CLITOMACHUS, a leader of the New Academy, was a Carthaginian originally named Hasdrubal, who came to Athens about the middle of the 2d century B.C. He made himself well acquainted with Stoical and Peripatetic philosophy; but he principally studied under Carneades, whose views he adopted, and whom he succeeded as chief representative of the New Academy in 129 B.C. His works were some 400 in number ; but we possess scarcely anything but a few titles, among which are De sustincndis ofensionilus, vtpl tVo^s (on suspension of judgment), and Trepi alptcrewv (an account of various philosophical sects). In 146 he wrote a philosophical treatise to console his countrymen after the ruin of their city. One of his works was dedicated to the Latin poet Lucilius, another to L. Cenf,orinus, who was consul in 149 B.C.