GREGORY XII. (Angelo Corario or Corraro), pope from 1406 to 1409, born at Venice about 1326, succeeded Innocent VII. on 30th November 1406, having been chosen at Rome by a conclave consisting of only fifteen cardinals, under the express condition that, should Benedict XIII. of Avignon renounce all claim to the papacy, he also would renounce his, so that a fresh election might be made by the no longer divided church. Along with Benedict he was deposed by the council of Pisa in March 1409 as schismatical, heretical, perjured, and scandalous; but it was not till after the council of Constance had set aside John XXIII. (1415) that through his ambassador he formally renounced the title and dignity of lawful pope. The rest of his life was spent in peaceful obscurity as cardinal-bishop of Porto and legate of the mark of Ancona. He died October 18, 1417, having been succeeded in 1409 by Alexander V.