CLOT, Antoine (1795-1868), was born in the neighbourhood of Marseilles, and was brought up at the charity school of that town. After studying at Muntpellier he commenced to practise as surgeon in his native place ; but at the age of twenty-eight he was made chief surgeon to Mehemet Ali, viceroy of Egypt. At Abuzabel, near Cairo, he founded a hospital and schools for all branches of medical instruction, as well as for the study of the French language ; and, notwithstanding the most serious religious difficulties, he prevailed on some of the Arabs to study anatomy by means of dissection. In 1832 Mehemet Ali gave him the dignity of bey without requiring him to abjure his religion ; and in 1836 he received the rank of general, and was appointed head of the medical administration of the country. In 1849 he_returned to Marseilles. Clot published Relation des epidemics de cholera qui out regne a VHeggiaz, & Suez, ct enEgypte (1832); De la peste observee en tigypte (1840); Aperfu general su>- I Egypte (1840); Coup d ceil sur la peste et les quaraiuaines (1851); De L ophtkalmie (1864).