AUBE, a department of France, bounded on the N . by the department of Marne, N.W. by Seine-et-Marne, W. by Yonne, S. by Cote-d Or, and E. by Haute-Marne. It con sists of a portion of Champagne and Vallage, with a small part of Burgundy, and has an area of 2317 square miles. Its general inclination from S.E. to N.W. presents little variety of surface, the only elevations being a double line of hills along the course of the Seine, never exceeding 1 1 50 feet in height. The department belongs to the Seine basin, and is watered by that river and its tributaries, the Ource, the Sarce, the Melda, and the Aube, &c. The climate is comparatively mild, but damp. Heavy rains fall at the beginning of winter. In the N. and N.W. the soil is dry and sterile ; but the S. and E. districts are very fertile, particularly the valleys, which are admirably adapted for the cultivation of the vine. About two-thirds of the surface consists of arable land, and tho agricultural con dition of the country is improving. The principal produc tions are wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, and wine, of which last about one-half is exported. In minerals Aube is one of the poorest departments in France ; a few iron mines have been worked, but with insignificant results. Chalk and clay are abundant ; and there are also quarries of marble, lithographic stone, and building stone. The principal manufacture is hosiery; but the department also produces glass, earthenware, paper, sugar, and ropes, and has a large number of distilleries, tile-works, and dye-works, and an oil factory. Among the celebrated men connected with Aube are Villehardouin, Pope Urban IV., Mignard, Danton, Beugnot, and Ulbach. The capital is Troyes, and the arrondissementa are Troyes, Arcis-sur-Aube, Nogent-sur- Seine, Bar-sur-Aube, and Bar-sur-Seine. Population in 1872, 255,687.