< Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition

GRACCHUS is the name of a family of the Gens Sempronia. To this family there attaches a remarkably sweet and lovable nature, which, combined with their high character and ability, makes their history the most charming page in the Roman annals. Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus was appointed magister equitum after the battle of Cannae, and held the consulship in 215 and 213 B.C. During the great weakness that followed the defeat at Cannae the re solute and judicious generalship by which he ably seconded Fabius did much to maintain a courageous attitude at Rome. He raised some legions of slaves ; and his generous conduct kept them together and made them important in the war. After several successes he was betrayed by a Lucanian into the hands of Mago, and having fallen in the battle that ensued, he was honoured with a magnificent burial by Hannibal. Another Tiberius, born about 210, manied Cornelia, the daughter of Scipio Africanus, who is famous as the highest type of Roman matron. As praetor and pro praetor, Gracchus governed Hither Spain from 181 to 178. He conquered the Celtiberi, and by his magnanimous and kindly treatment of the Spaniards made a lasting impression on them. He was consul in 177 and 163. In 169, :is ci^isor, his review of the senate and equites was very strir-i but though his colleague became unpopular, Gracchus rt i:-ined as much esteemed as ever. He enjoyed a high reputation for his power of calming down internal seditions and con ciliating foreign enemies of the state. One of his daughters became the wife of Scipio Africanus the younger ; while his two sons, Tiberius and Gams, famous besides for having determined the history of Rome at a critical point, are as remirkable for the charm of their personal character and for the careful education given them by their widowed mother. Tiberius served as quaestor in Spain in 137 ; and the respect still entertained by the Spaniards for his father s name enabled him to save the Roman army from utter ruin after its defeat by the Numan tines. See ROMAN HISTORY.

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