- "Eugene Pickering" in The Atlantic Monthly 34 (204–205):
- "Eugene Pickering" in The Atlantic Monthly 34 (204) (October 1874): 397–410.
- "Eugene Pickering" in The Atlantic Monthly 34 (205) (November 1874): 513–526.
- — First publication in any form.
- "Eugene Pickering" in A Passionate Pilgrim and Other Tales (Boston: James R. Osgood & Co., 1875): 181–259.
- — First American book edition; revised for publication by James.
- "Eugene Pickering" in The Madonna of the Future and Other Tales (London: Macmillan & Co., 1879) 2: 1–91.
- — First English book edition; this is the last edition to be revised for publication by James.
- "Eugene Pickering" in The Madonna of the Future and Other Tales (London: Macmillan & Co., 1880): 223–293.
- — Reprint of the first English book edition in a single volume; also later sold as a Times Book Club issue.
- "Eugene Pickering" in Eugene Pickering, The Diary of a Man of Fifty, Benvolio (Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1880): ?–?.
- — First Continental book edition. Volume 1888 of Tauchnitz's "Collection of British Authors". Provenance of text to be determined.
- "Eugene Pickering" in The Madonna of the Future, A Bundle of Letters, The Diary of a Man of Fifty, Eugene Pickering (London: Macmillan & Co., 1883): 133–187.
- — Volume 14 of the "Collective Edition of 1883"; uses the The Madonna of the Future and Other Tales text.
- "Eugene Pickering" in Watch and Ward, Longstaff's Marriage, Eugene Pickering, and Other Tales (London: Macmillan, 1923): 241–299.
- — Volume 24 of The Novels and Stories of Henry James, the first posthumous collection of James' works; uses the A Passionate Pilgrim and Other Tales text.
Translation into Czech:
- "Eugen Pickering" in Světozor 17 (99, 111, 125, 137, 147, 158) (1883).
- — Translated by Vaclav Černy.
- Eugen Pickering (Ustredni Knihovna ["Central Library"] 186) (Prague: I. L. Kober, 1887)
- — Reprint from the Světozor.
Translation into Danish:
- Eugene Pickerings Første Kjaerlighed (Aalborg: Trykt I Stiftsbogtrykkeriet, 1876)
- — Translator not recorded.
Translation into French:
- "Le Premier amour d’Eugène Pickering" ["The First Love of Eugene Pickering"] in Revue des Deux Mondes ["Review of Both Worlds"] 13 (1 January 1876): 153–179.
- — Translated by Lucien Biart.
- "Le Premier amour d’Eugène Pickering" ["The First Love of Eugene Pickering"] in Une Femme Philosophe—Le Premier amour d’Eugène Pickering ["A Philosophical Woman—The First Love of Eugene Pickering"] (Bibliothèque Choisie ["Select Library"] 1303) (Paris: G. Paetz, 1876).
- — Reprinted from the Revue des Deux Mondes, along with stories by Bret Harte and Michel Masson.
Translation into German:
- "?" in Ein Leidenschaftlicher Erdenpilger uld Andere Erzählungen ["A Passionate Pilgrim and Other Tales"] (Amerikanische Novellisten [American Novels] 1) (Leipzig: Grunow): ?–?.
- — Translated by Moritz Busch.
- Eugen Pickering (Universal-Bibliothek ["Universal Library"] 1058) (Leipzig: Philipp Reclam Jr., 1878).
- — Translated by Wilhelm Lange.
Translation into Swedish:
- En Filosofisk Qvinna. Eugène Pickerings Första Kärlek ["A Philosophical Woman. Eugene Pickering's First Love"] (Stockholm: M Sahlstrom, 1876).
- — Translator unknown.
- "?" in Fyra Berättelser ["Four Stories"] (Jönköping, Nordströmska Fórlag, 1877).
- — Translator unknown.
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