COANZA, or Quanza, an important river of Western Africa, in the country of Angola. It takes its rise in the Mossamba Mountains, not far from the source of the Cunene, probably in 14 S. lat., and its total length is about 600 miles It receives a large number of tributaries, the most important of which are the Loando and the Cutato in the upper part of its course, the Gango and the Quige in the middle portion, and the Lucalla in the lower. Its progress is broken by several falls, and in the last 200 miles of its journey it descends no less than 4800 feet This diminishes its value as a means of transit ; but it is navigable for large boats about 140 miles from its mouth, which is situated 50 miles south of Loando, in 9 15 S. lat. It there forms a number of islands, and pours into the sea a turbid current, which is visible for some distance outwards by its contrast of colour.