ANTHEMIUS, a Greek matliematician and architect of great genius, who produced, under the patronage of Justinian (532 A.D.), the original and daring plans for the church of St Sophia, in Constantinople, which strik ingly displayed at once his knowledge and his ignorance. He was one of five brothers the sons of Stephanus, a physician of Tralles Avho were all more or less eminent in their respective departments. Dioscorus followed his father s profession in his native place; Alexander became at Eome one of the most celebrated medical men of his time ; Olympius was deeply versed in Roman jurispru dence ; and Metrodorus was one of the distinguished grammarians of the great Eastern capital. There appears to be good grounds for believing that Anthemius antici pated Buff on in the invention of burning glasses; he has also been credited, though on very dubious authority, with a knowledge of gunpowder, or some similar compound, and with a certain acquaintance with the force of steam. Some portions of his Trepl 7rapa8ou>j/ /A^any/xaTwv were published by Dupuy in 1777, and also appeared, in 1786, in the forty-second volume of the Hist, de V Acad. des Inscr. (See Gibbon s Dec. and Fall, vol. vii. cap. xl.; Procopius, de jEdific.)