 115, 309, 319.
Heard & Co., 389, 471, 491.
Heard, A. F., 387.
Heard, J., 402, 473.
Heinrich, Prince, 524.
Helland, G. J., 373, 387, 472.
Henderson & Co., 68.
Henderson, W. J., 401.
Hennessy, Sir J. P., 522567, 568, 573.
Herbert, Captain, 138.
Herbert, Sidney, 355, 358, 504.
Hewart, Ch. E., 194.
Hicks-Beach, Sir M., 544.
Hillier, C. B., 188, 189, 229, 338.
Hingtai, 67, 68.
Hitchcock, E. A., 438.
Ho A-mei, 559.
Hobson, Dr., 181, 191.
Hoihow, 519.
Holdermann, Mr., 280.
Holgate, H., 180.
Holliday, J., 189.
Holliday, Wise & Co., 174, 381.
Holloway, Colonel, 317.
Holmes, H. J., 391, 400, 401.
Home, Dr., 391.
Hongkong—Island of, 51, 56, 60, 100, 103, 107, 123, 124, 127134; its name, 133, 188; purport, 156, 157, 185, 234, 251, 288, 290; programme of success, 252, 260, 285, 291, 475, 570; strategical position, 571; status, 354.
Hongkong Association, 470.
Hongkong, Canton & Macao Steam-packet Company, 243, 276, 346.
Hongkong, Canton & Macao Steamboat Company, 453, 457, 469, 551.
Hongkong Dispensary, 174, 191.
Hongkong & Shanghai Bank, 386, 453, 454, 490, 497, 520, 551.
Hongkong Telegraph, 566.
Hongkong & Whampoa Dock Co., 453, 456, 565.
Hongkong Wharf & Godown Co., 457.
Hong Merchants, 8, 27, 33, 39, 47, 67, 71, 86, 153.
Hooker and Lane, 174.
Hoppius, H., 529.
Hoppo, 27, 24, 90, 161, 257, 385, 415, 504, 505.
Horspool, G., 490.
Horticultural Society, 517.
Hotels, 208, 454, 472, 509.
Howqua, 37, 90.
Hugh Hughes, Mrs., 474.
Hulme, J. W., 220, 229233, 268.
Humane Society, 515, 563.
Hutchinson, R. W., 566.
Ice House Company, 247, 565.
Indemnities, 143, 155, 335.
Inglis & Co., 519.
Inglis, R., 21, 90.
Innes, J., 35, 45, 47, 85.
Innes Fletcher & co., 174.
Inspector of Schools, 348, 392, 562.
Irwin, Mrs., 350.
Jack, J., 566.
Jackson, Th., 491, 528, 529.
James, Dr., 285.
Jamieson How & Co., 68, 174.
Jamsetjee, F., 174.
Jancigny, Colonel de, 151, 152, 181.
Japan, 343, 452.
Jardine, A., 188.
Jardine, D., 261, 286.
Jardine, J., 363, 394, 402.
Jardine, R., 402.
Jardine, W., 21, 23, 37, 70.
Jardine, Matheson & Co., 21, 35, 45, 62, 167, 174, 191, 197, 203, 283, 323, 337, 402, 404, 421, 442, 470, 509.
Jenkins, Admiral, 517.
Jervois, Major-General, 254, 282, 285.
Jinrikshas, 564.
Johnson, F. B., 556.
Johnston, A. J., 446.
Johnston, A. R., 32, 45, 48, 63, 72, 93, 147, 174, 179, 181, 182, 186, 186, 188, 189, 233.
Johnstone, Miss, 465.
Jones, O. J., 468, 469, 472.
Journal des Débats, 199
Jui, Viceroy, 416.
Junk Trade, 169, 170, 197, 204, 237, 242, 344, 415418, 451, 557.
Jury, 220, 267.
Justices of the Peace, 188, 282, 321, 322.
Kalakan, King, 525.
Kane, W., 389, 400, 472.
Keating, A. S., 35, 45, 47.
Keenan, J., 334.
Kellett, H., 421, 458.
Kennedy, Sir A. E., 477521, 572.
Kent and Babes, 196.
Keppel, Sir H., 255, 315, 468.
Kerr, C., 189, 241.
Kerswick, W., 423, 424, 448, 468, 472, 481, 528, 543, 561, 562.
Key, Sir A. K., 306.
Kidd, H. H., 518, 566.
Kikung, 140, 143, 158, 159, 176.
Kimberley, Earl, 439, 440.
Kingsley & Co., 68.
Kingsmill, H., 334.
Kingsmill, T. W., 404.
Kishen, 117123, 135138, 149.
Kiukitchi, K., 182.
Kiying, 150, 151, 154, 160, 201, 212, 214, 216.
Klitzke, Pastor, 566.
Knowles, Major, 159, 207.
Kowloon—British, 357, 380, 384, 395, 396, City, 104, 128, 302, 303, 417, 520; Peninsula, 60, 127, 134, 166, 186.
Kresser, V., 387, 474.
Kublai Khan, 129.
Kung, Prince, 356.
Kwan, Admiral, 108, 121, 137.
Kydd, T., 443.
Labouchere, H., 327, 328, 338.
Ladrones, 131.
Lamma Channel, 60, 130.
Lamma Island, 60.
Lamond, W., 387.
Lamont, J., 196, 350.
Lamont, J., 519.
Land Committee, 183, 184, 266.
Land, Gambling in, 193, 206.
Land Policy, 172174, 192194, 265.
Land Revenue, 173, 265, 371, 486, 535.
Land Sales, 172174, 193, 204, 362.
Landstein, W. R., 566.
Lantao, 51, 56, 60, 117, 118, 123.
Lapraik, Douglas, 347, 350, 381, 387, 395, 401403, 453, 467.
Lapraik, J., 438, 453.
Larkins, Captain, 174.
Laundry, 399, 519.
Laurence, H., 466.
Lawrence, Sir T., 17.
Law Society, 350.
Lay, G. T., 59.
Lay, H. N., 356, 383.
Layton & Co., 68.
Lechler, R., 434.
Legge, J., 190, 191, 280, 285, 347, 392, 404, 440, 466, 472, 516.
Legge, Miss, 391.
Le Geyt, 189.
Legislative Council, 189, 195, 221, 261, 326, 327, 366, 367, 422, 433, 482, 531.
Leighton & Co., 174.
Lemann, H. B., 373, 387.
Lemann, W., 448.
Lena, A., 177, 189, 221.
Leslie, W., 226.
Lighthouses, 499.
Lighting of the City, 238, 350, 386.
Limeneen, A., 440.
Limoges, A. de, 421.
Lin, Commissioner, 87115, 118, 140, 152.
Lind A., 528.
Lindsay & Co., 167, 174, 329.
Lindsay, H. H., 9, 58, 68.
Linstead, T. G., 373, 397, 401, 566.
Lintin, 10, 24, 46, 48, 64, 72, 74, 77, 84.
Lister, A., 417, 422, 448, 479, 481.
Little Hongkong (Heungkongtsai), 132, 133, 186, 247.
Livingston, W. P., 159, 189.
Loan Exhibition, 518.
Loan, Imperial Chinese, 520.
Lobscheid, W., 348, 392.
Lock Hospital, 331, 378, 510.
Loercher, J., 434.
London Mission, 191, 281.
Lopes, Mr., 208.
Lowcock, H., 448, 481, 486, 487, 492, 530, 543.
Lukee, 203.
Lyall, G., 286, 324, 348, 363, 401, 444.
Lyall Still & Co., 454.
Lyeemoon, 60, 129, 417.
Lyndhurst, Lord, 313.
Lytton, Sir E. B., 325, 338.
Macandrew, J., 385.
Macao, 1, 59, 65, 99, 208, 219, 229, 255, 387, 400, 523, 531.
Macao, British occupation of, 15, 16.
Macao Coolie Trade, 273, 422, 500.
Macartney, Lord, 15.
MacClymont, A., 543.
Macdonald & Co., 68.
MacDonnell, Sir R. G., 395, 412476, 566, 570, 572.
Macdougall, Captain, 216.
Macgregor, Consul, 216, 230.
Macgregor & Co., 386, 515.
Machow Wong, 324, 339.
Mackay, Dr., 391.
Mackean, T. W. L., 189.
Mackenzie, J. J., 376, 389, 391.
Mackintosh, C., 444.
Mackintosh, E., 551.
Maclean, G. F., 387.
Maclehose, Mr., 208.
MacMahon, Colonel, 359.
MacQuhae, Captain, 249.
Madrigal Society, 207.
Magrath, Miss, 391.
Mail Steamers, Detention of, 385.
Maitland, Admiral, 73.
Ma Kien-chung, 559.
Malcolm, G. A., 147, 154, 160, 170, 184, 189.
Manchester Chamber, 257.
Manchus, 2, 7, 227, 259, 296, 305, 367.
Mann, G. F., 360, 376.
Margesson, Mr., 467, 474.
Marine Court of Inquiry, 363, 485.
Marine Magistrate, 177, 221.
Marine Surveyor, 526.
Markets, 180, 186, 220, 328, 350.
Markwick, Ch., 337.
Marriage Law, 268, 512.
Marsh, W. H., 523.
Marsh & Co., 405.
Martial Law, 227.
Martin, R. M., 193, 220, 250, 347.
Massacre (Hongkong), 150.
Matheson, A., 22, 159, 168, 169, 170, 173, 188, 192, 241, 250.
Matheson, Donald, 223, 225, 243, 276.
Matheson, J., 35, 57, 102, 116, 177.
Matshed Church, 190.
Maxwell, Captain, 14.
May, Ch., 237, 336, 338, 360, 363, 408, 485, 486, 487, 527, 528, 566.
May, A. J., 511.
McAdam Gladstone & Co., 35, 45.
McCallum, J., 550.
McClannon, Mrs., 19.
McCoy, R. W., 480.
McEuen, J. P., 538.
McEwen, A. P., 543.
McHardy, Lieut., 480.
McIver, Mrs., 566.
McKinnon, Dr., 561.
McLane, Mr., 301.
McMurdo, R., 538.
McSwyney, P. C., 233.
McVicar & Co., 119, 174.
Meadows, T. T., 302.
Medhurst, W. H., 182, 258.
Medical Missions, 181, 191, 564.
Medico-Chirurgical Society, 247, 248.
Meik, Captain, 184.
Mellish, E., 444.
Memorials, 68, 98, 105, 124, 223, 224, 241, 266, 298, 373, 417, 420, 421, 426, 434, 440, 448, 470, 497, 502, 503, 543, 544.
Menzies, Dr., 341.
Mercer, J. A., 189.
Mercer, W. T., 220, 275, 297, 329, 342, 354, 366, 373, 386, 406, 408411, 400425.
Meritens, Baron de, 418.
Messageries Maritimes, 389, 398.
Michaeloff, Prince, 299.
Middle Island, 127.
Middleton, W. N., 470, 516.
Mildew Question, 493.
Milles, Col., 469.
Military Contribution, 372, 373, 470.
Millot, M., 518.
Mint, 372, 374, 441, 442, 498, 554, 555.
Mitchell, F. W., 385, 448.
Mitchell, Miss, 281.
Mitsu Bishu Co., 566.
Mixed Commission, 317.
Monopolies, 1925, 212, 234, 235, 293.
Moody, Colonel, 391.
Moore, Sergeant, 400.
Moorsom, L. H., 480.
Moreno, C. C., 556.
Morgan, W., 174, 188.
Morris, D. B., 434.
Morrison, R., 32, 466.
Morrison, J. R., 32, 72, 108, 175, 177, 182, 189, 207, 466.
Morrison, W., 245.
Morrison Education Society, 181, 186, 190, 281, 394, 466.
Morrison Hill, 124, 186.
Morrison Scholarship, 512.
Mortuary, 246.
Moss, M., 102, 143, 369.
Mosque, 160.
Mountain Lodge, 279, 390.
Mowqua, 37, 90.
Mow Wang, 409.
Mullaly, Mr., 185.
Municipal Government, 205, 225, 260263, 322, 507, 574.
Murray, J. I., 389, 391, 464.
Murray, C. W., 370, 373, 402.
Mylius, G. F., 180, 184.
Nanking, 154.
Napier, Lord, 26-41, 56.
Naval Review, 550.
Naval Yard, 184, 335, 446.
Neave, T. D., 246, 276.
Nelson, H. H., 543.
Newman, Mr., 405.
Ng Choy, 527, 530, 532.
Nicaise, H., 472.
Ningpo, 55, 56, 59.
Nissen, D., 383.
Nissen, W., 387, 397.
Noble, H., 373, 386.
Nordenskjöld, Prof., 564.
Notary Public, 180.
Notley, W. H.
Oaths, Chinese, 268.
O'Brien, T., 520.
Observatory, 539, 540.
Ocean Racing, 495.
O'Malley, E. L., 562.
Opium Revenue, 236, 265, 336, 485, 536.
Opium Trade, 197, 240, 274, 368, 381, 417.
Opium Question, The, 28, 44, 7595, 97, 116, 153, 162, 202.
Oriental Bank, 244, 387.
Oriental & Occidental S.S. Co., 519.
Ormiston, W., 387.
Ormsby, T., 189.
Ortuno, F., 473.
Ouseley, Sir F. G., 349.
Overbeck, G. von, 472.
Oxford Professorship, 512.
Oxlad, Miss, 465.
Pacific Mail S.S. Co., 519.
Pacific Ocean, 272.
Paolo d'Arcos, 525.
Paiva, F. J. de, 245.
Pakhoi, 242, 415.
Palmer, H. S., 540.
Palmerston, Lord, 28, 29, 40, 51, 65, 80, 113, 215, 257, 272, 296, 313, 314.
Panton, Captain, 68.
Pao Pang, 120, 121.
Parker, Commodore, 207.
Parker, E. H., 78, 151.
Parker, H. R., 189.
Parker, N. D'E., 233.
Parker, P., 191.
Parker, Sir W., 147, 159, 188.
Parkes, Sir H., 258, 299, 300, 308, 317, 358, 359.
Parliamentary Acts, 331, 439.
Parliamentary Grants, 264, 265, 335.
Parry, F. 434, 467.
Parsees, 196, 470.
Parsons, Mr., 334.
Pascoe, J., 184.
Pauncefote, Sir J., 439, 462, 484.
Peace Society, 296, 302, 314.
Peak Residences, 279, 390, 403, 509.
Pedder, W., 177, 189, 221.
Pedder's Hill, 177.
Peel, Sir R., 178, 182, 274.
Pender, Sir J., 494.
Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co., 248, 276, 346.
Pension Scheme, 363.
Perceval, A., 370.
Perkis, Mr., 537.
Perry, Commodore, 283, 349.
Perry, O. H., 384.
Petty Sessions, 196, 267, 321.
Petz, Admiral, 472.
Phelps, Mr., 186.
Philippine Islands, 244, 518.
Philippo, G., 528, 546.
Picnic House, 186, 247.
Pien (the term), 33, 34, 72, 73, 365.
Pier and Godown Co., 386, 491.
Pih Kwei, 317.
Pinto, A. A. da S., 99104, 112.
Piper, J., 434, 467.
Piracy, 202, 204, 239, 270, 271, 303, 338, 339, 382, 383, 408, 451, 452.
Plague, 278.
Plowden, W. H. Ch., 28, 30.
Plunket, C. B., 555, 566.
Pocheung & Pokap System, 222, 435.
Poisoning Day, 311.
Pokfulam, 131, 350, 403.
Pokfulam Reservoir, 342, 376, 442, 487.
Poleung Kuk, 546, 547.
Police Commissioners, 262.
Police Force, 196, 203, 237, 286, 328, 336, 378, 379, 408, 428, 430, 445, 489, 526.
Police Magistracy, 188, 189, 231, 363.
Police School, 446.
Pollard, E. H., 369, 409, 445.
Poll Tax, 222.
Polo Club, 564.
Pope, J., 220, 236.
Population, 134, 171, 183, 186, 197, 221, 237, 259, 271, 340, 371, 463, 485, 533.
Portugal, 1, 2, 6.
Possession Point, 124.
Postage Stamps, 385.
Post Office, 185, 243, 286, 346, 371, 384, 519, 537, 565.
Pottinger, E., 207.
Pottinger, Sir H., 146162, 173, 177, 179210, 292294.
Pratas Shoals, 388.
Pratt, Major, 142.
Praya, 327330, 377, 443, 487, 538, 539.
Precedence, 481.
Price, J. M., 480, 486, 487, 528, 529, 538, 540, 562.
Public Gardens, 284, 403, 444, 407, 480, 527.
Public Meetings, at Canton, 23, 35, 67, 86; at Macao, 102; in Hongkong, 223, 224, 225, 248, 266, 309, 320, 322, 328, 373, 378, 399, 401, 402, 426, 503, 510, 543.
Public Works, 177, 184, 442, 487, 538.
Punchard, E., 566.
Pyke, Th., 469.
Queen's Road, 183.
Queen Victoria, 67, 95, 113, 124, 158.
Quinhon, 519.
Races, 207, 283, 397, 471.
Railway, 388, 409.
Raimondi, Bishop, 393, 465, 511, 512, 522.
Rapp, Mr., 564.
Ranjee, B. P., 453.
Rates and Taxes, 234, 265, 335, 535, 537.
Rawling, S. B., 376.
Rawson, S., 223, 284.
Rawson, W., 167.
Reddie, R. H., 402.
Reformatory, 393, 541.
Registrar General, 221, 364, 447, 448.
Registration, 222226, 310, 429, 480, 508.
Reiners, W., 529, 543.
Religion, 186, 190, 245, 279, 348, 394, 466, 562.
Remedios, J. J. dos, 473, 566.
Representative Government, 205, 221, 225, 260.
Retributive Vengeance, 320.
Revenues, 233, 237, 265, 335, 371, 424, 425, 485, 534.
Reynolds, E. G., 184.
Rice, Th. F., 489.
Richthofen, Baron von, 456.
Rickett, J., 324.
Rickomartz, Mrs., 405.
Rienacker, R., 323.
River-Steamers, 381, 389, 453, 457, 482, 519.
Robertson, D. B., 414, 415, 504, 505.
Robertson, P. F., 174.
Robinson, G. B., 32, 42, 4852.
Robinson, Sir H., 353407, 429, 567.
Robriguez, J. B., 182.
Rolles, Captain, 16.
R. C. Cathedral, 186, 405.
R. C. Mission, 186, 247, 281, 393.
Rowan, Admiral, 471.
Rowett, R., 423, 438, 483, 490, 500.
R. A. S., China Branch, 248, 296, 393.
Russell & Co., 389, 471.
Russell, J., 422, 481, 527.
Russell, Lord John, 338.
Russian War, 298.
Rustomjee, D., 35, 68, 174.
Rustomjee, H., 174, 177, 1991.
Ruttunjee, D., 453, 469, 543.
Ryall, Ch., 379.
Ryder, Admiral, 538, 540.
Ryrie, Ph., 418, 423, 424, 438, 440, 479, 481, 482, 483, 485, 486, 487, 489, 490, 501, 502, 510, 515, 528, 531, 543, 562, 567.
Sailors' Home, 402.
Salusbury, Lord, 533.
Salt Trade, 181, 204, 336, 553, 559.
Saltoun, Lord, 207.
Samyuenli, 145, 305.
Sanatorium, 279, 390.
Sands, G. U., 519, 565, 566.
San Francisco, 273, 387, 519.
Sangster, C. F. A., 349, 394, 398.
Sanitation, 175, 183, 245, 278, 340, 389, 408.
Sanon (Namtao), 127, 128, 320, 337, 362, 463, 508, 560.
Sares, Captain, 1.
Sargent, Lieut., 180, 184.
Sassoon, A., 387.
Scanlan, Dr., 481.
Scarth, J., 324.
Scherzer, Professor, 472.
Schmidt, W., 373, 387.
Schmidt, W., 564.
Schuck, J. L., 183, 186.
Scott, Captain, 123.
Scott, Major, 401.
Scott, W., 102, 169.
Seal of the Colony, 189; of the Superintendent, 203.
Seamen's Hospital (at Wantsai), 191, 247, 470, 509.
Senhouse, H. L. le Fleming, 119, 138, 150, 175.
Sen Kwang-tsin, 256, 305.
Seward, W. H., 459.
Seymour, Sir M., 306309, 351.
Shadwell, Admiral, 499.
Shakespeare Memorial, 395.
Shanghai, 342, 343.
Shares, 483.
Sharp, E., 486.
Sharp, Granville, 390, 543.
Shaukiwan, 130, 132, 378.
Shelley, A. E., 220.
Shipping Trade, 272, 345, 388, 550.
Shortrede, A., 347, 348.
Siam, 299, 300, 343.
Silva, C. C. da, 478.
Silver Standard, 185, 375.
Silver, Depreciation of, 551.
Sinnett, A. P., 470.
Sirr, H. Ch., 220.
Sketching Club, 518.
Slade, J., 35, 91.
Slavery Acts, 195, 229.
Slavery, Domestic,
Smale, J., 369, 370, 414, 438, 445, 474, 382, 501, 532, 548.
Smith, Archer & Co., 381.
Smith, Bishop G., 280, 302, 348, 392, 394, 400, 474.
Smith, Captain, 106.
Smith, C. C., 362, 365, 422, 423, 424, 434, 440, 443, 487, 527, 529.
Smith, J., 174.
Smith, J. M., 189.
Smith, G., 20, 102, 241.
Smuggling, 198, 419.
Social Life, 206, 247, 282, 395, 469, 506, 515, 563.
Social Science Association, 335.
Solomon, R., 453.
Souza, Admiral de, 422.
Souza, Regina v., 444.
Spanish Ports, 518, 557.
Special Fund, 433, 437, 438, 455, 462.
Spratt & Co., 565.
Spiritual Junk, 513.
Sports, 207, 283, 397, 517, 563.
Spring, F., 189.
Spring Gardens, 167, 190.
St. Andrew's School, 347, 393.
St. John's Cathedral, 186, 190, 246, 279, 394, 467, 469.
St. John's Lodge, 563.
St. Joseph's Church, 512.
St. Joseph's College, 512.
St. Paul's College, 181, 191, 280, 347, 391, 466, 511, 512.
St. Peter's Church, 467.
St. Saviour's College, 465, 512.
Stamp Duties, 425, 426, 534.
Standard (London), 410.
Stanley (Chikehü), 131, 171, 190.
Stanley of Alderley, Lord, 548.
Stanley, Lord, 124, 196, 241, 338.
Stanton, V. J., 119, 189, 191, 247.
Staunton, Sir G., 53, 54, 59, 66.
Staveley, Major-General, 248, 254, 282.
Stead, Captain, 149.
Steam-ferries, 520.
Stephen, D., 189.
Stephenson, Sir M., 388, 409.
Stewart, Ch. E., 189.
Stewart, F., 392, 448, 466, 481, 510, 527, 562.
Stewart, Hon. K., 320.
Stewart, P., 189.
Stewart, W., 68, 188.
Stirling, P. I., 193, 220.
Stirling, Sir J., 298, 299, 304, 344.
Stonecutters' Island, 127, 357, 378, 379, 405.
Storey, C. H., 373.
Strachan, G., 248.
Straits Settlements, 354.
Straubenzee, C. van., 315, 320, 357.
Street Fights, 269.
Strikes, 223, 368, 369, 508.
Stuart, C. J. F., 286.
Subscriptions, 248-298, 394, 401, 402, 445, 472, 564.
Subsidiary Coinage, 372, 375, 425, 499.
Suez Canal, 452, 571.
Sugar Factories, 491.
Summary Jurisdiction, 220, 268, 363, 444.
Summers, J., 255, 280.
Sunday Labour, 245, 563.
Superintendent of Trade, 2752, 6774, 182, 187, 212, 230, 253, 264, 295, 297, 354.
Supplementary Treaty, 160, 161, 242.
Supremacy, Chinese claim of, 36, 44, 65, 69, 92, 288, 569.
Supreme Court, 181, 187, 220, 330, 331, 444, 479, 483, 484, 528.
Surveyor General, 194, 221.
Sutherland, Th., 373, 387, 423, 453.
Sykes, Colonel, 410.
Tahunga, 149, 153.
Taipan, 3, 26, 39, 46, 71.
Taiping, 258, 259, 302, 356, 367.
Taipingshan, 124, 168, 220.
Taitam Reservoir, 487, 529, 539.
Tan-ka, 168.
Tanner, K. D., 400.
Tarrant, W., 189, 235, 313.
Tatsing Dynasty, 2, 15, 128, 133.
Tauffer, Brothers, 515.
Taylor, J. B., 423, 438.
Tea Trade, 9, 389, 494.
Telegraph, 276, 566.
Telephones, 566.
Temperance Hall, 517.
Temples, 190, 282.
Templeton & Co., 35, 45.
Terranuova, 16.
Thom, R., 91, 182.
Thompson, Mr., 61.
Thomsett, H. G., 402, 502, 538.
Thomson, W., 159.
Thorburn, H., 566.
Time Ball, 401, 540.
Times (London), 240, 242, 325, 346, 463.
Times (New York), 349.
Tinpak, 242.
Tipo, 166, 364.
Tomlin, G. L., 447, 488.
Tonnochy, M. S., 365, 486, 488, 523.
Torrey, J. W., 516.
Towing Rights, 272.
Town, Captain, 111.
Train, G. F., 472.
Tramways, 531.
Treasury Board, 276, 345, 375, 441.
Treaties—of Chuenpi, 123, 177; of Canton, 139; of Nanking, 155, 187, 274; Supplementary, 160, 161, 198, 209, 212; with Annam, 218; with Siam, 299, 300; of Tientsin, 318, 357, 421; Convention of Peking, 356, 388.
Treaty Ports, 155, 172, 200, 421.
Treaty Revision, 420, 421.
Triad Societies, 227, 259.
Tripp, H. J., 401.
Troubridge, Captain, 255, 285.
Tsimshatsui (Kowloon Point), 100, 101, 111, 114, 132, 167, 168, 181, 357, 380, 486, 550.
Tungku, 107, 111.
Turner, R., 35.
Typhoons, 146, 175, 176, 284, 350, 404, 573, 514.
Union Church, 246, 393.
Union Dock Co., 386, 453.
Urmston, Sir J. B., 55.
Vachell, J. H., 32, 72.
Van Geniss, 269.
Vaucher, A. E., 453.
Vernon, Sir E. 68.
Vice-Admiralty Court, 220, 232.
Vickers, J. M., 444.
Victoria City, 188, 189.
Victoria Club, 471.
Victoria English School, 510.
Victoria Exchange, 405.
Victoria Fort, 167.
Victoria Gaol v. Gaol.
Victoria Gunboat, 417, 437.
Victoria Library, 284, 471.
Victoria Peak, 124, 133, 381, 403.
Victoria Recreation Club, 516.
Victoria Regatta Club, 283.
Volunteer Corps, 382, 396, 399401, 471, 549.
Wade, Sir Th., 254, 308, 404, 420, 504, 552.
Walker, J., 376, 405.
Walker, R. S., 373.
Walkinshaw, W., 277, 389, 402.
Wallace, W., 106.
Wang An-tung, 159.
Ward, U.S. Minister, 355.
Wardley & Co., 337.
Warner, Captain, 107.
Warren, Ch. J., 434.
Waterworks, 341, 342, 376, 442, 487, 529, 539.
Wato Temple, 510, 543.
Watson, J., 35, 45.
Webster, R. G., 174, 443.
Weddell, Captain, 2.
Weller, G. F., 444.
Wellington, Duke of, 31, 40, 50.
Welsh, D., 440, 515.
Westpoint, 174, 191, 192, 403.
West River, 318, 456, 518.
Whale, 397.
Whalers, 273.
Whampoa, 3, 64, 74, 77, 112, 137, 138, 387.
Wharry, Dr., 481.
White, J., 183, 189, 203.
Whitfield, H. W., 414, 421, 424, 439, 469.
Whitfield Station, 452.
Whittall, J., 368, 373, 402, 453, 457, 481, 483, 490, 500.
Wilkinson, A., 189.
William IV, 24, 67.
Williams, Captain, 311.
Williams, C. D., 347.
Wills, Chinese, 332.
Wilson, W., 377.
Winchester, Ch. A., 385.
Wise, J., 189.
Wise, Holliday & Co., 68.
Wodehouse, H. E., 490.
Wongchukee, 218, 305.
Wongmakok, 132, 269.
Wongshing, 481.
Woods, Mr., 334.
Woosnam, R. W., 184, 189.
Wotton, W., 528.
Wright, H., 106.
Yacht Club, 471, 517.
Yang Fang, 136143.
Yaumati, 131, 132.
Yeh Ming-shen, 304309, 315317.
Yen, Japanese, 538, 555.
Yikking, 149.
Yikshan, 136144, 150, 151, 153, 154.
Young, Peter, 191, 245.
Young, R., 465, 481.
Young, W. S., 543, 564.
Yelverton, Mrs., 472.
Yue Kien, 141, 149, 153.
Yue Pao-shun, 138, 147.
Zelandia, 2.
Zetland Lodge, 247.
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