< Europe in China
Abdel, F. A., 311.
Adamson, W., 387.
Ah-lum, 311-313.
Alabaster, Ch., 317.
Alford, E. F., 529.
Alice Memorial Hospital, 564.
Almada, J. M., 182.
Anderson, A. H., 387.
Anson, Commodore, 13.
Antrobus, B. C., 347.
Arnold, J., 444.
Association, 470.
Austin, H. P., 474.
Baker, R. B., 400.
Ball, Dr., 180.
Barber, G. J., 474.
Beart, E., 470.
Beckwith, J. H., 401.
Belilios Fund, 564.
Bell, W. H., 566.
Bentham, G., 404.
Bentinck, Lord W., 17.
Beyer, L., 473.
Bibby Adam & Co., 68.
Bingham, J. E., 166.
Bird, J. R., 177.
Birley & Co., 383.
Blake, Captain, 89.
Blakeman, N. 440.
Board of Examiners (Chinese), 481.
Boggs, E. M., 339.
Booth, C. G., 566.
Borlase, Captain, 360.
Borneo Company, 557.
Bottomley, C. D., 543.
Bowdler, E., 480.
Bowra, E. C., 421.
Bowring, Mr., 440.
Bowring, Lady, 311.
Brabant, Duke of, 405.
Bramston, J., 486.
Breakwater, 538.
Brewer, J. S., 526.
Brodersen, J., 401.
Brokers, 492.
Brooke, G. T., 189.
Brooke, Sir J., 299.
Brown, Mr., 186.
Bruce, M., 189.
Brunker, Mr. & Mrs., 474.
Burd, J., 245.
Burlinghame, A., 398.
Burrows, Silas E., 349.
Buxey. T. B., 383.
Bythesea, Captain, 337.
Campbell, P., 342.
Canton Rifle Corps, 400.
Cardazo, S., 255.
Cardwell, Mr., 374.
Carpenter, F. S., 277.
Carvalho, J. A. da, 530.
Cay, R. D., 220.
Chablaye, M. de, 151.
Chadwick, O., 561.
Chaldecott, Dr., 341.
Chamber of Commerce—British, 35, 45, 101, 102; General, 67; Hongkong, 383, 384, 421, 428, 440, 503; Chinese, 560.
Chartered Bank of India, 387.
Chater, C. P., 564.
Chenez, M. des, 317.
Chesne, H. du, 472.
Chinese Hatred of Foreigners, 305.
Clark, Mr., 474.
Clarke, H. M., 70.
Clock Tower, 401.
Clouth, Dr., 517.
Club Right, 533.
Coast Survey, 499.
Cochran, Dr., 474.
Cohen, H., 401.
Colborne, Sir F., 522.
Coley, R., 233.
Collier, Sir F. A., 285.
Compradors, 533.
Comptoir d'éscompte, 519.
Compton, Ch. Sp., 230.
Consoo, 8.
Consular Student Interpreters, 300.
Costa, Captain da, 269.
Cowasjee, P. 174.
Cragg & Co., 68.
Cricket Club, 283.
Cunha, P. A. da, 255.
Dalgarno, A., 521.
Daniell, & Co., 68.
Davidson, W. M., 386.
Davidson, W. S., 21.
Davies, J. W., 256.
Davis, H. W., 564.
Deane, Dr., 180.
Defences, 298.
Delano, D., 383.
Dempster, Captain, 548.
Derby, Lord, 313.
Devereux, Subaltern, 144.
Dhunjeeshaw, R., 387.
Dick, Th., 418.
Dixon, J., 538.
Dodd, J., 400.
Donoval, J., 474.
Douglas Castle, 403.
Douglas Mackenzie & Co., 35.
Drainage, 391.
Drain Gangs, 381.
Drake, Mr., 281.
Drew, Dr., 481.
Drinker, S., 311.
Drinking Fountain, 401.
Drummond, F. C., 189.
Drury, Admiral, 16.
Duddell, G., 315.
Duelling, 516.
Duipuis, M., 518.
Dwyer, Lieut., 269.
Eastern Globe, 196.
Ede, N. J., 543.
Edge, J. C., 564.
Eglinton Maclean & Co., 68.
Elimbke, A., 472.
Elimslie, A. W., 182.
Elphinstone, Mr., 53.
Enscoe, Dr., 405.
Eulenburg, Count, 398.
Fearon, Mr., 91.
Feliciani, Fra A., 190.
Field, Mr., 140.
Fitz-Gibbon, Mr., 185.
Fletcher & Co., 383.
Foreigner (Meaning of the term), 248.
Foreign Devil, 13.
Fox, T., 35.
Framjee, N., 68.
Framjee, P., 387.
Franklin, Lady, 398.
Fraser, J., 473.
Frazer, J. M., 400.
Frazer Smith, R., 566.
Fremantle, Mr., 499.
Fryer, J., 391.
Fung Ming-Shan, 546.
Furdonjee, D., 102.
Gas Company, 386.
Genoa, Duke of, 524.
Geology, 404.
Gibbons, H., 528.
George, E., 557.
Gillespie & Co., 203.
Ginger and Coffee Plantations, 350.
Gladstone, Mr., 313.
Goodall, Corporal, 400.
Goulding, Mr., 473.
Governor General of H. M. Insular Possessions, 362.
Graea, Senhor da, 525.
Grant, Ch., 22.
Grant, U. S., 524.
Gray, W., 189.
Green, Th., 520.
Gros, Baron, 316.
Gully, R., 174.
Gunthorpe, Mr., 405.
Gymnasium, 397.
Hadfield, Lieut., 144.
Haiphong, 519.
Hanlon, Mr., 510.
Hanoi, 519.
Happer, A., 394.
Harper, P. R., 387.
Harrison, Mr., 6.
Hart, Ch., 174.
Havilland, De, 194.
Hay, J. C. D., 270.
Heard, A. F., 387.
Heinrich, Prince, 524.
Henderson & Co., 68.
Henderson, W. J., 401.
Herbert, Captain, 138.
Hewart, Ch. E., 194.
Hicks-Beach, Sir M., 544.
Hitchcock, E. A., 438.
Ho A-mei, 559.
Hoihow, 519.
Holdermann, Mr., 280.
Holgate, H., 180.
Holliday, J., 189.
Holloway, Colonel, 317.
Home, Dr., 391.
Hongkong—Island of, 51, 56, 60, 100, 103, 107, 123, 124, 127–134; its name, 133, 188; purport, 156, 157, 185, 234, 251, 288, 290; programme of success, 252, 260, 285, 291, 475, 570; strategical position, 571; status, 354.
Hongkong Association, 470.
Hongkong Telegraph, 566.
Hongkong Wharf & Godown Co., 457.
Hooker and Lane, 174.
Hoppius, H., 529.
Horspool, G., 490.
Horticultural Society, 517.
Hugh Hughes, Mrs., 474.
Hutchinson, R. W., 566.
Inglis & Co., 519.
Innes Fletcher & co., 174.
Irwin, Mrs., 350.
Jack, J., 566.
James, Dr., 285.
Jamsetjee, F., 174.
Jardine, A., 188.
Jardine, R., 402.
Jardine, Matheson & Co., 21, 35, 45, 62, 167, 174, 191, 197, 203, 283, 323, 337, 402, 404, 421, 442, 470, 509.
Jenkins, Admiral, 517.
Jinrikshas, 564.
Johnson, F. B., 556.
Johnston, A. J., 446.
Johnstone, Miss, 465.
Journal des Débats, 199
Jui, Viceroy, 416.
Kalakan, King, 525.
Keenan, J., 334.
Kent and Babes, 196.
Key, Sir A. K., 306.
Kingsley & Co., 68.
Kingsmill, H., 334.
Kingsmill, T. W., 404.
Kiukitchi, K., 182.
Klitzke, Pastor, 566.
Kowloon—British, 357, 380, 384, 395, 396, City, 104, 128, 302, 303, 417, 520; Peninsula, 60, 127, 134, 166, 186.
Kublai Khan, 129.
Kung, Prince, 356.
Kydd, T., 443.
Ladrones, 131.
Lamma Island, 60.
Lamond, W., 387.
Lamont, J., 519.
Landstein, W. R., 566.
Larkins, Captain, 174.
Laurence, H., 466.
Lawrence, Sir T., 17.
Law Society, 350.
Lay, G. T., 59.
Layton & Co., 68.
Lechler, R., 434.
Legge, Miss, 391.
Le Geyt, 189.
Leighton & Co., 174.
Lemann, W., 448.
Leslie, W., 226.
Lighthouses, 499.
Limeneen, A., 440.
Limoges, A. de, 421.
Lind A., 528.
Loan Exhibition, 518.
Loan, Imperial Chinese, 520.
Loercher, J., 434.
Lopes, Mr., 208.
Lukee, 203.
Lyall Still & Co., 454.
Lyndhurst, Lord, 313.
Macandrew, J., 385.
Macartney, Lord, 15.
MacClymont, A., 543.
Macdonald & Co., 68.
Macdougall, Captain, 216.
Mackay, Dr., 391.
Mackean, T. W. L., 189.
Mackintosh, C., 444.
Mackintosh, E., 551.
Maclean, G. F., 387.
Maclehose, Mr., 208.
MacMahon, Colonel, 359.
MacQuhae, Captain, 249.
Madrigal Society, 207.
Magrath, Miss, 391.
Mail Steamers, Detention of, 385.
Maitland, Admiral, 73.
Ma Kien-chung, 559.
Manchester Chamber, 257.
Marine Surveyor, 526.
Markwick, Ch., 337.
Marsh, W. H., 523.
Marsh & Co., 405.
Martial Law, 227.
Massacre (Hongkong), 150.
Matshed Church, 190.
Maxwell, Captain, 14.
May, A. J., 511.
McCallum, J., 550.
McClannon, Mrs., 19.
McCoy, R. W., 480.
McEuen, J. P., 538.
McEwen, A. P., 543.
McHardy, Lieut., 480.
McIver, Mrs., 566.
McKinnon, Dr., 561.
McLane, Mr., 301.
McMurdo, R., 538.
McSwyney, P. C., 233.
Meadows, T. T., 302.
Meik, Captain, 184.
Mellish, E., 444.
Memorials, 68, 98, 105, 124, 223, 224, 241, 266, 298, 373, 417, 420, 421, 426, 434, 440, 448, 470, 497, 502, 503, 543, 544.
Menzies, Dr., 341.
Mercer, J. A., 189.
Meritens, Baron de, 418.
Michaeloff, Prince, 299.
Middle Island, 127.
Mildew Question, 493.
Milles, Col., 469.
Millot, M., 518.
Mitchell, Miss, 281.
Mitsu Bishu Co., 566.
Mixed Commission, 317.
Moody, Colonel, 391.
Moore, Sergeant, 400.
Moorsom, L. H., 480.
Moreno, C. C., 556.
Morris, D. B., 434.
Morrison, W., 245.
Morrison Scholarship, 512.
Mortuary, 246.
Mosque, 160.
Mow Wang, 409.
Mullaly, Mr., 185.
Nanking, 154.
Naval Review, 550.
Nelson, H. H., 543.
Newman, Mr., 405.
Nicaise, H., 472.
Nissen, D., 383.
Nordenskjöld, Prof., 564.
Notary Public, 180.
Notley, W. H.
Oaths, Chinese, 268.
O'Brien, T., 520.
Ocean Racing, 495.
O'Malley, E. L., 562.
Oriental & Occidental S.S. Co., 519.
Ormiston, W., 387.
Ormsby, T., 189.
Ortuno, F., 473.
Ouseley, Sir F. G., 349.
Overbeck, G. von, 472.
Oxford Professorship, 512.
Oxlad, Miss, 465.
Pacific Mail S.S. Co., 519.
Pacific Ocean, 272.
Paolo d'Arcos, 525.
Paiva, F. J. de, 245.
Palmer, H. S., 540.
Panton, Captain, 68.
Parker, Commodore, 207.
Parker, H. R., 189.
Parker, N. D'E., 233.
Parker, P., 191.
Parsons, Mr., 334.
Pascoe, J., 184.
Pedder's Hill, 177.
Pender, Sir J., 494.
Pension Scheme, 363.
Perceval, A., 370.
Perkis, Mr., 537.
Perry, O. H., 384.
Petz, Admiral, 472.
Phelps, Mr., 186.
Pih Kwei, 317.
Plague, 278.
Poisoning Day, 311.
Police Commissioners, 262.
Police School, 446.
Poll Tax, 222.
Polo Club, 564.
Possession Point, 124.
Postage Stamps, 385.
Pottinger, E., 207.
Pratas Shoals, 388.
Pratt, Major, 142.
Precedence, 481.
Public Meetings, at Canton, 23, 35, 67, 86; at Macao, 102; in Hongkong, 223, 224, 225, 248, 266, 309, 320, 322, 328, 373, 378, 399, 401, 402, 426, 503, 510, 543.
Punchard, E., 566.
Pyke, Th., 469.
Queen's Road, 183.
Quinhon, 519.
Rapp, Mr., 564.
Ranjee, B. P., 453.
Rawling, S. B., 376.
Rawson, W., 167.
Reddie, R. H., 402.
Retributive Vengeance, 320.
Reynolds, E. G., 184.
Rice, Th. F., 489.
Richthofen, Baron von, 456.
Rickett, J., 324.
Rickomartz, Mrs., 405.
Rienacker, R., 323.
Robertson, P. F., 174.
Robriguez, J. B., 182.
Rolles, Captain, 16.
Rowan, Admiral, 471.
Russell, Lord John, 338.
Russian War, 298.
Ryall, Ch., 379.
Ryrie, Ph., 418, 423, 424, 438, 440, 479, 481, 482, 483, 485, 486, 487, 489, 490, 501, 502, 510, 515, 528, 531, 543, 562, 567.
Sailors' Home, 402.
Salusbury, Lord, 533.
Saltoun, Lord, 207.
Sares, Captain, 1.
Sassoon, A., 387.
Scanlan, Dr., 481.
Scarth, J., 324.
Scherzer, Professor, 472.
Schmidt, W., 564.
Scott, Captain, 123.
Scott, Major, 401.
Seward, W. H., 459.
Shadwell, Admiral, 499.
Shakespeare Memorial, 395.
Shares, 483.
Sharp, E., 486.
Shelley, A. E., 220.
Silva, C. C. da, 478.
Silver, Depreciation of, 551.
Sinnett, A. P., 470.
Sirr, H. Ch., 220.
Sketching Club, 518.
Slavery, Domestic,
Smith, Archer & Co., 381.
Smith, Captain, 106.
Smith, J., 174.
Smith, J. M., 189.
Social Science Association, 335.
Solomon, R., 453.
Souza, Admiral de, 422.
Souza, Regina v., 444.
Spratt & Co., 565.
Spiritual Junk, 513.
Spring, F., 189.
St. John's Lodge, 563.
St. Joseph's Church, 512.
St. Joseph's College, 512.
St. Peter's Church, 467.
Standard (London), 410.
Stanley of Alderley, Lord, 548.
Stead, Captain, 149.
Steam-ferries, 520.
Stephen, D., 189.
Stewart, Ch. E., 189.
Stewart, Hon. K., 320.
Stewart, P., 189.
Storey, C. H., 373.
Strachan, G., 248.
Straits Settlements, 354.
Street Fights, 269.
Stuart, C. J. F., 286.
Sugar Factories, 491.
Sykes, Colonel, 410.
Tan-ka, 168.
Tanner, K. D., 400.
Tauffer, Brothers, 515.
Telephones, 566.
Temperance Hall, 517.
Terranuova, 16.
Thompson, Mr., 61.
Thomson, W., 159.
Thorburn, H., 566.
Times (New York), 349.
Tinpak, 242.
Torrey, J. W., 516.
Towing Rights, 272.
Town, Captain, 111.
Train, G. F., 472.
Tramways, 531.
Treaties—of Chuenpi, 123, 177; of Canton, 139; of Nanking, 155, 187, 274; Supplementary, 160, 161, 198, 209, 212; with Annam, 218; with Siam, 299, 300; of Tientsin, 318, 357, 421; Convention of Peking, 356, 388.
Tripp, H. J., 401.
Turner, R., 35.
Urmston, Sir J. B., 55.
Van Geniss, 269.
Vaucher, A. E., 453.
Vernon, Sir E. 68.
Vickers, J. M., 444.
Victoria Club, 471.
Victoria English School, 510.
Victoria Exchange, 405.
Victoria Fort, 167.
Victoria Gaol v. Gaol.
Victoria Recreation Club, 516.
Victoria Regatta Club, 283.
Walker, R. S., 373.
Wallace, W., 106.
Wang An-tung, 159.
Ward, U.S. Minister, 355.
Wardley & Co., 337.
Warner, Captain, 107.
Warren, Ch. J., 434.
Weddell, Captain, 2.
Weller, G. F., 444.
Whale, 397.
Whalers, 273.
Wharry, Dr., 481.
Whitfield Station, 452.
Wilkinson, A., 189.
Williams, Captain, 311.
Williams, C. D., 347.
Wills, Chinese, 332.
Wilson, W., 377.
Winchester, Ch. A., 385.
Wise, J., 189.
Wise, Holliday & Co., 68.
Wodehouse, H. E., 490.
Wongshing, 481.
Woods, Mr., 334.
Wotton, W., 528.
Wright, H., 106.
Yikking, 149.
Yelverton, Mrs., 472.
Zelandia, 2.
Zetland Lodge, 247.
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