The symptoms of poisoning by strychnine bear a strong resemblance to those of tetanus. They are, however, more acute and develop in connexion with something which has been taken; further, the absence of a wound and the fact that the spasm affects the muscles of the extremities first, and not those of the jaws, as in tetanus, serve to establish the diagnosis. In Hydrophobia (q.v.), which in certain of its symptoms resembles tetanus, the absence of trismus, the dread of water, and the violent spasms on attempting to drink, together with the history of the case, readily enable a distinction to be made. Various other forms of nervous disease accompanied by tetanic symptoms, such as cerebro-spinal meningitis, hysteria in some forms, &c., may be still more clearly distinguished from true tetanus.
The pathology of tetanus is referred to in the article Pathology, vol. xviii. p. 391. No constant changes are observed in the body after death from tetanus. The most common are great dilatation of the blood-vessels of the spinal cord and sometimes evidence of inflammatory action, but these are probably the effects of the symptoms rather than their cause.
For the treatment of tetanus many remedies have been employed. Where a source of irritation in or about a wound can be made out, it ought to be dealt with by the surgeon. Of medicinal agents those which diminish the reflex excitability of the spinal cord and relax the spasm are to be recommended. But it is not safe to employ all substances which produce these effects. Thus tobacco and its active principle nicotine act powerfully in this way, but they are attended with danger from their poisonous properties, and the same may be said of curari, conium, calabar bean, &c., all of which have been used in tetanus. Opium carefully administered sometimes produces a markedly beneficial effect, as does also Indian hemp. Chloroform or ether inhalation greatly mitigates the severity of the spasm. Chloral hydrate and bromide of potassium or ammonium are among the most useful agents which can be employed, and they may be given separately or, still better, in combination. As adjuvants, the warm bath, the absence of all noise and excitement, and the maintenance of the strength by appropriate nutriment should not be neglected.