In 1856 Trench was raised to the deanery of West minster, probably the position in the whole church which suited him best. In January 1864 he was advanced to the more dignified but less congenial post of archbishop of Dublin. Stanley had been named, but rejected by the Irish Church, and, according to Bishop Wilberforce's correspondence, Trench's appointment was favoured neither by the prime minister nor the lord lieutenant. It was, more over, unpopular in Ireland, and a blow to English literature; yet the course of events soon proved it to have been most fortunate. Trench, indeed, could do nothing to prevent the disestablishment of the Irish Church, though he resisted with dignity, and repelled the insidious proposal that she should do execution upon herself. But, when the disestablished communion had to be reconstituted under the greatest difficulties, it was found of the highest importance that the occupant of his position should be a man of a liberal and genial spirit, able to ward off the narrowness which would have alienated the sympathies of English churchmen, and sown the seeds of schism in a body beyond all others in need of amity and unity. This was the work of the remainder of Trench's life; and, if less personally agreeable and of less general utility than the literary performances which might have been expected from him if he had remained at Westminster, it was much more weighty and important. It exposed him at times to considerable misconstruction and obloquy, but he came to be appreciated, and, when in November 1884 he resigned his archbishopric from infirmity, clergy and laity unanimously recorded their sense of his "wisdom, learning, diligence, and munificence." He had found time for Lectures on Mediæval Church History (1878); his poetical works were rearranged and collected in two volumes (last edition 1885). He died in London, after a lingering illness, on March 28, 1886.
As a man Trench was universally beloved and esteemed. He was remarkable for a high spirit, munificence, and general elevation of sentiment. As a prose author he ranks among the most useful and agreeable of his generation, and may almost be said to gain in both respects by his deficiency in originality. Both as Biblical commentator and philologist, he has done far more by popularizing the researches of more exact scholars and more profound thinkers than he could have done by striving to make discoveries of his own. For durable fame as a poet originality is indispensable, and here Trench fails. The style of his poems is frequently admirable, but even when not obviously derived from some other writer it wants the stamp of strong individuality. He has written little beyond the reach of any man uniting exquisite culture to the accomplishment of verse: the pieces where poetry seems a natural language with him are chiefly to be found among his elegiac poems, which express real personal experience, and appeal movingly to the heart. (r. g.)