Subtitle A—Federal Programs
- (a) In General.—Part 3 of title V of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8251 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(a) In General.—The Architect of the Capitol—
- ``(1) shall develop, update, and implement a cost-effective energy conservation and management plan (referred to in this section as the `plan') for all facilities administered by Congress (referred to in this section as `congressional buildings') to meet the energy performance requirements for Federal buildings established under section 543(a)(1); and
- ``(2) shall submit the plan to Congress, not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section.
- ``(b) Plan Requirements.—The plan shall include—
- ``(1) a description of the life cycle cost analysis used to determine the cost-effectiveness of proposed energy efficiency projects;
- ``(2) a schedule of energy surveys to ensure complete surveys of all congressional buildings every 5 years to determine the cost and payback period of energy and water conservation measures;
- ``(3) a strategy for installation of life cycle cost-effective energy and water conservation measures;
- ``(4) the results of a study of the costs and benefits of installation of submetering in congressional buildings; and
- ``(5) information packages and `how-to' guides for each Member and employing authority of Congress that detail simple, cost-effective methods to save energy and taxpayer dollars in the workplace.
- ``(c) Annual Report.—The Architect of the Capitol shall submit to Congress annually a report on congressional energy management and conservation programs required under this section that describes in detail—
- ``(1) energy expenditures and savings estimates for each facility;
- ``(2) energy management and conservation projects; and
- ``(3) future priorities to ensure compliance with this section.".
- ``(a) In General.—The Architect of the Capitol—
- (b) Table of Contents Amendment.—The table of contents of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act is amended by adding at the end of the items relating to part 3 of title V the following new item:
- ``Sec. 552. Energy and water savings measures in congressional buildings.".
- (c) Repeal.—Section 310 of the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1999 (2 U.S.C. 1815), is repealed.
- (a) Energy Reduction Goals.—
- (1) Amendment.—
- Section 543(a)(1) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(a)(1)) is amended by striking ``its Federal buildings so that´´ and all that follows through the end and inserting ``the Federal buildings of the agency (including each industrial or laboratory facility) so that the energy consumption per gross square foot of the Federal buildings of the agency in fiscal years 2006 through 2015 is reduced, as compared with the energy consumption per gross square foot of the Federal buildings of the agency in fiscal year 2003, by the percentage specified in the following table:
- (1) Amendment.—
``Fiscal Year Percentage reduction...................... 2006........................................ 2 2007........................................ 4 2008........................................ 6 2009........................................ 8 2010........................................ 10 2011........................................ 12 2012........................................ 14 2013........................................ 16 2014........................................ 18 2015........................................ 20.´´.
- (2) Reporting baseline.—
- The energy reduction goals and baseline established in paragraph (1) of section 543(a) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(a)(1)), as amended by this subsection, supersede all previous goals and baselines under such paragraph, and related reporting requirements.
- (2) Reporting baseline.—
- (b) Review and Revision of Energy Performance Requirement.—
- Section 543(a) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(a)) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(3) Not later than December 31, 2014, the Secretary shall review the results of the implementation of the energy performance requirement established under paragraph (1) and submit to Congress recommendations concerning energy performance requirements for fiscal years 2016 through 2025.´´.
- Section 543(a) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(a)) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
- (c) Exclusions.—
- Section 543(c)(1) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(c)(1)) is amended by striking ``An agency may exclude´´ and all that follows through the end and inserting ``(A) An agency may exclude, from the energy performance requirement for a fiscal year established under subsection (a) and the energy management requirement established under subsection (b), any Federal building or collection of Federal buildings, if the head of the agency finds that—
- ``(i) compliance with those requirements would be impracticable;
- ``(ii) the agency has completed and submitted all federally required energy management reports;
- ``(iii) the agency has achieved compliance with the energy efficiency requirements of this Act, the Energy Policy Act of 1992, Executive orders, and other Federal law; and
- ``(iv) the agency has implemented all practicable, life cycle cost-effective projects with respect to the Federal building or collection of Federal buildings to be excluded.
- ``(B) A finding of impracticability under subparagraph (A)(i) shall be based on—
- ``(i) the energy intensiveness of activities carried out in the Federal building or collection of Federal buildings; or
- ``(ii) the fact that the Federal building or collection of Federal buildings is used in the performance of a national security function.´´.
- Section 543(c)(1) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(c)(1)) is amended by striking ``An agency may exclude´´ and all that follows through the end and inserting ``(A) An agency may exclude, from the energy performance requirement for a fiscal year established under subsection (a) and the energy management requirement established under subsection (b), any Federal building or collection of Federal buildings, if the head of the agency finds that—
- (d) Review by Secretary.—
- Section 543(c)(2) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(c)(2)) is amended—
- (1) by striking ``impracticability standards´´ and inserting ``standards for exclusion´´;
- (2) by striking ``a finding of impracticability´´ and inserting ``the exclusion´´; and
- (3) by striking ``energy consumption requirements´´ and inserting ``requirements of subsections (a) and (b)(1)´´.
- (e) Criteria.—
- Section 543(c) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(c)) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(3) Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary shall issue guidelines that establish criteria for exclusions under paragraph (1).´´.
- Section 543(c) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(c)) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
- (f) Retention of Energy and Water Savings.—
- Section 546 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8256) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
- ``(e) Retention of Energy and Water Savings.—An agency may retain any funds appropriated to that agency for energy expenditures, water expenditures, or wastewater treatment expenditures, at buildings subject to the requirements of section 543(a) and (b), that are not made because of energy savings or water savings. Except as otherwise provided by law, such funds may be used only for energy efficiency, water conservation, or unconventional and renewable energy resources projects. Such projects shall be subject to the requirements of section 3307 of title 40, United States Code.´´.
- Section 546 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8256) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
- (g) Reports.—
- Section 548(b) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8258(b)) is amended—
- (1) in the subsection heading, by inserting ``the President and´´ before ``Congress´´; and
- (2) by inserting ``President and´´ before ``Congress´´.
- (h) Conforming Amendment.—
- Section 550(d) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8258b(d)) is amended in the second sentence by striking ``the 20 percent reduction goal established under section 543(a) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253(a)).´´ and inserting ``each of the energy reduction goals established under section 543(a).´´.
- Section 543 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8253) is further amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(e) Metering of Energy Use.—
- ``(1) Deadline.—By October 1, 2012, in accordance with guidelines established by the Secretary under paragraph (2), all Federal buildings shall, for the purposes of efficient use of energy and reduction in the cost of electricity used in such buildings, be metered. Each agency shall use, to the maximum extent practicable, advanced meters or advanced metering devices that provide data at least daily and that measure at least hourly consumption of electricity in the Federal buildings of the agency. Such data shall be incorporated into existing Federal energy tracking systems and made available to Federal facility managers.
- ``(2) Guidelines.—
- ``(A) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary, in consultation with the Department of Defense, the General Services Administration, representatives from the metering industry, utility industry, energy services industry, energy efficiency industry, energy efficiency advocacy organizations, national laboratories, universities, and Federal facility managers, shall establish guidelines for agencies to carry out paragraph (1).
- ``(B) Requirements for guidelines.—The guidelines shall—
- ``(i) take into consideration—
- ``(I) the cost of metering and the reduced cost of operation and maintenance expected to result from metering;
- ``(II) the extent to which metering is expected to result in increased potential for energy management, increased potential for energy savings and energy efficiency improvement, and cost and energy savings due to utility contract aggregation; and
- ``(III) the measurement and verification protocols of the Department of Energy;
- ``(ii) include recommendations concerning the amount of funds and the number of trained personnel necessary to gather and use the metering information to track and reduce energy use;
- ``(iii) establish priorities for types and locations of buildings to be metered based on cost-effectiveness and a schedule of one or more dates, not later than 1 year after the date of issuance of the guidelines, on which the requirements specified in paragraph (1) shall take effect; and
- ``(iv) establish exclusions from the requirements specified in paragraph (1) based on the de minimis quantity of energy use of a Federal building, industrial process, or structure.
- ``(i) take into consideration—
- ``(3) Plan.—Not later than 6 months after the date guidelines are established under paragraph (2), in a report submitted by the agency under section 548(a), each agency shall submit to the Secretary a plan describing how the agency will implement the requirements of paragraph (1), including (A) how the agency will designate personnel primarily responsible for achieving the requirements and (B) demonstration by the agency, complete with documentation, of any finding that advanced meters or advanced metering devices, as defined in paragraph (1), are not practicable.".
- ``(e) Metering of Energy Use.—
- (a) Requirements.—Part 3 of title V of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8251 et seq.), as amended by section 101, is amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(a) Definitions.—In this section:
- ``(1) Agency.—The term `agency' has the meaning given that term in section 7902(a) of title 5, United States Code.
- ``(2) Energy star product.—The term `Energy Star product' means a product that is rated for energy efficiency under an Energy Star program.
- ``(3) Energy star program.—The term `Energy Star program' means the program established by section 324A of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.
- ``(4) FEMP designated product.—The term `FEMP designated product' means a product that is designated under the Federal Energy Management Program of the Department of Energy as being among the highest 25 percent of equivalent products for energy efficiency.
- ``(5) Product.—The term `product' does not include any energy consuming product or system designed or procured for combat or combat-related missions.
- ``(b) Procurement of Energy Efficient Products.—
- ``(1) Requirement.—To meet the requirements of an agency for an energy consuming product, the head of the agency shall, except as provided in paragraph (2), procure—
- ``(A) an Energy Star product; or
- ``(B) a FEMP designated product.
- ``(2) Exceptions.—The head of an agency is not required to procure an Energy Star product or FEMP designated product under paragraph (1) if the head of the agency finds in writing that—
- ``(A) an Energy Star product or FEMP designated product is not cost-effective over the life of the product taking energy cost savings into account; or
- ``(B) no Energy Star product or FEMP designated product is reasonably available that meets the functional requirements of the agency.
- ``(3) Procurement planning.—The head of an agency shall incorporate into the specifications for all procurements involving energy consuming products and systems, including guide specifications, project specifications, and construction, renovation, and services contracts that include provision of energy consuming products and systems, and into the factors for the evaluation of offers received for the procurement, criteria for energy efficiency that are consistent with the criteria used for rating Energy Star products and for rating FEMP designated products.
- ``(1) Requirement.—To meet the requirements of an agency for an energy consuming product, the head of the agency shall, except as provided in paragraph (2), procure—
- ``(c) Listing of Energy Efficient Products in Federal Catalogs.—
- ``(a) Definitions.—In this section:
Energy Star products and FEMP designated products shall be clearly identified and prominently displayed in any inventory or listing of products by the General Services Administration or the Defense Logistics Agency. The General Services Administration or the Defense Logistics Agency shall supply only Energy Star products or FEMP designated products for all product categories covered by the Energy Star program or the Federal Energy Management Program, except in cases where the agency ordering a product specifies in writing that no Energy Star product or FEMP designated product is available to meet the buyer's functional requirements, or that no Energy Star product or FEMP designated product is cost-effective for the intended application over the life of the product, taking energy cost savings into account.
- ``(d) Specific Products.—(1) In the case of electric motors of 1 to 500 horsepower, agencies shall select only premium efficient motors that meet a standard designated by the Secretary. The Secretary shall designate such a standard not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this section, after considering the recommendations of associated electric motor manufacturers and energy efficiency groups.
- ``(2) All Federal agencies are encouraged to take actions to maximize the efficiency of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, including appropriate cleaning and maintenance, including the use of any system treatment or additive that will reduce the electricity consumed by air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. Any such treatment or additive must be—
- ``(A) determined by the Secretary to be effective in increasing the efficiency of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment without having an adverse impact on air conditioning performance (including cooling capacity) or equipment useful life;
- ``(B) determined by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to be environmentally safe; and
- ``(C) shown to increase seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) or energy efficiency ratio (EER) when tested by the National Institute of Standards and Technology according to Department of Energy test procedures without causing any adverse impact on the system, system components, the refrigerant or lubricant, or other materials in the system.
- ``Results of testing described in subparagraph (C) shall be published in the Federal Register for public review and comment. For purposes of this section, a hardware device or primary refrigerant shall not be considered an additive.
- ``(e) Regulations.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this section, the Secretary shall issue guidelines to carry out this section.".
- (b) Conforming Amendment.—The table of contents of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act is further amended by inserting after the item relating to section 552 the following new item:
- ``Sec. 553. Federal procurement of energy efficient products.".
- (a) Extension.—Section 801(c) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8287(c)) is amended by striking ``2006" and inserting ``2016".
- (b) Extension of Authority.—Any energy savings performance contract entered into under section 801 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8287) after October 1, 2003, and before the date of enactment of this Act, shall be considered to have been entered into under that section.
- (a) Definition of Energy Intensity.—In this section, the term ``energy intensity" means the primary energy consumed for each unit of physical output in an industrial process.
- (b) Voluntary Agreements.—The Secretary may enter into voluntary agreements with one or more persons in industrial sectors that consume significant quantities of primary energy for each unit of physical output to reduce the energy intensity of the production activities of the persons.
- (c) Goal.—Voluntary agreements under this section shall have as a goal the reduction of energy intensity by not less than 2.5 percent each year during the period of calendar years 2007 through 2016.
- (d) Recognition.—The Secretary, in cooperation with other appropriate Federal agencies, shall develop mechanisms to recognize and publicize the achievements of participants in voluntary agreements under this section.
- (e) Technical Assistance.—A person that enters into an agreement under this section and continues to make a good faith effort to achieve the energy efficiency goals specified in the agreement shall be eligible to receive from the Secretary a grant or technical assistance, as appropriate, to assist in the achievement of those goals.
- (f) Report.—Not later than each of June 30, 2012, and June 30, 2017, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that—
- (1) evaluates the success of the voluntary agreements under this section; and
- (2) provides independent verification of a sample of the energy savings estimates provided by participating firms.
- (a) Establishment.—The Secretary, in consultation with the Administrator of General Services, shall establish an Advanced Building Efficiency Testbed program for the development, testing, and demonstration of advanced engineering systems, components, and materials to enable innovations in building technologies. The program shall evaluate efficiency concepts for government and industry buildings, and demonstrate the ability of next generation buildings to support individual and organizational productivity and health (including by improving indoor air quality) as well as flexibility and technological change to improve environmental sustainability. Such program shall complement and not duplicate existing national programs.
- (b) Participants.—The program established under subsection (a) shall be led by a university with the ability to combine the expertise from numerous academic fields including, at a minimum, intelligent workplaces and advanced building systems and engineering, electrical and computer engineering, computer science, architecture, urban design, and environmental and mechanical engineering. Such university shall partner with other universities and entities who have established programs and the capability of advancing innovative building efficiency technologies.
- (c) Authorization of Appropriations.—There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $6,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2008, to remain available until expended. For any fiscal year in which funds are expended under this section, the Secretary shall provide one-third of the total amount to the lead university described in subsection (b), and provide the remaining two-thirds to the other participants referred to in subsection (b) on an equal basis.
- (a) Amendment.—Subtitle F of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6961 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``increased use of recovered mineral component in federally funded projects involving procurement of cement or concrete
- ``Sec. 6005. (a) Definitions.—In this section:
- ``(1) Agency head.—The term `agency head' means—
- ``(A) the Secretary of Transportation; and
- ``(B) the head of any other Federal agency that, on a regular basis, procures, or provides Federal funds to pay or assist in paying the cost of procuring, material for cement or concrete projects.
- ``(2) Cement or concrete project.—The term `cement or concrete project' means a project for the construction or maintenance of a highway or other transportation facility or a Federal, State, or local government building or other public facility that—
- ``(A) involves the procurement of cement or concrete; and
- ``(B) is carried out, in whole or in part, using Federal funds.
- ``(3) Recovered mineral component.—The term `recovered mineral component' means—
- ``(A) ground granulated blast furnace slag, excluding lead slag;
- ``(B) coal combustion fly ash; and
- ``(C) any other waste material or byproduct recovered or diverted from solid waste that the Administrator, in consultation with an agency head, determines should be treated as recovered mineral component under this section for use in cement or concrete projects paid for, in whole or in part, by the agency head.
- ``(1) Agency head.—The term `agency head' means—
- ``(b) Implementation of Requirements.—
- ``(1) In general.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this section, the Administrator and each agency head shall take such actions as are necessary to implement fully all procurement requirements and incentives in effect as of the date of enactment of this section (including guidelines under section 6002) that provide for the use of cement and concrete incorporating recovered mineral component in cement or concrete projects.
- ``(2) Priority.—In carrying out paragraph (1), an agency head shall give priority to achieving greater use of recovered mineral component in cement or concrete projects for which recovered mineral components historically have not been used or have been used only minimally.
- ``(3) Federal procurement requirements.—The Administrator and each agency head shall carry out this subsection in accordance with section 6002.
- ``(c) Full Implementation Study.—
- ``(1) In general.—The Administrator, in cooperation with the Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of Energy, shall conduct a study to determine the extent to which procurement requirements, when fully implemented in accordance with subsection (b), may realize energy savings and environmental benefits attainable with substitution of recovered mineral component in cement used in cement or concrete projects.
- ``(2) Matters to be addressed.—The study shall—
- ``(A) quantify—
- ``(i) the extent to which recovered mineral components are being substituted for Portland cement, particularly as a result of procurement requirements; and
- ``(ii) the energy savings and environmental benefits associated with the substitution;
- ``(B) identify all barriers in procurement requirements to greater realization of energy savings and environmental benefits, including barriers resulting from exceptions from the law; and
- ``(C)(i) identify potential mechanisms to achieve greater substitution of recovered mineral component in types of cement or concrete projects for which recovered mineral components historically have not been used or have been used only minimally;
- ``(ii) evaluate the feasibility of establishing guidelines or standards for optimized substitution rates of recovered mineral component in those cement or concrete projects; and
- ``(iii) identify any potential environmental or economic effects that may result from greater substitution of recovered mineral component in those cement or concrete projects.
- ``(A) quantify—
- ``(3) Report.—Not later than 30 months after the date of enactment of this section, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a report on the study.
- ``(d) Additional Procurement Requirements.—
Unless the study conducted under subsection (c) identifies any effects or other problems described in subsection (c)(2)(C)(iii) that warrant further review or delay, the Administrator and each agency head shall, not later than 1 year after the date on which the report under subsection (c)(3) is submitted, take additional actions under this Act to establish procurement requirements and incentives that provide for the use of cement and concrete with increased substitution of recovered mineral component in the construction and maintenance of cement or concrete projects—
- ``(1) to realize more fully the energy savings and environmental benefits associated with increased substitution; and
- ``(2) to eliminate barriers identified under subsection (c)(2)(B).
- ``(e) Effect of Section.—Nothing in this section affects the requirements of section 6002 (including the guidelines and specifications for implementing those requirements).".
- (b) Conforming Amendment.—The table of contents of the Solid Waste Disposal Act is amended by adding after the item relating to section 6004 the following:
- ``Sec. 6005. Increased use of recovered mineral component in federally funded projects involving procurement of cement or concrete.".
- Section 305(a) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6834(a)) is amended—
- (1) in paragraph (2)(A), by striking ``CABO Model Energy Code, 1992 (in the case of residential buildings) or ASHRAE Standard 90.1-1989" and inserting ``the 2004 International Energy Conservation Code (in the case of residential buildings) or ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004"; and
- (2) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(3)(A) Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary shall establish, by rule, revised Federal building energy efficiency performance standards that require that—
- ``(i) if life-cycle cost-effective for new Federal buildings—
- ``(I) the buildings be designed to achieve energy consumption levels that are at least 30 percent below the levels established in the version of the ASHRAE Standard or the International Energy Conservation Code, as appropriate, that is in effect as of the date of enactment of this paragraph; and
- ``(II) sustainable design principles are applied to the siting, design, and construction of all new and replacement buildings; and
- ``(ii) if water is used to achieve energy efficiency, water conservation technologies shall be applied to the extent that the technologies are life-cycle cost-effective.
- ``(i) if life-cycle cost-effective for new Federal buildings—
- ``(B) Not later than 1 year after the date of approval of each subsequent revision of the ASHRAE Standard or the International Energy Conservation Code, as appropriate, the Secretary shall determine, based on the cost-effectiveness of the requirements under the amendment, whether the revised standards established under this paragraph should be updated to reflect the amendment.
- ``(C) In the budget request of the Federal agency for each fiscal year and each report submitted by the Federal agency under section 548(a) of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 8258(a)), the head of each Federal agency shall include—
- ``(i) a list of all new Federal buildings owned, operated, or controlled by the Federal agency; and
- ``(ii) a statement specifying whether the Federal buildings meet or exceed the revised standards established under this paragraph.".
- ``(3)(A) Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary shall establish, by rule, revised Federal building energy efficiency performance standards that require that—
- (a) Amendment.—Section 3(a) of the Uniform Time Act of 1966 (15 U.S.C. 260a(a)) is amended—
- (1) by striking ``first Sunday of April" and inserting ``second Sunday of March"; and
- (2) by striking ``last Sunday of October" and inserting ``first Sunday of November".
- (b) Effective Date.—Subsection (a) shall take effect 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act or March 1, 2007, whichever is later.
- (c) Report to Congress.—Not later than 9 months after the effective date stated in subsection (b), the Secretary shall report to Congress on the impact of this section on energy consumption in the United States.
- (d) Right to Revert.—Congress retains the right to revert the Daylight Saving Time back to the 2005 time schedules once the Department study is complete.
- (a) Sense of the Congress.—It is the sense of the Congress that Federal agencies should enhance the use of energy efficient technologies in the management of natural resources.
- (b) Energy Efficient Buildings.—To the extent practicable, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall seek to incorporate energy efficient technologies in public and administrative buildings associated with management of the National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, National Forest System, National Marine Sanctuaries System, and other public lands and resources managed by the Secretaries.
- (c) Energy Efficient Vehicles.—To the extent practicable, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall seek to use energy efficient motor vehicles, including vehicles equipped with biodiesel or hybrid engine technologies, in the management of the National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, National Forest System, National Marine Sanctuaries System, and other public lands and resources managed by the Secretaries.
Subtitle B—Energy Assistance and State Programs
- (a) Authorization of Appropriations.—Section 2602(b) of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621(b)) is amended by striking ``and $2,000,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2002 through 2004" and inserting ``and $5,100,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2007".
- (b) Renewable Fuels.—The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:
- ``renewable fuels
- ``Sec. 2612. In providing assistance pursuant to this title, a State, or any other person with which the State makes arrangements to carry out the purposes of this title, may purchase renewable fuels, including biomass.".
- (c) Report to Congress.—The Secretary shall report to Congress on the use of renewable fuels in providing assistance under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.).
- (a) Authorization of Appropriations.—Section 422 of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6872) is amended by striking ``for fiscal years 1999 through 2003 such sums as may be necessary" and inserting ``$500,000,000 for fiscal year 2006, $600,000,000 for fiscal year 2007, and $700,000,000 for fiscal year 2008".
- (b) Eligibility.—Section 412(7) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6862(7)) is amended by striking ``125 percent" both places it appears and inserting ``150 percent".
- (a) State Energy Conservation Plans.—Section 362 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6322) is amended by inserting at the end the following new subsection:
- ``(g) The Secretary shall, at least once every 3 years, invite the Governor of each State to review and, if necessary, revise the energy conservation plan of such State submitted under subsection (b) or (e). Such reviews should consider the energy conservation plans of other States within the region, and identify opportunities and actions carried out in pursuit of common energy conservation goals.".
- (b) State Energy Efficiency Goals.—Section 364 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6324) is amended to read as follows:
- ``state energy efficiency goals
- ``Sec. 364. Each State energy conservation plan with respect to which assistance is made available under this part on or after the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 shall contain a goal, consisting of an improvement of 25 percent or more in the efficiency of use of energy in the State concerned in calendar year 2012 as compared to calendar year 1990, and may contain interim goals.".
- (c) Authorization of Appropriations.—Section 365(f) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6325(f)) is amended by striking ``for fiscal years 1999 through 2003 such sums as may be necessary" and inserting ``$100,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2006 and 2007 and $125,000,000 for fiscal year 2008".
- (a) Definitions.—In this section:
- (1) Eligible state.—The term ``eligible State" means a State that meets the requirements of subsection (b).
- (2) Energy star program.—The term ``Energy Star program" means the program established by section 324A of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.
- (3) Residential energy star product.—The term ``residential Energy Star product" means a product for a residence that is rated for energy efficiency under the Energy Star program.
- (4) State energy office.—The term ``State energy office" means the State agency responsible for developing State energy conservation plans under section 362 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6322).
- (5) State program.—The term ``State program" means a State energy efficient appliance rebate program described in subsection (b)(1).
- (b) Eligible States.—A State shall be eligible to receive an allocation under subsection (c) if the State—
- (1) establishes (or has established) a State energy efficient appliance rebate program to provide rebates to residential consumers for the purchase of residential Energy Star products to replace used appliances of the same type;
- (2) submits an application for the allocation at such time, in such form, and containing such information as the Secretary may require; and
- (3) provides assurances satisfactory to the Secretary that the State will use the allocation to supplement, but not supplant, funds made available to carry out the State program.
- (c) Amount of Allocations.—
- (1) In general.—Subject to paragraph (2), for each fiscal year, the Secretary shall allocate to the State energy office of each eligible State to carry out subsection (d) an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying the amount made available under subsection (f) for the fiscal year by the ratio that the population of the State in the most recent calendar year for which data are available bears to the total population of all eligible States in that calendar year.
- (2) Minimum allocations.—For each fiscal year, the amounts allocated under this subsection shall be adjusted proportionately so that no eligible State is allocated a sum that is less than an amount determined by the Secretary.
- (d) Use of Allocated Funds.—The allocation to a State energy office under subsection (c) may be used to pay up to 50 percent of the cost of establishing and carrying out a State program.
- (e) Issuance of Rebates.—Rebates may be provided to residential consumers that meet the requirements of the State program. The amount of a rebate shall be determined by the State energy office, taking into consideration—
- (1) the amount of the allocation to the State energy office under subsection (c);
- (2) the amount of any Federal or State tax incentive available for the purchase of the residential Energy Star product; and
- (3) the difference between the cost of the residential Energy Star product and the cost of an appliance that is not a residential Energy Star product, but is of the same type as, and is the nearest capacity, performance, and other relevant characteristics (as determined by the State energy office) to, the residential Energy Star product.
- (f) Authorization of Appropriations.—There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $50,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2006 through 2010.
- (a) Grants.—The Secretary may make grants to the State agency responsible for developing State energy conservation plans under section 362 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6322), or, if no such agency exists, a State agency designated by the Governor of the State, to assist units of local government in the State in improving the energy efficiency of public buildings and facilities—
- (1) through construction of new energy efficient public buildings that use at least 30 percent less energy than a comparable public building constructed in compliance with standards prescribed in the most recent version of the International Energy Conservation Code, or a similar State code intended to achieve substantially equivalent efficiency levels; or
- (2) through renovation of existing public buildings to achieve reductions in energy use of at least 30 percent as compared to the baseline energy use in such buildings prior to renovation, assuming a 3-year, weather-normalized average for calculating such baseline.
- (b) Administration.—State energy offices receiving grants under this section shall—
- (1) maintain such records and evidence of compliance as the Secretary may require; and
- (2) develop and distribute information and materials and conduct programs to provide technical services and assistance to encourage planning, financing, and design of energy efficient public buildings by units of local government.
- (c) Authorization of Appropriations.—For the purposes of this section, there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary $30,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010. Not more than 10 percent of appropriated funds shall be used for administration.
- (a) Grants.—The Secretary is authorized to make grants to units of local government, private, non-profit community development organizations, and Indian tribe economic development entities to improve energy efficiency; identify and develop alternative, renewable, and distributed energy supplies; and increase energy conservation in low income rural and urban communities.
- (b) Purpose of Grants.—The Secretary may make grants on a competitive basis for—
- (1) investments that develop alternative, renewable, and distributed energy supplies;
- (2) energy efficiency projects and energy conservation programs;
- (3) studies and other activities that improve energy efficiency in low income rural and urban communities;
- (4) planning and development assistance for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and facilities; and
- (5) technical and financial assistance to local government and private entities on developing new renewable and distributed sources of power or combined heat and power generation.
- (c) Definition.—For purposes of this section, the term ``Indian tribe" means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any Alaskan Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), that is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
- (d) Authorization of Appropriations.—For the purposes of this section there are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary $20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2008.
- (a) In General.—The Secretary, in cooperation with the States, shall establish a cooperative program for research, development, demonstration, and deployment of technologies in which there is a common Federal and State energy efficiency, renewable energy, and fossil energy interest, to be known as the ``State Technologies Advancement Collaborative" (referred to in this section as the ``Collaborative").
- (b) Duties.—The Collaborative shall—
- (1) leverage Federal and State funding through cost-shared activity;
- (2) reduce redundancies in Federal and State funding; and
- (3) create multistate projects to be awarded through a competitive process.
- (c) Administration.—The Collaborative shall be administered through an agreement between the Department and appropriate State-based organizations.
- (d) Funding Sources.—Funding for the Collaborative may be provided from—
- (1) amounts specifically appropriated for the Collaborative; or
- (2) amounts that may be allocated from other appropriations without changing the purpose for which the amounts are appropriated.
- (e) Authorization of Appropriations.—There are authorized to carry out this section such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010.
- Section 304(e) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6833(e)) is amended—
- (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting before the period at the end of the first sentence the following: ``, including increasing and verifying compliance with such codes"; and
- (2) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following:
- ``(2) Additional funding shall be provided under this subsection for implementation of a plan to achieve and document at least a 90 percent rate of compliance with residential and commercial building energy efficiency codes, based on energy performance—
- ``(A) to a State that has adopted and is implementing, on a statewide basis—
- ``(i) a residential building energy efficiency code that meets or exceeds the requirements of the 2004 International Energy Conservation Code, or any succeeding version of that code that has received an affirmative determination from the Secretary under subsection (a)(5)(A); and
- ``(ii) a commercial building energy efficiency code that meets or exceeds the requirements of the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004, or any succeeding version of that standard that has received an affirmative determination from the Secretary under subsection (b)(2)(A); or
- ``(B) in a State in which there is no statewide energy code either for residential buildings or for commercial buildings, to a local government that has adopted and is implementing residential and commercial building energy efficiency codes, as described in subparagraph (A).
- ``(A) to a State that has adopted and is implementing, on a statewide basis—
- ``(3) Of the amounts made available under this subsection, the Secretary may use $500,000 for each fiscal year to train State and local officials to implement codes described in paragraph (2).
- ``(4)(A) There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection—
- ``(i) $25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010; and
- ``(ii) such sums as are necessary for fiscal year 2011 and each fiscal year thereafter.
- ``(B) Funding provided to States under paragraph (2) for each fiscal year shall not exceed one-half of the excess of funding under this subsection over $5,000,000 for the fiscal year.".
- ``(2) Additional funding shall be provided under this subsection for implementation of a plan to achieve and document at least a 90 percent rate of compliance with residential and commercial building energy efficiency codes, based on energy performance—
Subtitle C—Energy Efficient Products
- (a) In General.—The Energy Policy and Conservation Act is amended by inserting after section 324 (42 U.S.C. 6294) the following:
- ``energy star program
- ``Sec. 324A. (a) In General.—There is established within the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency a voluntary program to identify and promote energy-efficient products and buildings in order to reduce energy consumption, improve energy security, and reduce pollution through voluntary labeling of, or other forms of communication about, products and buildings that meet the highest energy conservation standards.
- ``(b) Division of Responsibilities.—Responsibilities under the program shall be divided between the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the terms of applicable agreements between those agencies.
- ``(c) Duties.—The Administrator and the Secretary shall—
- ``(1) promote Energy Star compliant technologies as the preferred technologies in the marketplace for—
- ``(A) achieving energy efficiency; and
- ``(B) reducing pollution;
- ``(2) work to enhance public awareness of the Energy Star label, including by providing special outreach to small businesses;
- ``(3) preserve the integrity of the Energy Star label;
- ``(4) regularly update Energy Star product criteria for product categories;
- ``(5) solicit comments from interested parties prior to establishing or revising an Energy Star product category, specification, or criterion (or prior to effective dates for any such product category, specification, or criterion);
- ``(6) on adoption of a new or revised product category, specification, or criterion, provide reasonable notice to interested parties of any changes (including effective dates) in product categories, specifications, or criteria, along with—
- ``(A) an explanation of the changes; and
- ``(B) as appropriate, responses to comments submitted by interested parties; and
- ``(7) provide appropriate lead time (which shall be 270 days, unless the Agency or Department specifies otherwise) prior to the applicable effective date for a new or a significant revision to a product category, specification, or criterion, taking into account the timing requirements of the manufacturing, product marketing, and distribution process for the specific product addressed.
- ``(1) promote Energy Star compliant technologies as the preferred technologies in the marketplace for—
- ``(d) Deadlines.—The Secretary shall establish new qualifying levels—
- ``(1) not later than January 1, 2006, for clothes washers and dishwashers, effective beginning January 1, 2007; and
- ``(2) not later than January 1, 2008, for clothes washers, effective beginning January 1, 2010.".
- (b) Table of Contents Amendment.—The table of contents of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. prec. 6201) is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 324 the following:
- ``Sec. 324A. Energy Star program.".
- Section 337 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6307) is amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(c) HVAC Maintenance.—(1) To ensure that installed air conditioning and heating systems operate at maximum rated efficiency levels, the Secretary shall, not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, carry out a program to educate homeowners and small business owners concerning the energy savings from properly conducted maintenance of air conditioning, heating, and ventilating systems.
- ``(2) The Secretary shall carry out the program under paragraph (1), on a cost-shared basis, in cooperation with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and any other entities that the Secretary determines to be appropriate, including industry trade associations, industry members, and energy efficiency organizations.
- ``(d) Small Business Education and Assistance.—(1) The Administrator of the Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Secretary and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, shall develop and coordinate a Government-wide program, building on the Energy Star for Small Business Program, to assist small businesses in—
- ``(A) becoming more energy efficient;
- ``(B) understanding the cost savings from improved energy efficiency;
- ``(C) understanding and accessing Federal procurement opportunities with regard to Energy Star technologies and products; and
- ``(D) identifying financing options for energy efficiency upgrades.
- ``(2) The Secretary, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall—
- ``(A) make program information available to small business concerns directly through the district offices and resource partners of the Small Business Administration, including small business development centers, women's business centers, and the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE), and through other Federal agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Agriculture; and
- ``(B) coordinate assistance with the Secretary of Commerce for manufacturing-related efforts, including the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program.
- ``(3) The Secretary, on a cost shared basis in cooperation with the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, shall provide to the Small Business Administration all advertising, marketing, and other written materials necessary for the dissemination of information under paragraph (2).
- ``(4) The Secretary, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, as part of the outreach to small business concerns under the Energy Star Program for Small Business Program, may enter into cooperative agreements with qualified resources partners (including the National Center for Appropriate Technology) to establish, maintain, and promote a Small Business Energy Clearinghouse (in this subsection referred to as the `Clearinghouse').
- ``(5) The Secretary, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Administrator of the Small Business Administration shall ensure that the Clearinghouse provides a centralized resource where small business concerns may access, telephonically and electronically, technical information and advice to help increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.
- ``(6) There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this subsection, to remain available until expended.".
- (a) In General.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall convene an organizational conference for the purpose of establishing an ongoing, self-sustaining national public energy education program.
- (b) Participants.—The Secretary shall invite to participate in the conference individuals and entities representing all aspects of energy production and distribution, including—
- (1) industrial firms;
- (2) professional societies;
- (3) educational organizations;
- (4) trade associations; and
- (5) governmental agencies.
- (c) Purpose, Scope, and Structure.—
- (1) Purpose.—The purpose of the conference shall be to establish an ongoing, self-sustaining national public energy education program to examine and recognize interrelationships between energy sources in all forms, including—
- (A) conservation and energy efficiency;
- (B) the role of energy use in the economy; and
- (C) the impact of energy use on the environment.
- (2) Scope and structure.—Taking into consideration the purpose described in paragraph (1), the participants in the conference invited under subsection (b) shall design the scope and structure of the program described in subsection (a).
- (1) Purpose.—The purpose of the conference shall be to establish an ongoing, self-sustaining national public energy education program to examine and recognize interrelationships between energy sources in all forms, including—
- (d) Technical Assistance.—The Secretary shall provide technical assistance and other guidance necessary to carry out the program described in subsection (a).
- (e) Authorization of Appropriations.—There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.
- (a) In General.—The Secretary shall carry out a comprehensive national program, including advertising and media awareness, to inform consumers about—
- (1) the need to reduce energy consumption during the 4-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act;
- (2) the benefits to consumers of reducing consumption of electricity, natural gas, and petroleum, particularly during peak use periods;
- (3) the importance of low energy costs to economic growth and preserving manufacturing jobs in the United States; and
- (4) practical, cost-effective measures that consumers can take to reduce consumption of electricity, natural gas, and gasoline, including—
- (A) maintaining and repairing heating and cooling ducts and equipment;
- (B) weatherizing homes and buildings;
- (C) purchasing energy efficient products; and
- (D) proper tire maintenance.
- (b) Cooperation.—The program carried out under subsection (a) shall—
- (1) include collaborative efforts with State and local government officials and the private sector; and
- (2) incorporate, to the maximum extent practicable, successful State and local public education programs.
- (c) Report.—Not later than July 1, 2009, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report describing the effectiveness of the program under this section.
- (d) Termination of Authority.—The program carried out under this section shall terminate on December 31, 2010.
- (e) Authorization of Appropriations.—There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $90,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010.
- (a) Definitions.—Section 321 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6291) is amended—
- (1) in paragraph (29)—
- (A) in subparagraph (D)—
- (i) in clause (i), by striking ``C78.1-1978(R1984)" and inserting ``C78.81-2003 (Data Sheet 7881-ANSI-1010-1)";
- (ii) in clause (ii), by striking ``C78.1-1978(R1984)" and inserting ``C78.81-2003 (Data Sheet 7881-ANSI-3007-1)"; and
- (iii) in clause (iii), by striking ``C78.1-1978(R1984)" and inserting ``C78.81-2003 (Data Sheet 7881-ANSI-1019-1)"; and
- (B) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(M) The term `F34T12 lamp' (also known as a `F40T12/ES lamp') means a nominal 34 watt tubular fluorescent lamp that is 48 inches in length and 1\1/2\ inches in diameter, and conforms to ANSI standard C78.81-2003 (Data Sheet 7881-ANSI-1006-1).
- ``(N) The term `F96T12/ES lamp' means a nominal 60 watt tubular fluorescent lamp that is 96 inches in length and 1\1/2\ inches in diameter, and conforms to ANSI standard C78.81-2003 (Data Sheet 7881-ANSI-3006-1).
- ``(O) The term `F96T12HO/ES lamp' means a nominal 95 watt tubular fluorescent lamp that is 96 inches in length and 1\1/2\ inches in diameter, and conforms to ANSI standard C78.81-2003 (Data Sheet 7881-ANSI-1017-1).
- ``(P) The term `replacement ballast' means a ballast that—
- ``(i) is designed for use to replace an existing ballast in a previously installed luminaire;
- ``(ii) is marked `FOR REPLACEMENT USE ONLY';
- ``(iii) is shipped by the manufacturer in packages containing not more than 10 ballasts; and
- ``(iv) has output leads that when fully extended are a total length that is less than the length of the lamp with which the ballast is intended to be operated.";
- (A) in subparagraph (D)—
- (2) in paragraph (30)(S)—
- (A) by inserting ``(i)" before ``The term"; and
- (B) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(ii) The term `medium base compact fluorescent lamp' does not include—
- ``(I) any lamp that is—
- ``(aa) specifically designed to be used for special purpose applications; and
- ``(bb) unlikely to be used in general purpose applications, such as the applications described in subparagraph (D); or
- ``(II) any lamp not described in subparagraph (D) that is excluded by the Secretary, by rule, because the lamp is—
- ``(aa) designed for special applications; and
- ``(bb) unlikely to be used in general purpose applications."; and
- ``(I) any lamp that is—
- ``(ii) The term `medium base compact fluorescent lamp' does not include—
- (3) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(32) The term `battery charger' means a device that charges batteries for consumer products, including battery chargers embedded in other consumer products.
- ``(33)(A) The term `commercial prerinse spray valve' means a handheld device designed and marketed for use with commercial dishwashing and ware washing equipment that sprays water on dishes, flatware, and other food service items for the purpose of removing food residue before cleaning the items.
- ``(B) The Secretary may modify the definition of `commercial prerinse spray valve' by rule—
- ``(i) to include products—
- ``(I) that are extensively used in conjunction with commercial dishwashing and ware washing equipment;
- ``(II) the application of standards to which would result in significant energy savings; and
- ``(III) the application of standards to which would meet the criteria specified in section 325(o)(4); and
- ``(ii) to exclude products—
- ``(I) that are used for special food service applications;
- ``(II) that are unlikely to be widely used in conjunction with commercial dishwashing and ware washing equipment; and
- ``(III) the application of standards to which would not result in significant energy savings.
- ``(i) to include products—
- ``(34) The term `dehumidifier' means a self-contained, electrically operated, and mechanically encased assembly consisting of—
- ``(A) a refrigerated surface (evaporator) that condenses moisture from the atmosphere;
- ``(B) a refrigerating system, including an electric motor;
- ``(C) an air-circulating fan; and
- ``(D) means for collecting or disposing of the condensate.
- ``(35)(A) The term `distribution transformer' means a transformer that—
- ``(i) has an input voltage of 34.5 kilovolts or less;
- ``(ii) has an output voltage of 600 volts or less; and
- ``(iii) is rated for operation at a frequency of 60 Hertz.
- ``(B) The term `distribution transformer' does not include—
- ``(i) a transformer with multiple voltage taps, the highest of which equals at least 20 percent more than the lowest;
- ``(ii) a transformer that is designed to be used in a special purpose application and is unlikely to be used in general purpose applications, such as a drive transformer, rectifier transformer, auto-transformer, Uninterruptible Power System transformer, impedance transformer, regulating transformer, sealed and nonventilating transformer, machine tool transformer, welding transformer, grounding transformer, or testing transformer; or
- ``(iii) any transformer not listed in clause (ii) that is excluded by the Secretary by rule because—
- ``(I) the transformer is designed for a special application;
- ``(II) the transformer is unlikely to be used in general purpose applications; and
- ``(III) the application of standards to the transformer would not result in significant energy savings.
- ``(36) The term `external power supply' means an external power supply circuit that is used to convert household electric current into DC current or lower-voltage AC current to operate a consumer product.
- ``(37) The term `illuminated exit sign' means a sign that—
- ``(A) is designed to be permanently fixed in place to identify an exit; and
- ``(B) consists of an electrically powered integral light source that—
- ``(i) illuminates the legend `EXIT' and any directional indicators; and
- ``(ii) provides contrast between the legend, any directional indicators, and the background.
- ``(38) The term `low-voltage dry-type distribution transformer' means a distribution transformer that—
- ``(A) has an input voltage of 600 volts or less;
- ``(B) is air-cooled; and
- ``(C) does not use oil as a coolant.
- ``(39) The term `pedestrian module' means a light signal used to convey movement information to pedestrians.
- ``(40) The term `refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machine' means a commercial refrigerator that cools bottled or canned beverages and dispenses the bottled or canned beverages on payment.
- ``(41) The term `standby mode' means the lowest power consumption mode, as established on an individual product basis by the Secretary, that—
- ``(A) cannot be switched off or influenced by the user; and
- ``(B) may persist for an indefinite time when an appliance is—
- ``(i) connected to the main electricity supply; and
- ``(ii) used in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.
- ``(42) The term `torchiere' means a portable electric lamp with a reflector bowl that directs light upward to give indirect illumination.
- ``(43) The term `traffic signal module' means a standard 8-inch (200mm) or 12-inch (300mm) traffic signal indication that—
- ``(A) consists of a light source, a lens, and all other parts necessary for operation; and
- ``(B) communicates movement messages to drivers through red, amber, and green colors.
- ``(44) The term `transformer' means a device consisting of 2 or more coils of insulated wire that transfers alternating current by electromagnetic induction from 1 coil to another to change the original voltage or current value.
- ``(45)(A) The term `unit heater' means a self-contained fan-type heater designed to be installed within the heated space.
- ``(B) The term `unit heater' does not include a warm air furnace.
- ``(46)(A) The term `high intensity discharge lamp' means an electric-discharge lamp in which—
- ``(i) the light-producing arc is stabilized by bulb wall temperature; and
- ``(ii) the arc tube has a bulb wall loading in excess of 3 Watts/cm2.
- ``(B) The term `high intensity discharge lamp' includes mercury vapor, metal halide, and high-pressure sodium lamps described in subparagraph (A).
- ``(47)(A) The term `mercury vapor lamp' means a high intensity discharge lamp in which the major portion of the light is produced by radiation from mercury operating at a partial pressure in excess of 100,000 Pa (approximately 1 atm).
- ``(B) The term `mercury vapor lamp' includes clear, phosphor-coated, and self-ballasted lamps described in subparagraph (A).
- ``(48) The term `mercury vapor lamp ballast' means a device that is designed and marketed to start and operate mercury vapor lamps by providing the necessary voltage and current.
- ``(49) The term `ceiling fan' means a nonportable device that is suspended from a ceiling for circulating air via the rotation of fan blades.
- ``(50) The term `ceiling fan light kit' means equipment designed to provide light from a ceiling fan that can be—
- ``(A) integral, such that the equipment is attached to the ceiling fan prior to the time of retail sale; or
- ``(B) attachable, such that at the time of retail sale the equipment is not physically attached to the ceiling fan, but may be included inside the ceiling fan at the time of sale or sold separately for subsequent attachment to the fan.
- ``(51) The term `medium screw base' means an Edison screw base identified with the prefix E-26 in the `American National Standard for Electric Lamp Bases', ANSI/IEC C81.61-2003, published by the American National Standards Institute.".
- (1) in paragraph (29)—
- (b) Test Procedures.—Section 323 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6293) is amended—
- (1) in subsection (b), by adding at the end the following:
- ``(9) Test procedures for illuminated exit signs shall be based on the test method used under version 2.0 of the Energy Star program of the Environmental Protection Agency for illuminated exit signs.
- ``(10)(A) Test procedures for distribution transformers and low voltage dry-type distribution transformers shall be based on the `Standard Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Distribution Transformers' prescribed by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA TP 2-1998).
- ``(B) The Secretary may review and revise the test procedures established under subparagraph (A).
- ``(C) For purposes of section 346(a), the test procedures established under subparagraph (A) shall be considered to be the testing requirements prescribed by the Secretary under section 346(a)(1) for distribution transformers for which the Secretary makes a determination that energy conservation standards would—
- ``(i) be technologically feasible and economically justified; and
- ``(ii) result in significant energy savings.
- ``(11) Test procedures for traffic signal modules and pedestrian modules shall be based on the test method used under the Energy Star program of the Environmental Protection Agency for traffic signal modules, as in effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph.
- ``(12)(A) Test procedures for medium base compact fluorescent lamps shall be based on the test methods for compact fluorescent lamps used under the August 9, 2001, version of the Energy Star program of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy.
- ``(B) Except as provided in subparagraph (C), medium base compact fluorescent lamps shall meet all test requirements for regulated parameters of section 325(cc).
- ``(C) Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), if manufacturers document engineering predictions and analysis that support expected attainment of lumen maintenance at 40 percent rated life and lamp lifetime, medium base compact fluorescent lamps may be marketed before completion of the testing of lamp life and lumen maintenance at 40 percent of rated life.
- ``(13) Test procedures for dehumidifiers shall be based on the test criteria used under the Energy Star Program Requirements for Dehumidifiers developed by the Environmental Protection Agency, as in effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph unless revised by the Secretary pursuant to this section.
- ``(14) The test procedure for measuring flow rate for commercial prerinse spray valves shall be based on American Society for Testing and Materials Standard F2324, entitled `Standard Test Method for Pre-Rinse Spray Valves'.
- ``(15) The test procedure for refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machines shall be based on American National Standards Institute/American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Standard 32.1-2004, entitled `Methods of Testing for Rating Vending Machines for Bottled, Canned or Other Sealed Beverages'.
- ``(16)(A)(i) Test procedures for ceiling fans shall be based on the `Energy Star Testing Facility Guidance Manual: Building a Testing Facility and Performing the Solid State Test Method for ENERGY STAR Qualified Ceiling Fans, Version 1.1' published by the Environmental Protection Agency.
- ``(ii) Test procedures for ceiling fan light kits shall be based on the test procedures referenced in the Energy Star specifications for Residential Light Fixtures and Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs, as in effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph.
- ``(B) The Secretary may review and revise the test procedures established under subparagraph (A)."; and
- (2) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(f) Additional Consumer and Commercial Products.—(1) Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall prescribe testing requirements for refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machines.
- ``(2) To the maximum extent practicable, the testing requirements prescribed under paragraph (1) shall be based on existing test procedures used in industry.".
- (1) in subsection (b), by adding at the end the following:
- (c) Standard Setting Authority.—Section 325 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6295) is amended—
- (1) in subsection (f)(3), by adding at the end the following:
- ``(D) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, if the requirements of subsection (o) are met, the Secretary may consider and prescribe energy conservation standards or energy use standards for electricity used for purposes of circulating air through duct work.";
- (2) in subsection (g)—
- (A) in paragraph (6)(B), by inserting ``and labeled" after ``designed"; and
- (B) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(8)(A) Each fluorescent lamp ballast (other than replacement ballasts or ballasts described in subparagraph (C))—
- ``(i)(I) manufactured on or after July 1, 2009;
- ``(II) sold by the manufacturer on or after October 1, 2009; or
- ``(III) incorporated into a luminaire by a luminaire manufacturer on or after July 1, 2010; and
- ``(ii) designed—
- ``(I) to operate at nominal input voltages of 120 or 277 volts;
- ``(II) to operate with an input current frequency of 60 Hertz; and
- ``(III) for use in connection with F34T12 lamps, F96T12/ES lamps, or F96T12HO/ES lamps;
- ``shall have a power factor of 0.90 or greater and shall have a ballast efficacy factor of not less than the following:
- ``(8)(A) Each fluorescent lamp ballast (other than replacement ballasts or ballasts described in subparagraph (C))—
- (1) in subsection (f)(3), by adding at the end the following:
................... Total ..................... ``Applica Ballast nominal Ballast tion for input lamp efficacy operatio voltage watts factor n of One 120/277 34 2.61 F34T12 lamp Two 120/277 68 1.35 F34T12 lamps Two 120/277 120 0.77 F96T12/ ES lamps Two 120/277 190 0.42. F96T12HO/ ES lamps
- ``(B) The standards described in subparagraph (A) shall apply to all ballasts covered by subparagraph (A)(ii) that are manufactured on or after July 1, 2010, or sold by the manufacturer on or after October 1, 2010.
- ``(C) The standards described in subparagraph (A) do not apply to—
- ``(i) a ballast that is designed for dimming to 50 percent or less of the maximum output of the ballast;
- ``(ii) a ballast that is designed for use with 2 F96T12HO lamps at ambient temperatures of 20�F or less and for use in an outdoor sign; or
- ``(iii) a ballast that has a power factor of less than 0.90 and is designed and labeled for use only in residential applications.";
- (3) in subsection (o), by adding at the end the following:
- ``(5) The Secretary may set more than 1 energy conservation standard for products that serve more than 1 major function by setting 1 energy conservation standard for each major function."; and
- (4) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(u) Battery Charger and External Power Supply Electric Energy Consumption.—(1)(A) Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall, after providing notice and an opportunity for comment, prescribe, by rule, definitions and test procedures for the power use of battery chargers and external power supplies.
- ``(B) In establishing the test procedures under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall—
- ``(i) consider existing definitions and test procedures used for measuring energy consumption in standby mode and other modes; and
- ``(ii) assess the current and projected future market for battery chargers and external power supplies.
- ``(C) The assessment under subparagraph (B)(ii) shall include—
- ``(i) estimates of the significance of potential energy savings from technical improvements to battery chargers and external power supplies; and
- ``(ii) suggested product classes for energy conservation standards.
- ``(D) Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall hold a scoping workshop to discuss and receive comments on plans for developing energy conservation standards for energy use for battery chargers and external power supplies.
- ``(E)(i) Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall issue a final rule that determines whether energy conservation standards shall be issued for battery chargers and external power supplies or classes of battery chargers and external power supplies.
- ``(ii) For each product class, any energy conservation standards issued under clause (i) shall be set at the lowest level of energy use that—
- ``(I) meets the criteria and procedures of subsections (o), (p), (q), (r), (s), and (t); and
- ``(II) would result in significant overall annual energy savings, considering standby mode and other operating modes.
- ``(2) In determining under section 323 whether test procedures and energy conservation standards under this section should be revised with respect to covered products that are major sources of standby mode energy consumption, the Secretary shall consider whether to incorporate standby mode into the test procedures and energy conservation standards, taking into account standby mode power consumption compared to overall product energy consumption.
- ``(3) The Secretary shall not propose an energy conservation standard under this section, unless the Secretary has issued applicable test procedures for each product under section 323.
- ``(4) Any energy conservation standard issued under this subsection shall be applicable to products manufactured or imported beginning on the date that is 3 years after the date of issuance.
- ``(5) The Secretary and the Administrator shall collaborate and develop programs (including programs under section 324A and other voluntary industry agreements or codes of conduct) that are designed to reduce standby mode energy use.
- ``(v) Ceiling Fans and Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines.—(1) Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall prescribe, by rule, test procedures and energy conservation standards for ceiling fans and ceiling fan light kits. If the Secretary sets such standards, the Secretary shall consider exempting or setting different standards for certain product classes for which the primary standards are not technically feasible or economically justified, and establishing separate or exempted product classes for highly decorative fans for which air movement performance is a secondary design feature.
- ``(2) Not later than 4 years after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall prescribe, by rule, energy conservation standards for refrigerated bottle or canned beverage vending machines.
- ``(3) In establishing energy conservation standards under this subsection, the Secretary shall use the criteria and procedures prescribed under subsections (o) and (p).
- ``(4) Any energy conservation standard prescribed under this subsection shall apply to products manufactured 3 years after the date of publication of a final rule establishing the energy conservation standard.
- ``(w) Illuminated Exit Signs.—An illuminated exit sign manufactured on or after January 1, 2006, shall meet the version 2.0 Energy Star Program performance requirements for illuminated exit signs prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
- ``(x) Torchieres.—A torchiere manufactured on or after January 1, 2006—
- ``(1) shall consume not more than 190 watts of power; and
- ``(2) shall not be capable of operating with lamps that total more than 190 watts.
- ``(y) Low Voltage Dry-Type Distribution Transformers.—The efficiency of a low voltage dry-type distribution transformer manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall be the Class I Efficiency Levels for distribution transformers specified in table 4-2 of the `Guide for Determining Energy Efficiency for Distribution Transformers' published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA TP-1-2002).
- ``(z) Traffic Signal Modules and Pedestrian Modules.—Any traffic signal module or pedestrian module manufactured on or after January 1, 2006, shall—
- ``(1) meet the performance requirements used under the Energy Star program of the Environmental Protection Agency for traffic signals, as in effect on the date of enactment of this subsection; and
- ``(2) be installed with compatible, electrically connected signal control interface devices and conflict monitoring systems.
- ``(aa) Unit Heaters.—A unit heater manufactured on or after the date that is 3 years after the date of enactment of this subsection shall—
- ``(1) be equipped with an intermittent ignition device; and
- ``(2) have power venting or an automatic flue damper.
- ``(bb) Medium Base Compact Fluorescent Lamps.—(1) A bare lamp and covered lamp (no reflector) medium base compact fluorescent lamp manufactured on or after January 1, 2006, shall meet the following requirements prescribed by the August 9, 2001, version of the Energy Star Program Requirements for Compact Fluorescent Lamps, Energy Star Eligibility Criteria, Energy-Efficiency Specification issued by the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy:
- ``(A) Minimum initial efficacy.
- ``(B) Lumen maintenance at 1000 hours.
- ``(C) Lumen maintenance at 40 percent of rated life.
- ``(D) Rapid cycle stress test.
- ``(E) Lamp life.
- ``(2) The Secretary may, by rule, establish requirements for color quality (CRI), power factor, operating frequency, and maximum allowable start time based on the requirements prescribed by the August 9, 2001, version of the Energy Star Program Requirements for Compact Fluorescent Lamps.
- ``(3) The Secretary may, by rule—
- ``(A) revise the requirements established under paragraph (2); or
- ``(B) establish other requirements, after considering energy savings, cost effectiveness, and consumer satisfaction.
- ``(cc) Dehumidifiers.—(1) Dehumidifiers manufactured on or after October 1, 2007, shall have an Energy Factor that meets or exceeds the following values:
``Product Capacity (pints/day)Minimum Energy Factor (Liters/kWh)........ 25.00 or less 1.00 25.01 - 35.00 1.20 35.01 - 54.00 1.30 54.01 - 74.99 1.50 75.00 or more 2.25.
- ``(2)(A) Not later than October 1, 2009, the Secretary shall publish a final rule in accordance with subsections (o) and (p), to determine whether the energy conservation standards established under paragraph (1) should be amended.
- ``(B) The final rule published under subparagraph (A) shall—
- ``(i) contain any amendment by the Secretary; and
- ``(ii) provide that the amendment applies to products manufactured on or after October 1, 2012.
- ``(C) If the Secretary does not publish an amendment that takes effect by October 1, 2012, dehumidifiers manufactured on or after October 1, 2012, shall have an Energy Factor that meets or exceeds the following values:
``Product Capacity (pints/day)Minimum Energy Factor (Liters/kWh)........ 25.00 or less 1.20 25.01 - 35.00 1.30 35.01 - 45.00 1.40 45.01 - 54.00 1.50 54.01 - 74.99 1.60 75.00 or more 2.5.
- ``(dd) Commercial Prerinse Spray Valves.—Commercial prerinse spray valves manufactured on or after January 1, 2006, shall have a flow rate of not more than 1.6 gallons per minute.
- ``(ee) Mercury Vapor Lamp Ballasts.—Mercury vapor lamp ballasts shall not be manufactured or imported after January 1, 2008.
- ``(ff) Ceiling Fans and Ceiling Fan Light Kits.—(1)(A) All ceiling fans manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall have the following features:
- ``(i) Fan speed controls separate from any lighting controls.
- ``(ii) Adjustable speed controls (either more than 1 speed or variable speed).
- ``(iii) Adjustable speed controls (either more than 1 speed or variable speed).
- ``(iv) The capability of reversible fan action, except for—
- ``(I) fans sold for industrial applications;
- ``(II) outdoor applications; and
- ``(III) cases in which safety standards would be violated by the use of the reversible mode.
- ``(B) The Secretary may define the exceptions described in clause (iv) in greater detail, but shall not substantively expand the exceptions.
- ``(2)(A) Ceiling fan light kits with medium screw base sockets manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall be packaged with screw-based lamps to fill all screw base sockets.
- ``(B) The screw-based lamps required under subparagraph (A) shall—
- ``(i) meet the Energy Star Program Requirements for Compact Fluorescent Lamps, version 3.0, issued by the Department of Energy; or
- ``(ii) use light sources other than compact fluorescent lamps that have lumens per watt performance at least equivalent to comparably configured compact fluorescent lamps meeting the Energy Star Program Requirements described in clause (i).
- ``(3) Ceiling fan light kits with pin-based sockets for fluorescent lamps manufactured on or after January 1, 2007 shall—
- ``(A) meet the Energy Star Program Requirements for Residential Light Fixtures version 4.0 issued by the Environmental Protection Agency; and
- ``(B) be packaged with lamps to fill all sockets.
- ``(4)(A) By January 1, 2007, the Secretary shall consider and issue requirements for any ceiling fan lighting kits other than those covered in paragraphs (2) and (3), including candelabra screw base sockets.
- ``(B) The requirements issued under subparagraph (A) shall be effective for products manufactured 2 years after the date of the final rule.
- ``(C) If the Secretary fails to issue a final rule by the date specified in subparagraph (B), any type of ceiling fan lighting kit described in subparagraph (A) that is manufactured after January 1, 2009—
- ``(i) shall not be capable of operating with lamps that total more than 190 watts; and
- ``(ii) shall include the lamps described in clause (i) in the ceiling fan lighting kits.
- ``(5)(A) After January 1, 2010, the Secretary may consider, and issue, if the requirements of subsections (o) and (p) are met, amended energy efficiency standards for ceiling fan light kits.
- ``(B) Any amended standards issued under subparagraph (A) shall apply to products manufactured not earlier than 2 years after the date of publication of the final rule establishing the amended standard.
- ``(6)(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Secretary may consider, and issue, if the requirements of subsections (o) and (p) are met, energy efficiency or energy use standards for electricity used by ceiling fans to circulate air in a room.
- ``(B) In issuing the standards under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall consider—
- ``(C) exempting, or setting different standards for, certain product classes for which the primary standards are not technically feasible or economically justified; and
- ``(D) establishing separate exempted product classes for highly decorative fans for which air movement performance is a secondary design feature.
- ``(7) Section 327 shall apply to the products covered in paragraphs (1) through (4) beginning on the date of enactment of this subsection, except that any State or local labeling requirement for ceiling fans prescribed or enacted before the date of enactment of this subsection shall not be preempted until the labeling requirements applicable to ceiling fans established under section 327 take effect.
- ``(gg) Application Date.—Section 327 applies—
- ``(1) to products for which energy conservation standards are to be established under subsection (l), (u), or (v) beginning on the date on which a final rule is issued by the Secretary, except that any State or local standard prescribed or enacted for the product before the date on which the final rule is issued shall not be preempted until the energy conservation standard established under subsection (l), (u), or (v) for the product takes effect; and
- ``(2) to products for which energy conservation standards are established under subsections (w) through (ff) on the date of enactment of those subsections, except that any State or local standard prescribed or enacted before the date of enactment of those subsections shall not be preempted until the energy conservation standards established under subsections (w) through (ff) take effect.".
- (d) General Rule of Preemption.—Section 327(c) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6297(c)) is amended—
- (1) in paragraph (5), by striking ``or" at the end;
- (2) in paragraph (6), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or"; and
- (3) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(7)(A) is a regulation concerning standards for commercial prerinse spray valves adopted by the California Energy Commission before January 1, 2005; or
- ``(B) is an amendment to a regulation described in subparagraph (A) that was developed to align California regulations with changes in American Society for Testing and Materials Standard F2324;
- ``(8)(A) is a regulation concerning standards for pedestrian modules adopted by the California Energy Commission before January 1, 2005; or
- ``(B) is an amendment to a regulation described in subparagraph (A) that was developed to align California regulations to changes in the Institute for Transportation Engineers standards, entitled `Performance Specification: Pedestrian Traffic Control Signal Indications'.".
- (a) Definitions.—Section 340 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6311) is amended—
- (1) in paragraph (1)—
- (A) by redesignating subparagraphs (D) through (G) as subparagraphs (H) through (K), respectively; and
- (B) by inserting after subparagraph (C) the following:
- ``(D) Very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment.
- ``(E) Commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers.
- ``(F) Automatic commercial ice makers.
- ``(G) Commercial clothes washers.";
- (2) in paragraph (2)(B), by striking ``small and large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment" and inserting ``commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment, commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, automatic commercial ice makers, commercial clothes washers";
- (3) by striking paragraphs (8) and (9) and inserting the following:
- ``(8)(A) The term `commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment' means air-cooled, water-cooled, evaporatively-cooled, or water source (not including ground water source) electrically operated, unitary central air conditioners and central air conditioning heat pumps for commercial application.
- ``(B) The term `small commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment' means commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment that is rated below 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity).
- ``(C) The term `large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment' means commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment that is rated—
- ``(i) at or above 135,000 Btu per hour; and
- ``(ii) below 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity).
- ``(D) The term `very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment' means commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment that is rated—
- ``(i) at or above 240,000 Btu per hour; and
- ``(ii) below 760,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity).
- ``(9)(A) The term `commercial refrigerator, freezer, and refrigerator-freezer' means refrigeration equipment that—
- ``(i) is not a consumer product (as defined in section 321);
- ``(ii) is not designed and marketed exclusively for medical, scientific, or research purposes;
- ``(iii) operates at a chilled, frozen, combination chilled and frozen, or variable temperature;
- ``(iv) displays or stores merchandise and other perishable materials horizontally, semivertically, or vertically;
- ``(v) has transparent or solid doors, sliding or hinged doors, a combination of hinged, sliding, transparent, or solid doors, or no doors;
- ``(vi) is designed for pull-down temperature applications or holding temperature applications; and
- ``(vii) is connected to a self-contained condensing unit or to a remote condensing unit.
- ``(B) The term `holding temperature application' means a use of commercial refrigeration equipment other than a pull-down temperature application, except a blast chiller or freezer.
- ``(C) The term `integrated average temperature' means the average temperature of all test package measurements taken during the test.
- ``(D) The term `pull-down temperature application' means a commercial refrigerator with doors that, when fully loaded with 12 ounce beverage cans at 90 degrees F, can cool those beverages to an average stable temperature of 38 degrees F in 12 hours or less.
- ``(E) The term `remote condensing unit' means a factory-made assembly of refrigerating components designed to compress and liquefy a specific refrigerant that is remotely located from the refrigerated equipment and consists of one or more refrigerant compressors, refrigerant condensers, condenser fans and motors, and factory supplied accessories.
- ``(F) The term `self-contained condensing unit' means a factory-made assembly of refrigerating components designed to compress and liquefy a specific refrigerant that is an integral part of the refrigerated equipment and consists of one or more refrigerant compressors, refrigerant condensers, condenser fans and motors, and factory supplied accessories."; and
- (4) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(19) The term `automatic commercial ice maker' means a factory-made assembly (not necessarily shipped in one package) that—
- ``(A) consists of a condensing unit and ice-making section operating as an integrated unit, with means for making and harvesting ice; and
- ``(B) may include means for storing ice, dispensing ice, or storing and dispensing ice.
- ``(20) The term `commercial clothes washer' means a soft-mount front-loading or soft-mount top-loading clothes washer that—
- ``(A) has a clothes container compartment that—
- ``(i) for horizontal-axis clothes washers, is not more than 3.5 cubic feet; and
- ``(ii) for vertical-axis clothes washers, is not more than 4.0 cubic feet; and
- ``(B) is designed for use in—
- ``(i) applications in which the occupants of more than one household will be using the clothes washer, such as multi-family housing common areas and coin laundries; or
- ``(ii) other commercial applications.
- ``(A) has a clothes container compartment that—
- ``(21) The term `harvest rate' means the amount of ice (at 32 degrees F) in pounds produced per 24 hours.".
- ``(19) The term `automatic commercial ice maker' means a factory-made assembly (not necessarily shipped in one package) that—
- (1) in paragraph (1)—
- (b) Standards for Commercial Package Air Conditioning and Heating Equipment.—Section 342(a) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6313(a)) is amended—
- (1) in the subsection heading, by striking ``Small and Large" and inserting ``Small, Large, and Very Large";
- (2) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``but before January 1, 2010," after ``January 1, 1994,";
- (3) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``but before January 1, 2010," after ``January 1, 1995,"; and
- (4) in paragraph (6)—
- (A) in subparagraph (A)—
- (i) by inserting ``(i)" after ``(A)";
- (ii) by striking ``the date of enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 1992" and inserting ``January 1, 2010";
- (iii) by inserting after ``large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment," the following: ``and very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment, or if ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1, as in effect on October 24, 1992, is amended with respect to any"; and
- (iv) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(ii) If ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1 is not amended with respect to small commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment, large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment, and very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment during the 5-year period beginning on the effective date of a standard, the Secretary may initiate a rulemaking to determine whether a more stringent standard—
- ``(I) would result in significant additional conservation of energy; and
- ``(II) is technologically feasible and economically justified."; and
- (B) in subparagraph (C)(ii), by inserting ``and very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment" after ``large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment"; and
- (A) in subparagraph (A)—
- (5) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(7) Small commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall meet the following standards:
- ``(A) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled central air conditioners at or above 65,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be—
- ``(i) 11.2 for equipment with no heating or electric resistance heating; and
- ``(ii) 11.0 for equipment with all other heating system types that are integrated into the equipment (at a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
- ``(B) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled central air conditioner heat pumps at or above 65,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be—
- ``(i) 11.0 for equipment with no heating or electric resistance heating; and
- ``(ii) 10.8 for equipment with all other heating system types that are integrated into the equipment (at a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
- ``(C) The minimum coefficient of performance in the heating mode of air-cooled central air conditioning heat pumps at or above 65,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be 3.3 (at a high temperature rating of 47 degrees F db).
- ``(A) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled central air conditioners at or above 65,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be—
- ``(8) Large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall meet the following standards:
- ``(A) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled central air conditioners at or above 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be—
- ``(i) 11.0 for equipment with no heating or electric resistance heating; and
- ``(ii) 10.8 for equipment with all other heating system types that are integrated into the equipment (at a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
- ``(B) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled central air conditioner heat pumps at or above 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be—
- ``(i) 10.6 for equipment with no heating or electric resistance heating; and
- ``(ii) 10.4 for equipment with all other heating system types that are integrated into the equipment (at a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
- ``(C) The minimum coefficient of performance in the heating mode of air-cooled central air conditioning heat pumps at or above 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be 3.2 (at a high temperature rating of 47 degrees F db).
- ``(A) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled central air conditioners at or above 135,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be—
- ``(9) Very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall meet the following standards:
- ``(A) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled central air conditioners at or above 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 760,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be—
- ``(i) 10.0 for equipment with no heating or electric resistance heating; and
- ``(ii) 9.8 for equipment with all other heating system types that are integrated into the equipment (at a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
- ``(B) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled central air conditioner heat pumps at or above 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 760,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be—
- ``(i) 9.5 for equipment with no heating or electric resistance heating; and
- ``(ii) 9.3 for equipment with all other heating system types that are integrated into the equipment (at a standard rating of 95 degrees F db).
- ``(C) The minimum coefficient of performance in the heating mode of air-cooled central air conditioning heat pumps at or above 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 760,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be 3.2 (at a high temperature rating of 47 degrees F db).".
- ``(A) The minimum energy efficiency ratio of air-cooled central air conditioners at or above 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) and less than 760,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity) shall be—
- ``(7) Small commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall meet the following standards:
- (c) Standards for Commercial Refrigerators, Freezers, and Refrigerator-Freezers.—Section 342 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6313) is amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(c) Commercial Refrigerators, Freezers, and Refrigerator-
Freezers.—(1) In this subsection:
- ``(A) The term `AV' means the adjusted volume (ft3) (defined as 1.63 x frozen temperature compartment volume (ft3) + chilled temperature compartment volume (ft3)) with compartment volumes measured in accordance with the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Standard HRF1-1979.
- ``(B) The term `V' means the chilled or frozen compartment volume (ft3) (as defined in the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers Standard HRF1-1979).
- ``(C) Other terms have such meanings as may be established by the Secretary, based on industry-accepted definitions and practice.
- ``(2) Each commercial refrigerator, freezer, and refrigerator-
freezer with a self-contained condensing unit designed for holding temperature applications manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall have a daily energy consumption (in kilowatt hours per day) that does not exceed the following:
Refrigerators with solid doors.. 0.10 V + 2.04 Refrigerators with transparent 0.12 V + 3.34 doors. Freezers with solid doors....... 0.40 V + 1.38 Freezers with transparent doors. 0.75 V + 4.10 Refrigerators/freezers with 0.27 AV - 0.71 or 0.70. solid doors the greater of.
- ``(3) Each commercial refrigerator with a self-contained condensing unit designed for pull-down temperature applications and transparent doors manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall have a daily energy consumption (in kilowatt hours per day) of not more than 0.126 V + 3.51.
- ``(4)(A) Not later than January 1, 2009, the Secretary shall issue, by rule, standard levels for ice-cream freezers, self-contained commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers without doors, and remote condensing commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, with the standard levels effective for equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 2012.
- ``(B) The Secretary may issue, by rule, standard levels for other types of commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers not covered by paragraph (2)(A) with the standard levels effective for equipment manufactured 3 or more years after the date on which the final rule is published.
- ``(5)(A) Not later than January 1, 2013, the Secretary shall issue a final rule to determine whether the standards established under this subsection should be amended.
- ``(B) Not later than 3 years after the effective date of any amended standards under subparagraph (A) or the publication of a final rule determining that the standards should not be amended, the Secretary shall issue a final rule to determine whether the standards established under this subsection or the amended standards, as applicable, should be amended.
- ``(C) If the Secretary issues a final rule under subparagraph (A) or (B) establishing amended standards, the final rule shall provide that the amended standards apply to products manufactured on or after the date that is—
- ``(i) 3 years after the date on which the final amended standard is published; or
- ``(ii) if the Secretary determines, by rule, that 3 years is inadequate, not later than 5 years after the date on which the final rule is published.".
- (d) Standards for Automatic Commercial Ice Makers.—Section 342 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6313) (as amended by subsection (c)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(d) Automatic Commercial Ice Makers.—(1) Each automatic commercial ice maker that produces cube type ice with capacities between 50 and 2500 pounds per 24-hour period when tested according to the test standard established in section 343(a)(7) and is manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall meet the following standard levels:
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Maximum Condenser Equipment Type Type of Harvest Rate (lbs ice/ Maximum Energy Use Water Use (gal/100 Cooling 24 hours) (kWh/100 lbs Ice) lbs Ice) ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ice Making Head Water <500 7.80-0.0055H 200-0.022H ————————————————————————————————— 500 and <1436 5.58-0.0011H 200-0.022H ————————————————————————————————— 1436 4.0 200-0.022H ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Ice Making Head Air <450 10.26-0.0086H Not Applicable ————————————————————————————————— 450 6.89-0.0011H Not Applicable ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Remote Condensing Air <1000 8.85-0.0038H Not Applicable (but not remote compressor) ————————————————————————————————— 1000 5.10 Not Applicable ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Remote Condensing Air <934 8.85-0.0038H Not Applicable and Remote Compressor ————————————————————————————————— 934 5.3 Not Applicable ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Self Contained Water <200 11.40-0.019H 191-0.0315H ————————————————————————————————— 200 7.60 191-0.0315H ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Self Contained Air <175 18.0-0.0469H Not Applicable ————————————————————————————————— 175 9.80 Not Applicable ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— H = Harvest rate in pounds per 24 hours. Water use is for the condenser only and does not include potable water used to make ice.
- ``(2)(A) The Secretary may issue, by rule, standard levels for types of automatic commercial ice makers that are not covered by paragraph (1).
- ``(B) The standards established under subparagraph (A) shall apply to products manufactured on or after the date that is—
- ``(i) 3 years after the date on which the rule is published under subparagraph (A); or
- ``(ii) if the Secretary determines, by rule, that 3 years is inadequate, not later than 5 years after the date on which the final rule is published.
- ``(3)(A) Not later than January 1, 2015, with respect to the standards established under paragraph (1), and, with respect to the standards established under paragraph (2), not later than 5 years after the date on which the standards take effect, the Secretary shall issue a final rule to determine whether amending the applicable standards is technologically feasible and economically justified.
- ``(B) Not later than 5 years after the effective date of any amended standards under subparagraph (A) or the publication of a final rule determining that amending the standards is not technologically feasible or economically justified, the Secretary shall issue a final rule to determine whether amending the standards established under paragraph (1) or the amended standards, as applicable, is technologically feasible or economically justified.
- ``(C) If the Secretary issues a final rule under subparagraph (A) or (B) establishing amended standards, the final rule shall provide that the amended standards apply to products manufactured on or after the date that is—
- ``(i) 3 years after the date on which the final amended standard is published; or
- ``(ii) if the Secretary determines, by rule, that 3 years is inadequate, not later than 5 years after the date on which the final amended standard is published.
- ``(4) A final rule issued under paragraph (2) or (3) shall establish standards at the maximum level that is technically feasible and economically justified, as provided in subsections (o) and (p) of section 325.".
- (e) Standards for Commercial Clothes Washers.—Section 342 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6313) (as amended by subsection (d)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(e) Commercial Clothes Washers.—(1) Each commercial clothes washer manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall have—
- ``(A) a Modified Energy Factor of at least 1.26; and
- ``(B) a Water Factor of not more than 9.5.
- ``(2)(A)(i) Not later than January 1, 2010, the Secretary shall publish a final rule to determine whether the standards established under paragraph (1) should be amended.
- ``(ii) The rule published under clause (i) shall provide that any amended standard shall apply to products manufactured 3 years after the date on which the final amended standard is published.
- ``(B)(i) Not later than January 1, 2015, the Secretary shall publish a final rule to determine whether the standards established under paragraph (1) should be amended.
- ``(ii) The rule published under clause (i) shall provide that any amended standard shall apply to products manufactured 3 years after the date on which the final amended standard is published.".
- ``(e) Commercial Clothes Washers.—(1) Each commercial clothes washer manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall have—
- (f) Test Procedures.—Section 343 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6314) is amended—
- (1) in subsection (a)—
- (A) in paragraph (4)—
- (i) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ``very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment," after ``large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment,"; and
- (ii) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment," after ``large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment,"; and
- (B) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(6)(A)(i) In the case of commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, the test procedures shall be—
- ``(I) the test procedures determined by the Secretary to be generally accepted industry testing procedures; or
- ``(II) rating procedures developed or recognized by the ASHRAE or by the American National Standards Institute.
- ``(ii) In the case of self-contained refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers to which standards are applicable under paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 342(c), the initial test procedures shall be the ASHRAE 117 test procedure that is in effect on January 1, 2005.
- ``(B)(i) In the case of commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers with doors covered by the standards adopted in February 2002, by the California Energy Commission, the rating temperatures shall be the integrated average temperature of 38 degrees F ( <plus-minus> 2 degrees F) for refrigerator compartments and 0 degrees F ( <plus-minus> 2 degrees F) for freezer compartments.
- ``(C) The Secretary shall issue a rule in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) to establish the appropriate rating temperatures for the other products for which standards will be established under section 342(c)(4).
- ``(D) In establishing the appropriate test temperatures under this subparagraph, the Secretary shall follow the procedures and meet the requirements under section 323(e).
- ``(E)(i) Not later than 180 days after the publication of the new ASHRAE 117 test procedure, if the ASHRAE 117 test procedure for commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers is amended, the Secretary shall, by rule, amend the test procedure for the product as necessary to ensure that the test procedure is consistent with the amended ASHRAE 117 test procedure, unless the Secretary makes a determination, by rule, and supported by clear and convincing evidence, that to do so would not meet the requirements for test procedures under paragraphs (2) and (3).
- ``(ii) If the Secretary determines that 180 days is an insufficient period during which to review and adopt the amended test procedure or rating procedure under clause (i), the Secretary shall publish a notice in the Federal Register stating the intent of the Secretary to wait not longer than 1 additional year before putting into effect an amended test procedure or rating procedure.
- ``(F)(i) If a test procedure other than the ASHRAE 117 test procedure is approved by the American National Standards Institute, the Secretary shall, by rule—
- ``(I) review the relative strengths and weaknesses of the new test procedure relative to the ASHRAE 117 test procedure; and
- ``(II) based on that review, adopt one new test procedure for use in the standards program.
- ``(ii) If a new test procedure is adopted under clause (i)—
- ``(I) section 323(e) shall apply; and
- ``(II) subparagraph (B) shall apply to the adopted test procedure.
- ``(7)(A) In the case of automatic commercial ice makers, the test procedures shall be the test procedures specified in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Standard 810-2003, as in effect on January 1, 2005.
- ``(B)(i) If Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Standard 810-2003 is amended, the Secretary shall amend the test procedures established in subparagraph (A) as necessary to be consistent with the amended Air-
- ``(6)(A)(i) In the case of commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, the test procedures shall be—
- (A) in paragraph (4)—
- (1) in subsection (a)—
Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Standard, unless the Secretary determines, by rule, published in the Federal Register and supported by clear and convincing evidence, that to do so would not meet the requirements for test procedures under paragraphs (2) and (3).
- ``(ii) If the Secretary issues a rule under clause (i) containing a determination described in clause (ii), the rule may establish an amended test procedure for the product that meets the requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3).
- ``(C) The Secretary shall comply with section 323(e) in establishing any amended test procedure under this paragraph.
- ``(8) With respect to commercial clothes washers, the test procedures shall be the same as the test procedures established by the Secretary for residential clothes washers under section 325(g)."; and
- (2) in subsection (d)(1), by inserting ``very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment, commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, automatic commercial ice makers, commercial clothes washers," after ``large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment,".
- (g) Labeling.—Section 344(e) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6315(e)) is amended by inserting ``very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment, commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, automatic commercial ice makers, commercial clothes washers," after ``large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment," each place it appears.
- (h) Administration, Penalties, Enforcement, and Preemption.—Section 345 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6316) is amended—
- (1) in subsection (a)—
- (A) in paragraph (7), by striking ``and" at the end;
- (B) in paragraph (8), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and"; and
- (C) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(9) in the case of commercial clothes washers, section 327(b)(1) shall be applied as if the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987 was the Energy Policy Act of 2005.";
- (2) in the first sentence of subsection (b)(1), by striking ``part B" and inserting ``part A"; and
- (3) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(d)(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), section 327 shall apply with respect to very large commercial package air conditioning and heating equipment to the same extent and in the same manner as section 327 applies under part A on the date of enactment of this subsection.
- ``(2) Any State or local standard issued before the date of enactment of this subsection shall not be preempted until the standards established under section 342(a)(9) take effect on January 1, 2010.
- ``(e)(1)(A) Subsections (a), (b), and (d) of section 326, subsections (m) through (s) of section 325, and sections 328 through 336 shall apply with respect to commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers to the same extent and in the same manner as those provisions apply under part A.
- ``(B) In applying those provisions to commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers, paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) of subsection (a) shall apply.
- ``(2)(A) Section 327 shall apply to commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers for which standards are established under paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 342(c) to the same extent and in the same manner as those provisions apply under part A on the date of enactment of this subsection, except that any State or local standard issued before the date of enactment of this subsection shall not be preempted until the standards established under paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 342(c) take effect.
- ``(B) In applying section 327 in accordance with subparagraph (A), paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall apply.
- ``(3)(A) Section 327 shall apply to commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers for which standards are established under section 342(c)(4) to the same extent and in the same manner as the provisions apply under part A on the date of publication of the final rule by the Secretary, except that any State or local standard issued before the date of publication of the final rule by the Secretary shall not be preempted until the standards take effect.
- ``(B) In applying section 327 in accordance with subparagraph (A), paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall apply.
- ``(4)(A) If the Secretary does not issue a final rule for a specific type of commercial refrigerator, freezer, or refrigerator-freezer within the time frame specified in section 342(c)(5), subsections (b) and (c) of section 327 shall not apply to that specific type of refrigerator, freezer, or refrigerator-freezer for the period beginning on the date that is 2 years after the scheduled date for a final rule and ending on the date on which the Secretary publishes a final rule covering the specific type of refrigerator, freezer, or refrigerator-freezer.
- ``(B) Any State or local standard issued before the date of publication of the final rule shall not be preempted until the final rule takes effect.
- ``(5)(A) In the case of any commercial refrigerator, freezer, or refrigerator-freezer to which standards are applicable under paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 342(c), the Secretary shall require manufacturers to certify, through an independent, nationally recognized testing or certification program, that the commercial refrigerator, freezer, or refrigerator-freezer meets the applicable standard.
- ``(B) The Secretary shall, to the maximum extent practicable, encourage the establishment of at least 2 independent testing and certification programs.
- ``(C) As part of certification, information on equipment energy use and interior volume shall be made available to the Secretary.
- ``(f)(1)(A)(i) Except as provided in clause (ii), section 327 shall apply to automatic commercial ice makers for which standards have been established under section 342(d)(1) to the same extent and in the same manner as the section applies under part A on the date of enactment of this subsection.
- ``(ii) Any State standard issued before the date of enactment of this subsection shall not be preempted until the standards established under section 342(d)(1) take effect.
- ``(B) In applying section 327 to the equipment under subparagraph (A), paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall apply.
- ``(2)(A)(i) Except as provided in clause (ii), section 327 shall apply to automatic commercial ice makers for which standards have been established under section 342(d)(2) to the same extent and in the same manner as the section applies under part A on the date of publication of the final rule by the Secretary.
- ``(ii) Any State standard issued before the date of publication of the final rule by the Secretary shall not be preempted until the standards established under section 342(d)(2) take effect.
- ``(B) In applying section 327 in accordance with subparagraph (A), paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall apply.
- ``(3)(A) If the Secretary does not issue a final rule for a specific type of automatic commercial ice maker within the time frame specified in section 342(d), subsections (b) and (c) of section 327 shall no longer apply to the specific type of automatic commercial ice maker for the period beginning on the day after the scheduled date for a final rule and ending on the date on which the Secretary publishes a final rule covering the specific type of automatic commercial ice maker.
- ``(B) Any State standard issued before the publication of the final rule shall not be preempted until the standards established in the final rule take effect.
- ``(4)(A) The Secretary shall monitor whether manufacturers are reducing harvest rates below tested values for the purpose of bringing non-complying equipment into compliance.
- ``(B) If the Secretary finds that there has been a substantial amount of manipulation with respect to harvest rates under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall take steps to minimize the manipulation, such as requiring harvest rates to be within 5 percent of tested values.
- ``(g)(1)(A) If the Secretary does not issue a final rule for commercial clothes washers within the timeframe specified in section 342(e)(2), subsections (b) and (c) of section 327 shall not apply to commercial clothes washers for the period beginning on the day after the scheduled date for a final rule and ending on the date on which the Secretary publishes a final rule covering commercial clothes washers.
- ``(B) Any State or local standard issued before the date on which the Secretary publishes a final rule shall not be preempted until the standards established under section 342(e)(2) take effect.
- ``(2) The Secretary shall undertake an educational program to inform owners of laundromats, multifamily housing, and other sites where commercial clothes washers are located about the new standard, including impacts on washer purchase costs and options for recovering those costs through coin collection.".
- (1) in subsection (a)—
- (a) Rulemaking on Effectiveness of Consumer Product Labeling.—
Section 324(a)(2) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6294(a)(2)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(F)(i) Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this subparagraph, the Commission shall initiate a rulemaking to consider—
- ``(I) the effectiveness of the consumer products labeling program in assisting consumers in making purchasing decisions and improving energy efficiency; and
- ``(II) changes to the labeling rules (including categorical labeling) that would improve the effectiveness of consumer product labels.
- ``(ii) Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this subparagraph, the Commission shall complete the rulemaking initiated under clause (i).
- ``(G)(i) Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this subparagraph, the Commission shall issue by rule, in accordance with this section, labeling requirements for the electricity used by ceiling fans to circulate air in a room.
- ``(ii) The rule issued under clause (i) shall apply to products manufactured after the later of—
- ``(I) January 1, 2009; or
- ``(II) the date that is 60 days after the final rule is issued.".
- ``(F)(i) Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this subparagraph, the Commission shall initiate a rulemaking to consider—
- (b) Rulemaking on Labeling for Additional Products.—Section 324(a) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6294(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following:
- ``(5)(A) For covered products described in subsections (u) through (ff) of section 325, after a test procedure has been prescribed under section 323, the Secretary or the Commission, as appropriate, may prescribe, by rule, under this section labeling requirements for the products.
- ``(B) In the case of products to which TP-1 standards under section 325(y) apply, labeling requirements shall be based on the `Standard for the Labeling of Distribution Transformer Efficiency' prescribed by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA TP-3) as in effect on the date of enactment of this paragraph.
- ``(C) In the case of dehumidifiers covered under section 325(dd), the Commission shall not require an `Energy Guide' label.".
- (a) In General.—The Administrator of General Services shall conduct a study on the advantages and disadvantages of employing intermittent escalators in the United States.
- (b) Contents.—Such study shall include an analysis of—
- (1) the energy end-cost savings derived from the use of intermittent escalators;
- (2) the cost savings derived from reduced maintenance requirements; and
- (3) such other issues as the Administrator considers appropriate.
- (c) Report to Congress.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall transmit to Congress a report on the results of the study.
- (d) Definition.—For purposes of this section, the term ``intermittent escalator" means an escalator that remains in a stationary position until it automatically operates at the approach of a passenger, returning to a stationary position after the passenger completes passage.
- (a) In General.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and the National Association of State Energy Officials, shall conduct a study of State and regional policies that promote cost-effective programs to reduce energy consumption (including energy efficiency programs) that are carried out by—
- (1) utilities that are subject to State regulation; and
- (2) nonregulated utilities.
- (b) Consideration.—In conducting the study under subsection (a), the Secretary shall take into consideration—
- (1) performance standards for achieving energy use and demand reduction targets;
- (2) funding sources, including rate surcharges;
- (3) infrastructure planning approaches (including energy efficiency programs) and infrastructure improvements;
- (4) the costs and benefits of consumer education programs conducted by State and local governments and local utilities to increase consumer awareness of energy efficiency technologies and measures; and
- (5) methods of—
- (A) removing disincentives for utilities to implement energy efficiency programs;
- (B) encouraging utilities to undertake voluntary energy efficiency programs; and
- (C) ensuring appropriate returns on energy efficiency programs.
- (c) Report.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report that includes—
- (1) the findings of the study; and
- (2) any recommendations of the Secretary, including recommendations on model policies to promote energy efficiency programs.
- (a) In General.—The Secretary shall establish a pilot program under which the Secretary provides financial assistance to at least 3, but not more than 7, States to carry out pilot projects in the States for—
- (1) planning and adopting statewide programs that encourage, for each year in which the pilot project is carried out—
- (A) energy efficiency; and
- (B) reduction of consumption of electricity or natural gas in the State by at least 0.75 percent, as compared to a baseline determined by the Secretary for the period preceding the implementation of the program; or
- (2) for any State that has adopted a statewide program as of the date of enactment of this Act, activities that reduce energy consumption in the State by expanding and improving the program.
- (1) planning and adopting statewide programs that encourage, for each year in which the pilot project is carried out—
- (b) Verification.—A State that receives financial assistance under subsection (a)(1) shall submit to the Secretary independent verification of any energy savings achieved through the statewide program.
- (c) Authorization of Appropriations.—There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $5,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010, to remain available until expended.
- (a) Initial Report.—The Secretary shall submit a report to Congress regarding each new or revised energy conservation or water use standard which the Secretary has failed to issue in conformance with the deadlines established in the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. Such report shall state the reasons why the Secretary has failed to comply with the deadline for issuances of the new or revised standard and set forth the Secretary's plan for expeditiously prescribing such new or revised standard. The Secretary's initial report shall be submitted not later than 6 months following enactment of this Act and subsequent reports shall be submitted whenever the Secretary determines that additional deadlines for issuance of new or revised standards have been missed.
- (b) Implementation Report.—Every 6 months following the submission of a report under subsection (a) until the adoption of a new or revised standard described in such report, the Secretary shall submit to the Congress an implementation report describing the Secretary's progress in implementing the Secretary's plan or the issuance of the new or revised standard.
Subtitle D—Public Housing
- Section 9 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437g) is amended—
- (1) in subsection (d)(1)—
- (A) in subparagraph (I), by striking ``and" at the end;
- (B) in subparagraph (J), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and
- (C) by adding at the end the following new subparagraphs:
- ``(K) improvement of energy and water-use efficiency by installing fixtures and fittings that conform to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers/American National Standards Institute standards A112.19.2-1998 and A112.18.1-2000, or any revision thereto, applicable at the time of installation, and by increasing energy efficiency and water conservation by such other means as the Secretary determines are appropriate; and
- ``(L) integrated utility management and capital planning to maximize energy conservation and efficiency measures."; and
- (2) in subsection (e)(2)(C)—
- (A) by striking ``The" and inserting the following:
- ``(i) In general.—The"; and
- (B) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(ii) Third party contracts.—Contracts described in clause (i) may include contracts for equipment conversions to less costly utility sources, projects with resident-paid utilities, and adjustments to frozen base year consumption, including systems repaired to meet applicable building and safety codes and adjustments for occupancy rates increased by rehabilitation.
- ``(iii) Term of contract.—The total term of a contract described in clause (i) shall not exceed 20 years to allow longer payback periods for retrofits, including windows, heating system replacements, wall insulation, site-based generation, advanced energy savings technologies, including renewable energy generation, and other such retrofits.".
- (A) by striking ``The" and inserting the following:
- (1) in subsection (d)(1)—
- In purchasing appliances, a public housing agency shall purchase energy-efficient appliances that are Energy Star products or FEMP-designated products, as such terms are defined in section 553 of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act, unless the purchase of energy-efficient appliances is not cost-effective to the agency.
- Section 109 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 12709) is amended—
- (1) in subsection (a)—
- (A) in paragraph (1)—
- (i) by striking ``1 year after the date of the enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 1992" and inserting ``September 30, 2006";
- (ii) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``and" at the end;
- (iii) in subparagraph (B), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and"; and
- (iv) by adding at the end the following:
- ``(C) rehabilitation and new construction of public and assisted housing funded by HOPE VI revitalization grants under section 24 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437v), where such standards are determined to be cost effective by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development."; and
- (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``, and, with respect to rehabilitation and new construction of public and assisted housing funded by HOPE VI revitalization grants under section 24 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437v), the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code" after ``90.1-1989')";
- (A) in paragraph (1)—
- (2) in subsection (b)—
- (A) by striking ``within 1 year after the date of the enactment of the Energy Policy Act of 1992" and inserting ``by September 30, 2006"; and
- (B) by inserting ``, and, with respect to rehabilitation and new construction of public and assisted housing funded by HOPE VI revitalization grants under section 24 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437v), the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code" before the period at the end; and
- (3) in subsection (c)—
- (A) in the heading, by inserting ``and the International Energy Conservation Code" after ``Model Energy Code"; and
- (B) by inserting ``, or, with respect to rehabilitation and new construction of public and assisted housing funded by HOPE VI revitalization grants under section 24 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437v), the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code" after ``1989".
- (1) in subsection (a)—
- The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall develop and implement an integrated strategy to reduce utility expenses through cost-effective energy conservation and efficiency measures and energy efficient design and construction of public and assisted housing. The energy strategy shall include the development of energy reduction goals and incentives for public housing agencies. The Secretary shall submit a report to Congress, not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, on the energy strategy and the actions taken by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to monitor the energy usage of public housing agencies and shall submit an update every 2 years thereafter on progress in implementing the strategy.