< Erotica

A Portrait

Shot gold and shadow brown, her glorious hair
Seemeth to hold faint sunbeams tangled where
Its mazy ringlets cluster o'er a brow
Built low and broad, which shines as white as snow.
Rose-tinted cheek, straight nose, and pouting mouth,
Breath laden with all spices of the south,
Whose lips' red luscious ripeness draw my soul
Out of my breast. Her form's distracting whole
Perfection from the tiny close-set ear
O'er shapely neck and bosom which appear
Smooth swelling fields to court an amorous kiss
(Ah, what a banquet for my soul were this),
Melting in gracious lines t'wards hands and feet
Fashioned Titania-like for any faery meet—
No fault; no flaw; Love spreads a cloudless sky
In her unfathomable eyes, till I,
Bending my lips to hers, become, alas, aware
That in her chin deceit lurks dimpled there.

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