Plan of Cambridge.
degrees are bestowed. The scenes witnessed here when the mathematical honour list is issued, and on the degree day following, are a very interesting episode of university life. The senior wrangler of the year receives a mighty ovation. Very near the Senate-house is the University Library ; the Georges were great benefactors to both. It is one of the few libraries entitled to copies of all new books. The number of books and MSS. is about half a million. The most remarkable MS. is that known to scholars as D, the Codex Bezoe, the uncial MS. or vellum of the four Gospels and the Acts, presented by Theodore Beza. The front of the library is an Italian balustraded arcade ; the basement story of the quadrangle is called " the Schools," a much more limited expression than the same Oxford term. In the "school" were once carried on the lectures and disputations from which " wranglers " and " sophs" derived their names. One part of the schools is devoted to the Woodwardian or Geological Museum, enriched by the collec tions of the late Professor Sedgwick. He taught geology to undergraduates in visiting the neighbourhood with them. Close to this is the Mineralogical Museum, enriched with diamonds presented by the late Lord Alford. The fine new buildings of the Union Society are noticeable. Various Cambridge churches are very interesting. The Round Church or Sepulchre Church is one of four similar churches in England (the Temple Church being one), modelled after the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. It was restored in 1841 by the Camden Society. Great St Mary s, like St Mary s, Oxford, is the church of the university. St Benedict (or Benet) Church is very interesting. Its restoration in 1869 fully displayed the magnificent Roman esque arch of great antiquity, and traces of Early English and Pre-Norman remains. St Mary s the Less, next to Peterhouse, is a very ancient church. The old church of All Saints, opposite St John s, has been removed, and is rebuilt in Jesus Lane. There are a large number of modern churches. There is a wide market-place and several open spaces, such as Christ s Piece and Parker s Piece. The railway station, where different companies find a common home, is spacious and handsome. The so-called school of Pythagoras (the origin of the term is obscure) was doubtless the abode of a Thegn or Saxon gentleman. The mound of the Castle, a natural hill scarped and cut down, must have been of great importance in overlooking the fen country. It was probably within the lines of the Roman station, and a castle was built here by the Conqueror ; many houses, according to Domesday Book, being removed to make way for it. Edward I. lodged here, but the castle was soon in ruins. The massive gateway was removed to make way for the county courts. The county gaol, at the rear of the county court, was arranged according to plans of John
Howard the philanthropist.
Each college in Cambridge ha,s its separate interest,- - something remarkable in chapel, hall, or library, in garden or gallery. We shall rapidly indicate some distinctive features Trinity in each. The largest of the colleges is Trinity, the largest College. collegiate foundation in Europe. It is on both sides the street, for a new court, the Master s Court, was built at the expense of Dr Whewell, and his cipher, W.W., is on the capacious tower. The King s Gateway is the entrance to this famous college. The great canopied statue is that of Henry VIII., in whose time this vast portal was built by the scholars of Trinity. We pass into the great court with its velvet sward and the lofty stone conduit, known as Nevill s Fountain. On one side is the Master s Lodge, with a fine collection of portraits, and a set of state rooms. On the same side is the lofty Gothic hall, with a high-peaked Flemish roof. In term time when the great hall, with its painted glass and armorial bearings, is crowded with students, the sight is remarkable enough. On entering the chapel the ante-chapel should be carefully noted, with the statue of Newton in a sitting posture, the statue of Barrow, a statue of Macaulay, and soon there will be one of Whewell. A second great gateway, with the niched statue of Edward III., leads into the second court. On the south is a third gateway with four towers on the angles, called, from a statue of Queen Elizabeth in her robes, the Queen s Gateway. The library was begun by Barrow and designed by Wren. It is the most classic building in the university in Wren s favourite style of the old Italian. It overlooks the river, and below the library is a colonnade opening on the bridge and the Lime Walk. In the value of its contents this library ranks next to the university library ; it pos sesses the mathematical MSS. of Newton and the poetical MSS. of Milton. It numbers nearly 100,000 volumes. The woodwork is by Gibbons ; the series of marble busts by Roubillac. Recent additions have been made of the busts of Professor Sedgwick, Mr Tennyson, and Mr Ellis. At the end of the room is Thorwaldsen s statue of Lord Byron, which was refused admission into Westminster Abbey.
The next largest college is St John s, which is famous St Julm for its series of splendid improvements. The college consists of four courts ; the plain brick edifices are carried to the brink of the river, but on the other side of the river is the magnificent New Court designed by Rickman, the finest modern structure of all the Cambridge quadrangles. The massive antique gateway of the first court has the armorial bearings of the foundress of this college and Christ s College, the Lady Margaret, countess of Richmond and mother of Henry VII. The chapel and hall are in the front court. The second court is still larger, and is one of the very few untouched by modern restoration. The third court has a cloister on the west ; and the antique library, unaltered for generations, takes up the whole upper part of the north side. The Master s Lodge, finished in 1865 by Sir G. G. Scott, extends westward. A light Gothic bridge over the Cam conducts into the New Court, a stately quadrangle, with a vaulted cloister along the south side. The magnificent chapel, erected mainly by the society, and enriched with many gifts, at great expense, was opened in 1869. It was erected by Sir G. G. Scott, and has some resemblance to the Sainte Chapelle at Paris. The roof and painted glass are especially remarkable. Chantrey s monument to Henry Kirke- White, erected at the expense of an American gentleman, is to be transferred to this chapel.
St Peter s College, or Peterhouse, is the oldest of the St ?et< colleges. It was founded in 1257 by Hugh de Balsham, who was one of the first to separate between the monkish and scholastic element in education. The university long gave special honour and celebration to De Balsham. St Peter s is remarkable for eminent men, and for lay fellow ships at a time when they were hardly known elsewhere. The gardens are good, and there is a small deer park.
dominates over all the buildings in the town and university. The college was originally commenced and endowed by Henry VI., in connection with Eton. Henry VII. deserves the title of a second founder. The chapel is one vast long- drawn nave. It is the latest and most sumptuous example of the Perpendicular order of Gothic architecture. The fretted roof, unsustained by a single pillar, is vaulted into twelve divisions. The centre of each is a pendant keystone, terminating alternately in roses and portcullises, each key stone weighing more than a ton. Over the stone roof is the timber roof. An organ separates between chapel and ante-chapel. The painted glass is the most remarkable that has been bequeathed to us by the age of Henry VII. and Henry VIII., and belongs to a time when the art of painting had attained its highest excellence. There are live and-twenty windows, with more than a hundred subjects. The chantries are fine. The exterior of the chapel, though very fine, hardly corresponds with the interior. The immense design for the college, entertained by Henry VI., has never been carried out, and the new buildings, erected at a great expense, have not been subordinated to the general design. The best of these is the Master s Lodge ; the Fellows Buildings are incongruous. ICing s College Chapel is certainly the architectural gem of
the university.
Caius (pronounced Key s) College, in point of size, is the third college in the university. It has a some what special character, being termed the Medical College. The founder was a physician high in favour with Philip and Mary. His tomb, with the inscription " Fui Cains," is the great ornament of the chapel. In the painted glass of the chapel is a series delineating the miracles of healing. No college has undergone greater alterations within recent years than Caius College, the larger part of the college having been taken down and rebuilt. It has now some of the most striking architectural effects in modern Cambridge. The three famous gates the Gate of Humility, the Gate of Virtue, the Gate of Honour are re tained. Mr Fergusson says of the last " that it is one of the most pleasing as well as one of the most advanced specimens of the Early Renaissance in England." The new hall is by Salvin (1864). The little college of Trinity Hall has also a special character, being the Legal College. To a great extent it has been rebuilt, after a destructive fire in 1851. The gardens are very fine.
Queen s College is the work of the two rival queens of the Red Rose and the White, Margaret of Anjou and Elizabeth Woodville, who are always regarded as co- foundresses. Erasmus took up his abode here and pro moted the new learning. His study is supposed to have been in the south-west tower of the old court. The chapel has been beautifully restored in recent years. A quaint bridge, called the "mathematical bridge," leads into the garden or wilderness on the other side of the Cam. On the south side of the Cloister Court is Erasmus s Court. It is said to be in contemplation to fill up the western side with a new river front. Corpus Christi College has an imposing frontage, not unlike that of Christ Church, Oxford, though on a smaller scale. This college has the credit of having begun the series of reconstructions which has been in progress for years past up to the present time. The college is in intimate relations with the town of Cambridge, in which it has much property, and from which it has derived various benefactions. On the north end of the great quadrangle is the Old Court, which is said to retain more of its original features than any other court in the university Archbishop Parker lent his library to this college on condition that if twenty-five books should ever be missing the bequest should devolve to Caius College. Opposite Corpus Christi is the college long known as Catherine s Hall, the only hall in Cambridge, but in[the un fulfilled expectation of many private halls being established now termed a college. It is extremely picturesque, with a side of the principal quadrangle planted .with elms and open to Trumpington Street. It might almost be called the Theological College, as it has produced an extraordinary number of ecclesiastical writers. Clare College consists of a single court, and is remarkable for its finished beauty, with " more purity and grace than any other example which can be named " (Fergusson). The bridge, avenue, and lawn are noticeable. This college is supposed to be Chaucer s " Soler Hall at Cantabrage." Once one of the largest, it is now one of the smallest colleges. Here " Ignoramus " was acted before the delighted James I. Emmanuel College has a peculiar interest of its own. Emmaimo Once its site was occupied by a house of Dominican friars, and it subsequently became the chosen college of the Pnri tans. The frontage of this college is long and imposing. Through an arcade we pass into the principal court, above an arcaded side of which is a picture gallery designed by Wren for the Master s Lodge. The library here is very good. Sidney Sussex College has a history very parallel to that of Emmanuel College. They were together styled in the time of Charles I. " nurseries of Puritanism." Oliver Cromwell was a member of this college, and the best extant likeness of him is to be found here. There is also Bernini s bust from the plaster impression taken after death. This college was improved to the extent of entire obliteration by Wyatville, who has only left the old oriels of the Master s Lodge remaining. The lodge has a large pleasure garden attached. Next to this college is Christ s, opposite to which a street runs westward that has some curious old houses and an old name, Petty Curey, the meaning of which has been much discussed ; it most probably means " little cookery." Christ s College was the foundation of the Lady Margaret, the saintly foundress of St John s. Her portrait is in chapel and hall, and her arms over the gateway. Like Sidney Sussex, Christ s was restored in the last century, and nearly all traces of antiquity extinguished. Christ s is famous for its associations with the Platonists, and especially with Milton. His rooms are pointed out, and his mulberry tree in the garden has drawn pilgrims from every part of the world. The old tree is carefully propped up and mounded, and a new tree has been planted from an offshoot. Behind the college is an open space of park-like character leading down to the boats. Some of the latest restorations now in progress are in Pembroke. When Pembroke Queen Elizabeth saw this college she exclaimed, " Oh dornus antiqua et religiosa !" but the peculiar features which give this college its picturesque appearance are being inexorably sacrificed to modern requirements. The chapel was designed by Sir Christopher Wren, and executed at the cost of his uncle, Bishop Wren, as a thank- offering for his liberation from a confinement of eighteen years in the Tower. The college has been called " Collegium Episcopale," from the number of its prelates. It also boasts the great names of Edmund Spenser, Gray, and William Pitt. Jesus College stands pleasantly back from the public road, surrounded with gardens and meadows. The ivied walls have a very pleasant aspect. The college chapel is a very noble one, and may rank after King s College chapel and the new chapel of St John s. It is among the most magnificent of the recent restorations at Cambridge. It is part of the old church of St Rhadegund ; the ante-chapel, which is being decorated under the care of Mr Rossetti, being portion of the original nave. The New Court or Garden Court is shadowed with trees of many years growth. The college has recently laid out fresh grounds and build ings. The cock, the badge or rebus of Bishop Alcock, the founder, is discernible in many parts of the college. Magdalene College is the only college on the north side of Magdalene the Cam. It was founded by a lord of Audley End, whose representative always nominates the head of the college. It boasts three libraries, the college library, the Peckard library, and the Pepysian library. The last contains the Pepy s MS. and much old black-letter literature. The last of the Cambridge colleges is Downing College. It was Downing, only founded in the year 1800, with large bequests from a Cambridgeshire baronet. The first undergraduate was in 1821, but the college has in later years received a consider able development. The well-wooded grounds are handsome and extensive, and are thrown freely open to the public.
The suburb of Barnwell has the remains of an ancient priory. At Stourbridge is the disused chapel of an ancient hospital for lepers. The greatest fair in England was one held here. The little village of Trumpington is a favourite locality. Granchester has some remains which make it a question whether it or Cambridge Castle was the site of the old Roman station. Byron s Pool is in the river here. Madingley is a fine old mansion, the residence of the Prince of Wales when at Cambridge, and possibly the scene of Gray s Elegy. Between this place and Cambridge is the Observatory. The central dome revolves on wheels, and can be moved by a single hand. The remarkable tele scope was presented by the late duke of Northumberland in 1835. A favourite walk is to the very moderate elevation known as the Gogmagog Hills, an off-shoot of the chalk range, the summit of which has been a Roman camp and a lord-treasurer s abode. The Ladies College at Girton may also be mentioned. Chesterton and Cherry Hinton are familiar resorts of Cambridge men. These are environs of Cambridge. The borough population of Cambridge in 1871 was 30,078, consisting of 13,742 males and 16,286
females.(f. a.)