The environs of Tunis are admirable from the beautiful views they present; the finest prospects are from the hill on the south east, which is crowned by a French fort, and from the Belveder on the north of the town (Jebel al-Tiiba), on which stands a very ancient fortress. Half-an-hour's drive west of the town is the decaying palace called the Bardo, a little town in itself, remarkable for the "liou court" and some apartments in the Moorish style. The port of Goletta, with 4000 inhabitants, is connected with Tunis by a railway 10 miles long. The older or southern part of the town next the canal has a fortress, now used as barracks, built by the Turks on the site of the Spanish fortress destroyed in 1574. The ruins of Carthage lie a few miles north of Goletta. The chief manufactures of Tunis are still textiles, as in the time of Leo Africanus. The manufacture of silk dates from the settlement of Moorish refugees from Spain about 1600. There are also tanneries, a tobacco factory, and some minor industries. The annual exports of grain, oil, stuffs, hides, and essences are valued at 720,000, and the imports, chiefly of cotton goods, at 560,000. There are two French steamers weekly between Marseilles and Goletta, and the coast towns are served and connected with Malta both by French and Italian packets.
History.—Tunis was a Carthaginian city and is repeatedly mentioned in the history of the Punic wars. Strabo speaks of its hot baths and quarries. Under the Arabs it rose to importance, be came the usual port for those going from Kairwan to Spain, and was one of the residences of the Aghlabites. In the 10th century it suffered severely, and was repeatedly pillaged in the wars of the Fatimites with Abu Yazfd and the Zenata Berbers. For its later fortunes see above in the history of the country, of which since the accession of the Hafsites it has been the capital.